727 research outputs found

    Data Dissemination Performance in Large-Scale Sensor Networks

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    As the use of wireless sensor networks increases, the need for (energy-)efficient and reliable broadcasting algorithms grows. Ideally, a broadcasting algorithm should have the ability to quickly disseminate data, while keeping the number of transmissions low. In this paper we develop a model describing the message count in large-scale wireless sensor networks. We focus our attention on the popular Trickle algorithm, which has been proposed as a suitable communication protocol for code maintenance and propagation in wireless sensor networks. Besides providing a mathematical analysis of the algorithm, we propose a generalized version of Trickle, with an additional parameter defining the length of a listen-only period. This generalization proves to be useful for optimizing the design and usage of the algorithm. For single-cell networks we show how the message count increases with the size of the network and how this depends on the Trickle parameters. Furthermore, we derive distributions of inter-broadcasting times and investigate their asymptotic behavior. Our results prove conjectures made in the literature concerning the effect of a listen-only period. Additionally, we develop an approximation for the expected number of transmissions in multi-cell networks. All results are validated by simulations

    Predit: A temporal predictive framework for scheduling systems

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    Scheduling can be formalized as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). Within this framework activities belonging to a plan are interconnected via temporal constraints that account for slack among them. Temporal representation must include methods for constraints propagation and provide a logic for symbolic and numerical deductions. In this paper we describe a support framework for opportunistic reasoning in constraint directed scheduling. In order to focus the attention of an incremental scheduler on critical problem aspects, some discrete temporal indexes are presented. They are also useful for the prediction of the degree of resources contention. The predictive method expressed through our indexes can be seen as a Knowledge Source for an opportunistic scheduler with a blackboard architecture

    Conserved Amino Acids in Each Subunit of the Heteroligomeric tRNA m\u3csup\u3e1\u3c/sup\u3eA58 Mtase from \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces cerevisiae\u3c/em\u3e Contribute to tRNA Binding

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a two-subunit methyltransferase (Mtase) encoded by the essential genes TRM6 and TRM61 is responsible for the formation of 1-methyladenosine, a modified nucleoside found at position 58 in tRNA that is critical for the stability of . The crystal structure of the homotetrameric m1A58 tRNA Mtase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TrmI, has been solved and was used as a template to build a model of the yeast m1A58 tRNA Mtase heterotetramer. We altered amino acids in TRM6 and TRM61 that were predicted to be important for the stability of the heteroligomer based on this model. Yeast strains expressing trm6 and trm61 mutants exhibited growth phenotypes indicative of reduced m1A formation. In addition, recombinant mutant enzymes had reduced in vitro Mtase activity. We demonstrate that the mutations introduced do not prevent heteroligomer formation and do not disrupt binding of the cofactor S-adenosyl-l-methionine. Instead, amino acid substitutions in either Trm6p or Trm61p destroy the ability of the yeast m1A58 tRNA Mtase to bind , indicating that each subunit contributes to tRNA binding and suggesting a structural alteration of the substrate-binding pocket occurs when these mutations are present

    NMR Dynamics Investigation of Ligand-Induced Changes of Main and Side-Chain Arginine N-H’s in Human Phosphomevalonate Kinase

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    Phosphomevalonate kinase (PMK) catalyzes phosphoryl transfer from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to mevalonate 5-phosphate (M5P) on the pathway for synthesizing cholesterol and other isoprenoids. To permit this reaction, its substrates must be brought proximal, which would result in a significant and repulsive buildup of negative charge. To facilitate this difficult task, PMK contains 17 arginines and eight lysines. However, the way in which this charge neutralization and binding is achieved, from a structural and dynamics perspective, is not known. More broadly, the role of arginine side-chain dynamics in binding of charged substrates has not been experimentally defined for any protein to date. Herein we report a characterization of changes to the dynamical state of the arginine side chains in PMK due to binding of its highly charged substrates, ATP and M5P. These studies were facilitated by the use of arginine-selective labeling to eliminate spectral overlap. Model-free analysis indicated that while substrate binding has little effect on the arginine backbone dynamics, binding of either substrate leads to significant rigidification of the arginine side chains throughout the protein, even those that are \u3e8 Å from the binding site. Such a global rigidification of arginine side chains is unprecedented and suggests that there are long-range electrostatic interactions of sufficient strength to restrict the motion of arginine side chains on the picosecond-to-nanosecond time scale. It will be interesting to see whether such effects are general for arginine residues in proteins that bind highly charged substrates, once additional studies of arginine side-chain dynamics are reported

