664 research outputs found

    Antifungal activities of the essential oil extracted from the tea of savanna (Lippia multiflora) in Côte d’Ivoire

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the antifungal potency of the essential oil of tea of savanna (Lippia multiflora) on three fungal strains. The essential oil is extracted of Lippia multiflora by steam distillation and the antifungal activity in vitro was investigated on Apergillus flavus,  Asperguillus Niger and Fusarium sp species. This activity was realized by incorporation of the plant extract in Sabouraud medium prepared by a double dilution. The study revealed a sensitivity of these three species to the essential oil extracted from Lippia multiflora. It has been observed, in a descending order of sensitivity, a minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of 2.08 ± 0.58 µl / ml with Aspergillus flavus; 4.16 ± 1.17 µl / ml with Aspergillus Niger and 8.33 ± 2.35 µl / ml with Fusarium sp. The antifungal potency of the essential oil extracted from Lippia multiflora, allows  considering its use as a novel approach in the field of integrated management of cereal stocks in post-harvest.Keywords: Essential oil, Lippia multiflora, Antifungal, Aspergillus, Fusarium

    Test d’efficacité d’un herbicide en culture d’ananas, à la station d’expérimentation et de production d’Anguédédou en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Objectif : Un produit à base de glyphosate (Dominator 360) est testé en vue d’évaluer son efficacité sur les adventices des cultures d’ananas. Ceci pour élargir la gamme des produits dans cette culture et de minimiser les coûts de traitement en jouant sur les doses tout en veillant à leur efficacité.Méthodologie et résultats : Le Dominator 360 est comparé à des herbicides de référence en usage sur la culture d’ananas dans la station expérimentale d’Anguédédou. Ces herbicides sont le Kalach, également à base de glyphosate et le Special 30 à base de diuron + bromacile. L’essai a été conduit suivant un bloc de Fisher randomisé, dont le dispositif est celui des témoins adjacents. Le Dominator 360 est expérimenté à trois doses : 2, 3 et 4 l/ha et les deux témoins à une seule dose : 4 l/ha pour le Kalach et 4 kg/ha pour le Special 30.Les efficacités observées sont différentes selon les doses utilisées. Le Dominator, les témoins Kalach et le Spécial 30 se sont montrés efficaces pratiquement au même titre aux doses maximales utilisées (4 l/ha et 4 kg/ha). La dose de 3 l/ha du Dominator est apparue la plus faible dose expérimentée qui présente une bonne efficacité.Conclusion et application : La dose de 3 l/ha du Dominator 360 constitue la faible dose du produit, comparée aux deux témoins utilisés dans cette étude, qui présente une bonne efficacité dans la lutte contre les adventices en cultures d’ananas. Ceci en rapport avec la baisse des doses efficaces, recommandées, pour minimiser les coûts d’achat des herbicides. Cette dose de 3 l/ha du Dominator 360 est ainsi la dose par excellence à vulgariser.Mots clefs : Herbicide, glyphosate, Dominator, efficacité, anana

    An Improved Test to Study the Changes in Membrane Permeability During Rehydration of Freeze-Dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11

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    peer reviewedThe objective of this study was to assess changes in membrane permeability during rehydration of freeze-dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11. Viability was assessed using the electrical conductivity measurement (ms cm-1 g-1 dry weight) and the plate count method (cfu g-1 dry weight). The symptoms of injury included an increase in the electrolyte leakage during the first 4 h of rehydration in Milli Q water and a decrease in the survival rate (about 64%), suggesting an increase in membrane permeability during dehydration. During rehydration of the freeze-dried strain, an increase in the temperature, NaCl or monosodium glutamate concentration and a decrease in H+ concentration resulted in an increase in the electrolyte leakage and a decrease in the survival rate (from about 5% to 97%, with respect to the treatment made). However, a decrease in the electrolyte leakage was observed with increasing glycerol, sucrose or maltodextrin and resulted in the maintenance of cell viability. Change in membrane permeability might lead to electrolyte leakage during rehydration and, ultimately, cell death. The electrolyte leakage assay associated with the plate count method, a quick and inexpensive method, could be used to evaluate dried bacteria resistance to dehydration

    Evaluation des pratiques de gestion des adventices en riziculture irriguee dans la localite de Daloa, centre-ouest de la Cote d’Ivoire

