881 research outputs found

    Collective dispersion relations for the 1D interacting two-component Bose and Fermi gases

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    We investigate the elementary excitations of charge and spin degrees for the 1D interacting two-component Bose and Fermi gases by means of the discrete Bethe ansatz equations. Analytic results in the limiting cases of strong and weak interactions are derived, where the Bosons are treated in the repulsive and the fermions in the strongly attractive regime. We confirm and complement results obtained previously from the Bethe ansatz equations in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    The 1D interacting Bose gas in a hard wall box

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    We consider the integrable one-dimensional delta-function interacting Bose gas in a hard wall box which is exactly solved via the coordinate Bethe Ansatz. The ground state energy, including the surface energy, is derived from the Lieb-Liniger type integral equations. The leading and correction terms are obtained in the weak coupling and strong coupling regimes from both the discrete Bethe equations and the integral equations. This allows the investigation of both finite-size and boundary effects in the integrable model. We also study the Luttinger liquid behaviour by calculating Luttinger parameters and correlations. The hard wall boundary conditions are seen to have a strong effect on the ground state energy and phase correlations in the weak coupling regime. Enhancement of the local two-body correlations is shown by application of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures. Improved version. Extra figure added for the weak coupling regime. New expression for the interaction-dependent cloud size and additional reference

    Quantum phase diagram of an exactly solved mixed spin ladder

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    We investigate the quantum phase diagram of the exactly solved mixed spin-(1/2,1) ladder via the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA). In the absence of a magnetic field the model exhibits three quantum phases associated with su(2), su(4) and su(6) symmetries. In the presence of a strong magnetic field, there is a third and full saturation magnetization plateaux within the strong antiferromagnetic rung coupling regime. Gapless and gapped phases appear in turn as the magnetic field increases. For weak rung coupling, the fractional magnetization plateau vanishs and exhibits new quantum phase transitions. However, in the ferromagnetic coupling regime, the system does not have a third saturation magnetization plat eau. The critical behaviour in the vicinity of the critical points is also derived systematically using the TBA.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Exact results for the 1D interacting mixed Bose-Fermi gas

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    The exact solution of the 1D interacting mixed Bose-Fermi gas is used to calculate ground-state properties both for finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit. The quasimomentum distribution, ground-state energy and generalized velocities are obtained as functions of the interaction strength both for polarized and non-polarized fermions. We do not observe any demixing instability of the system for repulsive interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, better comparison with hydrodynamic approach, typos corrected, references added, improved figure

    One-dimensional interacting anyon gas: Low-energy properties and haldane exclusion statistics

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    The low-energy properties of the one-dimensional anyon gas with a delta-function interaction are discussed in the context of its Bethe ansatz solution. It is found that the anyonic statistical parameter and the dynamical coupling constant induce Haldane exclusion statistics interpolating between bosons and fermions. Moreover, the anyonic parameter may trigger statistics beyond Fermi statistics for which the exclusion parameter alpha is greater than one. The Tonks-Girardeau and the weak coupling limits are discussed in detail. The results support the universal role of alpha in the dispersion relations


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    Evidence for the super Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    We provide evidence in support of a recent proposal by Astrakharchik at al. for the existence of a super Tonks-Girardeau gas-like state in the attractive interaction regime of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases. We show that the super Tonks-Giradeau gas-like state corresponds to a highly-excited Bethe state in the integrable interacting Bose gas for which the bosons acquire hard-core behaviour. The gas-like state properties vary smoothly throughout a wide range from strong repulsion to strong attraction. There is an additional stable gas-like phase in this regime in which the bosons form two-body bound states behaving like hard-core bosons.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, additional text on the stability of the super T-G gas-like stat

    Thermal and magnetic properties of spin-1 magnetic chain compounds with large single-ion and in-plane anisotropies

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    The thermal and magnetic properties of spin-1 magnetic chain compounds with large single-ion and in-plane anisotropies are investigated via the integrable su(3) model in terms of the quantum transfer matrix method and the recently developed high temperature expansion method for exactly solved models. It is shown that large single-ion anisotropy may result in a singlet gapped phase in the spin-1 chain which is significantly different from the standard Haldane phase. A large in-plane anisotropy may destroy the gapped phase. On the other hand, in the vicinity of the critical point a weak in-plane anisotropy leads to a different phase transition than the Pokrovsky-Talapov transition. The magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and magnetization evaluated from the free energy are in excellent agreement with the experimental data for the compounds NiC_2H_8N_2)_2Ni(CN)_4 and Ni(C_{10}H_8N_2)_2Ni(CN)_4.H_2O.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, to appear in PR

    SNARE-mediated membrane fusion trajectories derived from force-clamp experiments.

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    Fusion of lipid bilayers is usually prevented by large energy barriers arising from removal of the hydration shell, formation of highly curved structures, and, eventually, fusion pore widening. Here, we measured the force-dependent lifetime of fusion intermediates using membrane-coated silica spheres attached to cantilevers of an atomic-force microscope. Analysis of time traces obtained from force-clamp experiments allowed us to unequivocally assign steps in deflection of the cantilever to membrane states during the SNARE-mediated fusion with solid-supported lipid bilayers. Force-dependent lifetime distributions of the various intermediate fusion states allowed us to propose the likelihood of different fusion pathways and to assess the main free energy barrier, which was found to be related to passing of the hydration barrier and splaying of lipids to eventually enter either the fully fused state or a long-lived hemifusion intermediate. The results were compared with SNARE mutants that arrest adjacent bilayers in the docked state and membranes in the absence of SNAREs but presence of PEG or calcium. Only with the WT SNARE construct was appreciable merging of both bilayers observed