60 research outputs found

    N-Myc-induced metabolic rewiring creates novel therapeutic vulnerabilities in neuroblastoma

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    N-Myc is a transcription factor that is aberrantly expressed in many tumor types and is often correlated with poor patient prognosis. Recently, several lines of evidence pointed to the fact that oncogenic activation of Myc family proteins is concomitant with reprogramming of tumor cells to cope with an enhanced need for metabolites during cell growth. These adaptions are driven by the ability of Myc proteins to act as transcriptional amplifiers in a tissue-of-origin specific manner. Here, we describe the effects of N-Myc overexpression on metabolic reprogramming in neuroblastoma cells. Ectopic expression of N-Myc induced a glycolytic switch that was concomitant with enhanced sensitivity towards 2-deoxyglucose, an inhibitor of glycolysis. Moreover, global metabolic profiling revealed extensive alterations in the cellular metabolome resulting from overexpression of N-Myc. Limited supply with either of the two main carbon sources, glucose or glutamine, resulted in distinct shifts in steady-state metabolite levels and significant changes in glutathione metabolism. Interestingly, interference with glutamine-glutamate conversion preferentially blocked proliferation of N-Myc overexpressing cells, when glutamine levels were reduced. Thus, our study uncovered N-Myc induction and nutrient levels as important metabolic master switches in neuroblastoma cells and identified critical nodes that restrict tumor cell proliferation

    Combined inhibition of BET family proteins and histone deacetylases as a potential epigenetics-based therapy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal human cancers and shows resistance to any therapeutic strategy used. Here we tested small-molecule inhibitors targeting chromatin regulators as possible therapeutic agents in PDAC. We show that JQ1, an inhibitor of the bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) family of proteins, suppresses PDAC development in mice by inhibiting both MYC activity and inflammatory signals. The histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor SAHA synergizes with JQ1 to augment cell death and more potently suppress advanced PDAC. Finally, using a CRISPR-Cas9–based method for gene editing directly in the mouse adult pancreas, we show that de-repression of p57 (also known as KIP2 or CDKN1C) upon combined BET and HDAC inhibition is required for the induction of combination therapy–induced cell death in PDAC. SAHA is approved for human use, and molecules similar to JQ1 are being tested in clinical trials. Thus, these studies identify a promising epigenetic-based therapeutic strategy that may be rapidly implemented in fatal human tumors

    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 modulates the viability and invasive capacity of human placental cells and fetoplacental growth in mice

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    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a well-established thyroid hormone (TH) transporter. In humans, MCT8 mutations result in changes in circulating TH concentrations and X-linked severe global neurodevelopmental delay. MCT8 is expressed in the human placenta throughout gestation, with increased expression in trophoblast cells from growth-restricted pregnancies. We postulate that MCT8 plays an important role in placental development and transplacental TH transport. We investigated the effect of altering MCT8 expression in human trophoblast in vitro and in a Mct8 knockout mouse model. Silencing of endogenous MCT8 reduced T3 uptake into human extravillous trophoblast-like cells (SGHPL-4; 40%, P<0.05) and primary cytotrophoblast (15%, P<0.05). MCT8 over-expression transiently increased T3 uptake (SGHPL-4∶30%, P<0.05; cytotrophoblast: 15%, P<0.05). Silencing MCT8 did not significantly affect SGHPL-4 invasion, but with MCT8 over-expression T3 treatment promoted invasion compared with no T3 (3.3-fold; P<0.05). Furthermore, MCT8 silencing increased cytotrophoblast viability (∼20%, P<0.05) and MCT8 over-expression reduced cytotrophoblast viability independently of T3 (∼20%, P<0.05). In vivo, Mct8 knockout reduced fetal:placental weight ratios compared with wild-type controls at gestational day 18 (25%, P<0.05) but absolute fetal and placental weights were not significantly different. The volume fraction of the labyrinthine zone of the placenta, which facilitates maternal-fetal exchange, was reduced in Mct8 knockout placentae (10%, P<0.05). However, there was no effect on mouse placental cell proliferation in vivo. We conclude that MCT8 makes a significant contribution to T3 uptake into human trophoblast cells and has a role in modulating human trophoblast cell invasion and viability. In mice, Mct8 knockout has subtle effects upon fetoplacental growth and does not significantly affect placental cell viability probably due to compensatory mechanisms in vivo

