196 research outputs found

    Using Youth Participatory Evaluation to Improve a Bullying Prevention Program

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    We conducted a youth participatory evaluation of a bullying prevention curriculum before the curriculum was implemented in communities. We partnered with youths from a young women leaders\u27 program to reduce the number of lessons in an existing curriculum and determine which activities were likely to have the greatest impact. To evaluate the curriculum, we used star-sticker surveys and written feedback provided by the youths and observational field notes recorded by adults. We found that the youths endorsed activities involving active learning approaches, we should include summaries at the beginnings of lessons, and we should include wording alternatives for implementers to use to improve understanding of complex ideas. We also reduced 26 lessons to eight lessons

    Kompetanseutvikling i arbeidslivet : en litteraturstudie av motivasjonelle faktorer for kompetanseutvikling i et arbeidsliv i endring

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    Valg av problemstilling Hensikten med denne oppgaven har vært å sette fokus på individers ulike tilnærminger til kompetanseutvikling i arbeidslivet. Alle som har vært yrkesaktive, og kanskje spesielt i løpet av de siste tiårene, har måttet være med i større eller mindre endringsprosesser som har krevd varierende grad av individuell kompetanseutvikling. I forbindelse med dette vil man også ha opplevd at ulike mennesker har reagert forskjellig når de har blitt konfrontert med endringsbehovet, og angrepet nye og utfordrende oppgaver på ulike måter. Det kan være mange bakenforliggende årsaker til dette, men individets opplevelse av selvbestemmelse og medbestemmelse anses som en sentral faktor i møte med endringsprosesser i arbeidslivet. På bakgrunn av dette er problemstillingen som følger: På hvilken måte kan selvbestemmelsesteori og teorier om selvforståelse belyse organisasjoners ulike situasjonsbetingelser for, og mulige konsekvenser av, arbeidstakeres varierende tilnærminger til krav om kompetanseutvikling i et arbeidsliv i stadig endring? Metode Dette er en litteraturstudie basert på tidligere publiserte forskningsrapporter fra et arbeidsliv i endring samt Deci og Ryans selvbestemmelsesteori. Teorier om selvforståelse og mental innstilling trekkes inn for å belyse individers tilnærmingsmåter til kompetanseutvikling ytterligere. Kilder Edward L. Deci og Richard M. Ryans selvbestemmelsesteori (Deci og Ryan 2008a, 2008b, 2002, 2000, 1985a, 1985b; Deci, Connell og Ryan 1989; Ryan og Deci 2000; Ryan og Connell 1989) står sentralt gjennom hele oppgaven. Som empirisk datagrunnlag for drøftingen av organisasjoners ulike situasjonsbetingelser og vilkår for motivasjon og kompetanseutvikling har tidligere publiserte rapporter fra norsk arbeidsliv spilt en viktig rolle. En rapport fra et forsikringskonsern som har negative erfaringer med omfattende endringsprosesser (Danielsen og Serck-Hanssen 2000) gjengis i korte trekk innledningsvis, og tas opp igjen i forbindelse med drøfting av selvbestemmelsesteoretiske faktorer og vilkår for kompetanseutvikling i kapittel fire og fem. HR-undersøkelsen 2009 (Bolstad og Thorgersen 2009), Hege Torps (2005b) artikkel om forklaringer på, og konsekvenser av, «det nye arbeidslivet», et utvalg resultater fra Lærevilkårsmonitoren (Nyen 2004; Dæhlen og Nyen 2009) samt et utdrag fra DeShon og Gillespies (2005) artikkel om målorientering har også vært viktige kilder som har bidratt til å danne et grunnlag for drøfting av de ulike teoriene. I forbindelse med vilkår for kompetanseutvikling, og for å se nærmere på betydningen av tilfredsstillelse av individers grunnleggende behov i arbeidslivssammenheng, har det blitt brukt et utvalg artikler som er relatert til selvbestemmelsesteori i arbeidslivet: Baard, Deci og Ryan 2002; Gagné, Zuckerman og Koestner 2000 og Van den