13 research outputs found

    The Marine Technology Liguria District, an opportunity for Collaboration and Training

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    This work focus on the newly born DLTM, namely the Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine, based in La Spezia, Liguria Region (IT). The main involved partners are: Ministries, Regione Liguria Council, Spedia SpA Company, Industries, SMEs (SMBs), Universities and National Research Institutes. The DLTM has been created as an answer to the local versus global needs of marine products innovation, technology and science. In order to provide, both the local and international community, effective solutions the DLTM aims to: - promote Innovation and pre-competitiveness of activities related to industrial research; - enhance the value and visibility of excellence areas existing in the Ligurian region (in the big enterprises as well as in SMEs) concerning marine technology; - enhance the value of academic activities focusing their R&D on industrial products/processes, assuring, evaluating and preventing environmental sustainability also in case of extreme events; - harmonize/make sustainable the economy and the society promoting scientific innovation and technological development, by means of Universities, Public and Private Research Institutes (at regional, national and EU level); - help the exchange of ideas and realization of projects aimed at developing the District objectives; - increase the dissemination and valorisation of District results and achievements, build capacity in the sectors of interest to the District. The DLTM is characterized by two main macro-themes .....

    Optimal trading rules at hourly frequency in the foreign exchange market

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    Abstract An accurate measure of profitability of Technical Analysis, free of “datasnooping”, requires the separation of the Training Set (where the parameters of thetechnical filter are obtained) from the Trading Set (where the profit results of thistechnical filter are studied, using parameters obtained in the former). The next taskis how to obtain the “best” parameters for high profits. Following the suggestions ofthe literature, we used a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to spot the “best” parameters inthe Training Set to be used, separately and independently, in the Trading Set. Thispaper presents quantitative results in the use of one GA applied to the Dual MovingAverage Crossover rule (DMAC) applied to hourly data of the Euro-Dollar exchangerate between 1999 and 2006. One important feature of the paper is the use of a GA inan unconstrained and constrained optimization set-up. The first optimization aims atobtaining the highest profit rates. The second one looks for smoother profit rates.Westudy of the impact of these two techniques on a kind of mean-variance relationshipof profit rates. Unconstrained optimization yields an yearly average profits of 16.8%;the constrained one gets 13.4% (but with much lower volatility of cumulative profits overtime).[...

    Low-molecular-weight-heparin as prophylaxis for orthopedic COVID-19 patients: off-label for dosage or indication for increased risk?

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    Nel COVID-19, le complicanze tromboemboliche rappresentano uno dei segni pi\uf9 rilevanti associati alla mortalit\ue0. \uc8 stato proposto l'uso di EBPM a dosaggio terapeutico quindi off-label. Tra marzo e aprile 2020, sedici pazienti con COVID-19 sono stati ammessi nella nostra struttura per interventi di chirurgia ortopedica maggiore non differibile. La prima serie di pazienti ha ricevuto un trattamento profilattico di 4000 UI/die di EBPM, mentre la seconda serie di 9 pazienti \ue8 stata trattata con 4000 UI/due volte al giorno. I dati raccolti e pubblicati finora indicano che l'uso di EBPM \ue8 associato ad un favorevole rapporto rischio/beneficio nella profilassi dei fenomeni tromboembolici nei pazienti COVID-19 sottoposti a chirurgia ortopedica, maggiore di qualsiasi evento avverso. La riduzione dei fenomeni tromboembolici disseminati associati con l'aumento della dose di EBPM non rappresenta la cura per COVID-19, ma potrebbe favorire la sopravvivenza. Sar\ue0 necessario raccogliere ulteriori dati sull'uso off-label di EBPM in questo contesto di pazienti per legittimare una richiesta di estensione dell'indicazione alle autorit\ue0 regolatorie

    The Marine Technology Liguria District, an opportunity for Collaboration and Training

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    This work focus on the newly born DLTM, namely the Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine, based in La Spezia, Liguria Region (IT). The main involved partners are: Ministries, Regione Liguria Council, Spedia SpA Company, Industries, SMEs (SMBs), Universities and National Research Institutes. The DLTM has been created as an answer to the local versus global needs of marine products innovation, technology and science. In order to provide, both the local and international community, effective solutions the DLTM aims to: - promote Innovation and pre-competitiveness of activities related to industrial research; - enhance the value and visibility of excellence areas existing in the Ligurian region (in the big enterprises as well as in SMEs) concerning marine technology; - enhance the value of academic activities focusing their R&D on industrial products/processes, assuring, evaluating and preventing environmental sustainability also in case of extreme events; - harmonize/make sustainable the economy and the society promoting scientific innovation and technological development, by means of Universities, Public and Private Research Institutes (at regional, national and EU level); - help the exchange of ideas and realization of projects aimed at developing the District objectives; - increase the dissemination and valorisation of District results and achievements, build capacity in the sectors of interest to the District. The DLTM is characterized by two main macro-themes ......UnpublishedFort Lauderdale - Florida - (USA)5.8. TTC - Formazione e informazioneope