306 research outputs found

    Quantum Entanglement in the S=1/2 Spin Ladder with Ring Exchange

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    In this paper we study the concurrence and the block-block entanglement in the S=1/2S=1/2 spin ladder with four-spin ring exchange by the exact diagonalization method of finite cluster of spins. The relationship between the global phase diagram and the ground-state entanglement is investigated. It is shown that the block-block entanglement of different block size and geometry manifests richer information of the system. We find that the extremal point of the two-site block-block entanglement on the rung locates a transition point exactly due to SU(4) symmetry at this point. The scaling behavior of the block-block entanglement is discussed. Our results suggest that the block-block entanglement can be used as a convenient marker of quantum phase transition in some complex spin systems.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Size distribution and hygroscopic properties of aerosol particles from dry-season biomass burning in Amazonia

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    International audienceAerosol particle number size distributions and hygroscopic properties were measured at a pasture site in the southwestern Amazon region (Rondonia). The measurements were performed 11 September-14 November 2002 as part of LBA-SMOCC (Large scale Biosphere atmosphere experiment in Amazonia - SMOke aerosols, Clouds, rainfall and Climate), and cover the later part of the dry season (with heavy biomass burning), a transition period, and the onset of the wet period. Particle number size distributions were measured with a DMPS (Differential Mobility Particle Sizer, 3-850nm) and an APS (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer), extending the distributions up to 3.3 µm in diameter. An H-TDMA (Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer) measured the hygroscopic diameter growth factors (Gf) at 90% relative humidity (RH), for particles with dry diameters (dp) between 20-440 nm, and at several occasions RH scans (30-90% RH) were performed for 165nm particles. These data provide the most extensive characterization of Amazonian biomass burning aerosol, with respect to particle number size distributions and hygroscopic properties, presented until now. The evolution of the convective boundary layer over the course of the day causes a distinct diel variation in the aerosol physical properties, which was used to get information about the properties of the aerosol at higher altitudes. The number size distributions averaged over the three defined time periods showed three modes; a nucleation mode with geometrical median diameters (GMD) of ~12 nm, an Aitken mode (GMD=61-92 nm) and an accumulation mode (GMD=128-190 nm). The two larger modes were shifted towards larger GMD with increasing influence from biomass burning. The hygroscopic growth at 90% RH revealed a somewhat external mixture with two groups of particles; here denoted nearly hydrophobic (Gf~1.09 for 100 nm particles) and moderately hygroscopic (Gf~1.26). While the hygroscopic growth factors were surprisingly similar over the periods, the number fraction of particles belonging to each hygroscopic group varied more, with the dry period aerosol being more dominated by nearly hydrophobic particles. As a result the total particle water uptake rose going into the cleaner period. The fraction of moderately hygroscopic particles was consistently larger for particles in the accumulation mode compared to the Aitken mode for all periods. Scanning the H-TDMA over RH (30-90% RH) showed no deliquescence behavior. A parameterization of both Gf(RH) and Gf(dp), is given

    Whole-exome sequencing of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common malignant disorder in childhood, is typically associated with numerical chromosomal aberrations, fusion genes or small focal deletions, thought to represent important pathogenetic events in the development of the leukemia. Mutations, such as single nucleotide changes, have also been reported in childhood ALL, but these have only been studied by sequencing a small number of candidate genes. Herein, we report the first unbiased sequencing of the whole exome of two cases of pediatric ALL carrying the ETV6/RUNX1 (TEL/AML1) fusion gene (the most common genetic subtype) and corresponding normal samples. A total of 14 somatic mutations were identified, including four and seven protein-altering nucleotide substitutions in each ALL. Twelve mutations (86%) occurred in genes previously described to be mutated in other types of cancer, but none was found to be recurrent in an extended series of 29 ETV6/RUNX1-positive ALLs. The number of single nucleotide mutations was similar to the number of copy number alterations as detected by single nucleotide polymorphism arrays. Although the true pathogenetic significance of the mutations must await future functional evaluations, this study provides a first estimate of the mutational burden at the genetic level of t(12;21)-positive childhood ALL.Leukemia advance online publication, 18 November 2011; doi:10.1038/leu.2011.333

    Physical properties of the sub-micrometer aerosol over the Amazon rain forest during the wet-to-dry season transition - comparison of modeled and measured CCN concentrations

