3,130 research outputs found

    Deposition of general ellipsoidal particles

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    We present a systematic overview of granular deposits composed of ellipsoidal particles with different particle shapes and size polydispersities. We study the density and anisotropy of such deposits as functions of size polydispersity and two shape parameters that fully describe the shape of a general ellipsoid. Our results show that, while shape influences significantly the macroscopic properties of the deposits, polydispersity plays apparently a secondary role. The density attains a maximum for a particular family of non-symmetrical ellipsoids, larger than the density observed for prolate or oblate ellipsoids. As for anisotropy measures, the contact forces show are increasingly preferred along the vertical direction as the shape of the particles deviates for a sphere. The deposits are constructed by means of an efficient molecular dynamics method, where the contact forces are efficiently and accurately computed. The main results are discussed in the light of applications for porous media models and sedimentation processes.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the evaporation of particle-laden droplets

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the evaporation of particle-laden droplets on a heated surface. The droplets are composed of a Lennard-Jones fluid containing rigid particles which are spherical sections of an atomic lattice, and heating is controlled through the temperature of an atomistic substrate. We observe that sufficiently large (but still nano-sized) particle-laden drops exhibit contact line pinning, measure the outward fluid flow field which advects particle to the drop rim, and find that the structure of the resulting aggregate varies with inter-particle interactions. In addition, the profile of the evaporative fluid flux is measured with and without particles present, and is also found to be in qualitative agreement with earlier theory. The compatibility of simple nanoscale calculations and micron-scale experiments indicates that molecular simulation may be used to predict aggregate structure in evaporative growth processes

    Free Thermal Convection Driven by Nonlocal Effects

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    We report and explain a convective phenomenon observed in molecular dynamics simulations that cannot be classified either as a hydrodynamics instability nor as a macroscopically forced convection. Two complementary arguments show that the velocity field by a thermalizing wall is proportional to the ratio between the heat flux and the pressure. This prediction is quantitatively corroborated by our simulations.Comment: RevTex, figures is eps, submited for publicatio

    Stratified horizontal flow in vertically vibrated granular layers

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    A layer of granular material on a vertically vibrating sawtooth-shaped base exhibits horizontal flow whose speed and direction depend on the parameters specifying the system in a complex manner. Discrete-particle simulations reveal that the induced flow rate varies with height within the granular layer and oppositely directed flows can occur at different levels. The behavior of the overall flow is readily understood once this novel feature is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitte

    Velocity fluctuations and hydrodynamic diffusion in sedimentation

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    We study non-equilibrium velocity fluctuations in a model for the sedimentation of non-Brownian particles experiencing long-range hydrodynamic interactions. The complex behavior of these fluctuations, the outcome of the collective dynamics of the particles, exhibits many of the features observed in sedimentation experiments. In addition, our model predicts a final relaxation to an anisotropic (hydrodynamic) diffusive state that could be observed in experiments performed over longer time ranges.Comment: 7 pages, 5 EPS figures, EPL styl

    Viscoelasticity and Stokes-Einstein relation in repulsive and attractive colloidal glasses

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    We report a numerical investigation of the visco-elastic behavior in models for steric repulsive and short-range attractive colloidal suspensions, along different paths in the attraction-strength vs packing fraction plane. More specifically, we study the behavior of the viscosity (and its frequency dependence) on approaching the repulsive glass, the attractive glass and in the re-entrant region where viscosity shows a non monotonic behavior on increasing attraction strength. On approaching the glass lines, the increase of the viscosity is consistent with a power-law divergence with the same exponent and critical packing fraction previously obtained for the divergence of the density fluctuations. Based on mode-coupling calculations, we associate the increase of the viscosity with specific contributions from different length scales. We also show that the results are independent on the microscopic dynamics by comparing newtonian and brownian simulations for the same model. Finally we evaluate the Stokes-Einstein relation approaching both glass transitions, finding a clear breakdown which is particularly strong for the case of the attractive glass.Comment: 12 pages; sent to J. Chem. Phy

    Using Available Volume to Predict Fluid Diffusivity in Random Media

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    We propose a simple equation for predicting self-diffusivity of fluids embedded in random matrices of identical, but dynamically frozen, particles (i.e., quenched-annealed systems). The only nontrivial input is the volume available to mobile particles, which also can be predicted for two common matrix types that reflect equilibrium and non-equilibrium fluid structures. The proposed equation can account for the large differences in mobility exhibited by quenched-annealed systems with indistinguishable static pair correlations, illustrating the key role that available volume plays in transport.Comment: to appear in Physical Review E (12 pages, 4 figures

    Star-graph expansions for bond-diluted Potts models

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    We derive high-temperature series expansions for the free energy and the susceptibility of random-bond qq-state Potts models on hypercubic lattices using a star-graph expansion technique. This method enables the exact calculation of quenched disorder averages for arbitrary uncorrelated coupling distributions. Moreover, we can keep the disorder strength pp as well as the dimension dd as symbolic parameters. By applying several series analysis techniques to the new series expansions, one can scan large regions of the (p,d)(p,d) parameter space for any value of qq. For the bond-diluted 4-state Potts model in three dimensions, which exhibits a rather strong first-order phase transition in the undiluted case, we present results for the transition temperature and the effective critical exponent γ\gamma as a function of pp as obtained from the analysis of susceptibility series up to order 18. A comparison with recent Monte Carlo data (Chatelain {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. E64, 036120(2001)) shows signals for the softening to a second-order transition at finite disorder strength.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Molecular dynamics in arbitrary geometries : parallel evaluation of pair forces

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    A new algorithm for calculating intermolecular pair forces in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a distributed parallel computer is presented. The arbitrary interacting cells algorithm (AICA) is designed to operate on geometrical domains defined by an unstructured, arbitrary polyhedral mesh that has been spatially decomposed into irregular portions for parallelisation. It is intended for nano scale fluid mechanics simulation by MD in complex geometries, and to provide the MD component of a hybrid MD/continuum simulation. The spatial relationship of the cells of the mesh is calculated at the start of the simulation and only the molecules contained in cells that have part of their surface closer than the cut-off radius of the intermolecular pair potential are required to interact. AICA has been implemented in the open source C++ code OpenFOAM, and its accuracy has been indirectly verified against a published MD code. The same system simulated in serial and in parallel on 12 and 32 processors gives the same results. Performance tests show that there is an optimal number of cells in a mesh for maximum speed of calculating intermolecular forces, and that having a large number of empty cells in the mesh does not add a significant computational overhead

    The influence of bond-rigidity and cluster diffusion on the self-diffusion of hard spheres with square-well interaction

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    Hard spheres interacting through a square-well potential were simulated using two different methods: Brownian Cluster Dynamics (BCD) and Event Driven Brownian Dynamics (EDBD). The structure of the equilibrium states obtained by both methods were compared and found to be almost the identical. Self diffusion coefficients (DD) were determined as a function of the interaction strength. The same values were found using BCD or EDBD. Contrary the EDBD, BCD allows one to study the effect of bond rigidity and hydrodynamic interaction within the clusters. When the bonds are flexible the effect of attraction on DD is relatively weak compared to systems with rigid bonds. DD increases first with increasing attraction strength, and then decreases for stronger interaction. Introducing intra-cluster hydrodynamic interaction weakly increases DD for a given interaction strength. Introducing bond rigidity causes a strong decrease of DD which no longer shows a maximum as function of the attraction strength
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