17 research outputs found

    Compromiso por la calidad de las sociedades científicas en España

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    En este artículo se resumen los objetivos, la metodología y las primeras conclusiones del proyecto «Compromiso por la calidad de las sociedades científicas en España», coordinado por el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna y el Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, en el que participan 48 sociedades científicas. Los objetivos de este proyecto son: disminuir la utilización de intervenciones médicas innecesarias, que son las que no han demostrado eficacia, tienen escasa o dudosa efectividad, o no son coste-efectivas; disminuir la variabilidad en la práctica clínica; difundir entre médicos y pacientes el compromiso con el uso adecuado de recursos sanitarios y, por último, promover la seguridad clínica. En el documento se incluyen 135 recomendaciones finales de «no hacer» elaboradas por 30 sociedades científicas españolas. This article summarises the objectives, methodology and initial conclusions of the project “Commitment to Quality of the Spanish Scientific Societies”, coordinated by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and the Aragon Institute of Health Sciences, in which 48 scientific societies participate. This project's objectives are to decrease the use of unnecessary medical interventions, which are those that have shown no efficacy, have little or questionable effectiveness or are not cost-effective; decrease variability in clinical practice; promote the commitment among physicians and patients to properly use healthcare resources; and to promote clinical safety. The document includes 135 final recommendations for what not to do, prepared by 30 Spanish scientific societies

    Another beauty of analytical chemistry: chemical analysis of inorganic pigments of art and archaeological objects

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    [EN] This lecture text shows what fascinating tasks analytical chemists face in Art Conservation and Archaeology, and it is hoped that students reading it will realize that passions for science, arts or history are by no means mutually exclusive. This study describes the main analytical techniques used since the eighteenth century, and in particular, the instrumental techniques developed throughout the last century for analyzing pigments and inorganic materials, in general, which are found in cultural artefacts, such as artworks and archaeological remains. The lecture starts with a historical review on the use of analytical methods for the analysis of pigments from archaeological and art objects. Three different periods can be distinguished in the history of the application of the Analytical Chemistry in Archaeometrical and Art Conservation studies: (a) the "Formation'' period (eighteenth century1930), (b) the "Maturing'' period (1930-1970), and (c) the "Expansion'' period (1970-nowadays). A classification of analytical methods specifically established in the fields of Archaeometry and Conservation Science is also provided. After this, some sections are devoted to the description of a number of analytical techniques, which are most commonly used in routine analysis of pigments from cultural heritage. Each instrumental section gives the fundamentals of the instrumental technique, together with relevant analytical data and examples of applications.Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from Spanish ‘‘I+D+I MINECO’’ projects CTQ2011-28079-CO3-01 and CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P supported by ERDEF funds.Domenech Carbo, MT.; Osete Cortina, L. (2016). 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National Gallery of Art, Washington, pp 65–108Domenech-Carbó MT, de Agredos Vazquez, Pascual ML, Osete-Cortina L, Domenech A, Guasch-Ferré N, Manzanilla LR, Vidal C (2012) Characterization of Pre-hispanic cosmetics found in a burial of the ancient city of Teotihuacan (Mexico). J Archaeol Sci 39:1043–1062Mühlethaler B, Thissen J (1993) Smalt. In: Roy A (ed) Artists’ pigments. A handbook of their history and characteristics, vol 2. National Gallery of Art, Washington, pp 113–130Musumarra G, Fichera M (1998) Chemometrics and cultural heritage. Chemometr Intell Lab Syst 44:363–372Hochleitner B, Schreiner M, Drakopoulos M, Snigireva I, Snigirev A (2005) Analysis of paint layers by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron induced X-ray micro-diffraction. In: Van Grieken R, Janssens K (eds) Cultural heritage conservation and environment impact assessment by non-destructive testing and micro-analysis. 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Clay Miner 36:403–419Doménech-Carbó A, Doménech-Carbó MT, López-López F, Valle-Algarra FM, Osete-Cortina L, Arcos-Von Haartman E (2013) Electrochemical characterization of egyptian blue pigment in wall paintings using the voltammetry of microparticles methodology. Electroanalysis 25:2621–2630Doménech-Carbó MT, Edwards HGM, Doménech-Carbó A, del Hoyo-Meléndez JM, de la Cruz-Cañizares J (2012) An authentication case study: Antonio Palomino vs. Vicente Guillo paintings in the vaulted ceiling of the Sant Joan del Mercat church (Valencia, Spain). J Raman Spectrosc 43:1250–1259Lovric M, Scholz F (1999) A model for the coupled transport of ions and electrons in redox conductive microcrystals. J Solid State Electrochem 3:172–175Oldham KB (1998) Voltammetry at a three phase junction. 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    Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and the UK.

