145 research outputs found

    Microscopic theory of spin-orbit torques and skyrmion dynamics

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    We formulate a general microscopic approach to spin-orbit torques in thin ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers in linear response to electric current or electric field. The microscopic theory we develop avoids the notion of spin currents and spin-Hall effect. Instead, the torques are directly related to a local spin polarization of conduction electrons, which is computed from generalized Kubo-St\v{r}eda formulas. A symmetry analysis provides a one-to-one correspondence between polarization susceptibility tensor components and different torque terms in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for magnetization dynamics. The spin-orbit torques arising from Rashba or Dresselhaus type of spin-orbit interaction are shown to have different symmetries. We analyze these spin-orbit torques microscopically for a generic electron model in the presence of an arbitrary smooth magnetic texture. For a model with spin-independent disorder we find a major cancelation of the torques. In this case the only remaining torque corresponds to the magnetization-independent Edelstein effect. Furthermore, our results are applied to analyze the dynamics of a Skyrmion under the action of electric current.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Elastic properties of mono- and polydisperse two-dimensional crystals of hard--core repulsive Yukawa particles

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    Monte Carlo simulations of mono-- and polydisperse two--dimensional crystals are reported. The particles in the studied system, interacting through hard--core repulsive Yukawa potential, form a solid phase of hexagonal lattice. The elastic properties of crystalline Yukawa systems are determined in the NpTNpT ensemble with variable shape of the periodic box. Effects of the Debye screening length (κ−1\kappa^{-1}), contact value of the potential (ϵ\epsilon), and the size polydispersity of particles on elastic properties of the system are studied. The simulations show that the polydispersity of particles strongly influences the elastic properties of the studied system, especially on the shear modulus. It is also found that the elastic moduli increase with density and their growth rate depends on the screening length. Shorter screening length leads to faster increase of elastic moduli with density and decrease of the Poisson's ratio. In contrast to its three-dimensional version, the studied system is non-auxetic, i.e. shows positive Poisson's ratio

    Walker solution for Dzyaloshinskii domain wall in ultrathin ferromagnetic films

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    We analyze the electric current and magnetic field driven domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin ferromagnetic films in the presence of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and both out-of-plane and in-plane uniaxial anisotropies. We obtain exact analytical Walker-type solutions in the form of one-dimensional domain walls moving with constant velocity due to both spin-transfer torques and out-of-plane magnetic field. These solutions are embedded into a larger family of propagating solutions found numerically. Within the considered model, we find the dependencies of the domain wall velocity on the material parameters and demonstrate that adding in-plane anisotropy may produce domain walls moving with velocities in excess of 500 m/s in realistic materials under moderate fields and currents.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    River Discharge: In State of the Climate in 2015.

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    River Discharge

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    In 2014, combined discharge from the eight largest Arctic rivers (2,487 km3) was 10% greater than average discharge for the period 1980-1989. Values for 2013 (2,282 km3) and 2012 (2,240 km3) were 1% greater than and 1% less than the 1980-1989 average, respectively. For the first seven months of 2015, the combined discharge for the six largest Eurasian Arctic rivers shows that peak discharge was 10% greater and five days earlier than the 1980-1989 average for those months

    Large thermoelectric figure of merit for 3D topological Anderson insulators via line dislocation engineering

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    We study the thermoelectric properties of three-dimensional topological Anderson insulators with line dislocations. We show that at high densities of dislocations the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT can be dominated by one-dimensional topologically-protected conducting states channeled through the lattice screw dislocations in the topological insulator materials with a non-zero time-reversal-invariant momentum such as Bi_{1-x}Sb_x. When the chemical potential does not exceed much the mobility edge the ZT at room temperatures can reach large values, much higher than unity for reasonable parameters, hence making this system a strong candidate for applications in heat management of nano-devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Thermoelectric transport of perfectly conducting channels in two- and three-dimensional topological insulators

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    Topological insulators have gapless edge/surface states with novel transport properties. Among these, there are two classes of perfectly conducting channels which are free from backscattering: the edge states of two-dimensional topological insulators and the one-dimensional states localized on dislocations of certain three-dimensional topological insulators. We show how these novel states affect thermoelectric properties of the systems and discuss possibilities to improve the thermoelectric figure of merit using these materials with perfectly conducting channels.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, proceedings for The 19th International Conference on the Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics and Nanotechnology (HMF-19