    MAPK-pathway inhibition mediates inflammatory reprogramming and sensitizes tumors to targeted activation of innate immunity sensor RIG-I

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    Kinase inhibitors suppress the growth of oncogene driven cancer but also enforce the selection of treatment resistant cells that are thought to promote tumor relapse in patients. Here, we report transcriptomic and functional genomics analyses of cells and tumors within their microenvironment across different genotypes that persist during kinase inhibitor treatment. We uncover a conserved, MAPK/IRF1-mediated inflammatory response in tumors that undergo stemness- and senescence-associated reprogramming. In these tumor cells, activation of the innate immunity sensor RIG-I via its agonist IVT4, triggers an interferon and a pro-apoptotic response that synergize with concomitant kinase inhibition. In humanized lung cancer xenografts and a syngeneic Egfr-driven lung cancer model these effects translate into reduction of exhausted CD8(+) T cells and robust tumor shrinkage. Overall, the mechanistic understanding of MAPK/IRF1-mediated intratumoral reprogramming may ultimately prolong the efficacy of targeted drugs in genetically defined cancer patients

    Analysis and Cost Planning in Contemporary Retail Trade

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    The Internet is world computer network that enables access to pieces of information and documents from distant sources. It is a combination of world communication system and the largest market in the world. Basic goal of internet sales is to enable more effective ways of approaching the buyer with reduced costs. Buyer is, at the same time, given the opportunity to compare prices between different offers of the same goods or services – competing prices. With classic retail trade it is not possible to achieve without significant loss in time spent on visiting competing stores looking for the same goods or services. This type of retail trade can increase the number of buyers in other words income, and it diminishes the costs of printing, inventory storing, salaries, etc. Internet retail trade is more and more present, but this form of trade needs cost analysis and planning in order for it to turn profit

    Selective <em>in vivo</em> imaging of tumors with a tumor cell-specific Hsp70 peptide-based probe.

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    Although in vivo targeting of tumors using fluorescently-labeled probes has greatly gained in importance over the last few years, most of the clinically applied reagents lack tumor cell specificity. Our novel tumor cell-penetrating peptide-based probe (TPP) recognizes an epitope of Hsp70 that is exclusively present on the cell surface of a broad variety of human and mouse tumors and metastases, but not on normal tissues. Due to the rapid turn-over rate of membrane-Hsp70, fluorescently-labeled TPP is continuously internalized into syngeneic, spontaneous, chemically/genetically induced and xenograft tumors following intravenous administration, thereby enabling site-specific labeling of primary tumors and metastases. In contrast to the commercially available non-peptide small molecule alpha v beta3-integrin antagonist IntegriSense (trademark), TPP exhibits a significantly higher tumor-to-background contrast and stronger tumor-specific signal intensity in all tested tumor models. Moreover, in contrast to IntegriSense (trademark), TPP reliably differentiates between tumor cells and cells of the tumor microenvironment, such as tumor-associated macrophages and fibroblasts which were found to be membrane-Hsp70 negative. Therefore, TPP provides a useful tool for multimodal imaging of tumors and metastases that might help to improve our understanding of tumorigenesis and allow the establishment of improved diagnostic procedures and more accurate therapeutic monitoring. TPP might also be a promising platform for tumor-specific drug delivery and other Hsp70- based targeted therapies

    Consequences of monocarboxylate transporter 8 deficiency for renal transport and metabolism of thyroid hormones in mice

