809 research outputs found

    “Universidade da Democracia: A universidade comunitária americana no Século XXI”: Delimitação da discussão.

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    In this manuscript, the guest editors of the EPAA Special Issue on “Democracy’s College: The American Community College in the 21st Century”: a) introduce the background, history, and context of community colleges in the larger higher education landscape; b) summarize the three research papers and two video commentaries that were peer-reviewed and selected for inclusion in this special issue; and, c) discuss the individual contributions and major themes across the selected papers. Their importance is discussed in terms of each paper’s insights for the general research on this topic and each paper’s potential to inform community college research, practice, and policy.En este trabajo, las editoras de este número especial de EPAA en la "Universidad de la Democracia: La universidad  comunitaria en el siglo XXI: a) presenta los antecedentes, la historia, el contexto de la universidad  comunitaria (en inglés Community Colleges) en el escenario más amplio de la educación superior b) presenta un resumen de los tres artículos de investigación y de los dos videos con comentarios que han sido evaluados por pares y seleccionados para formar parte de este número especial, y c) analiza las contribuciones individuales y los principales temas transversales a los trabajos seleccionados. Se discute la relevancia de cada trabajo en términos de las ideas que cada uno aporta a la labor de investigación general sobre este tema y el potencial de cada trabajo para informar a la investigación, la práctica y la política en las universidades  comunitarias.Neste texto, os editores convidados do Número Especial da AAPE sobre “Universidade da Democracia: A universidade comunitária americana no Século XXI”: a) introduz o plano de fundo, história, e contexto das universidades comunitárias (em inglês Community Colleges) no cenário mais amplo da educação superior; b) resume os três trabalhos de investigação e os dois comentários a vídeos que foram revistos por pares e selecionados para integrar este número especial; e, c) discute as contribuições individuais e os principais temas transversais aos trabalhos selecionados. A sua importância é discutida em termos das ideias que cada um dos trabalhos traz para a pesquisa geral sobre este tema e o potencial de cada trabalho para informar a investigação, as práticas e as políticas sobre faculdades comunitárias

    Interdistrict and Charter School Mobility in Arizona: Understanding the Dynamics of Public School Choice

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    We investigate the mobility patterns of elementary students enrolled in Arizona’s traditional public school districts and charter schools. We address interdistrict and charter school mobility simultaneously. Most student movement is interdistrict or between school districts. In Arizona, interdistrict mobility has played a greater role in creating and sustaining the “educational market” than charter schools. There is also a substantial amount of student movement from charter schools to school districts. Regression analyses suggested that the relationship between demographic and achievement variables and the different types of student mobility differed across the two sectors. We also document regional differences in mobility patterns, which indicate that education markets vary considerably across and even within local contexts

    RH1021BMH-10 Precision 10 V Reference Total Ionizing Dose Test Report

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    The purpose of this test was to validate the Analog Devices (ADI) RH1021BMH-10 flight lot for use in the fabrication of Europa Clipper Propulsion subsystem flight hardware. This test shall serve as the radiation lot acceptance test (RLAT) for this flight lot with wafer lot number 769658.1 and lot date code (LDC) 1430A. Low dose rate (LDR) irradiations were performed in this test so that the device susceptibility to enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) could be determined

    Fock space relativistic coupled-Cluster calculations of Two-Valence Atoms

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    We have developed an all particle Fock-space relativistic coupled-cluster method for two-valence atomic systems. We then describe a scheme to employ the coupled-cluster wave function to calculate atomic properties. Based on these developments we calculate the excitation energies, magnetic hyperfine constants and electric dipole matrix elements of Sr, Ba and Yb. Further more, we calculate the electric quadrupole HFS constants and the electric dipole matrix elements of Sr+^+, Ba+^+ and Yb+^+. For these we use the one-valence coupled-cluster wave functions obtained as an intermediate in the two-valence calculations. We also calculate the magnetic dipole hyperfine constants of Yb+^+.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, 10 tables typos are corrected and some minor modifications in some of the section

    Using Plain Language and Adding Communication Technology to an Existing Health-Related Questionnaire to Help Generate Accurate Information: Qualitative Study

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    Background: Low-educated patients are disadvantaged in using questionnaires within the health care setting because most health-related questionnaires do not take the educational background of patients into account. The Dutch Talking Touch Screen Questionnaire (DTTSQ) was developed in an attempt to meet the needs of low-educated patients by using plain language and adding communication technology to an existing paper-based questionnaire. For physical therapists to use the DTTSQ as part of their intake procedure, it needs to generate accurate information from all of their patients, independent of educational level. Objective: The aim of this study was to get a first impression of the information that is generated by the DTTSQ. To achieve this goal, response processes of physical therapy patients with diverse levels of education were analyzed. Methods: The qualitative Three-Step Test-Interview method was used to collect observational data on actual response behavior of 24 physical therapy patients with diverse levels of education. The interviews included both think-aloud and retrospective probing techniques. Results: Of the 24 respondents, 20 encountered one or more problems during their response process. The use of plain language and information and communication technology (ICT) appeared to have a positive effect on the comprehensibility of the DTTSQ. However, it also had some negative effects on the interpretation, retrieval, judgment, and response selection within the response processes of the participants in this study. No educational group in this research population stood out from the rest in the kind or number of problems that arose. All respondents recognized themselves in the outcomes of the questionnaire. Conclusions: The use of plain language and ICT within the DTTSQ had both positive and negative effects on the response processes of its target population. The results of this study emphasize the importance of earlier recommendations to accompany any adaption of any questionnaire to a new mode of delivery by demonstrating the difference and equivalence between the two different modes and to scientifically evaluate the applicability of the newly developed mode of the questionnaire in its intended setting. This is especially important in a digital era in which the use of plain language within health care is increasingly being advocated