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    Sub-micrometer atmospheric aerosol particles were studied in the Amazon region, 125 km northeast of Manaus, Brazil (-1°55.2'S, 59°28.1'W). The measurements were performed during the wet-to-dry transition period, 4-28 July 2001 as part of the LBA (Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) CLAIRE-2001 (Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment) experiment. The number size distribution was measured with two parallel differential mobility analyzers, the hygroscopic growth at 90% RH with a Hygroscopic Tandem Mobility Analyzer (H-TDMA) and the concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) with a cloud condensation nuclei counter. A model was developed that uses the H-TDMA data to predict the number of soluble molecules or ions in the individual particles and the corresponding minimum particle diameter for activation into a cloud droplet at a certain supersaturation. Integrating the number size distribution above this diameter, CCN concentrations were predicted with a time resolution of 10 min and compared to the measured concentrations. During the study period, three different air masses were identified and compared: clean background, air influenced by aged biomass burning, and moderately polluted air from recent local biomass burning. For the clean period 2001, similar number size distributions and hygroscopic behavior were observed as during the wet season at the same site in 1998, with mostly internally mixed particles of low diameter growth factor (~1.3 taken from dry to 90% RH). During the periods influenced by biomass burning the hygroscopic growth changed slightly, but the largest difference was seen in the number size distribution. The CCN model was found to be successful in predicting the measured CCN concentrations, typically within 25%. A sensitivity study showed relatively small dependence on the assumption of which model salt that was used to predict CCN concentrations from H-TDMA data. One strength of using H-TDMA data to predict CCN concentrations is that the model can also take into account soluble organic compounds, insofar as they go into solution at 90% RH. Another advantage is the higher time resolution compared to using size-resolved chemical composition data

    Excited States of Ladder-type Poly-p-phenylene Oligomers

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    Ground state properties and excited states of ladder-type paraphenylene oligomers are calculated applying semiempirical methods for up to eleven phenylene rings. The results are in qualitative agreement with experimental data. A new scheme to interpret the excited states is developed which reveals the excitonic nature of the excited states. The electron-hole pair of the S1-state has a mean distance of approximately 4 Angstroem.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figure

    Diesel soot aging in urban plumes within hours under cold dark and humid conditions

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    Fresh and aged diesel soot particles have different impacts on climate and human health. While fresh diesel soot particles are highly aspherical and non-hygroscopic, aged particles are spherical and hygroscopic. Aging and its effect on water uptake also controls the dispersion of diesel soot in the atmosphere. Understanding the timescales on which diesel soot ages in the atmosphere is thus important, yet knowledge thereof is lacking. We show that under cold, dark and humid conditions the atmospheric transformation from fresh to aged soot occurs on a timescale of less than five hours. Under dry conditions in the laboratory, diesel soot transformation is much less efficient. While photochemistry drives soot aging, our data show it is not always a limiting factor. Field observations together with aerosol process model simulations show that the rapid ambient diesel soot aging in urban plumes is caused by coupled ammonium nitrate formation and water uptake.Peer reviewe

    Optical excitations in a one-dimensional Mott insulator

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    The density-matrix renormalization-group (DMRG) method is used to investigate optical excitations in the Mott insulating phase of a one-dimensional extended Hubbard model. The linear optical conductivity is calculated using the dynamical DMRG method and the nature of the lowest optically excited states is investigated using a symmetrized DMRG approach. The numerical calculations agree perfectly with field-theoretical predictions for a small Mott gap and analytical results for a large Mott gap obtained with a strong-coupling analysis. Is is shown that four types of optical excitations exist in this Mott insulator: pairs of unbound charge excitations, excitons, excitonic strings, and charge-density-wave (CDW) droplets. Each type of excitations dominates the low-energy optical spectrum in some region of the interaction parameter space and corresponds to distinct spectral features: a continuum starting at the Mott gap (unbound charge excitations), a single peak or several isolated peaks below the Mott gap (excitons and excitonic strings, respectively), and a continuum below the Mott gap (CDW droplets).Comment: 12 pages (REVTEX 4), 12 figures (in 14 eps files), 1 tabl

    Entanglement Measures for Single- and Multi-Reference Correlation Effects

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    Electron correlation effects are essential for an accurate ab initio description of molecules. A quantitative a priori knowledge of the single- or multi-reference nature of electronic structures as well as of the dominant contributions to the correlation energy can facilitate the decision regarding the optimum quantum chemical method of choice. We propose concepts from quantum information theory as orbital entanglement measures that allow us to evaluate the single- and multi-reference character of any molecular structure in a given orbital basis set. By studying these measures we can detect possible artifacts of small active spaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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