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    Le riz est l’aliment principal pour la quasi-totalité des populations vivant en Côte d’Ivoire. Cependant, les adventices sont considérées comme la contrainte biologique la plus importante faisant obstacle à la production rizicole. L’objectif de cette étude menée en 2015 était d’évaluer différentes techniques de gestion des adventices en riziculture irriguée, dans la localité de Daloa, au Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire. Pour ce faire, une parcelle témoin et 3 parcelles tests ont été testées dans un dispositif en blocs aléatoires complets avec 4 répétitions. Un seul paramètre a fait l’objet d’évaluation au niveau des adventices, à savoir l’indice d’abondance-dominance à 15 ; 30 ; 45 et 60 JAR. Cinq paramètres ont été évalués sur le riz à la maturité physiologique. Ce sont : le nombre de talles et de panicules par poquet, la hauteur des plants, la longueur des panicules et le rendement paddy. Les résultats ont montré que les méthodes de gestion de l’enherbement ont un effet significatif sur l’indice d’abondance-dominance des adventices et les paramètres agronomiques du riz. En effet, l’application du pendiméthaline en pré-levée des adventices suivie d’un désherbage manuel à 30 JAR permet de mieux maîtriser l’enherbement et améliore les paramètres agronomiques du riz.Mots clés: mauvaises herbes, riz, pratiques de gestion, abondance-dominance, Côte d’IvoireEnglish Title: Assessment of management practices of weeds on irrigated rice in from Daloa, central-west of Cote d’IvoireEnglish AbstractRice is the main food for almost all populations living in Côte d’Ivoire. However, weeds are considered the most important biological constraint to rice production.The objective of this study, carried out in 2015, was to evaluate different management techniques of weeds on irrigated rice in from Daloa, Central-West of Côte d’Ivoire. To do a control plot and 3 parcels tests were tested in a randomized complete block with four replications. One parameter has been evaluated in weeds namely the abundance-dominance indexnotes 15; 30; 45 and 60 DAP. Five (05) parameters were evaluated in rice to physiological maturity. These are: number of tillers per hill, number of panicles per hill, plant height, length of panicle and paddy yield. The results showed that management practices of weeds have a significant effect on the abundance-dominance index of weeds and the agronomic parameters of rice.Indeed, the application of pendimethalin in pre-emergence of weeds followed by a manual weeding at 30 DAP allows better control of weeding and improves the agronomic parameters of the rice.Keywords: weeds, rice, management practices, abundance-dominance, côte d’ivoir

    Pemanfaatan Santan Instan Kadaluarsa Untuk Produksi Minyak Secara Fermentasi

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    This research use the expired instant coconut milk for 2 months. The goal is to find out whether the coconut milk can be used to produce oil. The method does is with variation of the total number of laru 0,5 mL oil; 0,75 mL; 1 mL; 1,25 mL; and 1,50 mL by volume per volume (v/v). the fermentation time and 18 hours, 24 hours, 30 hours, and 36 minutes. Results of the study that the amount of oil the oil laru yield the highest oil is 1,50 mL with 28% yield and fermentation time of 30 hours, while the lowest was at the time of fermentation 18 hours i.e. 15%

    Health-related quality of life impact of a triple combination of olmesartan medoxomil, amlodipine besylate and hydrochlorotiazide in subjects with hypertension

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    Background A post-hoc analysis was performed on the data from a 54 weeks phase III study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00923091) to measure changes in the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of 2,690 patients aged ≥18 with moderate-to-severe hypertension who received one of six doses of olmesartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide (OLM/AML/HCTZ), using the MINICHAL and EQ-5D instruments. Methods Descriptive statistics were used to assess blood pressure and HRQoL scores over the study period. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to identify those factors that could possibly have influenced HRQoL. Linear regression was used to assess the relationship between changes in blood pressure and HRQoL scores. Results Patients’ baseline MINICHAL mood and somatic domains scores were 5.5 and 2.6. Over the study period HRQoL improved as both MINICHAL scores decreased by 31-33%. Patients’ baseline EQ-5D index and VAS scores were 0.9 and 73.4 respectively, increasing by 6% and 12% over the study period. Patients’ QALY gain over the 54 weeks study period was estimated to be 0.029 QALYs. The ANCOVA showed that changes in patients’ HRQoL was likely to have been influenced by patients’ achievement of blood pressure control, the amount of concomitant medication and patients’ last used dosage strength of antihypertensive. Linear regression showed that blood pressure improvement may have been associated with improved HRQoL. Conclusions This study showed that OLM/AML/HCTZ reduced blood pressure and significantly increased blood pressure control whilst improving patients’ HRQoL. Achieving blood pressure control, amount of concomitant medication and dosage strength of antihypertensive impacted on patients’ HRQoL