    A regional ocean circulation model for the mid-Cretaceous North Atlantic Basin: implications for black shale formation

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    High concentrations of organic matter accumulated in marine sediments during Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in the Cretaceous. Model studies examining these events invariably make use of global ocean circulation models. In this study, a regional model for the North Atlantic Basin during OAE2 at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary has been developed. A first order check of the results has been performed by comparison with the results of a recent global Cenomanian CCSM3 run, from which boundary and initial conditions were obtained. The regional model is able to maintain tracer patterns and to produce velocity patterns similar to the global model. The sensitivity of the basin tracer and circulation patterns to changes in the geometry of the connections with the global ocean is examined with three experiments with different bathymetries near the sponges. Different geometries turn out to have little effect on tracer distribution, but do affect circulation and upwelling patterns. The regional model is also used to test the hypothesis that ocean circulation may have been behind the deposition of black shales during OAEs. Three scenarios are tested which are thought to represent pre-OAE, OAE and post-OAE situations. Model results confirm that Pacific intermediate inflow together with coastal upwelling could have enhanced primary production during OAE2. A low sea level in the pre-OAE scenario could have inhibited large scale black shale formation, as could have the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Seaway in the post-OAE scenario

    The Archaeology of Yukon Ice Patches: New Artifacts, Observations, and Insights

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    Since 1997, more than 207 archaeological objects and 1700 faunal remains have been recovered from 43 melting ice patches in the southern Yukon. The artifacts range in age from a 9000-year-old (calendar) dart shaft to a 19th-century musket ball. This paper provides an update on Yukon ice patch research and summary data on select areas of research conducted since 2003. More than 200 radiocarbon dates have been run on ice patch archaeological and faunal materials, and these data allow us to observe and comment on apparent temporal trends. Analysis undertaken since 2003 has improved our understanding of the development and maintenance of hunting technologies, including dart shaft design, wood selection, and point styles. Of particular interest is the description of three different techniques for the construction of throwing darts and the observation of stability in the hunting technology employed in the study area over seven millennia. Radiocarbon chronologies indicate that this period of stability was followed by an abrupt technological replacement of the throwing dart by the bow and arrow after 1200 BP.Depuis 1997, plus de 350 objets archéologiques et de 1 700 restes fauniques ont été récupérés dans 43 névés en fusion dans le sud du Yukon. L’âge de ces artefacts varie, allant d’une tige de propulseur de 9 000 ans (années civiles) à une balle de mousquet du XIXe siècle. Dans cet article, nous faisons la mise à jour des données sommaires et des travaux de recherche effectués dans les névés de régions choisies du Yukon depuis 2003. Plus de 200 dates au carbone 14 ont été établies pour le matériel faunique et archéologique des névés. Ces données nous permettent d’observer les tendances temporales apparentes et de formuler des commentaires à leur sujet. Les analyses qui ont été effectuées depuis 2003 nous ont permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution et le maintien des techniques de chasse, notamment en matière de conception des tiges de propulseurs, de choix du bois et des types de pointes. La description de trois techniques différentes de fabrication de tirs au propulseur de même que l’observation de la stabilité entourant la technique de chasse employée au cours de la période visée par l’étude, soit plus de sept millénaires, revêtent un intérêt particulier. Les chronologies au carbone 14 indiquent que cette période de stabilité a été suivie d’un remplacement technique abrupt, qui est passé du tir au propulseur aux arcs et aux flèches après 1200 BP

    Elevating the level of Cdc34/Ubc3 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in mitosis inhibits association of CENP-E with kinetochores and blocks the metaphase alignment of chromosomes

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    Cdc34/Ubc3 is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that functions in targeting proteins for proteasome-mediated degradation at the G1 to S cell cycle transition. Elevation of Cdc34 protein levels by microinjection of bacterially expressed Cdc34 into mammalian cells at prophase inhibited chromosome congression to the metaphase plate with many chromosomes remaining near the spindle poles. Chromosome condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown occurred normally, and chromosomes showed oscillatory movements along mitotic spindle microtubules. Most injected cells arrested in a prometaphase-like state. Kinetochores, even those of chromosomes that failed to congress, possessed the normal trilaminar plate ultrastructure. The elevation of Cdc34 protein levels in early mitosis selectively blocked centromere protein E (CENP-E), a mitotic kinesin, from associating with kinetochores. Other proteins, including two CENP-E–associated proteins, BubR1 and phospho-p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and mitotic centromere-associated kinesin, cytoplasmic dynein, Cdc20, and Mad2, all exhibited normal localization to kinetochores. Proteasome inhibitors did not affect the prometaphase arrest induced by Cdc34 injection. These studies suggest that CENP-E targeting to kinetochores is regulated by ubiquitylation not involving proteasome-mediated degradation
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