78 research outputs found


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    Kemajuan dalam jaringan  teknologi  informasi dan komputer selama beberapa dekade terakhir telah mengubah koleksi dan layanan perpustakaan. Sekarang,  pemustaka secara rutin memperoleh informasi online sepanjang perjalanan menuju perpustakaan. Pengunjung perpustakaan secara fisik telah berubah dengan pergeseran dominan ke format online. Aplikasi layanan berbasis mobile sangat dapat diterapkan dalam perpustakaan di Indonesia. Salah satu software yang dapat diterapkan adalah Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), merupakan suatu protocol yang memungkinkan internetdapat diakses dengan perangkat mobile seperti ponsel atau handphone, android, smartphone dan perangkat wireless lainnya. Aplikasi WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) sepertinya lebih memudahkan pemustaka mengakses katalog secara mobile yang ada di perpustakaan dengan menggunakan Handphone, Android, smartphone,Iphone dan telepon seluler sejenis yang mempunyai aplikasi wireless. Proses pengaksesan dengan alat komunikasi tersebut di atasdapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun tanpa terbatas dengan ruang dan waktu.    Kata Kunci: Layanan Informasi, Perpustakaan, Mobil

    Kesiagaan Pustakawan Dalam Menghadapi Bencana (Disaster Planning) Di Perpustakaan Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how librarians are prepared to deal with disasters (Disaster Planning) from biological factors (termites) and fire disasters in the Library of Indonesia Institute of the Arts of Surakarta. Various library threats or library assets from damage can be threats from natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, tsunamis, fires, and so on. Other damage threats can be caused by biological and chemical and human factors, such as theft, vandalism, and the like. This study uses a qualitative research approach, namely research that describes the phenomenon, digging data by interviews, observation, and documentation. Problems in qualitative research are still temporary, tentative, and will develop or change after the researcher is in the field. Qualitative research requires data sources from informants. The use of triangulation techniques is done to test the credibility of the data by checking the data to the same source with different techniques. For example, data obtained by interview, then checked by observation, documentation, or questionnaire. Good planning in dealing with disasters will reduce the impact, including preparedness and longterm risk reduction measures. Matthews (2009) states that there are several steps or stages in disaster planning, including 1) prevention, 2) responses. The results of this research could theoretically contribute to scientific treasures for librarians in dealing with disasters (Disaster Planning) in the library. Besides, it is an input or recommendation and thought for the Indonesian Institute of the Arts of Surakart

    Utilization of Social Media as a Means of Promoting Library Services in Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta

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    This study is entitled Utilization of Social Media as a Means of Promoting Library Services in Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta. The purpose of this research is to find out whether social media (Facebook) can provide convenience in introducing various services, providingan an information to users in the current style. In addition, to find out whether facebook can be used to effectively promoting an information services and activities in the library. Researchers will look at facebook, collect documentation data on facebook library pages and analyze them using descriptive qualitative analysis. The approach used is a qualitative approach, namely research that describes the phenomenon, digging data by interviewing informants, observation and documentation. Researchers' technique in finding data will be done directly through online media or the internet by structured interviews and checklists. It's just that if needed the researcher will meet directly the informant. Researchers assume that social media can be used as a substitute for the promotion of library services in the form of online or softcopy and simultaneously to many people and quickly and sometimes even immediately get a response or public response. In addition, promotion with social media can attract users to take of library facilities and participate in library activities and as a media for documentation of various activities in the library. The results of this research are expected to be input and thought for the Library of Indonesian Institute of Arts Surakarta, namely how to promote library services through facebook in this modern era so that the academic community utilizes services library

    Upaya Peningkatan Kesiapan Kerja Peserta Didik Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Kabupaten Karanganyar (Studi Kasus di Smk Negeri 1 Karanganyar)