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    BACKGROUND: A safe and efficacious vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), if deployed with high coverage, could contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in a pooled interim analysis of four trials. METHODS: This analysis includes data from four ongoing blinded, randomised, controlled trials done across the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. Participants aged 18 years and older were randomly assigned (1:1) to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine or control (meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y conjugate vaccine or saline). Participants in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group received two doses containing 5 × 1010 viral particles (standard dose; SD/SD cohort); a subset in the UK trial received a half dose as their first dose (low dose) and a standard dose as their second dose (LD/SD cohort). The primary efficacy analysis included symptomatic COVID-19 in seronegative participants with a nucleic acid amplification test-positive swab more than 14 days after a second dose of vaccine. Participants were analysed according to treatment received, with data cutoff on Nov 4, 2020. Vaccine efficacy was calculated as 1 - relative risk derived from a robust Poisson regression model adjusted for age. Studies are registered at ISRCTN89951424 and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04324606, NCT04400838, and NCT04444674. FINDINGS: Between April 23 and Nov 4, 2020, 23 848 participants were enrolled and 11 636 participants (7548 in the UK, 4088 in Brazil) were included in the interim primary efficacy analysis. In participants who received two standard doses, vaccine efficacy was 62·1% (95% CI 41·0-75·7; 27 [0·6%] of 4440 in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group vs71 [1·6%] of 4455 in the control group) and in participants who received a low dose followed by a standard dose, efficacy was 90·0% (67·4-97·0; three [0·2%] of 1367 vs 30 [2·2%] of 1374; pinteraction=0·010). Overall vaccine efficacy across both groups was 70·4% (95·8% CI 54·8-80·6; 30 [0·5%] of 5807 vs 101 [1·7%] of 5829). From 21 days after the first dose, there were ten cases hospitalised for COVID-19, all in the control arm; two were classified as severe COVID-19, including one death. There were 74 341 person-months of safety follow-up (median 3·4 months, IQR 1·3-4·8): 175 severe adverse events occurred in 168 participants, 84 events in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group and 91 in the control group. Three events were classified as possibly related to a vaccine: one in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group, one in the control group, and one in a participant who remains masked to group allocation. INTERPRETATION: ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials. FUNDING: UK Research and Innovation, National Institutes for Health Research (NIHR), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Lemann Foundation, Rede D'Or, Brava and Telles Foundation, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Thames Valley and South Midland's NIHR Clinical Research Network, and AstraZeneca

    Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and the UK

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    Background A safe and efficacious vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), if deployed with high coverage, could contribute to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine in a pooled interim analysis of four trials. Methods This analysis includes data from four ongoing blinded, randomised, controlled trials done across the UK, Brazil, and South Africa. Participants aged 18 years and older were randomly assigned (1:1) to ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine or control (meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y conjugate vaccine or saline). Participants in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group received two doses containing 5 × 1010 viral particles (standard dose; SD/SD cohort); a subset in the UK trial received a half dose as their first dose (low dose) and a standard dose as their second dose (LD/SD cohort). The primary efficacy analysis included symptomatic COVID-19 in seronegative participants with a nucleic acid amplification test-positive swab more than 14 days after a second dose of vaccine. Participants were analysed according to treatment received, with data cutoff on Nov 4, 2020. Vaccine efficacy was calculated as 1 - relative risk derived from a robust Poisson regression model adjusted for age. Studies are registered at ISRCTN89951424 and ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04324606, NCT04400838, and NCT04444674. Findings Between April 23 and Nov 4, 2020, 23 848 participants were enrolled and 11 636 participants (7548 in the UK, 4088 in Brazil) were included in the interim primary efficacy analysis. In participants who received two standard doses, vaccine efficacy was 62·1% (95% CI 41·0–75·7; 27 [0·6%] of 4440 in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group vs71 [1·6%] of 4455 in the control group) and in participants who received a low dose followed by a standard dose, efficacy was 90·0% (67·4–97·0; three [0·2%] of 1367 vs 30 [2·2%] of 1374; pinteraction=0·010). Overall vaccine efficacy across both groups was 70·4% (95·8% CI 54·8–80·6; 30 [0·5%] of 5807 vs 101 [1·7%] of 5829). From 21 days after the first dose, there were ten cases hospitalised for COVID-19, all in the control arm; two were classified as severe COVID-19, including one death. There were 74 341 person-months of safety follow-up (median 3·4 months, IQR 1·3–4·8): 175 severe adverse events occurred in 168 participants, 84 events in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group and 91 in the control group. Three events were classified as possibly related to a vaccine: one in the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 group, one in the control group, and one in a participant who remains masked to group allocation. Interpretation ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 has an acceptable safety profile and has been found to be efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 in this interim analysis of ongoing clinical trials

