3 research outputs found

    Confidentiality of correspondence with counsel as a requirement of a fair trial in Italy

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    Analisi critica della disciplina normativa, alla luce dei principi costituzionali e convenzionali, del diritto di difesa dell’imputato nel processo penale, con particolare riguardo al rapporto con il difensore e alla tutela della riservatezz

    Brain-Computer Interfaces and the Protection of the Fundamental Rights of the Vulnerable Persons

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    The contribution deals with the legal aspects of the brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and, in particular, of those used for the assisted and augmented communication of subjects not able to express themselves with eye-controlled devices. The chapter outlines the constitutional rights involved in the use of BCI, the European discipline applicable to their manufacture and, taking into consideration an Italian case-law, which seems to be extensible to other legal families, wonders the possible legal regime of the personal will expressed through those BCI so to protect vulnerable persons from abuse