563 research outputs found

    Dynamic laryngeal narrowing during exercise: a mechanism for generating intrinsic PEEP in COPD?

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients with COPD commonly exhibit pursed-lip breathing during exercise, a strategy that, by increasing intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure, may optimise lung mechanics and exercise tolerance. A similar role for laryngeal narrowing in modulating exercise airways resistance and the respiratory cycle volume–time course is postulated, yet remains unstudied in COPD. The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics of laryngeal narrowing and its role in exercise intolerance and dynamic hyperinflation in COPD. METHODS: We studied 19 patients (n=8 mild–moderate; n=11 severe COPD) and healthy age and sex matched controls (n=11). Baseline physiological characteristics and clinical status were assessed prior to an incremental maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test with continuous laryngoscopy. Laryngeal narrowing measures were calculated at the glottic and supra-glottic aperture at rest and peak exercise. RESULTS: At rest, expiratory laryngeal narrowing was pronounced at the glottic level in patients and related to FEV(1) in the whole cohort (r=−0.71, p<0.001) and patients alone (r=−0.53, p=0.018). During exercise, glottic narrowing was inversely related to peak ventilation in all subjects (r=−0.55, p=0.0015) and patients (r=−0.71, p<0.001) and peak exercise tidal volume (r=−0.58, p=0.0062 and r=−0.55, p=0.0076, respectively). Exercise glottic narrowing was also inversely related to peak oxygen uptake (% predicted) in all subjects (r=−0.65, p<0.001) and patients considered alone (r=−0.58, p=0.014). Exercise inspiratory duty cycle was related to exercise glottic narrowing for all subjects (r=−0.69, p<0.001) and patients (r=−0.62, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic laryngeal narrowing during expiration is prevalent in patients with COPD and is related to disease severity, respiratory duty cycle and exercise capacity

    Moving singing for lung health online in response to COVID-19: experience from a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Singing for Lung Health (SLH) is a popular arts-in-health activity for people with long-term respiratory conditions. Participants report biopsychosocial benefits, however research on impact is limited. The ‘SHIELD trial’, a randomised controlled, single (assessor) blind, trial of 12 weeks SLH vs usual care for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (n=120) was set-up to help to address this. The first group (n=18, 9 singing and 9 controls) started face-to-face (5 sessions) before changing to online delivery (7 sessions) due to COVID-19 related physical distancing measures. As such, the experience of this group is here reported as a pilot study to inform further research in this area. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis regarding barriers, facilitators and key considerations for transitioning from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot quantitative outcomes include attendance, pre and post measures of quality of life and disease impact (SF-36, CAT score), breathlessness (MRC breathlessness scale, Dyspnoea-12), depression (PHQ9), anxiety (GAD-7), balance confidence (ABC scale) and physical activity (clinical visit PROactive physical activity in COPD tool, combining subjective rating and actigraphy). Results Attendance was 69% overall, (90% of the face-to-face sessions, 53% online sessions). Analysis of semi-structured interviews identified three themes regarding participation in SLH delivered face-to-face and online, these where 1) perceived benefits; 2) digital barriers (online); 3) digital facilitators (online). Findings were summarised into key considerations for optimising transitioning singing groups from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot quantitative data suggested possible improvements in depression (treatment effect -4.78 PHQ9 points, p< 0.05, MCID 5) and balance confidence (treatment effect +17.21 ABC Scale points, p=0.04, MCID 14.2). Discussion This study identifies key considerations regarding the adaptation of SLH from face-to-face to online delivery. Pilot data suggest online group singing for people with COPD may deliver benefits related to reducing depression and improved balance confidence

    Acute ischaemic hemispheric stroke is associated with impairment of reflex in addition to voluntary cough

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    Cough function is impaired after stroke; this may be important for protection against chest infection. Reflex cough (RC) intensity indices have not been described after stroke. RC, voluntary cough (VC) and respiratory muscle strength were studied in patients within 2 weeks of hemispheric infarct. The null hypotheses were that patients with cortical hemisphere stroke would show the same results as healthy controls on: 1) objective indices of RC and VC intensity; and 2) respiratory muscle strength tests.Peak cough flow rate (PCFR) and gastric pressure (Pga) were measured during maximum VC and RC. Participants also underwent volitional and nonvolitional respiratory muscle testing. Nonvolitional expiratory muscle strength was assessed by measuring Pga increase after magnetic stimulation over the T10 nerve roots (twitch T10 Pga). Stroke severity was scored using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS; maximum = 31).18 patients (mean±SD age 62±15 yrs and NIHSS score 14±8) and 20 controls (56±16 yrs) participated. VC intensity was impaired in patients (PCFR 287±171 versus 497±122 L·min−1) as was VC Pga (98.5±61.6 versus 208.5±61.3 cmH2O; p&lt;0.001 for both). RC PCFR was reduced in patients (204±111 versus 379±110 L·min−1; p&lt;0.001), but RC Pga was not significantly different from that of controls (179.0±78.0 versus 208.0±77.4 cmH2O; p = 0.266). Patients exhibited impaired volitional respiratory muscle tests, but twitch T10 Pga was normal.VC and RC are both impaired in hemispheric stroke patients, despite preserved expiratory muscle strength. Cough coordination is probably cortically modulated and affected by hemispheric stroke

