463 research outputs found

    Determination of effective diffusion coefficient of immobilized Baker's yeast invertase in various concentration of PVA-alginate matrix

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    Baker's yeast invertase is immobilized in PVA-alginate matrix using an improved method. PVA beads were prepared by adding calcium alginate to improve its stability, mechanical and chemical properties. Boric acid was used as the cross-linking agent and additional chemicals consisting of 10% boric acid and sodium sulphate solution was used as a treatment solution to harden the PVA-alginate beads. The determination of the effective diffusion of PVA-alginate matrix the vital step in optimizing the preparation of immobilized and water-soluble biocatalyst. In this study the two-level full factorial design was used to investigate the effect of PVA and boric acid concentrations and diffusions coefficient. Diffusion coefficient (De) is one of the factors that significantly affect the mass transport within the immobilization matrix. De value varies for each concentration of PVA and boric acid. The result concluded that both factors significantly affect the De. A maximum De value of 5.0141 x 10(-5) cm2s-1 was obtained at boric acid and PVA concentraion of 7w/v and 10.5 w/v respectively

    Peranan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja dalam Menata dan Membina Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Salah satu wujud kewenangan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja adalah penegakan Qanun Nomor 3 Tahun 2007 tentang pengaturan dan pembinaan pedagang kaki lima. Pemerintah Kota berwenang untuk menata dan membina tempat USAha pedagang kaki lima sesuai dengan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peranan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Banda Aceh dalam menata dan membina pedagang kaki lima dan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengaturan dan pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja terhadap pedagang kaki lima di Kota Banda Aceh. Metode Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota Banda Aceh telah berusaha mengatasi permasalahan ketidakteraturan pedagang kaki lima dengan melakukan penataan, penertiban dan pembinaan serta pengawasan terhadap pedagang kaki lima yang masih berjualan di tempat yang sudah dilarang beraktifitas dan memindahkan para pedagang kaki lima ketempat relokasi yang telah ditetapkan. Namun Kenyataannya pedagang kaki lima kembali berjualan di bahu jalan dan trotoar, karena pedagang kaki lima beranggapan akan lebih mudah dijangkau oleh pembeli dan mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal berupa sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana dan perangkat hukum belum tersedia. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi tingkat kesadaran pedagang kaki lima masih kurang dan tingkat koordinasi antar lintas sektoral kurang mendapat dukungan. One of the existences of the Municipal Police authorities is enforcing Qanun Number 3, 2007 on the Regulation and Guiding for Street Vendors. The Government has power to regulate and manage street vendors based on the municipal spatial planning. This research aims to explore the roles of the Municipal Police in making public order and guiding the street vendors, to explain factors influencing the regulation and guidance done by the Municipal Police towards the street vendors in Banda Aceh. The research method used is the empirical legal research. The research shows that the municipal police of Banda Aceh has been striving to overcome the problems of troubles of the vendors by organized, guiding and supervising the vendors who are still trading at the forbidden places for it and moving them to the relocated spaces that has been made. Nevertheless, they are coming back to trade at the forbidden places namely, vendor places as they are assuming that by trading at the places and the vendors it will be easier to sale and to get buyers and get profit bigger. Some obstacles are influencing it, namely; internal factors that human resource capacity, infrastructures and the absence of laws. Meanwhile, the external factors are comprising the level of awareness/the obedience of the vendors themselves which is lack and the inter-sectors coordination that is lack of support

    Development of coated peanut separator and frying skillet machine

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    Coated peanut which known as Kacang Bersalut Istimewa Deqyoung is a product made from groundnut mix with flour and special spices. Currently, there are some issues with the product that slow down the production process. The groundnut is sticking and become like a ping pong size ball and the time consuming to fry is longer. Coated peanut separator and frying skillet machine can overcome the problems and able to increase the production. Furthermore, the machine aim to facilitate workers to carry out their duties and to assist small and medium industries (SMEs) in Malaysia. The design convenient, determination of the material selection and the main components that help to operate the machine are the main aspects have been considered. Design analysis helps to identify the capability of the machine when the forces act at some main parts of the machine. The comparison between manual method and semi-automatic method shows that the production increase. By using semi-automatic method of production, the increment shows almost 84 percent of production compares to manual method

    Quantification of total phenolics in different parts of Pluchea indica (Less) ethanolic and water extracts

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    One of the compounds present in Pluchea indica extracts is antioxidant which plays an important role in inhibiting free radicals and thus protects humans against infections and degenerative diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, and ageing process. The main objective of this study was to investigate and determine the total phenolic compounds of Pluchea indica in different concentrations of ethanolic extracts. This species was chosen because of its high phytonutrient compounds with potential medicinal properties. There was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in the total phenolic among the different parts of the tested plant. 50% of the ethanolic extract produced the highest total phenolic compounds (1775.00±86.00 to 658.95±5.00 µmol/g), followed by water extract (759.79±1.53 µmol/g) and 100% ethanol extract (352.72±22.30 to 249.29±5.37 µmol/g), respectively. In terms of the plant parts, the leaves contained the highest phenolic compounds (1775.00±86.00 µmol/g in 50% ethanol extract, 759.79±1.53 µmol/g in 100% aqueous extract and 352.72±22.30 µmol/g in 100% ethanol extract), followed by the stems (990.22±24.00 µmol/g in 50% ethanol extract, 990.22±24.59 µmol/g in 100% aqueous extract and 293.48±0.00 µmol/g in 100% ethanol extract). Meanwhile, lower total phenolic compounds were detected in the flowers (727.71±11.00 µmol/g in 50% ethanol extract, 603.81±8.46 µmol/g in 100% aqueous extract and 249.29±5.37 µmol/g in 100% ethanol extract) and roots (658.95±5.00 µmol/g in 50% ethanol extract, 450.00±10.76 µmol/g in 100% aqueous extract and 272.28±0.53 µmol/g in 100% ethanol extract). Based on these findings, Pluchea indica has potential medicinal properties that can be further developed to produce neutraceutical products, diet supplements or cosmetic products. However, further research should first be conducted on the effects of these compounds on laboratory animals