    UV aging from a variety of a neutral foam core board: Study of colour and compositional evolution

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    Los materiales utilizados en el ámbito de la conservación del Patrimonio deben ser previamente investigados para conocer su composición y comportamiento con el envejecimiento. Por ello, resulta imprescindible su caracterización analítica, identificar los cambios que ésta pueda experimentar a largo plazo y las consecuencias sobre sus propiedades iniciales. En este artículo se presentan los resultados correspondientes al estudio de una variedad de cartón pluma (cartón pluma neutro), material laminar multicapa, constituido por un núcleo interno espumado de poliestireno y recubierto de cartulina de celulosa pura que contiene una carga de calcita. Ambos componentes (cartulina y núcleo) han sido sometidos a envejecimiento artificial acelerado bajo la acción de radiación UV y, en las condiciones ensayadas, presentan un comportamiento muy distinto. La cartulina es prácticamente estable en su composición y color (E00=0,470,20), mientras que el núcleo espumado de poliestireno experimenta una importante oxidación que repercute en su color (E00=19,100,49). Los análisis FTIR-ATR constatan la formación de grupos oxigenados, especialmente grupos carbonilo (C=O) cuya presencia aumenta con el envejecimiento. La intensidad de la banda asignada a este grupo y el E00 experimentado se relacionan mediante una curva de regresión no lineal, que muestra la evolución de la alteración del poli(estireno).Depto. de Pintura y Conservación-RestauraciónFac. de Bellas ArtesTRUEpu

    La expresión corporal en educación física : propuesta curricular desde la administración educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analiza la expresión corporal en la Educación Física y se presenta un estudio de caso de un Match de improvisación. La expresión corporal es el instrumento con el cual se producen las variadas formas del arte del movimiento. Es fundamental en el proceso de comunicación y éste debe ser interactivo y dinámico. Se analiza la expresión corporal como medio educativo para la formación integral del alumnado. En el estudio del caso, se muestra cómo se aplica al marco escolar y en qué puede ayudar.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    La orientación deportiva en el marco escolar : propuesta educativa para la educación física en secundaria

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe ofrecen directrices de cómo llevar a cabo trabajos de orientación deportivo en los centros de Educación Secundaria y se contextualiza dentro del marco escolar y su currículum. La orientación es un deporte consistente en una carrera individual cronometrada donde los participantes usan un mapa esencial y una brújula para recorrer en el orden adecuado diferentes puntos de control. Se explican las diversas modalidades de orientación existentes: como actividad en la naturaleza, como deporte competitivo, como actividad de ocio al aire libre y como modo de mantenerse en forma. La orientación guarda relación con el currículo oficial de Educación Física y forma parte del bloque de contenidos de Actividades en el Medio Natural.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    La expresión corporal en educación física : propuesta curricular desde la administración educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe analiza la expresión corporal en la Educación Física y se presenta un estudio de caso de un Match de improvisación. La expresión corporal es el instrumento con el cual se producen las variadas formas del arte del movimiento. Es fundamental en el proceso de comunicación y éste debe ser interactivo y dinámico. Se analiza la expresión corporal como medio educativo para la formación integral del alumnado. En el estudio del caso, se muestra cómo se aplica al marco escolar y en qué puede ayudar.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    La educación para la paz : propuestas educativas desde la educación física escolar

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta una iniciativa en la que se trata de incluir un contenido educativo sobre la paz y valores necesarios para la integración del alumno mediante la Educación Física. Para poder educar a los alumnos mediante la paz, es necesario poner en marcha un plan de convivencia en el centro capaz de inculcar valores éticos y cívicos. La Educación Física se muestra como una de las materias con multitud de actividades orientadas a su consecución. Practicando juegos y deportes se debe hacer hincapié en la utilización del diálogo para la resolución de conflictos, desarrollando así actitudes de compañerismo ante los demás.AndalucíaBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]