470 research outputs found

    Analisis dan Karakterisasi Genteng Polimer Berbahan Baku Ban dalam Bekas, Pasir dan Aspal dengan Perekat Polipropilenae

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    Studies of polymer roof have been made with using tube rubber, polypropylene, sand, Asphalt and epoxy. Studies have been done to know the best combination of sand and tube rubber as free variable with composition of variations to 30:20gr, 32,5:17,5 gr, 35:15 gr, 37,5:12,5 gr, 40:10 gr, 42,5:7,5 gr, 45:5 gr, 47,5:2,5 gr. Then, constant variable has asphalt to 5 gr, poliypropilene 30 gr and epoxy 15 gr as glue in combination. tube-rubber waste melted (with extruder) and then it mixed with asphalt, sand, polypropylene, epoxy and catalyst. Then it was grinded in internal mixer for 1 hour at temperature of 150 0C. Then it was pressed with using Hot Compressor for 20 minutes with pressure 38 atm (38,5 x 105 Pa). The properties of polymer roof that analyzed to test physical properties such as water absorption and porosity, mechanical properties including impact test and bending strength test and thermal properties including Differential thermal Analysis test .The result of research show that the best combination based on test is the combination from sand and tube rubber with ratio (55:10) and additional 5 gr of asphalt as binding,30 gr of polypropylene with epoxy 14% and catalyst 1

    Pengaruh Jenis Fusible Interfacing Terhadap Hasil Jadi Quiltagami Kain Lurik Pada Rok Suai

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      Abstrak Quiltagami adalah gabungan teknik origami dan quilting. Origami adalah seni melipat kertas atau kain. Quilting adalah teknik yang menggabungkan 2 atau 3 bahan menjadi satu. Prinsip penerapan quiltagami dalam penggunaan bahan harus kaku dan mudah dilipat. Sehingga quiltagami dapat diterapkan pada bahan lurik. Untuk memberi kesan kaku dan mudah dilipat maka diperlukan fusible interfacing. Jenis fusible interfacing yang digunakan adalah knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 7513, knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 3113, dan knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 2613. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis knit fusible interfacing terhadap hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik pada rok suai. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dengan metode pengumpulan data observasi yang dilakukan oleh 30 observer. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah jenis knit fusible interfacing, yaitu knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 7513, knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 3113, dan knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 2613. Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik pada rok suai. Analisis data menggunakan anava tunggal dengan bantuan program komputer SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik menggunakan knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 7513 memiliki kategori cukup baik. Hal ini ditinjau dari aspek kesesuaian bentuk quiltagami dengan nilai mean 2,8, ketetapan bentuk lipatan quiltagami pada rok suai dengan nilai mean 2,9, dan kerapian hasil jadi quiltagami dengan nilai 3,4. Hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik menggunakan knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 3113 memiliki kategori baik. Hal ini ditinjau dari aspek kesesuaian bentuk quiltagami dengan nilai mean 3,2, ketetapan bentuk lipatan quiltagami pada rok suai dengan nilai mean 3,3, dan kerapian hasil jadi quiltagami dengan nilai 3,4. Hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik menggunakan knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 2613 memiliki kategori baik. Hal ini ditinjau dari aspek kesesuaian bentuk quiltagami dengan nilai mean 3,9, ketetapan bentuk lipatan quiltagami pada rok suai dengan nilai mean 3,7, dan kerapian hasil jadi quiltagami dengan nilai 3,9. Berdasarkan jumlah mean pada setiap aspek dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh ketiga jenis knit fusible interfacing tersebut terhadap hasil jadi quiltagami kain lurik pada rok suai. Hasil jadi quiltagami yang terbaik adalah knit fusible interfacing tipe tricot 2613.   Kata kunci : quiltagami, knit fusible interfacing, kain lurik   Abstract   Quiltagami is a combination of origami and quilting techniques. Origami is the art of folding paper or fabric. Quilting is a technique that combines 2 or 3 ingredients into one. Application of the principle of quiltagami in the use of material must be rigid and easily folded. So quiltagami can be applied to lurik fabric. To give the impression of a rigid and easily folded then needed fusible interfacing. Types fusible interfacing used are tricot knit fusible interfacing type 7513, tricot knit fusible interfacing type 3113, and tricot knit fusible interfacing type 2613.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of knit fusible interfacing on results so quiltagami lurik fabric on skirt suai. This research includes research data gathering methods with experimental observation made by 30 observer. This research is independent variable types of fusible fabric knit interfacing, which is knit tricot fusible interfacing type 7513, knit tricot fusible interfacing type 3113, and knit tricot fusible interfacing type 2613. While the dependent variable is the result so quiltagami lurik fabric on skirt suai. Data analysis using single anava with the help of a computer program SPSS 17. The results of this research indicate that the results of so quiltagami lurik fabrics using a knit tricot fusible interfacing type 7513 has a category is good enough. This review of aspects of the suitability of the form quiltagami with the value of the mean 2.8, statute quiltagami folds form at suai skirt with a mean of 2.9, and results the neatness so quiltagami with the value 3.4. The results so quiltagami lurik fabric using a knit tricot fusible interfacing type 3113 has a category either. This review of aspects of the suitability of the form quiltagami with a value of mean 3.2, statute quiltagami folds form at suai with skirts mean 3.3, and results the neatness so quiltagami with the value 3.4. The result so quiltagami lurik fabric using a knit tricot fusible interfacing type 2613 has a category is good. This review of aspects of the suitability of the form quiltagami with a value of mean 3.9, statute quiltagami folds form at suai skirt with a mean of 3.7, and results the neatness so quiltagami with a value of 3.9. Based on the amount of the mean in every aspect of it can be concluded that there is a third type of influence of fusible fabric knit interfacing the results so quiltagami on lurik cloth skirt suai. Quiltagami results so it is best to knit tricot fusible interfacing type 2613.   Keywords: quiltagami, knit fusible interfacing, lurik fabric &nbsp

    AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAN HEKSANA DAUN BANGLE (Zingiber cassumunarRoxb.) TERHADAP Eschericia coli DAN Staphylococcus aureus

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    Rimpang bangle (Zingiver cassumunar)secara tradisional dapat digunakan untuk obat diare dan digunakan sebagai larutan pembersih untuk penyakit kulit karena aktivitas antibakterinya terhadap Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus yang merupakan bakteri penyebab diare dan infeksi kulit. Aktivitas antibakteri rimpang bangle terhadap E. coli dan S. aureus dapat meningkatkan penggunaan bangle sebagai agen antibakteri alami. Daun bangle diketahui memiliki aktivitas antibakteri moderat terhadap E. coli dan S. aureus, oleh sebab itu dilakukan uji aktivitas antibakteri daun bangle yang diekstrak menggunakan etanol dan heksana untuk memaksimalkan ekstraksi fitokimia yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri. Rendemen ekstrak etanol sebesar 3,994% dan ekstrak heksana sebesar2,581%.Uji fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ektrak etanol dan heksana daun bangle mengandung alkaloid, flavonoid, terpenoid, dan steroid. Kedua ekstrak tidak mengandung tanin dan saponin hanya terdapat pada ekstrak etanol. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol dan heksanamemiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang tidak berbeda nyata dari kontrol negatif. Hasil uji GC/MS menunjukkan bahwa kedua ekstrak mengandung komponen utama Neophytadiene, Ambrosin, dan 2-Pentadecanone, 6,10,14- trimethyl- (CAS) 6,10,14 Trimethyl-2-pentadecanone memiliki aktivitas antibakteri kuat terhadap E. coli. Konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) ekstrak etanol terhadap E. coli sebesar 90 mg/ml dan terhadap S. aureus sebesar 0,3 mg/ml

    Strategi Manajemen Konflik Komunikasi Interpersonal antara Ibu Tiri dan Anak Tiri

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui strategi manajemen konflik komunikasi interpersonal antara calon ibu tiri dan anak tiri. Topik ini dipilih karena pada awalnya objek penelitan adalah dua orang yang saling bersahabat. Peneliti menggunakan studi kasus sebagai metode penelitian dan observasi non – partisipan serta wawancara mendalam dengan informan penelitian sebagai teknik pengumpulan data.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua pihak yang berkonflik menggunakan strategi manajemen konflik dalam menyelesaikan konfliknya. Ada lima strategi dalam menyelesaikan konflik yaitu menang-menang, menghindar, memaksa, menaikkan ego dan agresif secara verbal

    Analysis and Implementation of Process Business Integration Systems in Consultant Service Companies

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    This paper discusses the Analysis and Implementation of Process Business Integration Systems at Consultant Service Companies. This study took the case of a consulting service company in Indonesia with qualitative research and the process of collecting data through observation, interviews and trials. The consulting company divides the workintheformofprojectsaccordingtothenumberofclients.Businessprocessesthat are integrated into each project are very important to support project’s implementation activities and decision making that is fast, precise, and accurate. The impact of a system that is not integrated will reduce effectiveness and efficiency in the decision making process in the business. In addition, the management must know the progress of project’s activities in real time, detailed and timely, so that the management can make decisions quickly, precisely and accurately. Therefore, optimizing the company’s business system processes needs to be considered, so that the company’s business processes becomes effective and efficient. In this study, the author will optimize the system’s procedures before obtaining a project, implementing a project and after a project is done, and then providing a recommendation regarding the preparation of systems related to the business process

    Struggle in Tere Liye’s Novel Dia Adalah Kakakku

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    This study aimed to find out and describe the struggle of an older sister to her younger siblings. Struggle was to progress with difficulty or to make a strenuous effort. Effort and struggle were directed towards the achieving of an end which was realized as one’s ideal. Struggle meant everything that was done to achieve a goal. Effort and hard work had to be achieved as the key to success. All of that were an attempt to achieve something expected for the sake of glory and kindness. The data analysis technique used was descriptive qualitative analysis. The descriptive research attempted to describe, explain and interpret conditions of the present or descriptive research sought to provide an accurate description of observations of a phenomenon. The results of the study showed that struggle in the novel was concerned with: (1) to earn a better living, (2) to give proper education, (3) to save life.     Keywords: struggle, better living, proper education, save lif