    miR-542 promotes mitochondrial dysfunction and SMAD activity and is raised in ICU Acquired Weakness

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    Rationale: Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function is a common consequence of critical illness and a range of chronic diseases but the mechanisms by which this occurs are unclear. Objectives: We aimed to identify miRNAs that were increased in the quadriceps of patients with muscle wasting and to determine the molecular pathways by which they contributed to muscle dysfunction. Methods: miR-542-3p/-5p were quantified in the quadriceps of patients with COPD and intensive care unit acquired weakness (ICUAW). The effect of miR-542-3p/5p was determined on mitochondrial function and TGF-β signaling in vitro and in vivo. Measurements and main results: miR-542-3p/5p were elevated in patients with COPD but more markedly in patients with ICUAW. In vitro, miR-542-3p suppressed the expression of the mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPS10, and reduced 12S rRNA expression suggesting mitochondrial ribosomal stress. miR-542-5p increased nuclear phospho-SMAD2/3 and suppressed expression of SMAD7, SMURF1 and PPP2CA, proteins that inhibit or reduce SMAD2/3 phosphorylation suggesting that miR-542-5p increased TGF-β signaling. In mice, miR-542 over-expression caused muscle wasting, reduced mitochondrial function, 12S rRNA expression and SMAD7 expression, consistent with the effects of the miRNAs in vitro. Similarly, in patients with ICUAW, the expression of 12S rRNA and of the inhibitors of SMAD2/3 phosphorylation were reduced, indicative of mitochondrial ribosomal stress and increased TGF-β signaling. In patients undergoing aortic surgery, pre-operative levels of miR-542-3p/5p were positively correlated with muscle loss following surgery. Conclusion; Elevated miR-542-3p/5p may cause muscle atrophy in ICU patients through the promotion of mitochondrial dysfunction and activation of SMAD2/3 phosphorylation

    Patient symptoms and experience following COVID-19: results from a UK-wide survey

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    Objectives: To investigate the experience of people who continue to be unwell after acute COVID-19, often referred to as ‘long COVID’, both in terms of their symptoms and their interactions with healthcare. Design: We conducted a mixed-methods analysis of responses to a survey accessed through a UK online post-COVID support and information hub between April and December 2020 about people’s experiences after having acute COVID-19. Participants: 3290 respondents, 78% female 92.1% white ethnicity and median age range 45-54 years; 12.7% had been hospitalised. 494(16.5%) completed the survey between 4 and 8 weeks of the onset of their symptoms, 641(21.4%) between 8 and 12 weeks and 1865(62.1%) >12 weeks after. Results: The ongoing symptoms most frequently reported were; breathing problems (92.1%), fatigue (83.3%), muscle weakness or joint stiffness (50.6%), sleep disturbances (46.2%), problems with mental abilities (45.9%) changes in mood, including anxiety and depression (43.1%) and cough (42.3%). Symptoms did not appear to be related to the severity of the acute illness or to the presence of pre-existing medical conditions. Analysis of free text responses revealed three main themes (1) Experience of living with COVID-19 – physical and psychological symptoms that fluctuate unpredictably; (2) Interactions with healthcare that were unsatisfactory; (3) Implications for the future – their own condition, society and the healthcare system, and the need for research Conclusion: Consideration of patient perspective and experiences will assist in the planning of services to address problems persisting in people who remain symptomatic after the acute phase of COVID-19