Broeck et al. 2008. I det samme kapittelet legges det også vekt på mestring, motivasjon og attribusjon samt selvforståelse og mental innstilling. I utredningen av autonomibehovets rolle for mestring står Skinner og Edges (2002) artikkel om selvbestemmelse, mestring og utvikling sentralt, i tillegg til teorier som belyser flere faktorer som er betydningsfulle for mestring (Rand 1991). Kanfer og Ackermans (2007) Work Competence – A Person-Oriented Perspective har vært sentral i forbindelse med konseptualisering av begrepet «arbeidskompetanse», og Weiners (2007) attribusjonsteoretiske tilnærming til motivasjon har, sammen med teorier om selvforståelse (Nygård 1993) og mental innstilling (Dweck 2000, 2007), kastet lys over ulike individuelle tilnærminger til krav om kompetanseutvikling. Resultat Resultater fra internasjonal, nasjonal og lokal forskning har gjort det mulig å danne seg et inntrykk av de endringsprosessene som har preger arbeidslivet de siste tiårene. Det dreier seg om teknologiske fremskritt, men også om nye måter å organisere virksomheten og det daglige arbeidet på; flatere maktstrukturer og økende fokus på effektivitet, fleksibilitet, forbedring og kompetanseutvikling. Det har også blitt et stadig økende fokus på prestasjons- og resultatvurdering og prestasjons- og resultatbasert belønning, som motivasjonsfaktorer for å få de ansatte til å yte mer og oppnå mer. Dette blir mottatt med entusiasme av noen, men har vist seg å fremkalle motstand og resultere i stress, resignasjon og sykemeldinger hos andre. Selvbestemmelsesteorien handler om individers ulike motivasjonstyper, og understreker betydningen av at omgivelsene støtter opp under faktorer som kan hjelpe individet til å utvikle en indre motivasjon for arbeidsoppgaver og krav om for eksempel kompetanseutvikling. Faktorer som vurdering og belønning på bakgrunn av prestasjoner og resultater, som i utgangspunktet var tenkt å motivere individet til å yte mer og bedre, viser seg imidlertid å kunne forårsake at individet blir ytremotivert for de aktuelle oppgavene. Dette kan innebære at individet føler seg kontrollert og bare gjør det som arbeidsgiveren eller oppgaven krever, kun for å få belønning eller gode resultater, verken mer eller mindre. Autonomi, kompetanse og tilhørighet beskrives som grunnleggende behov som må tilfredsstilles for at individet skal oppleve velvære, for å oppleve medbestemmelse, for å få en følelse av å være kompetent, og for at han/hun skal kunne utvikle indre motivasjon for kompetanseutvikling. Ledelsen vil, gjennom organisasjonens situasjonsbetingelser og sosialkontekstuelle faktorer, ha en viktig rolle i å legge til rette for tilfredsstillelse av individets grunnleggende behov. Om disse behovene tilfredsstilles, vil det også kunne skapes bedre vilkår for å styrke individets tro på at egne evner og egen kompetanse kan utvikles. Om ledelsen på arbeidsplassen kan finne måter å støtte opp om individets grunnleggende behov på, kan det tenkes at man unngår at de ansatte gjør motstand eller resignerer i møte med endringer, men lykkes i å skape gode mellommenneskelige vilkår for kompetanseutvikling

    Beta slashed generalised half-normal distribution

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    In this paper we propose the beta slashed generalised half-normal distribution, which includes some important distributions such as the half-normal, slashed half-normal and generalised slashed half-normal distributions. Explicit expressions for the cumulative distribution and characteristic functions are derived. The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters are obtained via the EM algorithm and the value of the proposed model is illustrated with an application on fatigue data.This work was based on research supported by STATOMET, Department of Statistics, University of Pretoria.http://www.sastat.org.za/journal/informationhttp://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/sasjam2018Statistic

