2,221 research outputs found

    Evidence for an ecological cost of enhanced herbicide metabolism in Lolium rigidum

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    1. In some cases, evaluation of resource competitive interactions between herbicide resistant vs. susceptible weed ecotypes provides evidence for the expression of fitness costs associated with evolved herbicide-resistant gene traits. Such fitness costs impact in the ecology and evolutionary trajectory of resistant populations. 2. Neighbourhood experiments were performed to quantify competitive effects and responses between herbicide-susceptible (S) and resistant (R) Lolium rigidum individuals in which resistance is due to enhanced herbicide metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450. 3. In two-way competitive interactions between the S and R phenotypes, individuals of the S phenotype were the stronger effect competitors on both a per capita and per unit-size basis. The S phenotype also exhibited a stronger competitive response to wheat plants than did the R phenotype, displaying significantly greater (30%) above-ground biomass at the vegetative stage. When subjected to competition from wheat, R individuals produced significantly fewer reproductive tillers and allocated fewer resources to reproductive traits than individuals of the S phenotype. 4. The role of potential mechanisms underlying this resistance cost driven by traits such as plant size and tolerance to low resource availability, as well as the evolutionary implications of the results are discussed. 5. Synthesis. Evolved herbicide resistance due to enhanced-herbicide metabolism mediated by cytochrome-P450 in L. rigidum has been shown to be accompanied with an impaired ability to compete for resources. These results are consistent with the resource-based theory that predicts a negative trade-off between growth and plant defence

    Fitness costs associated with evolved herbicide resistance alleles in plants

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    Predictions based on evolutionary theory suggest that the adaptive value of evolved herbicide resistance alleles may be compromised by the existence of fitness costs. There have been many studies quantifying the fitness costs associated with novel herbicide resistance alleles, reflecting the importance of fitness costs in determining the evolutionary dynamics of resistance. However, many of these studies have incorrectly defined resistance or used inappropriate plant material and methods to measure fitness. This review has two major objectives. First, to propose a methodological framework that establishes experimental criteria to unequivocally evaluate fitness costs. Second, to present a comprehensive analysis of the literature on fitness costs associated with herbicide resistance alleles. This analysis reveals unquestionable evidence that some herbicide resistance alleles are associated with pleiotropic effects that result in plant fitness costs. Observed costs are evident from herbicide resistance-endowing amino acid substitutions in proteins involved in amino acid, fatty acid, auxin and cellulose biosynthesis, as well as enzymes involved in herbicide metabolism. However, these resistance fitness costs are not universal and their expression depends on particular plant alleles and mutations. The findings of this review are discussed within the context of the plant defence trade-off theory and herbicide resistance evolution

    Keypad mobile phones are associated with a significant increased risk of microbial contamination compared to touch screen phones

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    The use of mobile phones in the clinical environment by healthcare workers has become widespread. Despite evidence that these devices can harbour pathogenic micro-organisms there is little guidance on how to reduce contamination. Recently touchscreen phones with a single flat surface have been introduced. We hypothesise that bacterial contamination of phones used in hospitals will be lower on touchscreen devices compared to keypad devices. Sixty seven mobile phones belonging to health care workers were sampled. The median colony count for touchscreen phones and keypad devices was 0·09 colony forming units (cfu)/cm2 (interquartile range (IQR) 0.05–0·14) and 0·77 cfu/cm2 (IQR range 0·45–3.52) respectively. Colony counts were significantly higher on the keypad phones (Fisher’s exact test p<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed the type of phone (keypad vs. touch screen) was associated with increased colony counts (F-statistic 14.13: p<0.001). Overall, nine (13%) phones grew either meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus or vancomycin resistant enterococci. Eight (24%) keypad phones were contaminated with these organisms compared with one touch screen phone (3%). Our data indicate that touchscreen mobile phones are less contaminated than their keypad counterparts, and they are less likely to harbour pathogenic bacteria in the clinical setting

    Effect of herbicide resistance endowing Ile-1781-Leu and Asp-2078-Gly ACCase gene mutations on ACCase kinetics and growth traits in Lolium rigidum

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    4711-4718The rate of herbicide resistance evolution in plants depends on fitness traits endowed by alleles in both the presence and absence (resistance cost) of herbicide selection. The effect of two Lolium rigidum spontaneous homozygous target-site resistance-endowing mutations (Ile-1781-Leu, Asp-2078-Gly) on both ACCase activity and various plant growth traits have been investigated here. Relative growth rate (RGR) and components (net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio), resource allocation to different organs, and growth responses in competition with a wheat crop were assessed. Unlike plants carrying the Ile-1781-Leu resistance mutation, plants homozygous for the Asp-2078-Gly mutation exhibited a significantly lower RGR (30 per cent), which translated into lower allocation of biomass to roots, shoots, and leaves, and poor responses to plant competition. Both the negligible and significant growth reductions associated, respectively, with the Ile-1781-Leu and Asp-2078-Gly resistance mutations correlated with their impact on ACCase activity. Whereas the Ile-1781-Leu mutation showed no pleiotropic effects on ACCase kinetics, the Asp-2078-Gly mutation led to a significant reduction in ACCase activity. The impaired growth traits are discussed in the context of resistance costs and the effects of each resistance allele on ACCase activity. Similar effects of these two particular ACCase mutations on the ACCase activity of Alopecurus myosuroides were also confirmed

    Bi-directional light transmission properties assessment for venetian blinds : Computer simulations compared to photogoniometer measurements

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    An accurate evaluation of daylight distribution through advanced fenestration systems (complex glazing, solar shading systems) requires the knowledge of their Bi-directional light Transmission Distribution Function (BTDF). An innovative equipment for the experimental assessment of these bi-directional functions has been developed, based on a digital imaging detection system. An extensive set of BTDF measurements was performed with this photogoniometer on venetian blinds presenting curved slats with a mirror coating on the upper side. In this paper, the measured data are compared with ray-tracing results achieved with a virtual copy of the device, that was constructed with a commercial ray-tracing software. The model of the blind was created by implementing the measured reflection properties of the slats coatings in the ray-tracing calculations. These comparisons represent an original and objective validation methodology for detailed bi-directional properties for a complex system; the good agreement between the two methods, yet presenting very different parameters and assessment methodologies, places reliance both on the digital-imaging detection system and calibration, and on the potentiality of a flexible calculation method combining ray-tracing simulations with simple components measurements

    Molecular motion in cell membranes: analytic study of fence-hindered random walks

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    A theoretical calculation is presented to describe the confined motion of transmembrane molecules in cell membranes. The study is analytic, based on Master equations for the probability of the molecules moving as random walkers, and leads to explicit usable solutions including expressions for the molecular mean square displacement and effective diffusion constants. One outcome is a detailed understanding of the dependence of the time variation of the mean square displacement on the initial placement of the molecule within the confined region. How to use the calculations is illustrated by extracting (confinement) compartment sizes from experimentally reported published observations from single particle tracking experiments on the diffusion of gold-tagged G-protein coupled mu-opioid receptors in the normal rat kidney cell membrane, and by further comparing the analytical results to observations on the diffusion of phospholipids, also in normal rat kidney cells.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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