16 research outputs found


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    Industrial Work Practices are educational, training, and learning activities for SMK (Vocational High School) students in the business world or the industrial world related to student competencies according to the fields they are involved. However, several problems arise in practice, such as difficulty updating data and distribution of random locations. It is deemed unfair for students because some get locations far from where they live. There is no forum for monitoring the development of internships by supervisors for students, both in reports from daily and final reports. So we need an information system that can provide solutions to these problems. Making internship activities more effective and efficient for Schools, Guiding Teachers, Students and Prakerin Partners. The SMART (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique) method supports decision-makers in choosing between several alternatives

    Penerapan Aplikasi Online pada Sistem Transportasi Umum Massal untuk Meningkatkan Minat Masyarakat dalam Upaya Mengurangi Kemacetan

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    Di kota-kota besar di Indonesia pada umumnya laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan jumlah kendaraan pribadi sangat pesat, sayangnya tidak diimbangi dengan penyediaan sarana-prasarana jalan yang memadai, sehingga kemacetan sudah pasti terjadi, dan hal ini benar-benar sudah terjadi. Apabila tidak lakukan tindakan atau antisipasi dengan suatu sistem yang tepat maka dapat dipastikan macet total akan terjadi. Langkah solutif untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan memanfaatkan alat transportasi umum massal. Untuk memaksimalkan fungsi alat transportasi umum massal tersebut, kami mencoba menerapkan sistem berbasis elektronik (online) untuk dapat mengakses semua kendaraan umum yang melintas pada seluruh jaringan jalan perkotaan sesuai jenis kendaraan umum (MPU, Bus mini, Bus sedang, Bus Besar, LRT, MRT, dll). Dalam upaya menunjang sistem ini harus didukung dengan sarana yang memadai, antara lain semua jenis kendaraan umum memiliki rute dan/ lajur tersendiri yang tidak diganggu oleh kendaraan pribadi. Hal ini diperlukan agar pergerakan kendaraan umum selalu tepat waktu. Hal lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah kondisi kendaraan harus bersih, aman, nyaman, mudah dan murah, serta informasi rute dan jadwal ke tempat tujuan pada setiap halte atau terminal dapat didapat secara online. Dengan segala kemudahan, dan murahnya sistem tansportasi massal diharapkan masyarakat berpindah ke transportasi umum massal, sehingga kemacetan dapat diminimalkan. Kata kunci : macet, sistem online, transportasi massa

    Inflicting Death Penalty to Sexual Offenders: A Comparison between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia

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    The case of sexual violence is increasing every year in Indonesia. The current prevailed penalties for perpetrators of sexual violence as stated in the Penal Code and the Child Protection Act are considered ineffective. The public then proposed that the perpetrators of sexual violence should be sentenced to death. The study aims to conduct a comparative study between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia in punishing sexual violence perpetrators. This study will look at how the death penalty is deemed appropriate to be applied for sexual offenders. It also explores the prevailed punishments by Saudi Arabian government for sexual violence cases. The study is normative research with employing comparative and statutory approaches. The study shows that sexual violence could be regarded as extraordinary crime as it meets particular conditions. Indonesia opens up the possibilities to punish the sexual offenders with the death penalty. However, Saudi Arabia on the other hand did not impose death penalty for sexual violence perpetrators but rather have a public humiliation as an alternative

    Process Evaluation of Implementing a Pharmacist-Led Intervention to Improve Adherence to Antihypertensive Drugs Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Indonesian Community Health Centers

