566 research outputs found


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    Dalam pembelajaran fisika, diperlukan kontekstualisasi suatu teori fisika dengan menempatkannya pada alat peraga yang dapat membuktikan kebenarannya sehingga dapat diterima dan disimpan oleh memori. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan seperangkat alat peraga berupa papan kerja, yang diharapkan mampu mendukung fungsi kontekstualisasi teori momen gaya. Komponen yang membentuk papan kerja menggunakan alat sederhana agar dapat ditiru oleh siapa saja. Papan kerja ini kemudian diuji secara empiris untuk mengetahui keakuratannya dengan memvariasikan lengan gaya dan beban yang akan digunakan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai momen gaya akan semakin besar jika nilai lengan gaya dan beban semakin besar. Bukti ini diperoleh dengan adanya selisih positif nilai momen gaya antara lengan gaya 0,09 m dan lengan gaya 0,075 m, pada benda bermassa 25 gram sebesar 0,00344 Nm, benda bermassa 105 gram sebesar 0,0107 Nm, dan bermassa 210 gram sebesar 0,0334 Nm. Secara umum, papan kerja sederhana yang dikembangkan mampu membuktikan teori momen gaya yang sebanding dengan besarnya gaya, dengan tingkat kesalahan relatif sebesar 5,45%

    Difusi Gas Radon dari dalam Tanah di Daerah Bengkulu

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    The aim of this research is to achieve a rough estimation of the radon diffusion coefficient from soil in Bengkulu. The samples were taken from 28 points of different area in Bengkulu. We used a GM tube and LR-115-II detectors to detect the radon concentration. It is found that the average of radon concentration is 136 Bq/m3. While, on the other hand the average of radon diffusion coefficient of soil in­crease lenearly with increase of soil depth. We also found that radon exhalation rate from ground surface is 0.88 mBq/m2/s up to 1.51 mBq/m2/s


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    His research aims to determine the analysis of critical discourse in the text of speech from Nadiem Makariem. The speech was chosen because one of the objects in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is an approach to analyzing the relationship between language, ideology, and strength. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Researchers use three-dimensional framework by Norman Fairclough in analyzing critical data Discourse analysis (CDA). In presenting and analyzing the data, the researchers used qualitative data analysis theory from Miles and Huberman (1994) in Gani (2011), consists of data reduction, display or representation of data, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that both the speech of Nadiem Makarim has micro, mezzo, and macro level linkages for the skeleton of Norman Fairclough. The language used in both speeches is standard language, but in the speech of Nadiem Makarim used more creative language that can touch the millennial generation

    CNT-based RFID passive gas sensor

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    Peran Kearifan Lokal Bahuma Batahutn terhadap Kondisi Lingkungan Masyarakat Suku Dayak

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    The environment that continues to experience quality degradation caused by human activities in fulfilling the necessities of life such as the fulfillment of food and board clothing requires that human beings have to sacrifice what is around it for that matter. The role of government and society is very important in maintaining environmental sustainability. For example by optimizing the role of local wisdom owned by the public like Bahuma Batahutn. Bahuma Batahutn is one way of environmental management wisely, owned by the Dayak people. This type of research is a type of qualitative research using ethnographic methods and research data obtained by using data collection techniques in the form of literature review, observation, and interviews related to local wisdom

    Epidemiology of Hypertension in the Prefecture of Figuig, Morocco

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension continues to be a public health problem with devastating consequences globally, particularly in developing countries where there is an acute paucity of hypertension data.The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical, and treatment characteristics of hypertensive patients in the prefecture of Figuig, Morocco. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of hypertensive patients’ medical records from 2010 to 2020. The diagnosis, treatments, and complications were reported by physicians and cardiologists. Data analysis was made according to epidemiological, clinical complications, and treatments. RESULTS: Hypertension progressed from 871 cases in 2010 to 1785 cases in 2020 with an average annual incidence rate of 105.56/100,000 person-year, affecting more women than men (68% vs 32%). Hypertension was higher among rural residents compared to urban residents (54.0%vs 46%). Hypertension was noted in 65.4 % of patients aged 60+, and in 30.49% of patients aged 40-59. The incidence proportion of clinical complications is Ipcomplications=18.35/1000 person- year, principally cardiovascular diseases (45.42%), stroke (25.55%), retinopathy (17.98%) and nephropathy (10.41%). The most antihypertensive drugs used were Calcium channel blockers (33.39%), Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (21.13%), Angiotensin receptors blockers (21.21%), diuretics (19.4%), beta-blockers (5.38%) and central antihypertensive (10.46%) with an average coverage needs of treatments in the prefecture as (47.29%). CONCLUSION: Hypertension progresses gradually in the prefecture, higher among older individuals, women and rural residents. Large proportion of patients cannot find their treatments in health care structures which lead to poor blood pressure control, accelerating the appearance of complications

    Health Promotion Behaviors among Elderly in Nursing Home at Baghdad City

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the elderly health promotion behavior through use five domains of physical activities, nutrition patterns, drugs use, psychological well being, seeking of health care. And also to determine the relationship between health promotion behaviors and demographic characteristics(age, gender, and level of education.Methodology: non- experimental (descriptive study) conducted in nursing home at Baghdad city among elderlys' on A non-probability (purposive sample) of (N=80) person were matched with them from general population. The data were collected through the use of semi-structured interview by questionnaire, which consists of two parts (1) divide, section A. cover letter and B. Sociodemographic data which consists of 3-items, (2) health promotion behaviors questionnaire consists of 60-items distributed to four dimensions include, domains, physical activities, nutrition patterns , drugs use, psychological well being, and seeking of health care.Results: The findings of the  present  study  indicate that most the elderlys' unable on practicing physical activity in nursing home residents The drug use domain is perfect for health promotion behaviors domains among elderlys' in nursing home residents, and demographic data no impact upon heath promotion behaviors. Recommendations: The study recommends that Implementation of health education programs by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to improve the elderlys' health promotion behaviors. The elderly of nursing home residents can be considered the target for programs to applying and reinforcing health      promotion issues.   Keywords : health promotion behaviors, elderlys', nursing hom