    Preliminary test and Bayes estimation of a location parameter under BLINEX loss

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    In this article, the preliminary test estimator is considered under the BLINEX loss function. The problem under consideration is the estimation of the location parameter from a normal distribution. The risk under the null hypothesis for the preliminary test estimator, the exact risk function for restricted maximum likelihood and approximated risk function for the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator, are derived under BLINEX loss and the different risk structures are compared to one another both analytically and computationally. As a motivation on the use of BLINEX rather than LINEX, the risk for the preliminary test estimator under BLINEX loss is compared to the risk of the preliminary test estimator under LINEX loss and it is shown that the LINEX expected loss is higher than BLINEX expected loss. Furthermore, two feasible Bayes estimators are derived under BLINEX loss, and a feasible Bayes preliminary test estimator is defined and compared to the classical preliminary test estimator.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lsta202015-09-30hb201

    Understanding opportunity evaluation prototypes in search of more entrepreneurs

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    BACKGROUND : In search of more entrepreneurs for economic development, academics and policy makers are continuously seeking ways in which the participation of potential entrepreneurs in the economy can be enhanced. PURPOSE : This study investigates whether entrepreneurial prototype factors could be identified to inform how entrepreneurs evaluate opportunities. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY : In an experimental design, participants were requested to evaluate a single start-up opportunity. They completed a questionnaire exploring their thinking of the single case. Participants included 193 nascent and novice entrepreneurs that evaluated the same opportunity. The questionnaire was administered, leading to factor and regression analyses. FINDINGS : The factor analysis identified four prototype factors for potential use in selection. Discrimination was possible between the prototype factors (cognitive frameworks) of novice (first-time) and repeat (experienced) entrepreneurs for “positive financial model”; “uniqueness of the idea”; “big markets”; and “intuition.” Significant differences for the identified factors were reported between those who decided for and against starting the venture. Regression analysis suggested further discriminatory value, with the prototype factors for the start-up decision contributing to a potential selection process by venture capitalists, as well as educators. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS : The generalisability of the findings may be limited by the use of a single case evaluation. ORIGINALITY/VALUE : Firstly, support was found for the effectiveness of the methodology in identifying the prototypes. Secondly, the study contributes by informing educators of entrepreneurs about the relevancy of cognitive frameworks that could be developed to meaningfully enhance opportunity evaluation.https://unisapressjournals.co.za/index.php/SABRam2024Business ManagementSDG-08:Decent work and economic growt

    Preliminary testing of the Cobb–Douglas production function and related inferential issues

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    In this article, we consider the multiple regression model in the presence of multicollinearity and study the performance of the preliminary test estimator (PTE) both analytically and computationally, when it is a priori suspected that some constraints may hold on the vector parameter space. The performance of the PTE is further analyzed by comparing the risk of some well-known estimators of the ridge parameter through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study under some bounded and or asymmetric loss functions. An application of the Cobb–Douglas production function is included and from these results as well as the simulation studies, it is clear that the bounded linear exponential loss function outperforms the other loss functions across all the proposed ridge parameters by comparing the risk values.This work is based on the research supported in part by the National Research Foundation of South Africa for the grant TTK1206151317.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/lssp202018-01-31hb2016Statistic

    A comparison of data mining and spatial techniques : an application to property data

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    The improvement of data management and data capturing techniques has led to the availability of large amounts of data for analysis. This is especially true in the field of spatial data, where data is indexed by location. Traditionally, spatially correlated data has been analysed using methods that rely on the spatial component of the data. This article will compare the results of using traditional spatial methods such as Kriging and geographically weighted regression against the use of other statistical data mining methods, given the large amount of data available. Using a dataset containing property values for the Tshwane Metropolitan area, different spatial and statistical models will be applied for predictive purposes in order to determine which model represents the data most accurately. Finally, these methods will be combined using stacking, to determine whether the combination of models has better predictive abilities than the single models.http://www.sastat.org.za/journal.htmam201