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    Introduction: A pharmacist-led intervention in Community Health Centers (CHCs) in Indonesia targeted at patients with type 2 diabetes non-adherent to antihypertensive drugs resulted in a significant improvement in adherence to these drugs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the process of implementation this intervention intended to improve adherence to antihypertensive drugs from both the pharmacist and the patient perspective. Methods: Using the RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance) framework, we conducted a focus group among pharmacists (N = 5) and a survey among patients with complete follow-up (N = 44) participating in the intervention group. Results: All pharmacists adopted the provided training and found support tools useful. The pharmacists implemented the intervention as intended (adequate intervention fidelity >69%). Factors relevant for implementation included having sufficient time and confidence, home visits for specific patients, multidisciplinary collaboration, and availability of a personal counseling room. To maintain the intervention, the need for practical guidance and support from health care authorities was mentioned. Most patients (96%) were satisfied with the information provided by the pharmacists and they believed the tailored counselling was helpful. Most patients (84%) reported that the duration of counselling was sufficient. The large majority of patients would like to receive the counselling regularly. Conclusion: Positive effects of the pharmacist-led intervention can be explained by adequate levels of reach, adoption and implementation in the participating CHCs. For successful implementation and maintenance in Indonesia or other low-and middle-income countries, sufficient training, resources, multidisciplinary collaboration, guidance and support from health care authorities are expected to be important

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tactile Stimulation Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration Dan Perceptual Motor Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Pada Anak Dengan Developmental Coordination Disorder

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    Background: The process of growth and development in children occur simultaneously. Achieving milestones in motor skills, every child shows different movement quality. Some of these children may have difficulties of learning motor skills in daily functional activity or poor performance that referred to as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). DCD affecting about 5%-6% of school-aged children. To stimulate the motoric and sensoric aspect for further developmental rate, we give Tactile Stimulation Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) and Perceptual Motor Learning (PML). Purpose: Knowing the effect of Tactile Stimulation MNRI and PML on motor skills of the children with DCD. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test group design. The children in first group received Tactile Stimulation MNRI and the second group received both Tactile Stimulation MNRI ang PML This research included 11 sample of children that the motor skills was measurement with DCD Questionnaire. This research used purposive sampling technique which uses criteria of population: inclusion and exclusion. Result: Wilcoxon test in the first and second group, shown that there is an increase of DCD Questionnare scorring level with p-value≤0,005. From Mann Whitney test, there is significant differences average between two group in pre test and post test with p-value=0,025. The second group had higher motor skills and higher DCD Questionnare scores comparison to the first group. Conclusions: There is effect of Tactile Stimulation MNRI and PML on motor skills of The Children with DCD


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    Skabies merupakan infeksi kulit yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei varietas hominis. Prevalensi skabies biasanya meningkat 3,6 kali lebih tinggi pada tempat dengan jumlah penghuni padat seperti asrama, panti asuhan, pondok pesantren, dan penjara. Belum pernah ada penyuluhan dan penelitian mengenai skabies di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ikhlas NW Desa Sajang, Kecamatan Sembalun. Berdasarkan informasi dari Kepala Sekolah dan Pemilik Pondok angka kejadian skabies cukup tinggi dan hampir menjangkit seluruh santri. Program kerja Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan edukasi kesehatan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan memberikan edukasi kepada santri dan santriwati mengenai pencegahan penularan dan pengobatan skabies. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Januari 2023. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi yang diikuti oleh 61 peserta dengan rangkaian kegiatan meliputi pre-test, pemutaran video edukasi, gambaran kasus skabies, dan penyampaian materi mengenai skabies. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre-test dengan instrumen penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan peserta penyuluhan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh tingkat pengetahuan santri termasuk kategori cukup baik sebanyak 21 orang (34,43%), kurang baik sebanyak 30 orang (49,18%), dan baik sebanyak 10 orang (16,39%). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan mayoritas santri termasuk dalam katagori kurang baik 49,18%.  Kata kunci: Skabies, Sajang, Pencegahan, Pengobatan, Pondok Pesantre

    Factors Influencing Continuance Intention of Complaint Service: A Case Study of QLUE

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    The quality of information systems is the key to user satisfaction with an information system application. As a theoretical basis, this study uses the Information System Success Model to discuss the influence of the quality of information systems on the continued use of Information Systems applications. Qlue is used as a case study as one of the complaint service applications. This study uses a questionnaire with 299 data collected using Google Forms which are distributed through various social media. Then to test the hypothesis, we processed the data by Partial Least Square (PLS) using SmartPLS application. This study explains that the factors that influence the intention to continue using Qlue are satisfaction with system quality and information quality, including aesthetic design, immediacy, and customization


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