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    Patients carrying inactivating mutations in the gene encoding the thyroid hormone transporting monocarboxylate transporter (MCT)-8 suffer from a severe form of psychomotor retardation and exhibit abnormal serum thyroid hormone levels. The thyroidal phenotype characterized by high-serum T(3) and low-serum T(4) levels is also found in mice mutants deficient in MCT8 although the cause of these abnormalities is still unknown. Here we describe the consequences of MCT8 deficiency for renal thyroid hormone transport, metabolism, and function by studying MCT8 null mice and wild-type littermates. Whereas serum and urinary parameters do not indicate a strongly altered renal function, a pronounced induction of iodothyronine deiodinase type 1 expression together with increased renal T(3) and T(4) content point to a general hyperthyroid state of the kidneys in the absence of MCT8. Surprisingly, accumulation of peripherally injected T(4) and T(3) into the kidneys was found to be enhanced in the absence of MCT8, indicating that MCT8 deficiency either directly interferes with the renal efflux of thyroid hormones or activates indirectly other renal thyroid hormone transporters that preferentially mediate the renal uptake of thyroid hormones. Our findings indicate that the enhanced uptake and accumulation of T(4) in the kidneys of MCT8 null mice together with the increased renal conversion of T(4) into T(3) by increased renal deiodinase type 1 activities contributes to the generation of the low-serum T(4) and the increase in circulating T(3) levels, a hallmark of MCT8 deficiency.status: publishe

    Equivalent tumor detection for early and late FAPI-46 PET acquisition

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    Introduction!#!Positron emission tomography (PET) using small ligands of the fibroblast activation protein (FAP) was recently introduced. However, optimal uptake time has not been defined yet. Here, we systematically compare early (~ 10 min p.i.) and late (~ 60 min p.i.) FAPI-46 imaging in patients with various types of cancer.!##!Methods!#!This is a retrospective single-institutional study. Imaging was performed at the Essen University Hospital, Germany. A total of 69 patients who underwent dual time-point imaging for either restaging (n = 52, 75%) or staging (n = 17, 25%) of cancer were included. Patients underwent PET with two acquisitions: early (mean 11 min, SD 4) and late (mean 66 min, SD 9). Mean injected activity was 148 MBq (SD 33).!##!Results!#!In total, 400 lesions were detected in 69 patients. Two of 400 (0.5%) lesions were only seen in early time-point imaging but not in late time-point imaging. On a per-patient level, there was no significant difference between SUV!##!Conclusion!#!In conclusion, early (~ 10 min p.i.) versus late (~ 60 min p.i.) FAPI-46 imaging resulted in equivalent lesion uptake and tumor detection. For improved feasibility and scan volume, we implement early FAPI-46 PET in future clinical and research protocols

    Tetrac Can Replace Thyroid Hormone During Brain Development in Mouse Mutants Deficient in the Thyroid Hormone Transporter Mct8

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    The monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) plays a critical role in mediating the uptake of thyroid hormones (THs) into the brain. In patients, inactivating mutations in the MCT8 gene are associated with a severe form of psychomotor retardation and abnormal serum TH levels. Here, we evaluate the therapeutic potential of the TH analog 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac) as a replacement for T-4 in brain development. Using COS1 cells transfected with TH transporter and deiodinase constructs, we could show that tetrac, albeit not being transported by MCT8, can be metabolized to the TH receptor active compound 3,3',5-triiodothyroacetic acid (triac) by type 2 deiodinase and inactivated by type 3 deiodinase. Triac in turn is capable of replacing T-3 in primary murine cerebellar cultures where it potently stimulates Purkinje cell development. In vivo effects of tetrac were assessed in congenital hypothyroid Pax8-knockout (KO) and Mct8/Pax8 double-KO mice as well as in Mct8-KO and wild-type animals after daily injection of tetrac (400 ng/g body weight) during the first postnatal weeks. This treatment was sufficient to promote TH-dependent neuronal differentiation in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and striatum but was ineffective in suppressing hypothalamic TRH expression. In contrast, TSH transcript levels in the pituitary were strongly down-regulated in response to tetrac. Based on our findings we propose that tetrac administration offers the opportunity to provide neurons during the postnatal stage with a potent TH receptor agonist, thereby eventually reducing the neurological damage in patients with MCT8 mutations without deteriorating the thyrotoxic situation in peripheral tissues. (Endocrinology 154: 968-979, 2013