3,799 research outputs found

    Formation of nanocrystalline aluminum magnesium alloys by mechanical alloying

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    The effect of the nominal Mg content and the milling time on the microstructure and the hardness of mechanically alloyed Al (Mg) solid solutions is studied. The crystallite size distribution and the dislocation structure are determined by X-ray diffraction peak profile analysis and the hardness is obtained from depth sensing indentation test. Magnesium gradually goes into solid solution during ball milling and after about 3 h almost complete solid solution state is attained up to the nominal Mg content of the alloys. With increasing milling time the dislocation density, the hardness and the Mg content in solid solution are increasing, whereas the crystallite size is decreasing. A similar tendency of these parameters is observed at a particular duration of ball milling with increasing of the nominal Mg content. At the same time for long milling period the dislocation density slightly decreases together with a slight reduction of the hardness

    In vitro starch binding experiments: Study of the proteins related to grain hardness of wheat

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    Two friabilin components, puroindoline a and GSP-1 were expressed in Escherichia coli. Starch binding properties of the recombinant polypeptides and of friabilin extracted from wheat flour were compared in vitro. The produced proteins as well as native wheat friabilin bound to starch granules prepared from different (soft, hard and durum) wheat cultivars. Starch granules also bound specifically several wheat endosperm proteins other than friabilin

    Testing the Structure of Multipartite Entanglement with Bell Inequalities

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    We show that the rich structure of multipartite entanglement can be tested following a device-independent approach. Specifically we present Bell inequalities for distinguishing between different types of multipartite entanglement, without placing any assumptions on the measurement devices used in the protocol, in contrast with usual entanglement witnesses. We first address the case of three qubits and present Bell inequalities that can be violated by W states but not by GHZ states, and vice versa. Next, we devise 'sub-correlation Bell inequalities' for any number of parties, which can provably not be violated by a broad class of multipartite entangled states (generalizations of GHZ states), but for which violations can be obtained for W states. Our results give insight into the nonlocality of W states. The simplicity and robustness of our tests make them appealing for experiments.Comment: 7 page

    Post-selected weak measurement beyond the weak value

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    Closed expressions are derived for the quantum measurement statistics of pre-and postselected gaussian particle beams. The weakness of the pre-selection step is shown to compete with the non-orthogonality of post-selection in a transparent way. The approach is shown to be useful in analyzing post-selection-based signal amplification, allowing measurements to be extended far beyond the range of validity of the well-known Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman limit.Comment: The published version; with respect to previous one, note changes in Eqs. (16),(17),(19)

    Effects of the disk tillage on soil condition, crop yield and weed infestation

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    This research was instigated by the fact that during the last decade annually repeated shallow disk tillage on the same field became frequent practice in Hungary. In order to study the changes of soil condition associated with disk tillage and to assess it is consequences, long-term tillage field experiments with different levels of nutrients were set up in 1991 (A) and in 1994 (B) on Chromic Luvisol at Gödöllö. The effects of disk tillage (D) and disk tillage combined with loosening (LD) on soil condition, on yield of maize and winter wheat, and on weed infestation were examined. The evaluation of soil condition measured by cone index and bulk density indicated that use of disking annually resulted in a dense soil layer below the disking depth (diskpan-compaction). It was found, that soil condition deteriorated by diskpan-compaction decreased the yield of maize significantly by 20 and 42% (w/w), and that of wheat by 13 and 15% (w/w) when compared to soils with no diskpan-compaction. Averaged over seven years, and three fertilizer levels, the cover % of the total, grass and perennial weeds on loosened soils were 73, 69 and 65% of soils contained diskpan-compaction

    Shock waves on complex networks

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    Power grids, road maps, and river streams are examples of infrastructural networks which are highly vulnerable to external perturbations. An abrupt local change of load (voltage, traffic density, or water level) might propagate in a cascading way and affect a significant fraction of the network. Almost discontinuous perturbations can be modeled by shock waves which can eventually interfere constructively and endanger the normal functionality of the infrastructure. We study their dynamics by solving the Burgers equation under random perturbations on several real and artificial directed graphs. Even for graphs with a narrow distribution of node properties (e.g., degree or betweenness), a steady state is reached exhibiting a heterogeneous load distribution, having a difference of one order of magnitude between the highest and average loads. Unexpectedly we find for the European power grid and for finite Watts-Strogatz networks a broad pronounced bimodal distribution for the loads. To identify the most vulnerable nodes, we introduce the concept of node-basin size, a purely topological property which we show to be strongly correlated to the average load of a node

    Multisetting Bell-type inequalities for detecting genuine tripartite entanglement

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    In a recent paper, Bancal et al. put forward the concept of device-independent witnesses of genuine multipartite entanglement. These witnesses are capable of verifying genuine multipartite entanglement produced in a lab without resorting to any knowledge of the dimension of the state space or of the specific form of the measurement operators. As a by-product they found a three-party three-setting Bell inequality which enables to detect genuine tripartite entanglement in a noisy 3-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state for visibilities as low as 2/3 in a device-independent way. In this paper, we generalize this inequality to an arbitrary number of settings, demonstrating a threshold visibility of 2/pi~0.6366 for number of settings going to infinity. We also present a pseudo-telepathy Bell inequality achieving the same threshold value. We argue that our device-independent witnesses are optimal in the sense that the above value cannot be beaten with three-party-correlation Bell inequalities.Comment: 7 page

    Unjamming of Granular Packings due to Local Perturbations: Stability and Decay of Displacements

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    We study the mechanical response generated by local deformations in jammed packings of rigid disks. Based on discrete element simulations we determine the critical force of the local perturbation that is needed to break the mechanical equilibrium and examine the generated displacement field. Displacements decay as a power law of the distance from the perturbation point. The decay exponent and the critical force exhibit nontrivial dependence on the friction: Both quantities are nonmonotonic and have a sharp maximum at the friction coefficient 0.1. We find that the mechanical response properties are closely related to the problem of force-indeterminacy where similar nonmonotonic behavior was observed previously. We establish direct connection between the critical force and the ensemble of static force networks.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Megszabva. Városi kormányzás másutt és itthon

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    A helyi önkormányzatokat szokásos megközelítés szerint az állami területbeosztáshoz kötik. A feladatok ellátása ugyanakkor a városiasság különböző fokait feltételezi, tekintet nélkül adott település és környezete közigazgatási besorolásának milyenségére. Az állami területbeosztáshoz nem kötött városi kormányzás kötetlen formái mindig is „körbelengik” a merevebb hivatalszervezési struktúrákat. A jelenség ebben az értelemben manapság reneszánszát éli Európában és a fejlett világ többi részén. A hálózatos formák tapinthatóak az urbanizált helyek között és közösségeikben, de ezek mindig együtt élnek merevebb struktúrákkal is. Ilyen a hierarchikus állami szerepek érvényesülése, ami egyben veszélyeket hordoz a hálózatosságra. De mind az államigazgatás szokásos struktúrája, mind a hálózati rendszer potenciálisan kikezdi magát a helyi demokráciát is. A probléma feltárása érdekében a tanulmány analitikus és empirikus módszert alkalmaz, az utóbbit összehasonlító kérdőíves felmérések adatainak elemzése útján
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