    Bleomycin Binding Sites on Alveolar Macrophages

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    Previous work has demonstrated that bleomycin can directly stimulate alveolar macrophage secretion of fibroblast growth factors and monocyte chemotactic factors. In this study, rat alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage were examined for the presence of bleomycin binding sites, which might mediate this response. The results indicated that alveolar macrophages have specific, saturable, and reversible binding sites. Both high‐ and low‐affinity binding sites were found; each macrophage possessed 6.7 × 104 high‐affinity sites, with a Kd, of 528 nM, and 2.2 × 106 low‐affinity sites, with a Kd of 65 μM. The Kd of the high‐affinity sites corresponds closely to the ED50 obtained from dose‐response curves of the bleomycin‐stimulated secretion of both fibroblast growth and monocyte chemotactic factors, suggesting that bleomycin stimulation of alveolar macrophage function responses may be mediated by bleomycin interaction with these sites.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141017/1/jlb0519.pd

    Pengaruh Pengamatan Lingkungan dan Implementasi Strategi Diferensiasi terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing melalui Kualitas Layanan

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    Memodifikasi atau menerapkan strategi bersaing yang tepat akan menghasilkan suatu keunggulan bersaing serta kinerja pemasaran yang baik yang selalu diharapkan setiap Perusahaan untuk mencapai suatu keunggulan, seperti pada PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Bank BNI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengamatan lingkungan terhadap kualitas layanan, implementasi strategi diferensiasi terhadap kualitas layanan, pengamatan lingkungan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, implementasi strategi diferensiasi terhadap keunggulan bersaing, dan kualitas layanan terhadap keunggulan bersaing pada Bank BNI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asosiatif dimana populasi sasaran adalah pimpinan bank BNI sebanyak 32 orang. Analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengamatan lingkungan memiliki pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kualitas layanan, implementasi strategi diferensiasi memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kualitas layanan, pengamatan lingkungan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap keunggulan bersaing, implementasi strategi diferensiasi tidak signifikan pengaruhnya terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kualitas layanan berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing. Sebaiknya manajemen bank BNI senantiasa memperhatikan implementasi strategi diferensiasi dan kualitas layanan untuk mempertahankan keunggulan bersaingnya. Kata kunci: pengamatan lingkungan, strategi diferensiasi, keunggulan bersaing, kualitas layana

    Substrate Induced Structural and Dynamics Changes in Human Phosphomevalonate Iinase and Implications for Mechanism

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    Phosphomevalonate kinase (PMK) catalyzes an essential step in the mevalonate pathway, which is the only pathway for synthesis of isoprenoids and steroids in humans. PMK catalyzes transfer of the γ-phosphate of ATP to mevalonate 5-phosphate (M5P) to form mevalonate 5-diphosphate. Bringing these phosphate groups in proximity to react is especially challenging, given the high negative charge density on the four phosphate groups in the active site. As such, conformational and dynamics changes needed to form the Michaelis complex are of mechanistic interest. Herein, we report the characterization of substrate induced changes (Mg-ADP, M5P, and the ternary complex) in PMK using NMR-based dynamics and chemical shift perturbation measurements. Mg-ADP and M5P Kd\u27s were 6–60 μM in all complexes, consistent with there being little binding synergy. Binding of M5P causes the PMK structure to compress (τc = 13.5 nsec), whereas subsequent binding of Mg-ADP opens the structure up (τc = 15.6 nsec). The overall complex seems to stay very rigid on the psec-nsec timescale with an average NMR order parameter of S2 ∼0.88. Data are consistent with addition of M5P causing movement around a hinge region to permit domain closure, which would bring the M5P domain close to ATP to permit catalysis. Dynamics data identify potential hinge residues as H55 and R93, based on their low order parameters and their location in extended regions that connect the M5P and ATP domains in the PMK homology model. Likewise, D163 may be a hinge residue for the lid region that is homologous to the adenylate kinase lid, covering the “Walker-A” catalytic loop. Binding of ATP or ADP appears to cause similar conformational changes; however, these observations do not indicate an obvious role for γ-phosphate binding interactions. Indeed, the role of γ-phosphate interactions may be more subtle than suggested by ATP/ADP comparisons, because the conservative O to NH substitution in the β-γ bridge of ATP causes a dramatic decrease in affinity and induces few chemical shift perturbations. In terms of positioning of catalytic residues, binding of M5P induces a rigidification of Gly21 (adjacent to the catalytically important Lys22), although exchange broadening in the ternary complex suggests some motion on a slower timescale does still occur. Finally, the first nine residues of the N-terminus are highly disordered, suggesting that they may be part of a cleavable signal or regulatory peptide sequence. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc