334 research outputs found

    Two color multichannel heterodyne interferometer set up for high spatial resolution electron density profile measurements in TJ-II

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    Proceedings of: 18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, New Jersey (USA), 16-20 May 2010.Expanded-beam multichannel heterodyne interferometer has been installed on the TJ-II stellarator. Careful design of the optical system has allowed complete control on the evolution of both Gaussian beams along the interferometer, as well as the evaluation and optimization of the spatial resolution to be expected in the measurements. Five CO2 (measurement) channels and three Nd:YAG (vibration compensation) channels have been used to illuminate the plasma with a probe beam of 100 mm size. An optimum interpolation method has been applied to recover both interferometric phasefronts prior to mechanical vibration subtraction. The first results of the installed diagnostic are presented in this paper.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science Grant No. ENE2006-13559FTN . The authors would also like to acknowledge the help of Ernesto Garcia Ares and Jose Ramon Lopez Fernandez for setting up the signal conditioning systems

    Prevalencia y grado de parasitación por Syphacia obvelata y Aspicularis tetraptera en ratones NMRI, C57Bl/6 y Balb/c.

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    Se ha analizado la prevalencia y grado de parasitación p or Syphacia obvelata y Aspicularis tetraptera en ratones de laboratorio, según cepas (NMRI, C57B1/6 y Balb/c), edad, sexo y técnica diagnóstica, seleccionando 300 ratones del Bioterio Central de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (Barquisimeto - Venezuela), 100/cepa, 50/sexo, 10/edad, de 3, 5, 7, 9 y 14 semanas. De cada animal se recogieron por duplicado muestras de heces (Técnica de Mc Master), examen directo (heces en ciego) y piel en la región anal (Técnica de celofán). Los datos se analizaron con U de Mann - Whitney, Kruskal - Wallis (P<0, 05 y P<0, 01), correlación de Spearman y análisis multivariable factorial. La prevalencia de S. obvelata en los NMRI (54, 5%) y C57Bl/6 (47, 5%) fue mayor que en Balb/c (19%) así como el grado de parasitación (P<0, 01). Las técnicas de celofán y examen directo en ciego permiten identificar mayor número de animales parasitados que la técnica de Mc Master (P<0, 01). La correlación entre la técnica de celofán y el examen directo es moderada (r=0, 52; P<0, 01) y de ambas té cnicas con Mc Master es baja (r=0, 168; P<0, 01 y r=0, 172; P<0, 01). Existe efecto combinado de cepa, sexo y edad sobre la eliminación de huevos de S. obvelata y presencia de adultos en ciego (P<0, 01). Se identificó A. tetraptera en las tres cepas mediante la técnica de Mc Master y examen directo en ciego, con alta correlación (r=0, 72; P<0, 01) entre las técnicas. Tanto la prevalencia como el grado de parasitación son mayores en los ratones NMRI (67, 5%) que en los C57Bl/6 (2, 5%) y Balb/c (1%) (P<0, 01). Existe influencia del sexo y la edad sobre el recuento de huevos en heces (P<0, 01) y de adultos en ciego (P<0, 05).Se recomienda emplear la técnica de celofán para el diagnóstico de huevos de S. obvelata y tener en cuenta la edad, sexo y cepa de los animales al diseñar los programas de control. The prevalence and intensity of infection with Syphacia obvelata and Aspicularis tetraptera in laboratory mice are reported. The influence of mice strain (NMRI, C57Bl/6 and Balb/c), age and sex on infection were analyzed. The study was conducted in 300 mice randomly selected in the vivarium at the Universidad Centro-occidental Lisandro Alvarado (Barquisimeto, Venezuela).For each strain, a total of 100 mice of different sex and age groups (3, 5, 7, 9 and 14 weeks) were used. The sensitivity of three diagnostic methods was compared, including direct detection in the caecum, analysis of the perianal region by means of cellophane tape and Mc Master egg counting. Both the infection intensity and prevalence of S. obvelata were higher in NMRI (54.5%) and C57Bl/6 (47.5%) mice than in Balb/c mice (19%) (P<0.01). The cellophane tape and direct detection techniques were more sensitive than Mc Master egg counting (P<0.01). The coefficient of ranks of Spearman revealed a moderate correlation between the cellophane tape technique and the direct detection (r = 0.52, P<0.01) and a weak correlation between these techniques and the McMaster egg counting (r = 0.168, P<0.01; r = 0.172, P<0.01, respectively). The multiple factor analysis showed that the presence of adults and eggs of S. obvelata was related to the strain, sex and age of mice (P<0.01). Adults and eggs of A. tetraptera were identified in all the three mice strains using direct detection and McMaster egg counting, with results of both techniques being strongly correlated (r = 0.72; P<0.01). Both the infection intensity and prevalence of A. tetraptera were higher in NMRI (67.5%) mice than in C57Bl/6 (2.5%) and Balb/c mice (1%) (P<0.01).The multiple factor analysis revealed that the presence of adults (P<0.05) and eggs (P<0.01) of A. tetraptera was related to the sex and age of mice. The cellophane tape technique provided the best results to detect eggs of S. obvelata. The strain, sex and age of mice should be taken in consideration to design control programs

    Infecciones mixtas por ectoparásitos y endoparásitos en ratones y ratas de laboratorio

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    Se ha determinado la presencia de parasitosis mixtas en ratones y ratas del Bioterio Central de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA), y la correlación entre ellas, seleccionando 10 animales por sexo, edad (3, 5, 7, 9 y 14 semanas), y cepa de ratón (NMRI, C57Bl/6, Balb/c), y rata (Sprague Dawley y SHR/N) para un total de 500 animales según recomendaciones de Thursfield, (1990). Las muestras se han obtenido por duplicado en vivo y en necropsia de: heces (Examen directo y Mc Master), piel (cuello, dorso-lumbar y ano) con la técnica de celofán; sangre, corazón, pulmón, hígado, bazo, riñones, estómago e intestino (duodeno, yeyuno-íleon y ciego), en frotis teñidos con el método de Giemsa. Se ha determinado la frecuencia de infecciones mixtas y la correlación entre las parasitosis mediante análisis de correlación de Spearman. Las especies identificadas han sido: Myocoptes musculinus, Giardia muris, Trichomona muris, Spironucleus muris, Syphacia obvelata y Apicularis tetraptera en los ratones , y Spironucleus muris solo en NMRI de 6 semanas. En las ratas se ha identificado Radfordia affinis, Giardia muris, Trichomona muris y Syphacia muris. Existe correlación positiva de A. tetraptera con G. muris en ciego (r=0, 492; P<0, 01) y T. muris en duodeno (r=0, 362; P<0, 01). En NMRI casi el 100% están parasitados por al menos 4 especies principalmente machos, éste comportamiento es similar en C57Bl/6 pero con prevalencias inferiores y en los Balb/c predominan 2 ( M. musculinus y G. muris) o 3 especies (M. musculinus , G. muris y T. muris). En ratas se producen infecciones mixtas (99, 9%) por 2-5 especies parásitas. Los flagelados son los más comunes, asociados a S. obvelata o A. tetraptera en ratones, o S. muris en ratas, sumando la presencia de M. musculinus y R. affinis respectivamente. The occurrence of mixed parasitic infections was analyzed in laboratory mice and rats. The study was conducted in 500 animals randomly selected in the vivarium at the Universidad Centro-occidental Lisandro Alvarado (Barquisimeto, Venezuela). A total of 10 animals for each sex (male versus female), age group (3, 5, 7, 9 y 14 weeks) and strain of mice (NMRI, C57Bl/6 and Balb/c) and rats (Sprague Dawley and SHR/N) was selected. Duplicate samples were taken from various locations and analyzed by different methods, including the McMaster technique for faecal egg counting, the cellophane tape technique for skin samples (neck, back, lumbar and anus), and Giemsastaining for smears of different tissues (blood, heart, lung, liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum and caecum). Various parasites were identified in mice (Myocoptes musculinus, Giardia muris, Trichomona muris, Spironucleus muris, Syphacia obvelata y Apicularis tetraptera) and rats (Radfordia affinis, Giardia muris, Trichomona muris y Syphacia muris). Spironucleus muris was only identified in NMRI mice aged six weeks. The coefficient of ranks of Spearman revealed a positive correlation between A. tetraptera and G. muris in the caecum (r=0.492; P<0.01), or T. muris in the duodenum (r=0.362; P<0.01). Mixed infections with four species were seen in most NMRI and C57Bl/6 male mice. Mixed infections with two (M. musculinus and G. muris) o three species (M. musculinus, G. muris and T. muris) predominated in Balb/c mice. Mixed infections with two-to-five species were seen in most rats. Flagellate protozoa were the most prevalent parasites in both mice and rats, followed by S. obvelata and A. tetraptera (mice) or S. muris (rats)

    The current importance of Leishmaniasis in Spain

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    Se pasa revisión al estado actual de los principales elementos epidemiológicos de las leishmaniosis en España: parásito, reservorio canino, flebotomo vector, y hombre, poniendo de manifiesto la importancia sanitaria, social y económica de la enfermedad. Se termina recogiendo datos recientes sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad.A revision is made of the current state of the principal epidemiological elements of leishmaniasis in Spain (the parasite, the canine population, the sandflies vector, and humans), while stating the sanitary, social and economic significance of the disease. Finally, recent information is given regarding the diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    Las emociones en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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    En la primera parte del artículo, se incide en la importancia del estudio de las emociones desde la didáctica de las ciencias, así como en la necesidad de establecer programas de intervención metacognitivos y metaemocionales, tanto en el aprendizaje como en la formación del profesorado, para que alumnos y profesores puedan conocer sus emociones, controlarlas y autorregularlas. En la segunda parte, nos centramos en las emociones en el conocimiento didáctico del contenido del profesorado de ciencias, incluyendo algunos resultados tanto del diagnóstico emocional del profesorado, según distintas variables, como del programa de intervención de la Universidad de Extremadura.The first part of this communication highlights the importance of studying emotions in the context of science teaching. It also examines the need for programs of meta-emotional and metacognitive intervention in learning and teacher education that are aimed at both the future teachers'and their pupils' gaining awareness of, and then controlling and self-regulating, their emotions. The second part focuses on the role emotions play in science teachers' pædagogical content knowledge, with the presentation of some results concerning the University of Extremadura's intervention program and the emotional diagnosis of teachers.En la primera part de l'article, s'incideix en la importància de l'estudi de les emocions des de la didàctica de les ciències, així com en la necessitat d'establir programes d'intervenció metacognitivos i metaemocionales, tant en l'aprenentatge com en la formació del professorat, perquè alumnes i professors puguin conèixer les seves emocions, controlar-les i autorregularlas. En la segona part, ens centrem en les emocions en el coneixement didàctic del contingut del professorat de ciències, incloent alguns resultats tant del diagnòstic emocional del professorat, segons diferents variables, com del programa d'intervenció de la Universitat d'Extremadura

    Visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum in a Spanish patient in Argentina: What is the origin of the infection? Case report

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    BACKGROUND: The question "Where have you been?" is a common one asked by doctors in Northern Europe and America when faced with clinical symptoms not typical of their country. This question must also arise in the clinics of developing countries in which non-autochthonous cases such as the one described here can appear. Important outbreaks of Leishmania infantum have been recorded in the last decade in several Latin American countries but its presence has not yet been recorded in Argentina. We report the first case of visceral leishmaniasis owing to L. infantum in this country. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old Spanish woman who has been living in Mendoza, Argentina, during the last 40 years presented with a history of high fever and shivering, anemia, leukopenia and splenomegaly over two years. Argentinian doctors did not suspect visceral leishmaniasis even when the histological analysis revealed the presence of "intracytoplasmatic spheroid particles compatible with fungal or parasitic infection". After a serious deterioration in her health, she was taken to Spain where she was evaluated and visceral leishmaniasis was established. Specific identification of the parasite was done by PCR-ELISA, isoenzyme electrophoresis and RAPD-PCR. CONCLUSION: We would like to point out that: i) cases such as the one described here, which appear in non-endemic areas, can pass unnoticed by the clinical physician. ii) in countries in which these introduced cases reside, in-depth parasitological studies are required into vectors and possible reservoirs to rule out the rare case of local infection and, once infection has taken place, to ensure that this does not spread by anthroponotic transmission or a competent reservoir