545 research outputs found

    Reinsmen, Roadways and the Emerging Northern Maine Frontier, 1810-1860

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    Nineteenth century reinsmen transported needed and scarce supplies, logs, people and mail in Northern Maine, on the few cut roads and rough trails before railroads arrived. Their work was the only land transportation method available to Northern Maine’s lumber camps and settlements between 1810-1860, making their labors critical to Aroostook County’s social, cultural and economic growth. Reinsmen drove teams of horses or oxen attached to a cart, wagon, dray, sleigh, sled or specialized log jumper into Maine’s forests or from Woodstock, New Brunswick and Bangor, Maine to Aroostook County. Reinsmen were once known and respected in Aroostook County for their hard work and daring, holding an esteemed place in society, but today are almost wholly forgotten and unknown. Untold numbers of men and some women were reinsmen in a sparsely settled and unforgiving environment of Northern Maine during the nineteenth century, yet few reinsmen stories survived. More is known about the roads they traveled, and equipment used than about the people themselves. One reinsman, Henry Allen, was not only unknown, but a mystery. Allen, a woman disguised as a man, performed the job successfully without revealing her gender. This research uncovers this early important, yet near forgotten occupation, by exploring reinsmen life stories, hazards and rewards, routes, equipment, and the people and businesses they encountered

    The Elements of Making: a Social Practice Perspective for Everyday Creators

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    In contrast to behavioural approaches that attempt to explain creativity, social practice theories commonly emphasize aspects of the material world that shape and reproduce how people engage with them. How might social practice theory clarify how making affects millions of hobbyist creators – and what makes making matter to them? This article examines the theoretical work tying creativity to social practice. It then reports on a project in which small groups of everyday creators in the United Kingdom (n = 95) gathered in workshops to discuss their experiences and opinions regarding the materials, meanings, and competences of making. A model-making research method instigated peer discussion revealing both individual and shared accounts of practice. The data indicated that participants, regardless of practice, experienced creating as an ongoing performance providing many benefits that promote personal and societal transformation. With our graphic iteration of the elements of making, we assert that the meanings these makers attached to their various do-it-yourself practices were underscored by the materials they worked with and the competences they built in creating

    Electrophysiological Properties of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neurons

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    In vitro generation of functional neurons from embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem cells offers exciting opportunities for dissecting gene function, disease modelling, and therapeutic drug screening. To realize the potential of stem cells in these biomedical applications, a complete understanding of the cell models of interest is required. While rapid advances have been made in developing the technologies for directed induction of defined neuronal subtypes, most published works focus on the molecular characterization of the derived neural cultures. To characterize the functional properties of these neural cultures, we utilized an ES cell model that gave rise to neurons expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and conducted targeted whole-cell electrophysiological recordings from ES cell-derived neurons. Current-clamp recordings revealed that most neurons could fire single overshooting action potentials; in some cases multiple action potentials could be evoked by depolarization, or occurred spontaneously. Voltage-clamp recordings revealed that neurons exhibited neuronal-like currents, including an outward current typical of a delayed rectifier potassium conductance and a fast-activating, fast-inactivating inward current, typical of a sodium conductance. Taken together, these results indicate that ES cell-derived GFP+ neurons in culture display functional neuronal properties even at early stages of differentiation

    Retinal ganglion cells adapt to ionic stress in experimental glaucoma

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    IntroductionIdentification of early adaptive and maladaptive neuronal stress responses is an important step in developing targeted neuroprotective therapies for degenerative disease. In glaucoma, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons undergo progressive degeneration resulting from stress driven by sensitivity to intraocular pressure (IOP). Despite therapies that can effectively manage IOP many patients progress to vision loss, necessitating development of neuronal-based therapies. Evidence from experimental models of glaucoma indicates that early in the disease RGCs experience altered excitability and are challenged with dysregulated potassium (K+) homeostasis. Previously we demonstrated that certain RGC types have distinct excitability profiles and thresholds for depolarization block, which are associated with sensitivity to extracellular K+.MethodsHere, we used our inducible mouse model of glaucoma to investigate how RGC sensitivity to K+ changes with exposure to elevated IOP.ResultsIn controls, conditions of increased K+ enhanced membrane depolarization, reduced action potential generation, and widened action potentials. Consistent with our previous work, 4 weeks of IOP elevation diminished RGC light-and current-evoked responses. Compared to controls, we found that IOP elevation reduced the effects of increased K+ on depolarization block threshold, with IOP-exposed cells maintaining greater excitability. Finally, IOP elevation did not alter axon initial segment dimensions, suggesting that structural plasticity alone cannot explain decreased K+ sensitivity.DiscussionThus, in response to prolonged IOP elevation RGCs undergo an adaptive process that reduces sensitivity to changes in K+ while diminishing excitability. These experiments give insight into the RGC response to IOP stress and lay the groundwork for mechanistic investigation into targets for neuroprotective therapy

