816 research outputs found

    Use of Geotechnical Design Summary Report as a Management Tool for Resolving Disputes on Underground Construction Projects

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    The Los Angeles Metro Rail Subway project is initially planned for 30 km (18 mi) of twin, 6-m (20-ft) diameter bored tunnels under city streets and a total of 16 stations. This paper describes briefly the history of the project, the geologic setting, and the challenges encountered during design or anticipated during construction. It also introduces, as part of contract documentation, an interpretive geotechnical baseline report which establishes the basis for identification and recognition of site condition baselines . In so doing, this report (known as a GDSR ) has proven to be an effective tool for ameliorating contractual problems and facilitating conflict resolution

    Analytical two-center integrals over Slater geminal functions

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    We present analytical formulas for the calculation of the two-center two-electron integrals in the basis of Slater geminals and products of Slater orbitals. Our derivation starts with establishing a inhomogeneous fourth-order ordinary differential equation that is obeyed by the master integral, the simplest integral with inverse powers of all interparticle distances. To solve this equation it was necessary to introduce a new family of special functions which are defined through their series expansions around regular singular points of the differential equation. To increase the power of the interparticle distances under the sign of the integral we developed a family of open-ended recursion relations. A handful of special cases of the integrals is also analysed with some remarks on simplifications that occur. Additionally, we present some numerical examples of the master integral that validate the usefulness and correctness of the key equations derived in this paper. In particular, we compare our results with the calculations based on the series expansion of the exp(-\gamma r12) term in the master integral.Comment: 28 pages, 0 figures, 7 table

    In vivo chemical and structural analysis of plant cuticular waxes using stimulated Raman scattering microscopy.

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    The cuticle is a ubiquitous, predominantly waxy layer on the aerial parts of higher plants that fulfils a number of essential physiological roles, including regulating evapotranspiration, light reflection, and heat tolerance, control of development, and providing an essential barrier between the organism and environmental agents such as chemicals or some pathogens. The structure and composition of the cuticle are closely associated but are typically investigated separately using a combination of structural imaging and biochemical analysis of extracted waxes. Recently, techniques that combine stain-free imaging and biochemical analysis, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy microscopy and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy microscopy, have been used to investigate the cuticle, but the detection sensitivity is severely limited by the background signals from plant pigments. We present a new method for label-free, in vivo structural and biochemical analysis of plant cuticles based on stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy. As a proof of principle, we used SRS microscopy to analyze the cuticles from a variety of plants at different times in development. We demonstrate that the SRS virtually eliminates the background interference compared with coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy imaging and results in label-free, chemically specific confocal images of cuticle architecture with simultaneous characterization of cuticle composition. This innovative use of the SRS spectroscopy may find applications in agrochemical research and development or in studies of wax deposition during leaf development and, as such, represents an important step in the study of higher plant cuticles

    Photosynthesis-independent production of reactive oxygen species in the rice bundle sheath during high light is mediated by NADPH oxidase.

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    When exposed to high light, plants produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). In Arabidopsis thaliana, local stress such as excess heat or light initiates a systemic ROS wave in phloem and xylem cells dependent on NADPH oxidase/respiratory burst oxidase homolog (RBOH) proteins. In the case of excess light, although the initial local accumulation of ROS preferentially takes place in bundle-sheath strands, little is known about how this response takes place. Using rice and the ROS probes diaminobenzidine and 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, we found that, after exposure to high light, ROS were produced more rapidly in bundle-sheath strands than mesophyll cells. This response was not affected either by CO2 supply or photorespiration. Consistent with these findings, deep sequencing of messenger RNA (mRNA) isolated from mesophyll or bundle-sheath strands indicated balanced accumulation of transcripts encoding all major components of the photosynthetic apparatus. However, transcripts encoding several isoforms of the superoxide/H2O2-producing enzyme NADPH oxidase were more abundant in bundle-sheath strands than mesophyll cells. ROS production in bundle-sheath strands was decreased in mutant alleles of the bundle-sheath strand preferential isoform of OsRBOHA and increased when it was overexpressed. Despite the plethora of pathways able to generate ROS in response to excess light, NADPH oxidase-mediated accumulation of ROS in the rice bundle-sheath strand was detected in etiolated leaves lacking chlorophyll. We conclude that photosynthesis is not necessary for the local ROS response to high light but is in part mediated by NADPH oxidase activity

    Intraspecfic variation in cold-temperature metabolic phenotypes of Arabidopsis lyrata ssp petraea

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    Atmospheric temperature is a key factor in determining the distribution of a plant species. Alongside this, plant populations growing at the margin of their range may exhibit traits that indicate genetic differentiation and adaptation to their local abiotic environment. We investigated whether geographically separated marginal populations of Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea have distinct metabolic phenotypes associated with exposure to cold temperatures. Seeds of A. petraea were obtained from populations along a latitudinal gradient, namely Wales, Sweden and Iceland and grown in a controlled cabinet environment. Mannose, glucose, fructose, sucrose and raffinose concentrations were different between cold treatments and populations, especially in the Welsh population, but polyhydric alcohol concentrations were not. The free amino acid compositions were population specific, with fold differences in most amino acids, especially in the Icelandic populations, with gross changes in amino acids, particularly those associated with glutamine metabolism. Metabolic fingerprints and profiles were obtained. Principal component analysis (PCA) of metabolite fingerprints revealed metabolic characteristic phenotypes for each population and temperature. It is suggested that amino acids and carbohydrates were responsible for discriminating populations within the PCA. Metabolite fingerprinting and profiling has proved to be sufficiently sensitive to identify metabolic differences between plant populations at different atmospheric temperatures. These findings show that there is significant natural variation in cold metabolism among populations of A. l. petraea which may signify plant adaptation to local climates

    The RNase Rny1p cleaves tRNAs and promotes cell death during oxidative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The cellular response to stress conditions involves a decision between survival or cell death when damage is severe. A conserved stress response in eukaryotes involves endonucleolytic cleavage of transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The mechanism and significance of such tRNA cleavage is unknown. We show that in yeast, tRNAs are cleaved by the RNase T2 family member Rny1p, which is released from the vacuole into the cytosol during oxidative stress. Rny1p modulates yeast cell survival during oxidative stress independently of its catalytic ability. This suggests that upon release to the cytosol, Rny1p promotes cell death by direct interactions with downstream components. Thus, detection of Rny1p, and possibly its orthologues, in the cytosol may be a conserved mechanism for assessing cellular damage and determining cell survival, analogous to the role of cytochrome c as a marker for mitochondrial damage

    Light-driven chloride transport kinetics of halorhodopsin

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    Despite growing interest in light-driven ion pumps for use in optogenetics, current estimates of their transport rates span two orders of magnitude due to challenges in measuring slow transport processes and determining protein concentration and/or orientation in membranes in vitro. In this study, we report, to our knowledge, the first direct quantitative measurement of light-driven Cl transport rates of the anion pump halorohodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR). We used light-interfaced voltage clamp measurements on NpHR-expressing oocytes to obtain a transport rate of 219 (± 98) Cl /protein/s for a photon flux of 630 photons/protein/s. The measurement is consistent with the literature-reported quantum efficiency of ∌30% for NpHR, i.e., 0.3 isomerizations per photon absorbed. To reconcile our measurements with an earlier-reported 20 ms rate-limiting step, or 35 turnovers/protein/s, we conducted, to our knowledge, novel consecutive single-turnover flash experiments that demonstrate that under continuous illumination, NpHR bypasses this step in the photocycle
