22 research outputs found


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    Arang aktif merupakan karbon amorf yang memiliki kemampuan daya serap yang baik sehingga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai campuran penghilang zat warna, penyerap gas, penyerap logam berat, adsorben bahan organik maupun anorganik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan arang aktif kulit durian terhadap kualitas air pada budidaya ikan koi. Metode pembuatan arang aktif menggunakan perlakuan fisika dan kimia dengan menggunakan aktivator KOH. Parameter yang diukur dalam Analisa kualitas air budidaya ikan koi meliputi suhu, TDS, pH, O2, dan NH3. Arang aktif kulit durian dapat mempengaruhi kualitas air pada budidaya ikan koi yaitu dengan melihat penurunan kadar dan peningkatan kadar pada air budidaya ikan koi. Adapun kondisi optimum pemberian arang aktif diperoleh dengan konsentrasi aktivator sebesar 25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin besar konsentrasi aktivatornya, maka akan meningkatkan nilai TDS dan menurunkan kadar O2 dalam air sehingga jumlah kematian ikan koi meningkat karena kurangnya pasokan oksigen dalam air. Pengaruh variasi konsentrasi waktu perendaman arang aktif akan mempengaruhi jumlah kematian ikan koi dalam air.   Key words: Activated Charcoal, Durian Peel, Water QualityArang aktif merupakan karbon amorf yang memiliki kemampuan daya serap yang baik sehingga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai campuran penghilang zat warna, penyerap gas, penyerap logam berat, adsorben bahan organik maupun anorganik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan arang aktif kulit durian terhadap kualitas air pada budidaya ikan koi. Metode pembuatan arang aktif menggunakan perlakuan fisika dan kimia dengan menggunakan aktivator KOH. Parameter yang diukur dalam Analisa kualitas air budidaya ikan koi meliputi suhu, TDS, pH, O2, dan NH3. Arang aktif kulit durian dapat mempengaruhi kualitas air pada budidaya ikan koi yaitu dengan melihat penurunan kadar dan peningkatan kadar pada air budidaya ikan koi. Adapun kondisi optimum pemberian arang aktif diperoleh dengan konsentrasi aktivator sebesar 25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin besar konsentrasi aktivatornya, maka akan meningkatkan nilai TDS dan menurunkan kadar O2 dalam air sehingga jumlah kematian ikan koi meningkat karena kurangnya pasokan oksigen dalam air. Pengaruh variasi konsentrasi waktu perendaman arang aktif akan mempengaruhi jumlah kematian ikan koi dalam air.   Kata Kunci: Arang Aktif, Kulit Durian, Kualitas Air

    Peran Pembina Pramuka dalam Menanamkan Sikap Solidaritas Organik Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kayan Hulu

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    The purpose of this research is to know the role of scout leader by planting an organic solidarity, method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation study, data collection tools guide observation, interview, and documentation. The results of research through the moral sense, all team members observe the material provided scoutmaster, mutual trust, discussion or deliberation trying to receive opinions and always accept what the decision and is ready to accept criticism, accept feedback and criticism from the other members, through the emotional experience, the role of scoutmaster realized learners to always be able to hold back the emotion and not reckless, dare to give presumption that feels right and can be held responsible or what you do, do not break the rules set by senior and promised to anyone, including the tasks given in planting organic solidarity in SMA Negeri 1 Kayan Hulu

    Peran Guru dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Disiplin Siswa SMP Negeri 11 Kota Pontianak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk peran guru dalam pembentukan kepribadian disiplin siswa SMP Negeri 11 Kota Pontianak. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Sumber data primer penelitian yaitu 4 orang guru serta 3 orang siswa yang sering melakukan pelanggaran disiplin di SMP Negeri 11 Kota Pontianak dan data sekunder berupa dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru sudah berperan dalam pembentukan kepribadian siswa yang terdiri dari peran guru dalam mengarahkan seperti pengarahan serta pembiasaan. Kemudian peran guru dalam membimbing siswa yaitu adanya buku bimbingan, progam bimbingan dan membimbing pada kegiatan keagamaan. Selanjutnya peran guru dalam mengawasi siswa dengan adanya buku pengawasan serta kerjasama antara orang tua dan sekolah. Peran guru yang terakhir ialah guru sebagai pemimpin yakni guru menjadi teladan baik bagi siswa serta bertindak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku. Kata kunci : Peran Guru, Kepribadian Disiplin. Abstrack: The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's role on the development of the students of SMP Negeri 11 Kota Pontianak's discilinary personality. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data was taken from interview, observastion and documentation. The primary data sources consist of 4 teachers and 3 students who usually break the rules and the secondary data is documentations. The result of this study shows that the teachers have to always guide the students to make them be more discipline. In this case the teacher using guidance and counselling book, counselling program and established some religious organizatition. The teachers also connected the parents by using a book to improve the corporation of school and parents. Last, the writer found that teacher has role as leader, where the teacher be a good model to be exemplary for students

    A New Conjugate Gradient Coefficient for Large Scale Nonlinear Unconstrained Optimization

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    Abstract Conjugate gradient (CG) methods have played an important role in solving largescale unconstrained optimization due to its low memory requirements and global convergence properties. Numerous studies and modifications have been devoted recently to improve this method. In this paper, a new modification of conjugate gradient coefficient ( k β ) with global convergence properties are presented. The global convergence result is established using exact line searches. Preliminary result shows that the proposed formula is competitive when compared to the other CG coefficients. Mathematics Subject Classification: 65K10, 49M3


