158 research outputs found

    Time-Expanded F-OTDR based on binary sequences

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    In this paper, the capabilities of time-expanded phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (TE F-OTDR) using binary sequences are demonstrated. We present a highly flexible and integrable TE F-OTDR approach that allows a customized distributed optical fiber sensor (range, spatial resolution, and acoustic sampling) by simply changing the length of the binary sequence and the reference clock frequencies of the binary sequence generators. The here presented architecture eliminates the need for the cumbersome arbitrary signal generators used to date to create the dual-comb spectra for interrogating the fiber. In this approach, the use of large binary sequences allows us to obtain dual combs in a simple and cost-effective way. Spatial resolution of ~1 cm is achieved, attaining ~15, 000 independent measurements points along the interrogated fiber, with a capability of sensing ~30, 000 measurements points

    Suicide attempts in mexican teenagers: a cultural consensus theory perspective

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    El suicidio es un problema de salud pública mundial y los adolescentes son los que presentan con mayor frecuencia esta problemática. El estudio realizado identifica la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el promedio de conocimiento y el grado de consenso cultural que sobre el suicidio tienen adolescentes con tentativa suicida. El trabajo es un estudio cualitativo mediante la técnica de listas libres. Participaron 29 adolescentes (13 a 18 años). Las listas libres fueron sobre: las causas; los signos y los síntomas; lo que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente antes de cometer suicidio y las estrategias de prevención de éste. Los resultados muestran para cada pregunta un único modelo semántico en el dominio cultural. En lo estructural se identifican los problemas familiares como la causa del intento suicida; la depresión y la tristeza son síntomas previos al intento suicida. La tristeza y la soledad, salir del problema y suicidarse es lo que considera que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente previo al intento de suicidio. Como estrategias de prevención, se identifican le ponga más atención y hablar con él. Los resultados ponderan la importancia de la familia para los programas de prevención de las conductas suicidas en adolescentes. The suicide is a problem of public world health and the adolescents are those who present with more frequency this problem. Nevertheless, the studies of the suicide phenomenon from a cultural perspective are limited. Cultural research in suicidology is important to develop the understanding of the meanings of suicidal behavior in different contexts. The cultural consensus theory would contribute to the cultural perspective of the knowledge of suicidal behaviors in terms of its internal elements and their functioning (emic) and this theory allows knowing if there exists a knowledge shared by a social group regarding an issue and allows to recognize its organization. The aim of this study was to identify the semantic structure of the cultural domain, as well as the average of knowledge and the degree of cultural consensus regarding suicide among adolescent suicide attempters. It was a qualitative study, using the free-listing technique, with a non-random sample made up of 29 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The free lists were on: the causes; the signs and the symptoms; what he/she feels, thinks and does before attempting suicide and the strategies of suicide prevention at adolescence. The results showed for every question a single semantic model in the cultural domain suicide attempt. In such structure, the family problems were identified as the cause of suicidal attempt; the depression and the sadness were symptoms before suicidal attempt. The sadness, the loneliness and the anger were what an adolescent feels before the suicide attempt. Furthermore, to get out of the problem and to end his/her life were what an adolescent thinks before attempting suicide and to commit suicide was what an adolescent does before to suicide attempt. To pay more attention, to talk with the adolescent, to improve the communication with the parents and to attend a psychotherapy were identified as strategies for suicide prevention. The results highlight the importance of the family of suicide prevention programs for adolescents based on cultural knowledge.ITESO, A.C.Universidad de GuadalajaraInstituto Mexicano del Seguro SocialPsicólogos Especializados Jalisc

    Desarrollo psicocultural de niños mexicanos

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    En México habitan más de 30 millones de niños en contextos urbanos, rurales o indígenas, con niveles socieconómicos diferentes, que comparten múltiples aspectos de una historia milenaria que dio fruto a un país que es una rica mezcla de culturas, etnias y lenguas. Su situación solo se puede estudiar a partir de esta realidad multifacética. Este libro aspira a mejorar la comprensión de los diversos aspectos socioculturales que afectan el desarrollo psicológico y la vida de los niños mexicanos. Para ello, se presenta una panorámica de contextos y situaciones particulares que permiten identificar cómo en la niñez la historia individual o grupal tiene implicaciones relevantes en los aprendizajes, el comportamiento social y la evolución emocional y cognitiva. Asimismo, se brindan pistas para entender y atender mejor las necesidades de los niños en México, ya sea en el seno familiar, el ámbito escolar o a través de la implementación de políticas públicas efectivas.ITESO, A.C

    Continuación del programa de desarrollo de habilidades interpersonales en una empresa de servicio de transporte: manejo de conflictos y negociación

