146 research outputs found

    Usia Onset Pertama Penderita Skizofrenik Pada Laki Laki dan Perempuan Yang Berobat Ke Badan Layanan Umum Daerah Rumah Sakit Jiwa Propinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Latar Belakang Penelitian : National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) melaporkan penderita skizofrenik antara laki- laki dan wanita berbeda dalam onset pertama timbulnya serangan. Laki-laki mempunyai onset skizofrenik yang lebih awal dari pada wanita. Usia puncak serangan pertama untuk laki-laki adalah 15-25 tahun, untuk wanita usia puncak adalah 25-35 tahun, tetapi menurut Buchanan et al (2000) , perbedaan usia onset tersebut pada laki-laki 17-27 tahun dan pada wanita 17-37 tahun. Penelitian lain (Kaplan dan Sadock’s, 2001) mengatakan usia onset umumnya lebih banyak antara 15-35 tahun (50% di bawah umur 25 tahun), sementara menurut Meltzer et al (2000) rata-rata usia untuk pasien wanita adalah 25 tahun dengan antara 15-30 tahun. Untuk pasien laki-laki rata-rata 20 tahun dengan antara 10-24 tahun, dan Africa B et al (2000) mengatakan onset yang cepat sebelum pubertas dan lambat setelah umur 46 tahun. Skizofrenik onset anak sangat jarang pada usia yang sangat dini ( 6 tahun) tetapi insidensinya meningkat dan menetap pada usia 12-14 tahun. Berbagai penelitian mengenai usia onset skizofrenik telah dilakukan, tetapi berapa usia onset pertama skizofrenik di Indonesia belum diketahui meskipun kasus-kasus skizofrenik sering ditemukan. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui usia onset pertama penderita skizofrenik khususnya di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Objek : Untuk mengetahui usia onsert pertama penderita skizofrenik pada laki-laki dan perempuan yang berobat ke Badan  Layanan  Umum  Daerah  (BLUD)  Rumah  Sakit  Jiwa  Propinsi  Sumatera  Utara  dan  untuk  mengetahui perbandingan usia onset pertama penderita skizofrenik berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Metodologi : Suatu penelitian Cross Sectional analitik yang dilakukan terhadap seluruh penderita skizofrenik yang datang berobat ke instalasi rawat jalan BLUD Rumah Sakit Jiwa Propinsi Sumatera Utara. Hasil : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari data responden yang berjumlah 400 orang didapatkan hasil: usia onset pertama penderita skizofrenik yang terbanyak pada umur antara 21-25 tahun yaitu 100 (25%), suku batak 242 orang (60,5%), pendidikan SMU 164 orang (40,9%), status tidak kawin 271 (67,8%), tidak bekerja 325 (81,23%), dan kebanyakan berada diluar Medan 214 (53,5%) dan usia onset pertama penderita skizofrenik berdasarkan jenis kelamin untuk jenis kelamin laki-laki adalah 21-25 tahun (31%), sedangkan untuk perempuan 26-30 (20,5%). Kesimpulan : Ada perbedaan usia onset pertama pada penderita skizofrenik pada laki-laki dan perempuan yang berobat ke BLUD Rumah Sakit Jiwa Propinsi Sumatera Utara

    Analysis of Information and Communication Technology Literacy Capabilities to the High School Physics Teacher in Merauke

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    A physics teacher needs information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy skills in teaching and learning in the classroom. This study aims to analyze the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke city. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. Respondents involved in this study were 19 high school physics teachers in Merauke City (Merauke District). The instrument used to collect data was an ICT literacy ability questionnaire developed by researchers totaling 40 statements. The research data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques by determining the percentage of respondents' responses. The analysis showed that the average rate of ICT literacy skills in high school physics teachers was 87%. This means that in general, the ICT literacy skills of high school physics teachers in Merauke City are in the "excellent" category


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    Abstract: This study aims to find out the role of Public Relations (PR) of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) of Rantau Utara District in socializing the law on early marriage. As a theoretical basis in analyzing the problems in this qualitative research, theories about public relations and public relations communication management are used, so that researchers are required to obtain data and information by conducting in-depth interviews and observations. This research uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. The informant in the research was Mr. Muhammad Ikhwan Lubis who served as chairman of the Office of Religious Affairs in Rantau Utara District. The data collection technique used by the researcher was to conduct interviews, observation and documentation, using a phenomenological study approach, in which the researcher tried to find the meaning of the phenomenon of the role of public relations in socializing the law on early marriage at the KUA of Rantau Utara District. The data analysis used by the researcher is descriptive analysis, which summarizes all the data that has been collected from the interviews. The results of this study indicate that in socializing the law on early marriage, the Public Relations Office of the North Rantau Sub-District conducted special training for young people, and socialization as well as direct counseling to educate the public in North Rantau District.   Keywords: Public Relations Role, Office of Religious Affairs, Law, Early    Marriag


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    Daya tarik iklan adalah segala bentuk penyajian, promosi, dan ide, barang, atau jasa yang dilakukan secara non-personal oleh sponsor tertentu dengan biaya. Ini adalah cara perusahaan dapat menarik perhatian pelanggan agar mereka tahu produk dan jasa apa yang ditawarkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh daya tarik iklan terhadap kepuasan konsumen, seberapa besar pengaruh daya tarik brand image terhadap kepuasan konsumen, dan seberapa besar pengaruh daya tarik brand image dan kepuasan konsumen secara bersamaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kedua faktor ini pada kepuasan konsumen di Kota Batam. Namun, subjek penelitian ini adalah semua orang yang menggunakan Grab di Kecamatan Batuaji Kota Batam. Menggunakan proses pengambilan sampel adalah seluruh responden yang menggunakan Grab di kecamatan batuaji di Kota Batam dan jumlah populasinya yang tidak diketahui. Dalam studi ini,  analisis deskriptif, analisis data melibatkan uji validitas, reliabilitas, normalitas, multikolonieritas, heteroskedastisitas, analisis regresi linera berganda, dan uji hipotesis. Daya tarik pada penelitian ini yang menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 26 memberikan dampak yang signifikan untuk kepuasan pelanggan. Gambaran merek berdampak signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh uji f yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