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    Penyebab utama rendahnya produktivitas padi di Maluku adalah tidak tersedianya varietas unggul spesifik lokasi. Untuk itu, perlu dikaji penggunaan varietas unggul baru yang adaptif di Seram Bagian Timur (SBT), Maluku dengan produktivitas tinggi, baik kualitas maupun kuantitas dan sesuai preferensi konsumen dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan Maluku. Telah dilakukan kajian adaptasi beberapa varietas unggul baru padi sawah irigasi Desa Jakarta Baru, SBT tahun 2011 untuk mendapatkan dua hingga tiga varietas unggul berproduksi tinggi. Rancangan Acak Kelompok digunakan dengan tiga ulangan dan lima perlakuan (Conde, Cibogo, Inpari 3, Inpari 6, dan Inpari 13). Sistem tanam yang digunakan adalah model legowo 4:1 dengan jarak tanam (20 cm x 10 cm) x 40 cm. Parameter yang diamati: tinggi tanaman saat menjelang panen, jumlah anakan produktif/rumpun, panjang malai jumlah bulir per/malai, berat gabah total (g)/rumpun, dan hasil gabah kering panen per ha (ton per ha). Hasil: dari lima varietas unggul yang diuji, Inpari 13 memperlihatkan hasil lebih tinggi, berbeda nyata dengan varietas lainnya, varietas Conde. Dari daya hasilnya, kedua varietas (Inpari 13 dan Conde) berpeluang untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan wilayah Maluku. Kata kunci: varietas; padi; pangan

    Global convergence analysis of a new nonlinear conjugate gradient coefficient with strong wolfe line search

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    Nonlinear conjugate gradient (CG) methods are the most important method for solving largescale unconstrained optimisation problems. Many studies and modifications have been conducted recently to improve this method. In this paper, a new class of conjugate gradient coefficients β k with a new parameter m = gk gk−1 that possesses global convergence properties is presented. The global convergence and sufficient descent property is established using inexact line searches to determine that α k is the step size of CG methods. Numerical result shows that the new formula is superior and more efficient when compared to other CG coefficients

    Kerjasama Guru dan Orang Tua Guna Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sosiologi Siswa Kelas XI di SMA Pontianak

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    This study of the Cooperation Teachers And Parents To Improve Learning Outcomes XI Sociology class in high school in Pontianak. Aims to improve learning outcomes sociology school in Pontianak with the cooperation of teachers and parents. This research uses descriptive method of research is the subject of sociology subject teachers. The results showed that (1) Collaboration Teachers in improving student learning outcomes are relatively good that teachers are implementing lesson plans, educate, guide, train, teach students to the maximum. (2) The role of parents in improving student learning outcomes are relatively well is to supervise, to meet the needs of children, giving attention to the child, lack of communication between parents and children. (3) Collaboration Teachers and Parents relatively well through mutual cooperation in motivating students to learn to be more active, to meet the needs and interests of students as teachers of students who come to your home, invite the parents to come to school and called a meeting of parents of students who related to the results of a meeting of students and student report cards. (4) The results of students of class XI IPS 1 with an average of 75.7 class with complete results. From these results we can conclude cooperation Teachers and Parents relatively well through mutual cooperation in motivating students to learn to be more active, to meet the needs and interests of students as teachers of students who come to your home, invite the parents to come to school and held a parent meeting students relating to student and student report cards held meetings result in achieving student learning outcomes

    Gaya Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Kelas XI di SMA Negeri

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    This research on Learning Styles Subjects Sociology Student In Class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya Islands aims to determine the learning style sociological subjects in class XI in SMA, know the learning styles that predominate in class XI and determine the relationship of learning styles of students with method in learning.Used is descriptive method. The results showed that the students of class XI have a visual learning style modalities as many as 33 people, learning styles auditory modality 4 people, modalities of learning styles and modalities 2 people kinesthetic learning style blend of 11 people. From these results it can be concluded that the students and teachers more aware again of learning styles that are owned, further explanation by the teacher to the student's learning style is needed and teachers should teach according to the forms of learning styles held by students

    Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Pendidikan Sosiologi dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X A

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    This research is intended to: 1. Find out the sociology teachers understanding of pedagogical competence in increasing learning outcomes of X A SMA Pak Kasih Sidas in Landak Regency. 2. Find out the application of sociology teachers pedagogical competence in increasing learning outcomes of X A SMA Pak Kasih Sidas in Landak Regency.3. find out the problems faced by sociology teachersinpedagogical competence in increasing learning outcomes of X A Class of SMA Pak Kasih Sidas in Landak Regency. Forms of this research is descriptive qualitative. In this study, the method used is descriptive method. The finding of research showed that pedagogical competence of sociology teachers in improving student learning outcomes in X A class of SMA Pak Kasih Sidas Landak Regency is not maximum in which it is shown by student grades. From 54 students in one class only 17 students who have completed the study of sociology. It needs more attention from many parties, especially the government and the school. Besides, school should be really selective in teachers recruitment, especially in term of background of appropriate teacher so that educators can be professional in carrying out his duties as an educator. Therefore, it is expected that the principal and the foundation can adjust the background of teacher with subjects that will be taught in schools