    Role of Oxygen in Laser Induced Contamination at Diamond-Vacuum Interfaces

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    Many modern-day quantum science experiments rely on high-fidelity measurement of fluorescent signals emitted by the quantum system under study. A pernicious issue encountered when such experiments are conducted near a material interface in vacuum is "laser-induced contamination" (LIC): the gradual accretion of fluorescent contaminants on the surface where a laser is focused. Fluorescence from these contaminants can entirely drown out any signal from e.g. optically-probed color centers in the solid-state. Crucially, while LIC appears often in this context, it has not been systematically studied. In this work, we probe the onset and growth rate of LIC for a diamond nitrogen-vacancy center experiment in vacuum, and we correlate the contamination-induced fluorescence intensities to micron-scale physical build-up of contaminant on the diamond surface. Drawing upon similar phenomena previously studied in the space optics community, we use photo-catalyzed oxidation of contaminants as a mitigation strategy. We vary the residual oxygen pressure over 9 orders of magnitude and find that LIC growth is inhibited at near-atmospheric oxygen partial pressures, but the growth rate at lower oxygen pressure is non-monotonic. Finally, we discuss a model for the observed dependence of LIC growth rate on oxygen content and propose methods to extend in situ mitigation of LIC to a wider range of operating pressures.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Tunnel vision, false memories, and intrusive memories following exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test

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    Most research examining the impact of stress on learning and memory has exposed participants to a stressor and measured how it affects learning and memory for unrelated material (e.g., list of words). Such work has been helpful, but it has not been the most translational to the human condition. When considering phenomena such as intrusive memories in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or an eyewitness\u27s memory for a crime, it is most useful to know what an individual remembers about the stress experience itself, not unrelated information. In prior work, investigators used a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) to quantify participant memory for the stressor. We aimed to replicate this work by examining participant memory for the TSST and extend on it by quantifying false and intrusive memories that result from TSST exposure. Forty-six undergraduate students from Ohio Northern University were exposed to the TSST or the friendly-TSST (f-TSST). The TSST required participants to deliver a ten-minute speech in front of two lab panel members as part of a mock job interview; the f-TSST required participants to casually converse with the panel members about their interests and hobbies. In both conditions, the panel members interacted with (central) or did not interact with (peripheral) several objects sitting on a desk in front of them. Participants’ anxiety levels were assessed before and after the TSST or f-TSST, and saliva samples were collected to assay for cortisol. The next day, participants’ memory for the objects that were present on Day 1 was assessed with recall and recognition tests. We also quantified participants’ intrusive memories for each task by having them complete an intrusive memory questionnaire on Days 2, 4, 6, and 8. Participants exposed to the TSST exhibited greater recall of central objects than participants exposed to the f-TSST. There were no differences observed for the recall of peripheral objects or for recognition memory. Interestingly, TSST exposure increased false recall in males, but reduced it in females. Females exposed to the TSST also showed greater evidence of intrusive memories than males exposed to the TSST. Consistent with prior work, these findings show that stress enhances memory for the central details of a stressful experience. They also extend on prior work by showing that stressful experiences sex-dependently impact the manifestation of false and intrusive memories. This is the first study of which we are aware to quantify intrusive memory formation with the TSST; the modified TSST paradigm may be useful in understanding differential susceptibility to intrusive memory formation and the development of PTSD

