1,669 research outputs found

    Effect of Tidal Cycling Rate on the Distribution and Abundance of Nitrogen-Oxidizing Bacteria in a Bench-Scale Fill-and-Drain Bioreactor

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    Most domestic wastewater can be effectively treated for secondary uses by engineered biological systems. These systems rely on microbial activity to reduce nitrogen (N) content of the reclaimed water. Such systems often employ a tidal-flow process to minimize space requirements for the coupling of aerobic and anaerobic metabolic processes. In this study, laboratory-scale tidal-flow treatment systems were studied to determine how the frequency and duration of tidal cycling may impact reactor performance. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and epifluorescence microscopy were used to enumerate the key functional groups of bacteria responsible for nitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), and N-removal efficiency was calculated via a mass-balance approach. When water was cycled (i.e., reactors were filled and drained) at high frequencies (16–24 cycles day−1), nitrate accumulated in the columns—presumably due to inadequate periods of anoxia that limited denitrification. At lower frequencies, such as 4 cycles day−1, nearly complete N removal was achieved (80–90%). These fill-and-drain systems enriched heavily for nitrifiers, with relatively few anammox-capable organisms. The microbial community produced was robust, surviving well through short (up to 3 h) anaerobic periods and frequent system-wide perturbation

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Petani Padi Di Desa Rowosari Kecamatan Gubug Kabupaten Grobogan

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Petani Padi di Desa Rowosari, Kecamatan Gubug, Kabupaten Grobogan, tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana perilaku pencarian informasi petani padi di desa Rowosari, kecamatan Gubug, Kabupaten Grobogan. Teori pencarian informasi yang digunakan adalah teori pencarian informasi menurut Kuhltau, Ellis dan Wilson. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu desain penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu lima orang petani padi dan objek penelitiannya yaitu perilaku mereka dalam mencari informasi untuk meningkatkan dan memperluas pengetahuannya tentang tanaman padi. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini merupakan jenis data kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada dua macam yaitu sumber data primer yaitu hasil wawancara dan observasi, serta sumber data sekunder berupa laporan surat kabar dan foto. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar informan menyatakan bentuk informasi yang mereka gunakan yaitu bentuk lisan seperti penyuluhan pertanian dan bertukar pengalaman dengan rekan pertanian, bentuk informasi audio visual seperti berita di televisi dan radio, bentuk informasi tertulis melalui buku, surat kabar dan majalah dinding pada toko obat. Kebanyakan para informan mencari informasi dengan cara datang ke perkumpulan tani untuk berdiskusi bersama teman sejawat maupun para ahli. Adapula informan yang mencari informasi dengan cara melihat dan mendengarkan berita di stasiun televisi atau radio, menggunakan internet dengan kata kunci terkait tanaman padi, menonton youtube, datang ke toko obat untuk membaca majalah dinding

    Evolutionary history influences the salinity preference of bacterial taxa in wetland soils

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    Salinity is a major driver of bacterial community composition across the globe. Despite growing recognition that different bacterial species are present or active at different salinities, the mechanisms by which salinity structures community composition remain unclear. We tested the hypothesis that these patterns reflect ecological coherence in the salinity preferences of phylogenetic groups using a reciprocal transplant experiment of fresh- and saltwater wetland soils. The salinity of both the origin and host environments affected community composition (16S rRNA gene sequences) and activity (CO2 and CH4 production, and extracellular enzyme activity). These changes in community composition and activity rates were strongly correlated, which suggests the effect of environment on function could be mediated, at least in part, by microbial community composition. Based on their distribution across treatments, each phylotype was categorized as having a salinity preference (freshwater, saltwater, or none) and phylogenetic analyses revealed a significant influence of evolutionary history on these groupings. This finding was corroborated by examining the salinity preferences of high-level taxonomic groups. For instance, we found that the majority of α- and γ-proteobacteria in these wetland soils preferred saltwater, while many β-proteobacteria prefer freshwater. Overall, our results indicate the effect of salinity on bacterial community composition results from phylogenetically-clustered salinity preferences

    THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ETHICS-TRAINING PROGRAMS IN THE BANKING SECTOR: The mediation effects of ethical culture, supervision, and enforcement

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    Academic and professional interest in organizational ethics-training is on the rise as advances in technology and global reach create increasing opportunities for violations of moral standards. To mitigate risks associated with moral hazard, organizations strive to create an ethical culture by offering formal ethics-training programs. Notably, the literature is rich with studies that confirm a positive effect of ethics-training programs on employee ethical behavior. However, such programs may become mere cosmetics in the presence of a weak ethical culture, a non-ethics oriented supervisor, and lack of policy enforcement. This study investigates the roles played by the afore-mentioned factors on the relationship between formal ethics-training and employee ethical intentions. The quantitative approach is used and data are analyzed using structural equation modeling with IBM’s Amos. Important findings are reported and relevant implications suggested

    Unequal error protection of H.264/AVC video transmitted over wireless network

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    This work focus on the problem linked to the transmission of real time video over packet wireless network.Our objective is to define mechanism able to insuring a quality of video in spite to the problems of packet losses and transmission delays characterizing this type of network.The proposed mechanism is based Forward Error Correction (FEC) compatible with the H.264/AVC standard.This mechanism relies on a ratedistortion algorithm controlling the channel rates under a global rate constraint given by the network.This optimization takes into account the type of packet and his length; the tool of data portioning is used in our proposition.This mechanism leading to an unequal error protection of different units of coded sequence.A Reed-Solomon channel coding in application layer is adapted to unequal protected data.The experimentation results indicate the efficiency of our proposition compared to the equal error protection

    Kontribusi Prilaku Kepemimpinan Kepela Sekolah, Motivasi Berprestasi, Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Widya Suara Sukawati

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    This study aimed at finding out and discribing : for to know how to big contribution of the principal leadership behavior, achievement motivation, and organisation culture towards teacher performance at SMP Widya Suara Sukawati . this study belonged to ex post facto research with corelational design with the population of 51 people teacher. The data were collected by using observation n questionnaire. Data were analyzed using simple regression, multiple regression, and partial correlation analysis. The results showed there was a positive and significant contribution between principal leadership behaviors on teacher performance in SMP Widya Suara Sukawati with a contribution of 88.9%, there is a positive and significant contribution between achievement motivation on teacher performance in SMP Widya Suara Sukawati with a contribution of 52.5%. There is a positive and significant contribution to the culture of the organization on teacher performance in SMP Widya Suara Sukawati with a contribution of 10.5% and there is a positive and significant contribution between principal leadership behaviors, achievement motivation and organizational culture on teacher performance in SMP Widya Suara Sukawati with a contribution of 97.6%

    Gut Microbiome, Intestinal Permeability, and Tissue Bacteria in Metabolic Disease: Perpetrators or Bystanders?

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    The emerging evidence on the interconnectedness between the gut microbiome and host metabolism has led to a paradigm shift in the study of metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes with implications on both underlying pathophysiology and potential treatment. Mounting preclinical and clinical evidence of gut microbiota shifts, increased intestinal permeability in metabolic disease, and the critical positioning of the intestinal barrier at the interface between environment and internal milieu have led to the rekindling of the “leaky gut” concept. Although increased circulation of surrogate markers and directly measurable intestinal permeability have been linked to increased systemic inflammation in metabolic disease, mechanistic models behind this phenomenon are underdeveloped. Given repeated observations of microorganisms in several tissues with congruent phylogenetic findings, we review current evidence on these unanticipated niches, focusing specifically on the interaction between gut permeability and intestinal as well as extra-intestinal bacteria and their joint contributions to systemic inflammation and metabolism. We further address limitations of current studies and suggest strategies drawing on standard techniques for permeability measurement, recent advancements in microbial culture independent techniques and computational methodologies to robustly develop these concepts, which may be of considerable value for the development of prevention and treatment strategies