1,028 research outputs found

    Two-loop commuting charges and the string/gauge duality

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    We briefly review the status quo of the application of integrable systems techniques to the AdS/CFT correspondence in the large charge approximation, a rapidly evolving topic. Intricate string and gauge computations of, respectively, energies and scaling dimensions agree at the one and two-loop level, but disagree starting from three loops. To add to this pattern, we present further computations which demonstrate that for folded and circular spinning strings the full tower of infinitely many hidden commuting charges, responsible for the integrability, also agrees up to two, but not three, loops.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, contribution to 5th International Workshop on Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, Varna, Bulgaria, 16-22 Jun 2003; v2: references adde

    Planar N=4 gauge theory and the Inozemtsev long range spin chain

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    We investigate whether the (planar, two complex scalar) dilatation operator of N=4 gauge theory can be, perturbatively and, perhaps, non-perturbatively, described by an integrable long range spin chain with elliptic exchange interaction. Such a chain was introduced some time ago by Inozemtsev. In the limit of sufficiently ``long'' operators a Bethe ansatz exists, which we apply at the perturbative two- and three-loop level. Spectacular agreement is found with spinning string predictions of Frolov and Tseytlin for the two-loop energies of certain large charge operators. However, we then go on to show that the agreement between perturbative gauge theory and semi-classical string theory begins to break down, in a subtle fashion, at the three-loop level. This corroborates a recently found disagreement between three-loop gauge theory and near plane-wave string theory results, and quantitatively explains a previously obtained puzzling deviation between the string proposal and a numerical extrapolation of finite size three-loop anomalous dimensions. At four loops and beyond, we find that the Inozemtsev chain exhibits a generic breakdown of perturbative BMN scaling. However, our proposal is not necessarily limited to perturbation theory, and one would hope that the string theory results can be recovered from the Inozemtsev chain at strong 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 31 pages, no figure; v1: one reference added, minor changes; v2: slightly extended discussion of rapidity, references adde

    The Factorized S-Matrix of CFT/AdS

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    We argue that the recently discovered integrability in the large-N CFT/AdS system is equivalent to diffractionless scattering of the corresponding hidden elementary excitations. This suggests that, perhaps, the key tool for finding the spectrum of this system is neither the gauge theory's dilatation operator nor the string sigma model's quantum Hamiltonian, but instead the respective factorized S-matrix. To illustrate the idea, we focus on the closed fermionic su(1|1) sector of the N=4 gauge theory. We introduce a new technique, the perturbative asymptotic Bethe ansatz, and use it to extract this sector's three-loop S-matrix from Beisert's involved algebraic work on the three-loop su(2|3) sector. We then show that the current knowledge about semiclassical and near-plane-wave quantum strings in the su(2), su(1|1) and sl(2) sectors of AdS_5 x S^5 is fully consistent with the existence of a factorized S-matrix. Analyzing the available information, we find an intriguing relation between the three associated S-matrices. Assuming that the relation also holds in gauge theory, we derive the three-loop S-matrix of the sl(2) sector even though this sector's dilatation operator is not yet known beyond one loop. The resulting Bethe ansatz reproduces the three-loop anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators recently conjectured by Kotikov, Lipatov, Onishchenko and Velizhanin, whose work is based on a highly complex QCD computation of Moch, Vermaseren and Vogt

    Use theories of meaning: between conventions and social norms

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    Eigenvalue Distributions in Yang-Mills Integrals

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    We investigate one-matrix correlation functions for finite SU(N) Yang-Mills integrals with and without supersymmetry. We propose novel convergence conditions for these correlators which we determine from the one-loop perturbative effective action. These conditions are found to agree with non-perturbative Monte Carlo calculations for various gauge groups and dimensions. Our results yield important insights into the eigenvalue distributions rho(lambda) of these random matrix models. For the bosonic models, we find that the spectral densities rho(lambda) possess moments of all orders as N -> Infinity. In the supersymmetric case, rho(lambda) is a wide distribution with an N-independent asymptotic behavior rho(lambda) ~ lambda^(-3), lambda^(-7), lambda^(-15) for dimensions D=4,6,10, respectively