    Exploration of Skipjack Fishing Ground Through Sea Surface Temperature and Catches Composition Analyzes in Palabuhanratu Bay Waters

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    Fishing ground condition is usually affected by oceanographic parameters. One of the oceanographic parameter that had been used in forecasting the availability of pelagic species such as skipjack is sea surface temperature (SST). Skipjack fish is the main target for boat seine net fishery in Palabuhanratu Bay from June to October 2007. Information on skipjack fishing ground availability is very important in order to optimize fishing operation. The purposes of the study are: to determine the SST distribution, to analyze the catch composition of skipjack, to determine the relationship between SST and skipjack catch, and to forecast the skipjack fishing ground in Palabuhanratu Bay from August to October 2007. The research consist of two stages. The first stage was conducted in Palabuhanratu Bay waters in August-October 2007, using survey method, with ten samples of boat seine net (payang). The second stage conducted on December 2007 to collect the SST data, which downloaded from the internet. The range of SST in Palabuhanratu Bay waters ranged from 22oC - 29oC in August 2007, 21oC - 27oC in September 2007 and 20oC - 31oC in October 2007. The SST had no significant effect on catch volume of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during August until October 2007, but gave effect to the size distribution. The big skipjack distributed at the wide range of SST, but the small skipjack distributed at the narrow range of SST. The potential fishing ground of skipjack in Palabuhanratu Bay during September 2007 was found at Teluk Ciletuh, Ujung Karangbentang, Cimaja, Teluk Cikepuh, Ujung Genteng, and Gedogan waters

    Effect of Daily Litter Collection on Health Behavior among Students in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

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    Background: Over the past three decades, behavioral and social researchers have identified multi-level determinants of health and health behavior. Previous studies have examined the complex processes linking health to behavior and explored the efficacy of different intervention strategies for fostering healthful behaviors and environments. Recently a new model of health promotion, namely Program Operasi Punggut Sampah Setiap Hari Bang Sampah Pembinaan Berjenjang (Opung Sari Basah Bang), has been introduced to some high schools in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera, which aimed at promoting clean and healthy behavior changes among adolescents. This program is intended to be a long-term maintenance of behavior change, as well as an effective strategy for achieving sustainable health promotion and disease prevention. This study aimed to determine the effect of daily litter collection (Opung Sari Basah Bang) on clean and healthy behavior among students in Deli Serdang, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a quasi-experiment before and after with no control design conducted at Pancur Batu High School, Deli Serdang, North Sumatera, from April to May 2018. A sample of 88 students was selected for this study. The dependent variable was clean and healthy behavior. The independent variable was daily litter collection model (Opung Sari Basah Bang). Health behavior was measured before and after intervention by questionnaire and observation. The data were analyzed by a chi-square test with Risk Ratio (RR) as the measure of effect. Results: Clean and healthy behavior improved after the implementation of Opung Sari Basah Bang (RR= 32.73; 95% CI= 8.27 to 129.55; p= 0.001). Conclusion: Opung Sari Basah Bang is effective to improve clean and healthy behavior among high school students. Keywords: Opung Sari Basah Bang, daily litter collection, clean and healthy behavio

    Comparative Test on the Level Contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. on Broiler Meat at Slaughterhouses and Traditional Markets in Medan

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    Contamination of meat is common Contamination of meat often occurs which endangers the health of consumers. This study aims to determine the presence of bacterial contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. on broiler meat at slaughterhouses and traditional markets in Medan City. This study used a survey method with a purposive sampling technique and used 60 samples (30 from slaughterhouses and 30 from traditional markets). There were 3 slaughterhouses (slaughterhouses Johor, slaughterhouses setia budi, and slaughterhouses padang bulan) and three traditional markets (traditional market Johor, Setia Budi and   Padang bulan). Samples were analyzed at the Laboratory Microbiology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan. The results showed that the average total amount of Escherichia coli in  the sample from chicken slaughterhouses was 3.15 log CFU/g, and from the traditional markets was 3.39 log CFU/g. The number of samples contaminated by Salmonella sp. in chicken slaughterhouses was 17 of 30 samples, whereas on the traditional market were 20 of the 30 samples. This study concludes that the average total amount of Escherichia coli microbes in    samples from chicken slaughterhouses and traditional markets in Medan City all of them had exceeded the maximum limit of microbial contamination, based on the microbiological quality requirements of  SNI 3932: 2008, which is 1x101 CFU/g. While the bacterial contamination rate of Salmonella sp. in chicken slaughterhouses was 56%, and in the traditional market was 66%

    Analisis Beban Kerja Public Area Attendant di Hotel Aryaduta Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the right number of employees which is Public Area Attendant ideal workload handled at Aryaduta Hotel Pekanbaru.This research was used descriptive quantitative method toexamined the issues. The sample in this research are 5 people and used census method. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews and documentation. This research was used the exponent determinants technique (exponential smoothing), with two exponents in the human resources planning which consists of exponents workload in producing a product, as an analysis of the workload (work load analysis) and exponent of time (cycle time) to complete a product and to find the number of employees or staff that were ideal.Based on the research that has been done, for the whole of the results and from the calculation of ideal working time for the Public Area Attendant still need 1 person, that number must be filled by Aryaduta Hotel to cover their staff workload