988 research outputs found


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    Air pollution causes public health problems, especially in vulnerable communities. Air pollution is also a contributor to climate change in Indonesia. To reduce air pollution and the rate of climate change, a group of civil society organizations that are members of Clean Indonesia seeks to build a public plan by using a communication strategy to influence the policies issued by the government to abandon fossil energy as the main cause of air pollution. This research is qualitative by using interviews and in-depth observations of Clean Indonesia. It is concluded that the communication strategy carried out by Bersih Indonesia to build a public agenda uses media advocacy by utilizing interpersonal and mass communication channels. The aim is to optimize persuasion and open up public space for the community. The news regarding the refusal of foreign bank financing to fund fossil energy projects indicates that the expected effect is achieved in public agenda communication. Still, the absence of regulations or policies issued by the government to reduce the use of fossil energy indicates that the effect of public agenda communication to the government has not been achieved.Polusi udara mengakibatkan terjadinya gangguan kesehatan masyarakat terutama pada masyarakat rentan. Polusi udara juga turut menjadi penyumbang perubahan iklim di Indonesia. Untuk menekan polusi udara dan laju perubahan iklim, sekelompok organisasi masyarakat sipil yang tergabung di dalam Bersihkan Indonesia berupaya untuk membangun agenda publik dengan menggunakan strategi komunikasi dengan tujuan untuk dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah untuk meninggalkan energi fosil sebagai penyebab utama polusi udara. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara serta observasi mendalam terhadap Bersihkan Indonesia. Disimpulkan bahwa strategi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Bersihkan Indonesia untuk membangun agenda publik menggunakan advokasi media, dengan memanfaatkan saluran komunikasi interpersonal dan massa, tujuannya untuk mengoptimalkan persuasi dan membuka ruang publik masyarakat. Adanya pemberitaan mengenai penolakan pembiayaan bank asing dalam mendanai proyek energi fosil mengindikasikan tercapainya efek yang diharapkan dalam komunikasi agenda publik, namun belum adanya regulasi atau kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi fosil mengindikasikan belum tercapainya efek komunikasi agenda publik kepada pemerintah

    Cluster decomposition of full configuration interaction wave functions: a tool for chemical interpretation of systems with strong correlation

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    Approximate full configuration interaction (FCI) calculations have recently become tractable for systems of unforeseen size thanks to stochastic and adaptive approximations to the exponentially scaling FCI problem. The result of an FCI calculation is a weighted set of electronic configurations, which can also be expressed in terms of excitations from a reference configuration. The excitation amplitudes contain information on the complexity of the electronic wave function, but this information is contaminated by contributions from disconnected excitations, i.e. those excitations that are just products of independent lower-level excitations. The unwanted contributions can be removed via a cluster decomposition procedure, making it possible to examine the importance of connected excitations in complicated multireference molecules which are outside the reach of conventional algorithms. We present an implementation of the cluster decomposition analysis and apply it to both true FCI wave functions, as well as wave functions generated from the adaptive sampling CI (ASCI) algorithm. The cluster decomposition is useful for interpreting calculations in chemical studies, as a diagnostic for the convergence of various excitation manifolds, as well as as a guidepost for polynomially scaling electronic structure models. Applications are presented for (i) the double dissociation of water, (ii) the carbon dimer, (iii) the {\pi} space of polyacenes, as well as (iv) the chromium dimer. While the cluster amplitudes exhibit rapid decay with increasing rank for the first three systems, even connected octuple excitations still appear important in Cr2_2, suggesting that spin-restricted single-reference coupled-cluster approaches may not be tractable for some problems in transition metal chemistry.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    The Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) Program in Islamic Perspective

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    Recently the Government of Indonesia makes a program of Low Cost Green Car (LCGC). The purpose of the program is to support the independence LCGC four-wheeled vehicles industry in order to anticipate the trend of increased demand for energy-efficient motor vehicles and reasonably priced. LCGC program is polemical prolonged. Protests came from all circles. Such as Local Officials, to the Economist. Because the program is properly designed like a cheap car city so that it’s bought by urban communities only According to The Ministry of Industry Article 1 (e) that the Green Car is set up with the price of Rp. 95,000,000.00 (ninety five million). In this case, the government intervened by way Ceiling Price although this intervention thresholds given in the event of structural changes in Indonesia's economic fundamentals, but the policy of intervention was assessed inconsistently. Because the car LCGC-called "earmarked" for the people of the lower middle class but are prohibited from using subsidized fuel. With some reason LCGC issuance of policies by the Government, there are some points that are contradicted by the transport and economic conditions in Indonesia. LCGC policy is certainly contrary to the spirit of alleviating transport problems especially congestion that was hit by the crisis. With the tax-free policy by the government, then the purchasing of the low-cost car will be higher. This is in accordance with the law of demand. The impact is congestion will worsen, especially in the knots of Indonesia's major cities. That means it will grow, the use of fuel and air pollution

    Value in Processing Systems Management Academy Development Tools Informatics and Computer Information (Amik-bsi)