    Development of muscle ultrasound density in healthy fetuses and infants

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    Muscle ultrasound density (MUD) is a non-invasive parameter to indicate neuromuscular integrity in both children and adults. In healthy fetuses and infants, physiologic MUD values during development are still lacking. We therefore aimed to determine the physiologic, age-related MUD trend of biceps, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, hamstrings, gluteal and calf muscles, from pre- to the first year of postnatal life. To avoid a bias by pregnancy-related signal disturbances, we expressed fetal MUD as a ratio against bone ultrasound density. We used the full-term prenatal MUD ratio and the newborn postnatal MUD value as reference points, so that MUD development could be quantified from early pre- into postnatal life. Results: During the prenatal period, the total muscle group revealed a developmental MUD trend concerning a fetal increase in MUD-ratio from the 2nd trimester up to the end of the 3rd trimester [median increase: 27% (range 16-45), p < .001]. After birth, MUD-values increased up to the sixth month [median increase: 11% (range -7-27), p = 0.025] and stabilized thereafter. Additionally, there were also individual MUD characteristics per muscle group and developmental stage, such as relatively low MUD values of fetal hamstrings and high values of the paediatric gluteus muscles. These MUD trends are likely to concur with analogous developmentally, maturation-related alterations in the muscle water to peptide content ratios

    Pathogenesis of cerebral malformations in human fetuses with meningomyelocele

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fetal spina bifida aperta (SBA) is characterized by a spinal meningomyelocele (MMC) and associated with cerebral pathology, such as hydrocephalus and Chiari II malformation. In various animal models, it has been suggested that a loss of ventricular lining (neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation) may trigger cerebral pathology. In fetuses with MMC, little is known about neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation and the initiating pathological events.</p> <p>The objective of this study was to investigate whether neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation occurs in human fetuses and neonates with MMC, and if so, whether it is associated with the onset of hydrocephalus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seven fetuses and 1 neonate (16–40 week gestational age, GA) with MMC and 6 fetuses with normal cerebral development (22–41 week GA) were included in the study. Identification of fetal MMC and clinical surveillance of fetal head circumference and ventricular width was performed by ultrasound (US). After birth, MMC was confirmed by histology. We characterized hydrocephalus by increased head circumference in association with ventriculomegaly. The median time interval between fetal cerebral ultrasound and fixing tissue for histology was four days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At 16 weeks GA, we observed neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation in the aqueduct and telencephalon together with sub-cortical heterotopias in absence of hydrocephalus and/or Chiari II malformation. At 21–34 weeks GA, we observed concurrence of aqueductal neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation and progenitor cell loss with the Chiari II malformation, whereas hydrocephalus was absent. At 37–40 weeks GA, neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation coincided with Chiari II malformation and hydrocephalus. Sub-arachnoidal fibrosis at the convexity was absent in all fetuses but present in the neonate.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In fetal SBA, neuroepithelial/ependymal denudation in the telencephalon and the aqueduct can occur before Chiari II malformation and/or hydrocephalus. Since denuded areas cannot re-establish cell function, neuro-developmental consequences could induce permanent cerebral pathology.</p

    Immunological Adaptations to Pregnancy in Women with Type 1 Diabetes

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    Despite adequate glycemic control, pregnancy outcome of women with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is still unfavorable as compared to healthy women. In a rat-model of T1D under normoglycemic conditions, adverse pregnancy outcome was also observed, which was associated with aberrant immunological adaptations to pregnancy. Because similar processes may occur in women with T1D we studied the systemic immune response in non-pregnant and pregnant women with and without T1D. The systemic immune response was assessed by using flow cytometry to evaluate the number and activational status of subpopulations of lymphocytes, Natural Killer cells and monocytes in peripheral blood of non-pregnant and pregnant women with and without T1D. An increased white blood cell count, an increased Th1/Th2 ratio, increased Natural Killer cell expression of CD335 and enhanced activation of intermediate and non-classical monocytes was observed in pregnant women with T1D vs. healthy pregnant women. Also, the pregnancy outcome (i.e. incidence of preterm delivery and macrosomia) of women with T1D was unfavorable as compared to healthy women. This study showed that in T1D, the immunological adaptations to pregnancy are disturbed. In addition to hyperglycemia, these different immunological adaptations may be responsible for the greater frequency of complications in pregnant women with T1D