    Integrability and transcendentality

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    We derive the two-loop Bethe ansatz for the \mathfrak {sl}(2) twist operator sector of {\cal N}=4 gauge theory directly from the field theory. We then analyse a recently proposed perturbative asymptotic all-loop Bethe ansatz in the limit of large spacetime spin at large but finite twist, and find a novel all-loop scaling function. This function obeys the Kotikov–Lipatov transcendentality principle and does not depend on the twist. Under the assumption that one may extrapolate back to leading twist, our result yields an all-loop prediction for the large spin anomalous dimensions of twist 2 operators. The latter also appears as an undetermined function in a recent conjecture of Bern, Dixon and Smirnov for the all-loop structure of the maximally helicity violating n-point gluon amplitudes of {\cal N}=4 gauge theory. This potentially establishes a direct link between the worldsheet and the spacetime S matrix approach. A further assumption for the validity of our prediction is that perturbative BMN (Berenstein–Maldacena–Nastase) scaling does not break down at four-loop level or beyond. We also discuss how the result gets modified if BMN scaling does break down. Finally, we show that our result qualitatively agrees at strong coupling with a prediction of string theory

    Lean supply chain planning: Simulation of lean techniques integration

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    Lean Supply Chain (LSC) has become a strategic configuration in order to satisfy customer's expectations efficiently and effectively. LSC concept is the implementation of Lean principles and techniques outside single company boundaries, creating the flow and making SC reacting instead of foreseeing. Supply Chain Planning (SCP) is a part of SCM management strategy that allows managers to align operations of different companies and so improve operations efficiency and effectiveness. Lean Supply Chain Planning (LSCP) is a new SCP model that is growing interest among both academics and practitioners, but it is not well studied yet. This paper aims at providing a theoretical and practical guidelines about Lean techniques implementations impact in SCP. To reach it, a Discret-event-simulation (DES) simulation model of a three-echelon and multi-product supply chain has been set. This research focuses on three principles of Lean production: identifying the value, creating flow to the customer and pull. The results achieved demonstrate that LSCP techniques have a positive impact on inventories levels and in particular, they demonstrate synergy among techniques so that total benefit is greater than the sum of benefits of single technique implementations

    Dressing and Wrapping

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    We prove that the validity of the recently proposed dressed, asymptotic Bethe ansatz for the planar AdS/CFT system is indeed limited at weak coupling by operator wrapping effects. This is done by comparing the Bethe ansatz predictions for the four-loop anomalous dimension of finite-spin twist-two operators to BFKL constraints from high-energy scattering amplitudes in N=4 gauge theory. We find disagreement, which means that the ansatz breaks down for length-two operators at four-loop order. Our method supplies precision tools for multiple all-loop tests of the veracity of any yet-to-be constructed set of exact spectral equations. Finally we present a conjecture for the exact four-loop anomalous dimension of the family of twist-two operators, which includes the Konishi field.Comment: 20 pages, 2 tables, no figures; v2: references added, conjecture on exact four-loop twist-two result state

    Transcendentality and Crossing

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    We discuss possible phase factors for the S-matrix of planar N=4 gauge theory, leading to modifications at four-loop order as compared to an earlier proposal. While these result in a four-loop breakdown of perturbative BMN-scaling, Kotikov-Lipatov transcendentality in the universal scaling function for large spin twist operators may be preserved. One particularly natural choice, unique up to one constant, modifies the overall contribution of all terms containing odd zeta functions in the earlier proposed scaling function based on a trivial phase. Excitingly, we present evidence that this choice is non-perturbatively related to a recently conjectured crossing-symmetric phase factor for perturbative string theory on AdS_5xS^5 once the constant is fixed to a particular value. Our proposal, if true, might therefore resolve the long-standing AdS/CFT discrepancies between gauge and string theory
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