    Development of X-43A Mach 10 Leading Edges

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    The nose leading edge of the Hyper-X Mach 10 vehicle was orginally anticipated to reach temperatures near 4000 F at the leading-edge stagnation line. A SiC coated carbon/carbon (C/C) leading-edge material will not survive that extreme temperature for even a short duration single flight. To identify a suitable leading edge for the Mach 10 vehicle, arc-jet testing was performed on thirteen leading-edge segments fabricated from different material systems to evaluate their performance in a simulated flight environment. Hf, Zr, Si, and Ir based materials, in most cases as a coating on C/C, were included in the evaluation. Afterwards, MER, Tucson, AZ was selected as the supplier of the flight vehicle leading edges. The nose and the vertical and horizontal tail leading edges were fabricated out of a 3:1 biased high thermal conductivity C/C. The leading edges were coated with a three layer coating comprised of a SiC conversion of the top surface of the C/C, followed by a chemical vapor deposited layer of SiC, followed by a thin chemical vapor deposited layer of HfC. This paper will describe the fabrication of the Mach 10 C/C leading edges and the testing performed to validate performance

    Young people doing dance doing gender: relational analysis and thinking intersectionally

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    Scraton (1992) asserts in her conclusion to ‘Shaping up to Womanhood’ that feminist analysis of PE (and sport and leisure more broadly) needs to engage more directly with masculinity as a means to understanding the ‘dynamics of gender’. Focusing on young people’s involvement in recreational dance, this paper demonstrates how some of those dynamics of gender are played out, reproduced and resisted by both boys and girls who participate at community based dance organisations. Selective data in the form of research frames are incorporated to illustrate how gender is constructed, enacted and embodied by young people engaged in recreational dance. Masculine and feminine hegemonies are highlighted and demonstrate that gender is both relational and intersectional. This contributes to ongoing analysis of masculinities and femininities as practices and processes imbued with complex power relations for young people

    Ccl5 Mediates Proper Wiring of Feedforward and Lateral Inhibition Pathways in the Inner Retina

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    The β-chemokine Ccl5 and its receptors are constitutively expressed in neurons of the murine inner retina. Here, we examined the functional and structural significance of this constitutive Ccl5 signaling on retinal development. We compared outcomes of electrophysiology, ocular imaging and retinal morphology in wild-type mice (WT) and mice with Ccl5 deficiency (Ccl5-/-). Assessment of retinal structure by ocular coherence tomography and histology revealed slight thinning of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and inner nuclear layer (INL) in Ccl5-/- mice, compared to WT (p < 0.01). Assessment of postnatal timepoints important for development of the INL (P7 and P10) revealed Ccl5-dependent alterations in the pattern and timing of apoptotic pruning. Morphological analyses of major inner retinal cell types in WT, Ccl5-/-, gustducingfp and gustducingfp/Ccl5-/- mice revealed Ccl5-dependent reduction in GNAT3 expression in rod bipolar cells as well as a displacement of their terminals from the IPL into the GCL. RGC dendritic organization and amacrine cell morphology in the IPL was similarly disorganized in Ccl5-/- mice. Examination of the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of RGCs revealed higher spontaneous activity in Ccl5-/- mice that was characterized by higher spiking frequency and a more depolarized resting potential. This hyperactive phenotype could be negated by current clamp and correlated with both membrane resistance and soma area. Overall, our findings identify Ccl5 signaling as a mediator of inner retinal circuitry during development of the murine retina. The apparent role of Ccl5 in retinal development further supports chemokines as trophic modulators of CNS development and function that extends far beyond the inflammatory contexts in which they were first characterized

    A TOMM40 variable-length polymorphism predicts the age of late-onset Alzheimer's disease

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    The ɛ4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is currently the strongest and most highly replicated genetic factor for risk and age of onset of late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD). Using phylogenetic analysis, we have identified a polymorphic poly-T variant, rs10524523, in the translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 homolog (TOMM40) gene that provides greatly increased precision in the estimation of age of LOAD onset for APOE ɛ3 carriers. In two independent clinical cohorts, longer lengths of rs10524523 are associated with a higher risk for LOAD. For APOE ɛ3/4 patients who developed LOAD after 60 years of age, individuals with long poly-T repeats linked to APOE ɛ3 develop LOAD on an average of 7 years earlier than individuals with shorter poly-T repeats linked to APOE ɛ3 (70.5±1.2 years versus 77.6±2.1 years, P=0.02, n=34). Independent mutation events at rs10524523 that occurred during Caucasian evolution have given rise to multiple categories of poly-T length variants at this locus. On replication, these results will have clinical utility for predictive risk estimates for LOAD and for enabling clinical disease prevention studies. In addition, these results show the effective use of a phylogenetic approach for analysis of haplotypes of polymorphisms, including structural polymorphisms, which contribute to complex diseases
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