191 research outputs found

    Facility management in serbia - State of the art and perspectives

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    Trying to estimate perspectives of Facility Management development in Serbia, the authors are looking for rare cases and initiations of Facility Management in practice, considering recent experiences from the countries in the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) region such as Hungary, Croatia and other European countries in transition. In a milieu of a recovering economy, privatization in progress, a dynamic real estate market and an expansion of foreign investments, development of FM is regarded as a field with a significant perspective. The presence of developed FM concepts in European countries can be a chance for Serbia to start developing its own FM strategy based on the best regional experiences

    Facility management in serbia - State of the art and perspectives

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    Trying to estimate perspectives of Facility Management development in Serbia, the authors are looking for rare cases and initiations of Facility Management in practice, considering recent experiences from the countries in the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) region such as Hungary, Croatia and other European countries in transition. In a milieu of a recovering economy, privatization in progress, a dynamic real estate market and an expansion of foreign investments, development of FM is regarded as a field with a significant perspective. The presence of developed FM concepts in European countries can be a chance for Serbia to start developing its own FM strategy based on the best regional experiences

    Reconstruction and functional conversion of a family house into The Krajina Museum in Negotin

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    Музеј Крајине у Неготину је основан 1934. године. Простор у којем се данас налази добија 1952. године када се пресељава у кућу трговца Душана Јотића која је саграђена крајем XIX и почетком XX века. Циљ рада је да прикаже пројектантски процес и избор решења за потребе реконструкције унутрашњег простора са аспекта наменске преоријентације простора из стамбеног у музеолошки. Аутори примењују методологију дескриптивног истраживања, јер им то омогућава да систематски и чињенично опишу и дефинишу специфичне особине наведеног објекта. Примењене архитектонске методе у решавању функције и естетике унутрашњег простора, као и грађевинске методе при реконструкцији комплетног објекта обухватиле су заштиту и обнову фасада и крова. Такође, примењене методе омогућиле су реализацију свих музеолошких захтева са одговарајућим техничким системима, испуњење естетско˗ликовних услова у вези са експозицијом сталне поставке, обликовање музејских помагала и визуелно представљање in continuo „музејске приче”. Богатство и вредност музејских предмета, посебно из археолошке збирке, укључили су део спољног простора у оквиру дворишта за организацију лапидаријума. Истовремено, пројектом је предложено архитектонско решење анекса, новог објекта у делу дворишта, који би у естетском и функционалном смислу био повезан са постојећим објектом. Резултат реконструкције, функционалне пренамене и доградње музеја Крајине је заштита и продужетак животног века значајног објекта, осавремењавање и допуњавање сталне поставке, као и добијање додатног простора за рад кустоса и организовање других активности у музејском простору. Обновљен и концепцијски реорганизован музеј Крајине би постао још значајнији културни и историјски центар значајан за грађане Неготина и читаве регије.The Krajina Museum in Negotin was founded in 1934. The museum space took on its present appearance in 1952 when it was relocated into the house of a well-known merchant Dušan Jotić built at the end of 19th century and in the early 20th century. The aim of the paper is to present the designing process and elaborate on the solutions acquired for the interior refurbishment from the perspective of the conversion of a residential house into a museum. Authors employ the descriptive research methodology which makes it possible to describe and define the specific features of the said building systematically and factually. Applied architectural methods for changing the function and the aesthetics of the interior, as well as construction methods for the reconstruction of the whole building, included the roof and façade refurbishment and protection. Moreover, the applied methods enabled compliance with all museum and technical requirements along with aesthetic and art requirements pertaining to the permanent exhibition, shaping of museum aids and in continuo visual presentation of the “museum story”. Richness and value of the museum items, particularly those in the archeological collection, required that part of the outside court be reorganized into lapidarium. At the same time, the design proposed architectural solution for the annex – a new facility in the outside court which would be, aesthetically and functionally, connected to the existing building. The outcome of the reconstruction, functional conversion and adding onto the building of the Krajina Museum has been multiple: the protection and conservation of this important building's life-cycle; modernization and completion of the permanent exhibition; acquiring additional space for curators, their work and organization of other events and activities in the museum. Restored and conceptually reorganized Krajina Museum has become even more significant cultural and historical centre for Negotin and the surrounding region

    The role of NATO naval and air forces in the Mediterranean after the Cold War

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    Промене у међународним односима настале после Хладног рата утицале су на повећану употребу поморских и ваздухопловних снага у односу на копнене снаге у војним интервенцијама и реакцијама на кризе или појаву претњи. Поморска и ваздушна моћ су у међународним односима све више после Хладног рата почеле да се испољавају у војним интервенцијама. Употреба поморске моћи је све учесталија и више од 80 одсто интервенција и локалних ратова је вођено са мора и преко мора. Предмет истраживања представља утврђивање улоге коју поморске и ваздухопловне снаге НАТО остварују у Средоземљу после Хладног рата. Тема до сада није била предмет истраживања и у довољној мери не постоје сазнања о предмету истраживања у домаћој, али ни у иностраној стручној и научној литератури. У раду се пошло од претпоставке да је НАТО после Хладног рата све чешће користио поморске и ваздухопловне снаге за остварење дугорочних стратегијских интереса...Changes in international relations after the Cold War resulted in the increased use of naval and air forces in comparision to ground forces in military interventions, as well as responses to crises or the occurrence of threats. Therefore, naval and air power in international relations were more relevant for military interventions after the Cold War. It is particularly relevant for the use of naval power, as more than 80 percent of interventions and local wars were conducted from the sea and over the sea. The subject of research is to determine the role of the NATO naval and air forces in the Mediterranean Sea after the Cold War. This topic has not been the subject of numerous academic research and sufficient knowledge in national, nor foreign scientific literature. The dissertation is based on the assumption that NATO after the Cold War increasingly used naval and air forces to achieve long-term strategic interests..