    Identification of a herbicide-resistant biotype of Echinochloa crus-galli in Ukraine

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    Ukraine is one of the world’s guarantors of food security and has the potential to further increase agricultural production. However, the vast majority of herbicides used on crops are acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors, which poses a threat of herbicide-resistant weed species. The emergence and spread of herbicide-resistant weed biotypes can significantly increase the cost of growing crops to the point of loss of profitability. Herbicide resistance in barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli) has been studied in long-term field and greenhouse experiments. Resistance of E. crus-galli to the ALS herbicide triazolopyrimidine derivative ‒ penoxsulam was identified. Expressed resistance was observed in weed plants grown from seeds collected under production conditions in Kherson region in 2015–2016 and 2020–2021. Cross resistance was observed for imidazolinone and sulfonylurea derivatives. It should be noted that the level of cross resistance to ALS herbicides was slightly higher for plants derived from weed seeds harvested in 2020–2021 compared to those harvested in 2015–2016. The introduction of a herbicidal composition of a herbicide mixture ‒ an inhibitor of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) (an enzyme in plants in the chain of carotenoid synthesis) ‒ mesotrione with an ALS-inhibitor (nicosulfuron) allowed effective control of the weed, which indicates the absence of multiple resistance to herbicides ‒ inhibitors of carotenoid synthesis. The high efficiency of E. crus-galli control was established by the application of herbicides ‒ inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis (graminicides). The highest level of efficiency in the experiments was observed with the application of fluazifop-butyl and somewhat less ‒ with pinoxaden. A tendency to reduce phytotoxicity to barnyardgrass from the south of Ukraine was observed with the introduction of tepraloxydim and quizalofop-ethyl. A lower level of phytotoxicity of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl on E. crus-galli should be noted compared to the effect of pinoxaden. No multiple resistance was observed with glyphosate (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase inhibitor) and reglone (photosystem I inhibitor), allowing control of vegetative weeds at the beginning and end of the growing season. It has been established that monocot weed species have significantly increased their presence and harmfulness in agrophytocenoses in Ukraine and in the world since the 1950s with the widespread introduction of selective dicotyledonous species control with aryloxyphenoxyacetic, propionic and benzoic acid derivatives. This trend has been maintained until recently ‒ barnyardgrass is one of the dominant weed species in modern agrophytocenoses of Ukraine. Therefore, the identification of the ALS-resistant biotype of barnyardgrass complicates weed control in the following crops in rotations in the southern regions of the country: in maize crops with cross resistance to nicosulfuron, in sunflower ‒ to imidazolinones (imazamox, imazapyr), and also makes it impossible to use penoxsulam in rice production. Traditionally, the use of synthetic auxins, phenoxyacetic acid derivatives, etc. is used to control ALS-resistance. However, in Kherson region of Ukraine, already in the third year of application of rinskor (florpyrauxifen-benzyl), some weed plants were found on rice fields affected by ALS-resistant barnyardgrass, which recovered after the use of synthetic auxin. Therefore, the control of ALS-resistance (penoxsulam, etc.) in E. crus-galli with the application florpyrauxifen-benzyl in the Kherson region of Ukraine is already limited. An obvious and economically feasible preventive measure against the emergence of resistant weed biotypes is the implementation of GAP (Good Agricultural Practice, FAO) approaches: in particular, the use of high quality seeds without weed impurities, increasing the proportion of agrotechnical weed control measures, restoring and expanding crop rotations with mandatory rotation of herbicides with different modes of action, introducing dicotyledonous/leguminous crops into rotations, and using herbicides with different modes of action in crops separately or in mixtures. At the same time, agrotechnical measures and the preservation of biodiversity in agrophytocenoses should be the main factor in controlling resistance in weeds. The use of herbicides and their mixtures with different modes of action is of secondary importance. The identification of highly damaging ALS-resistant E. crus-galli in southern Ukraine indicates the insufficient effectiveness of weed control exclusively with herbicides with a single mechanism of action and requires a significant revision of the principles of crop rotation and ways of weed control in the country to maintain high levels of profitability and productivity of agrophytocenoses. Solving this problem is urgent for the preservation of Ukraine's potential as one of the guarantors of global food security
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