    Singing teaching as a therapy for chronic respiratory disease - a randomised controlled trial and qualitative evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite optimal pharmacological therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation, patients with COPD continue to be breathless. There is a need to develop additional strategies to alleviate symptoms. Learning to sing requires control of breathing and posture and might have benefits that translate into daily life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To test this hypothesis we performed a randomised controlled trial, comparing a six week course of twice weekly singing classes to usual care, in 28 COPD patients. The experience of singing was assessed in a qualitative fashion, through interviews with a psychologist. In addition, we surveyed patients with chronic respiratory conditions who participated in a series of open singing workshops.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the RCT, the physical component score of the SF36 improved in the singers (n = 15) compared to the controls (n = 13); +7.5(14.6) vs. -3.8(8.4) p = 0.02. Singers also had a significant fall in HAD anxiety score; -1.1(2.7) vs. +0.8(1.7) p = 0.03. Singing did not improve single breath counting, breath hold time or shuttle walk distance. In the qualitative element, 8 patients from the singing group were interviewed. Positive effects on physical sensation, general well-being, community/social support and achievement/efficacy emerged as common themes. 150 participants in open workshops completed a questionnaire. 96% rated the workshops as "very enjoyable" and 98% thought the workshop had taught them something about breathing in a different way. 81% of attendees felt a "marked physical difference" after the workshop.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Singing classes can improve quality of life measures and anxiety and are viewed as a very positive experience by patients with respiratory disease; no adverse consequences of participation were observed.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials - ISRCTN17544114.</p

    Choking on a foreign body: a physiological study of the effectiveness of abdominal thrust manoeuvres to increase thoracic pressure

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    The Heimlich manoeuvre is a well-known intervention for the management of choking due to foreign body airway occlusion, but the evidence base for guidance on this topic is limited and guidelines differ. We measured pressures during abdominal thrusts in healthy volunteers. The angle at which thrusts were performed (upthrust vs circumferential) did not affect intrathoracic pressure. Self-administered abdominal thrusts produced similar pressures to those performed by another person. Chair thrusts, where the subject pushed their upper abdomen against a chair back, produced higher pressures than other manoeuvres. Both approaches should be included in basic life support teaching

    Growth/differentiation factor 15 causes TGFβ activated kinase 1 dependent muscle atrophy in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Introduction Skeletal muscle dysfunction is a clinically important complication of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Growth/differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), a prognostic marker in PAH, has been associated with muscle loss in other conditions. We aimed to define the associations of GDF-15 and muscle wasting in PAH, to assess its utility as a biomarker of muscle loss and to investigate its downstream signalling pathway as a therapeutic target. Methods GDF-15 levels and measures of muscle size and strength were analysed in the monocrotaline (MCT) rat, Sugen/hypoxia mouse and in 30 patients with PAH. In C2C12 myotubes the downstream targets of GDF-15 were identified. The pathway elucidated was then antagonised in vivo. Results Circulating GDF-15 levels correlated with tibialis anterior (TA) muscle fibre diameter in the MCT rat (Pearson r=−0.61, p=0.003). In patients with PAH, plasma GDF-15 levels of <564 pg/L predicted those with preserved muscle strength with a sensitivity and specificity of ≥80%. In vitro GDF-15 stimulated an increase in phosphorylation of TGFβ-activated kinase 1 (TAK1). Antagonising TAK1, with 5(Z)-7-oxozeaenol, in vitro and in vivo led to an increase in fibre diameter and a reduction in mRNA expression of atrogin-1 in both C2C12 cells and in the TA of animals who continued to grow. Circulating GDF-15 levels were also reduced in those animals which responded to treatment. Conclusions Circulating GDF-15 is a biomarker of muscle loss in PAH that is responsive to treatment. TAK1 inhibition shows promise as a method by which muscle atrophy may be directly prevented in PAH

    Effects of acute fatigue on the volitional and magnetically-evoked electromechanical delay of the knee flexors in males and females

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    Neuromuscular performance capabilities, including those measured by evoked responses, may be adversely affected by fatigue; however, the capability of the neuromuscular system to initiate muscle force rapidly under these circumstances is yet to be established. Sex-differences in the acute responses of neuromuscular performance to exercise stress may be linked to evidence that females are much more vulnerable to ACL injury than males. Optimal functioning of the knee flexors is paramount to the dynamic stabilisation of the knee joint, therefore the aim of this investigation was to examine the effects of acute maximal intensity fatiguing exercise on the voluntary and magnetically-evoked electromechanical delay in the knee flexors of males and females. Knee flexor volitional and magnetically-evoked neuromuscular performance was assessed in seven male and nine females prior to and immediately after: (i) an intervention condition comprising a fatigue trial of 30-seconds maximal static exercise of the knee flexors, (ii) a control condition consisting of no exercise. The results showed that the fatigue intervention was associated with a substantive reduction in volitional peak force (PFV) that was greater in males compared to females (15.0%, 10.2%, respectively, p < 0.01) and impairment to volitional electromechanical delay (EMDV) in females exclusively (19.3%, p < 0.05). Similar improvements in magnetically-evoked electromechanical delay in males and females following fatigue (21%, p < 0.001), however, may suggest a vital facilitatory mechanism to overcome the effects of impaired voluntary capabilities, and a faster neuromuscular response that can be deployed during critical times to protect the joint system
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