    Apport d’un fourrage vert tropical, Centrosema pubescens, en complément au granulé : effet sur les performances de croissance et sanitaire du lapin (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer la digestibilité du fourrage vert, C. pubescens, et son impact sur la croissance ainsi que la santé digestive du lapin de chaire en élevage artisanal. Deux lots de 15 lapins sevrés à 35 jours, élevés en cage individuelle et nourris à l’aide de deux aliments complémentés ou non avec du C. pubescens ont été constitués. La digestibilité des nutriments à 50 jours d’âge de la ration contenant le fourrage C. pubescens est supérieure à la ration sans fourrage. Ainsi, la digestibilité de la MS, MO, MAT, ADF, NDF, Hc est respectivement de 1,6, de 1,5, de 1,8, de 2,2, de 1,6 et de 1,3 fois plus élevée dans la ration ayant reçu le fourrage C. pubescens en complément par rapport au témoin sans fourrage. L’indice de risque sanitaire est réduit de moitié avec l’apport de fourrage. Cependant, l’ingestion des 2 rations est équivalente, la moyenne est de 68 g/j entre le sevrage et 70 jours. Le gain de poids quotidien est également identique avec l’apport ou non de C. pubescens. La moyenne entre 35 et 70 jours d’âge est de 26,5 g/j.Mots clés : Lapin, fourrage, Centrosema pubescens, aliments, performances zootechniques

    Preliminary assessment of cadmium mobility in surface sediments of a tropical estuary

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    Cadmium is a toxic metal often found with a strong enrichment factor in coastal sediments. The sequential extraction procedure proposed by the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) was applied for partitioning of Cd in tropical estuary sediments. The method showed satisfactory recoveries. The repartition of Cd in different phases of sediment was controlled by the residual phase (50.32 to 67.45 %). However, the exchangeable and acid soluble fraction (F1) was in general found to be the second most abundant fraction in the surface sediments (11.14 to 15.24 %), indicating that an important portion of Cd could be remobilized, thus becoming available to aquatic biota. Cd also showed different distribution patterns in the sediment phases due to the heterogeneity of the sediments, as well as the physical and chemical conditions along with the different sources of Cd in the bays. The risk assessment code investigation showed a medium risk of Cd in the estuary. KEY WORDS: Cadmium, Mobility, Sediment toxicity, Sequential extraction Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2014, 28(2), 245-254. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v28i2.

    Sensing the Noise: Uncovering Communities in Darknet Traffic

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    Darknets are ranges of IP addresses advertised without answering any traffic. Darknets help to uncover inter- esting network events, such as misconfigurations and network scans. Interpreting darknet traffic helps against cyber-attacks – e.g., malware often reaches darknets when scanning the Internet for vulnerable devices. The traffic reaching darknets is however voluminous and noisy, which calls for efficient ways to represent the data and highlight possibly important events. This paper evaluates a methodology to summarize packets reaching darknets. We represent the darknet activity as a graph, which captures remote hosts contacting the darknet nodes ports, as well as the frequency at which each port is reached. From these representations, we apply community detection algorithms in the search for patterns that could represent coordinated activity. By highlighting such activities we are able to group together, for example, groups of IP addresses that predominantly engage in contacting specific targets, or, vice versa, to identify targets which are frequently contacted together, for exploiting the vulnerabilities of a given service. The network analyst can recognize from the community detection results, for example, that a group of hosts has been infected by a botnet and it is currently scanning the network in search of vulnerable services (e.g., SSH and Telnet among the most commonly targeted). Such piece of information is impossible to obtain when analyzing the behavior of single sources, or packets one by one. All in all, our work is a first step towards a comprehensive aggregation methodology to automate the analysis of darknet traffic, a fundamental aspect for the recognition of coordinated and anomalous events
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