45 research outputs found

    The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat suitability in a human-modified landscape

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    Roads are human infrastructure that heavily affect wildlife, often with marked impacts on carnivores, including brown bears Ursus arctos. Here, we assessed the potential impact of road networks on the distribution of brown bears in the small, isolated and endangered Cantabrian population of north-western Spain. To ascertain whether local road networks affect brown bear spatial distribution, we first assessed potential influences on the distance of bear locations to roads using candidate models which included topographic variables, landcover types, bear age and reproductive status, traffic volume and road visibility. Then, we built two sets of habitat suitability models, both with and without roads, to discern the possible loss of habitat suitability caused by roads. The mean distance of bear locations to the nearest road was 968 804 m and the closest road was a low traffic road in 72.5% of cases. Candidate models showed little influence of our variables on bear distance to the nearest road, with the exception of elevation. Habitat suitability models revealed that road networks in our study area seem to have almost no effect on brown bear habitat suitability, except for females with yearlings during the denning season. However, this result may also be a consequence of the fact that only a small proportion (16.5%) of the cells classified as suitable bear habitats were crossed by roads, that is, most of the roads are primarily located in unsuitable bear habitats in the Cantabrian Mountains. Compared to previous studies conducted in other populations, mainly North American ones, our findings might suggest a different response of Eurasian brown bears to roads due to a longer bear-human coexistence in Europe versus North America. However, the indirect approach used in our study does not exclude other detrimental effects, for example, road mortality, increased stress and movement pattern disruption, only detectable by more direct approaches such as telemetry

    Phenology of brown bear breeding season and related geographical cues

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited[EN] Knowledge about breeding biology is often incomplete in species with complex reproductive strategies. The brown bear Ursus arctos is a polygamous seasonal breeder inhabiting a wide variety of habitats and environmental conditions. We compiled information about brown bear breeding season dates from 36 study areas across their distribution range in the Palearctic and Nearctic regions and investigated how their breeding phenology relates to geographical factors (latitude, photoperiod, altitude and region). Brown bear matings were observed for 8 months, from April to November, with a peak in May–July. We found a 59-day difference in the onset of bear breeding season among study areas, with an average 2.3 days delay for each degree of latitude northwards. The onset of the breeding season showed a strong relationship with photoperiod and latitude, but not with region (i.e. Palearctic vs Nearctic) and altitude. First observations of bear mating occurred earlier in areas at lower latitudes. Photoperiod ranged between 14 and 18 hours at the beginning of the season for most of the study areas. The duration of the breeding season ranged from 25 to 138 days among study areas. None of the investigated factors was related to the length of the breeding season. Our results support the relevance of photoperiod to the onset of breeding, as found in other ursids, but not a shorter breeding season at higher latitudes, a pattern reported in other mammals. Our findings suggest a marked seasonality of bear reproductive behaviour, but also certain level of plasticity. Systematic field observations of breeding behaviour are needed to increase our knowledge on the factors determining mating behaviour in species with complex systems and how these species may adapt to climate change.SIWe thank Marjan Artnak, Peter Bajc, Matic Brenk, Tomáš Flajs, Uroš Grželj, Robert Hlavica, Aleš Jagodnik, Peter Klančar, Anton Marinčič, Mariusz Nędzyński, Borut Semenič and Vladimir Vician for providing information about their observations of bear mating. Robert Gatzka assisted with data collection in the Biezszcady Mountains. We thank Jon Swenson and Jumpei Tomiyasu for their help in the literature search. AGR and NS were supported by the BearConnect project funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (2016/22/Z/NZ8/00121) through the 2015-2016 BiodivERsA COFUND call for research proposals, with the national funders ANR/DLR-PT/UEFISCDI/NCN/RCN. Additional funding from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project NN304- 294037, NS, IEC, KB), the National Science Centre in Poland (project DEC-2013/08/M/NZ9/ 00469, NS), the National Centre for Research and Development (GLOBE, POL-NOR/198352/85/ 2013, NS, TZK, FZ) and Slovenian Research Agency (P4-0059, MK) is acknowledged. AGR and NS conceived the study and wrote a first draft of the paper; AGR and NS compiled the data, AGR analyzed the data; all authors provided data and comments that improved the manuscript. We thank two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on the previous versions of the manuscript

