12 research outputs found

    JunB is essential for mammalian placentation.

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    Lack of JunB, an immediate early gene product and member of the AP-1 transcription factor family causes embryonic lethality between E8.5 and E10.0. Although mutant embryos are severely retarded in growth and development, cellular proliferation is apparently not impaired. Retardation and embryonic death are caused by the inability of JunB-deficient embryos to establish proper vascular interactions with the maternal circulation due to multiple defects in extra-embryonic tissues. The onset of the phenotypic defects correlates well with high expression of junB in wild-type extra-embryonic tissues. In trophoblasts, the lack of JunB causes a deregulation of proliferin, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) gene expression, resulting in a defective neovascularization of the decidua. As a result of downregulation of the VEGF-receptor 1 (flt-1), blood vessels in the yolk sac mesoderm appeared dilated. Mutant embryos which escape these initial defects finally die from a non-vascularized placental labyrinth. Injection of junB-/- embryonic stem (ES) cells into tetraploid wild-type blastocysts resulted in a partial rescue, in which the ES cell-derived fetuses were no longer growth retarded and displayed a normal placental labyrinth. Therefore, JunB appears to be involved in multiple signaling pathways regulating genes involved in the establishment of a proper feto-maternal circulatory system

    Altered subcellular localization of transcription factor TEAD4 regulates first mammalian cell lineage commitment

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    In the preimplantation mouse embryo, TEAD4 is critical to establishing the trophectoderm (TE)-specific transcriptional program and segregating TE from the inner cell mass (ICM). However, TEAD4 is expressed in the TE and the ICM. Thus, differential function of TEAD4 rather than expression itself regulates specification of the first two cell lineages. We used ChIP sequencing to define genomewide TEAD4 target genes and asked how transcription of TEAD4 target genes is specifically maintained in the TE. Our analyses revealed an evolutionarily conserved mechanism, in which lack of nuclear localization of TEAD4 impairs the TE-specific transcriptional program in inner blastomeres, thereby allowing their maturation toward the ICM lineage. Restoration of TEAD4 nuclear localization maintains the TE-specific transcriptional program in the inner blastomeres and prevents segregation of the TE and ICM lineages and blastocyst formation. We propose that altered subcellular localization of TEAD4 in blastomeres dictates first mammalian cell fate specification

    Critical role for NF-κB-induced JunB in VEGF regulation and tumor angiogenesis

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    Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression is a complex process involving a plethora of transcriptional regulators. The AP-1 transcription factor is considered as facilitator of hypoxia-induced VEGF expression through interaction with hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) which plays a major role in mediating the cellular hypoxia response. As yet, both the decisive AP-1 subunit leading to VEGF induction and the molecular mechanism by which this subunit is activated have not been deciphered. Here, we demonstrate that the AP-1 subunit junB is a target gene of hypoxia-induced signaling via NF-κB. Loss of JunB in various cell types results in severely impaired hypoxia-induced VEGF expression, although HIF is present and becomes stabilized. Thus, we identify JunB as a critical independent regulator of VEGF transcription and provide a mechanistic explanation for the inherent vascular phenotypes seen in JunB-deficient embryos, ex vivo allantois explants and in vitro differentiated embryoid bodies. In support of these findings, tumor angiogenesis was impaired in junB(−/−) teratocarcinomas because of severely impaired paracrine-acting VEGF and the subsequent inability to efficiently recruit host-derived vessels

    Placental Vasculogenesis Is Regulated by Keratin-Mediated Hyperoxia in Murine Decidual Tissues

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    The mammalian placenta represents the interface between maternal and embryonic tissues and provides nutrients and gas exchange during embryo growth. Recently, keratin intermediate filament proteins were found to regulate embryo growth upstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway through glucose transporter relocalization and to contribute to yolk sac vasculogenesis through altered bone morphogenetic protein 4 signaling. Whether keratins have vital functions in extraembryonic tissues is not well understood. Here, we report that keratins are essential for placental function. In the absence of keratins, we find hyperoxia in the decidual tissue directly adjacent to the placenta, because of an increased maternal vasculature. Hyperoxia causes impaired vasculogenesis through defective hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and vascular endothelial growth factor signaling, resulting in invagination defects of fetal blood vessels into the chorion. In turn, the reduced labyrinth, together with impaired gas exchange between maternal and embryonic blood, led to increased hypoxia in keratin-deficient embryos. We provide evidence that keratin-positive trophoblast secretion of prolactin-like protein a (Prlpa) and placental growth factor (PlGF) during decidualization are altered in the absence of keratins, leading to increased infiltration of uterine natural killer cells into placental vicinity and increased vascularization of the maternal decidua. Our findings suggest that keratin mutations might mediate conditions leading to early pregnancy loss due to hyperoxia in the decidua