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    El nombre del proyecto de este PAP es Continuación del programa de desarrollo de habilidades interpersonales en una empresa de servicio de trasporte: Manejo de Conflictos y Negociación y el propósito general se basa en su relación con dos PAP’s anteriores. En el PAP de otoño 2021 el proyecto con el que se trabajó fue: “Realización de un diagnóstico para tipificar la cultura organizacional, en una empresa dedicada al transporte de personal, con el objetivo de fortalecer su proceso de cambio estratégico”. El propósito general fue diagnosticar la cultura organizacional de la empresa. Esta intervención fue la primera que la empresa tuvo con la universidad. Después de esto en el PAP de primavera 2022 se seleccionaron los temas a través de una reunión del equipo PAP junto con un grupo de colaboradores de la empresa, tales como la directora general y la coordinadora del talento humano. Se decidió de manera conjunta, que la empresa requiere darle continuación a las acciones pasadas para abordar las problemáticas en las áreas de comunicación efectiva, liderazgo y trabajo en equipo, además de que se requiere la capacitación para el manejo del conflicto y la capacidad de negociación por parte de los colaboradores. Durante este PAP nos enfocamos en brindar talleres abordando principalmente los últimos dos temas. Los talleres se impartieron a 4 grupos de dos sesiones cada uno. Además de esto, se dio continuación a un grupo del PAP de primavera 2022 abordando los temas de comunicación, liderazgo y trabajo en equipo.ITESO, A.C

    Experiments of an IoT-based wireless sensor network for flood monitoring in Colima, Mexico

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    Urban flooding is one of the major issues in many parts of the world, and its management is often challenging. One of the challenges highlighted by the hydrology and related communities is the need for more open data and monitoring of floods in space and time. In this paper, we present the development phases and experiments of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based wireless sensor network for hydrometeorological data collection and flood monitoring for the urban area of Colima-Villa de Álvarez in Mexico. The network is designed to collect fluvial water level, soil moisture and weather parameters that are transferred to the server and to a web application in real-time using IoT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol over 3G and Wi-Fi networks. The network is tested during three different events of tropical storms that occurred over the area of Colima during the 2019 tropical cyclones season. The results show the ability of the smart water network to collect real-time hydrometeorological information during extreme events associated with tropical storms. The technology used for data transmission and acquisition made it possible to collect information at critical times for the city. Additionally, the data collected provided essential information for implementing and calibrating hydrological models and hydraulic models to generate flood inundation maps and identify critical infrastructure

    Respiratory viruses detected in Mexican children younger than 5 years old with community-acquired pneumonia: a national multicenter study

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    Background: Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of mortality in children worldwide, especially in developing countries. Pneumonia accounts for 16% of all deaths of children under 5 years of age and was the cause of death of 935 000 children in 2015. Despite its frequency and severity, information regarding its etiology is limited. The aim of this study was to identify respiratory viruses associated with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children younger than 5 years old. Methods: One thousand four hundred and four children younger than 5 years of age with a clinical and/or radiological diagnosis of CAP in 11 hospitals in Mexico were included. Nasal washes were collected, placed in viral medium, and frozen at �70 C until processing. The first 832 samples were processed using the multiplex Bio-Plex/Luminex system and the remaining 572 samples using the Anyplex multiplex RT-PCR. Clinical data regarding diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, radiographic pattern, and risk factors were obtained and recorded. Results: Of the samples tested, 81.6% were positive for viruses. Respiratory syncytial virus (types A and B) was found in 23.7%, human enterovirus/rhinovirus in 16.6%, metapneumovirus in 5.7%, parainfluenza virus (types 1–4) in 5.5%, influenza virus (types A and B) in 3.6%, adenovirus in 2.2%, coronavirus (NL63, OC43, 229E, and HKU1) in 2.2%, and bocavirus in 0.4%. Co-infection with two or more viruses was present in 22.1%; 18.4% of the samples were negative. Using biomass for cooking, daycare attendance, absence of breastfeeding, and co-infections were found to be statistically significant risk factors for the presence of severe pneumonia. Conclusions: Respiratory syncytial virus (types A and B), human enterovirus/rhinovirus, and metapneumovirus were the respiratory viruses identified most frequently in children younger than 5 years old with CAP. Co-infection was present in an important proportion of the children

    Interaction of microtubules and actin during the post-fusion phase of exocytosis

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    Exocytosis is the intracellular trafficking step where a secretory vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane to release vesicle content. Actin and microtubules both play a role in exocytosis; however, their interplay is not understood. Here we study the interaction of actin and microtubules during exocytosis in lung alveolar type II (ATII) cells that secrete surfactant from large secretory vesicles. Surfactant extrusion is facilitated by an actin coat that forms on the vesicle shortly after fusion pore opening. Actin coat compression allows hydrophobic surfactant to be released from the vesicle. We show that microtubules are localized close to actin coats and stay close to the coats during their compression. Inhibition of microtubule polymerization by colchicine and nocodazole affected the kinetics of actin coat formation and the extent of actin polymerisation on fused vesicles. In addition, microtubule and actin cross-linking protein IQGAP1 localized to fused secretory vesicles and IQGAP1 silencing influenced actin polymerisation after vesicle fusion. This study demonstrates that microtubules can influence actin coat formation and actin polymerization on secretory vesicles during exocytosis