    The influence of road networks on brown bear spatial distribution and habitat suitability in a human-modified landscape

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    Roads are human infrastructure that heavily affect wildlife, often with marked impacts on carnivores, including brown bears Ursus arctos. Here, we assessed the potential impact of road networks on the distribution of brown bears in the small, isolated and endangered Cantabrian population of north-western Spain. To ascertain whether local road networks affect brown bear spatial distribution, we first assessed potential influences on the distance of bear locations to roads using candidate models which included topographic variables, landcover types, bear age and reproductive status, traffic volume and road visibility. Then, we built two sets of habitat suitability models, both with and without roads, to discern the possible loss of habitat suitability caused by roads. The mean distance of bear locations to the nearest road was 968 ± 804 m and the closest road was a low traffic road in 72.5% of cases. Candidate models showed little influence of our variables on bear distance to the nearest road, with the exception of elevation. Habitat suitability models revealed that road networks in our study area seem to have almost no effect on brown bear habitat suitability, except for females with yearlings during the denning season. However, this result may also be a consequence of the fact that only a small proportion (16.5%) of the cells classified as suitable bear habitats were crossed by roads, that is, most of the roads are primarily located in unsuitable bear habitats in the Cantabrian Mountains. Compared to previous studies conducted in other populations, mainly North American ones, our findings might suggest a different response of Eurasian brown bears to roads due to a longer bear-human coexistence in Europe versus North America. However, the indirect approach used in our study does not exclude other detrimental effects, for example, road mortality, increased stress and movement pattern disruption, only detectable by more direct approaches such as telemetry.During this research, EG-B was financially supported by a FPU grant (FPU15-03429) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. VP, EG-B, AMG and HRV were financially supported by the I + D + I Project PID2020-114181GB-I00 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, EU). AMG was supported by the Predoctoral Fellowship PRE2018-086102. AZA was financially supported by a Margarita Salas contract financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU, Ministerio de Universidades y Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, through the call of the Universidad de Oviedo (Asturias).Peer reviewe

    Phonon driven transport in amorphous semiconductors: Transition probabilities

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    Inspired by Holstein's work on small polaron hopping, the evolution equations of localized states and extended states in presence of atomic vibrations are derived for an amorphous semiconductor. The transition probabilities are obtained for four types of transitions: from one localized state to another localized state, from a localized state to an extended state, from an extended state to a localized state, and from one extended state to another extended state. At a temperature not too low, any process involving localized state is activated. The computed mobility of the transitions between localized states agrees with the observed `hopping mobility'. We suggest that the observed `drift mobility' originates from the transitions from localized states to extended states. Analysis of the transition probability from an extended state to a localized state suggests that there exists a short-lifetime belt of extended states inside conduction band or valence band. It agrees with the fact that photoluminescence lifetime decreases with frequency in a-Si/SiO2_{2} quantum well while photoluminescence lifetime is not sensitive to frequency in c-Si/SiO2_{2} structure.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Historical Everyday Geopolitics on the Chile-Peru Border

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Geopolitics is increasingly seen by scholars as occurring in everyday spaces and performed by ordinary people. This paper extends this idea to historical work to examine how citizens themselves (re)produce geopolitics at the time of historical events. It does so through a case study of geopolitical tension on the Chile‐Peru border in the 1970s. Through oral histories and newspaper analysis, a historical everyday geopolitics approach reveals how those living in the Chilean border city of Arica played a part in promoting national and border security. This centres the embodied and emotional experiences of those affected by violence and conflict