    Methods for Automated Neuron Image Analysis

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    Knowledge of neuronal cell morphology is essential for performing specialized analyses in the endeavor to understand neuron behavior and unravel the underlying principles of brain function. Neurons can be captured with a high level of detail using modern microscopes, but many neuroscientific studies require a more explicit and accessible representation than offered by the resulting images, underscoring the need for digital reconstruction of neuronal morphology from the images into a tree-like graph structure. This thesis proposes new computational methods for automated detection and reconstruction of neurons from fluorescence microscopy images. Specifically, the successive chapters describe and evaluate original solutions to problems such as the detection of landmarks (critical points) of the neuronal tree, complete tracing and reconstruction of the tree, and the detection of regions containing neurons in high-content screens

    Fuzzy-Logic Based Detection and Characterization of Junctions and Terminations in Fluorescence Microscopy Images of Neurons

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    Digital reconstruction of neuronal cell morphology is an important step toward understanding the functionality of neuronal networks. Neurons are tree-like structures whose description depends critically on the junctions and terminations, collectively called critical points, making the correct localization and identification of these points a crucial task in the reconstruction process. Here we present a fully automatic method for the integrated detection and characterization of both types of critical points in fluorescence microscopy images of neurons. In view of the majority of our current studies, which are based on cultured neurons, we describe and evaluate the method for application to two-dimensional (2D) images. The method relies on directional filtering and angular profile analysis to extract essential features about the main streamlines at any location in an image, and employs fuzzy logic with carefully designed rules to reason about the feature values in order to make well-informed decisions about the presence of a critical point and its type. Experiments on simulated as well as real images of neurons demonstrate the detection performance of our method. A comparison with the output of two existing neuron reconstruction methods reveals that our method achieves substantially higher detection rates and could provide beneficial information to the reconstruction process

    Facility management theoretical framework and application in practice

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    Real estate is one of the most important parts of a corporate capital, as well as of wealth of an individual or a society; and management and maintenance of the built environment are connected with huge costs that owners or users intend to reduce. The concept of Facility Management (FM) is applicable first of all on the corporate level, but nowadays it is often used in urban and regional contexts as well. FM as recently introduced discipline, aims in supporting a strategic, efficient and cost-effective management of built environment, optimization of performances, quality improvement and control, cost reduction, transparency of budgets; affecting both organizational core business and urban environment

    Facility management theoretical framework and application in practice

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    Real estate is one of the most important parts of a corporate capital, as well as of wealth of an individual or a society; and management and maintenance of the built environment are connected with huge costs that owners or users intend to reduce. The concept of Facility Management (FM) is applicable first of all on the corporate level, but nowadays it is often used in urban and regional contexts as well. FM as recently introduced discipline, aims in supporting a strategic, efficient and cost-effective management of built environment, optimization of performances, quality improvement and control, cost reduction, transparency of budgets; affecting both organizational core business and urban environment

    Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Aramid Fabrics Impregnated with Carbon Nanotube/Poly (Vinyl Butyral)/Ethanol Solution

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    In this study six samples of polyurethane/p-aramid multiaxial fabric forms (Colon fabrics) were coated with 10 wt.% poly (vinyl butyral) (PVB)/ethanol solution with the addition of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). The solution was impregnated on both sides of each of the fabrics. All composite samples consisted of four layers of the impregnated fabrics. The MWCNT/PVB content was 0, 0.1 and 1 wt.%. The three samples of the fabrics with different MWCNT/PVB content were coated with γ-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (AMEO silane)/ethanol solution due to the surface modification. The mechanical properties of the prepared composite samples were studied by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The 60% increase in storage modulus was achieved by addition of MWCNT and impregnation of aramid fabrics with AMEO silane. The pristine multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) were introduced in order to enhance additionally the mechanical properties of the materials for ballistic protection

    Automated Neuron Reconstruction from 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation

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    Microscopic images of neuronal cells provide essential structural information about the key constituents of the brain and form the basis of many neuroscientific studies. Computational analyses of the morphological properties of the captured neurons require first converting the structural information into digital tree-like reconstructions. Many dedicated computational methods and corresponding software tools have been and are continuously being developed with the aim to automate this step while achieving human-comparable reconstruction accuracy. This pursuit is hampered by the immense diversity and intricacy of neuronal morphologies as well as the often low quality and ambiguity of the images. Here we present a novel method we developed in an effort to improve the robustness of digital reconstruction against these complicating factors. The method is based on probabilistic filtering by sequential Monte Carlo estimation and uses prediction and update models designed specifically for tracing neuronal branches in microscopic image stacks. Moreover, it uses multiple probabilistic traces to arrive at a more robust, ensemble reconstruction. The proposed method was evaluated on fluorescence microscopy image stacks of single neurons and dense neuronal networks with expert manual annotations serving as the gold standard, as well as on synthetic images with known ground truth. The results indicate that our method performs well under varying experimental conditions and compares favorably to state-of-the-art alternative methods