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    The implementation of processing systems that value when ni walk, this maximumhas not been assessed because of the department concerned has not been connected.So that system integrity is not prominent, consequently if there are parts that will beaccessing the data at the same time there are other parts also access a data at the sametime there are other parts which are also access data tersenut, probably not producethe same output would be greater

    Alien Registration- Susi, Roseria Maria M. (Pittsfield, Somerset County)

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    The Low Cost Green Car (LCGC) Program in Islamic Perspective

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    Recently the Government of Indonesia makes a program of Low Cost Green Car (LCGC). The purpose of the program is to support the independence LCGC four-wheeled vehicles industry in order to anticipate the trend of increased demand for energy-efficient motor vehicles and reasonably priced. LCGC program is polemical prolonged. Protests came from all circles. Such as Local Officials, to the Economist. Because the program is properly designed like a cheap car city so that it's bought by urban communities only According to The Ministry of Industry Article 1 (e) that the Green Car is set up with the price of Rp. 95,000,000.00 (ninety five million). In this case, the government intervened by way Ceiling Price although this intervention thresholds given in the event of structural changes in Indonesia's economic fundamentals, but the policy of intervention was assessed inconsistently. Because the car LCGC-called "earmarked" for the people of the lower middle class but are prohibited from using subsidized fuel. With some reason LCGC issuance of policies by the Government, there are some points that are contradicted by the transport and economic conditions in Indonesia. LCGC policy is certainly contrary to the spirit of alleviating transport problems especially congestion that was hit by the crisis. With the tax-free policy by the government, then the purchasing of the low-cost car will be higher. This is in accordance with the law of demand. The impact is congestion will worsen, especially in the knots of Indonesia's major cities. That means it will grow, the use of fuel and air pollution

    Nanoplasmonics simulations at the basis set limit through completeness-optimized, local numerical basis sets

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    We present an approach for generating local numerical basis sets of improving accuracy for first-principles nanoplasmonics simulations within time-dependent density functional theory. The method is demonstrated for copper, silver, and gold nanoparticles that are of experimental interest but computationally demanding due to the semi-core d-electrons that affect their plasmonic response. The basis sets are constructed by augmenting numerical atomic orbital basis sets by truncated Gaussian-type orbitals generated by the completeness-optimization scheme, which is applied to the photoabsorption spectra of homoatomic metal atom dimers. We obtain basis sets of improving accuracy up to the complete basis set limit and demonstrate that the performance of the basis sets transfers to simulations of larger nanoparticles and nanoalloys as well as to calculations with various exchange-correlation functionals. This work promotes the use of the local basis set approach of controllable accuracy in first-principles nanoplasmonics simulations and beyond.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure


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    The increasing number of internet users in Indonesia has an impact on the magnitude of public interest in doing online shopping so that there is competition from business people to get top of mind in the community, one way to get top of mind, business people must strengthen their brand. In strengthening brands, the use of social media is one of the things used by business people today, so many marketing campaigns have sprung up so that brands can be known by consumers. To measure the achievement of a marketing campaign, it can generally be seen from the transactions that occur during the marketing campaign, but other than that it can also be done by seeing how many people talk about the marketing campaign on social media. This study uses the Social Network Analysis method to see the top marketing campaigns from Tokopedia and Shopee from public conversations on Twitter social media, namely #ShopeeGajian and #TokopediaWIB. This research data collection was taken using the Netlytic website with a data collection period when the two e-commerce marketing campaigns were run, namely 20-30 April 2021. The results showed that the top campaign from Social Network Analysis formed on Twitter #TokoPediaWIB was superior. Because the most talked about by the public.Peningkatan jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia berdampak pada besarnya ketertarikan masyarakat untuk melakukan belanja daring, sehingga terjadi persaingan dari pelaku bisnis agar mendapatkan top of mind ditengah masyarakat, salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan top of mind tersebut, pelaku bisnis harus memperkuat merek mereka. Dalam memperkuat merek, penggunaan sosial media menjadi salah satu hal yang dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku bisnis saat ini, sehingga banyak bermunculan kampanye pemasaran agar merek dapat dikenal konsumen. untuk mengukur pencapaian kampanye pemasaran umumnya dapat dilihat dari transaksi yang terjadi pada saat kampanye pemasaran, tetapi selain itu juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara melihat seberapa banyak orang membicarakan kampanye pemasaran tersebut di media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Social Network Analysis untuk melihat top kampanye pemasaran dari Tokopedia dan Shopee dari percakapan publik pada media sosial twitter, yakni #ShopeeGajian dan #TokopediaWIB. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini diambil menggunakan website Netlytic dengan periode pengambilan data pada saat kampanye pemasaran ini dijalankan oleh kedua e-commerce tersebut, yakni 20-30 April 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa top kampanye dari Social Network Analysis yang terbentuk di twitter #TokoPediaWIB lebih unggul karena paling banyak dibicarakan publik
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