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    This research is aimed to identify: 1) what the school does to improve his students work-readiness; 2) what constraints that pursue what the school efforts to improving students work-readiness; 3) what the school does to solve the constrains of students work-readiness improvement efforts. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method and case study technique. The source data consists of informants, places, documents and archives. The researcher used interviews, observation, documents analysis and questionnaire to collect data. Sampling technique has used were purposive and snowball sampling. Triangulation of sources and methods have used to ensure the data validities. The data have analysed using data analysis technique which consist of data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that: 1) Teaching and learning process in school, on the job training, production unit activities optimalizing, industry visit, motivation and carrier development are used to improve students work-readiness in SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar, 2) There are some constraints from school, students and other sides which related to student work-readiness improvement efforts in SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar. SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar has some problems with his fund, time sceduling, curricullum and program evaluations. The students of SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar also have problem with their motivation. Beside of that, there are some problem from others likes some companies which have partnered with school in on the job training program. 3) SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar have solved some of the problems with production unit optimalizing, time manajemen program, teacher discussing forum USAge, motivation development improving and finding good companies for on the job training program

    Upaya Peningkatkan Motivasi Dan Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Melalui Pembelajaran Tipe Numbered Head Together

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    The objectives of this research are to improve the learning motivation and the learning achievement in Accounting of the students in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Senior Secondary School of Surakarta in Academic Year 2012/2013. The research used the classroom action research. The subject of the research were the students in Grade XI of Social Science Program 2 of a Senior Secondary School of Surakarta as many as 32 students. The results of the research show that the application of the learning model of NHT can improve the learning motivation and the learning achievement in Accounting of the students in Grade XI of Social Science Program 2 of a Senior Secondary School of Surakarta. This is indicated by several indicators as follows: 1) There is an increase of 12.50% in the learning motivation of the students. The percentage of their learning motivation is 68.43% in Cycle I, and it becomes 80.93% in Cycle II. 2) There is an increase in the activeness of the students to raise questions. The percentage of their activeness to raise questions is 43.75% in Cycle I, and it becomes 71.87% in Cycle II. 3) There is an increase in the activeness of the students in discussion. The percentage of their activeness in discussion is 43.75% in Cycle I, and it becomes 75% in Cycle II. 4) There is an increase in the classical learning completeness of the students as indicated by their learning achievement. The number of the students to complete their classical learning is (62.50%) in Cycle I, and it becomes (82.25%) in Cycle II


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    Perpustakaan perlu pengembangan secara terus-menurus agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pemustaka, terutanta pemustaka di era modern atau generasi digital native. Namun, masih ditemukan berbagai kendala baik yang bersifat teknis maupun non-teknis. Di antara permasalahan yang sering dikemukakan dalam sejumlah hasil penelitian yakni masalah dana, keterbatasan atau kelemahan kompetensi SDM (sumber daya manusia) dan sarana prasarana serta minat baca masyarakat yang rendah terlebih sekarang akses internet begitu mudah. Kajian ini merupakankan penelitian deskriptif, menggunakan metode survey dan pengumpulan data secara library research. Strategi pengembangan diharapkan memilih sektor atau bidang tertentu menurut kebutuhan, kemampuan dan prioritas mana,yang perlu dikembangkan apalagi jika anggaran dana perpustakaan terbatas, seperti yang dilakukan di Perpustakaan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, antara lain; pengembangan koleksi, pengembangan sumber daya manusia, pengembangan jejaring perpustakaan, pengembangan sistem pelayanan dan sarana prasarana. Simpulannya bahwa energi dan strategi pustakawan atau pengelola perpustakaan pada umumnya masih sangat dibutuhkan saat ini. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar dapat mengopitimalisasikan fungsi dan peran perpustakaan dengan berbagai macam bentuk layanan kreatif dan inovatif dengan tetap berorientasi pada kebutuhan masyarakat walau hanya dengan modal terbatas


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    Buku rnerupakan sebuah rnedia yang tidak pernah lepas dari kalangan pelajar tingkat sekolah dasar hingga mahasiswa. Tidak ada sekolah mana pun yang berhasil melahirkan lulusan hebat tanpa membaca informasi yang tersedia. Bagi mahasiswa, buku merupakan sebuah kebutuhan mutlak. Buku awalnya hanya bisa dibaca dalam bentuk tercetak, namun di era perkembarrgan teknologi tersedia dalam bentuk digital. lni semakin memberi kemudahan bagi masyarakat untuk mengakses informasi. Bahkan, fenomena gaya hidup masyarakat yang akrab dengan media online semakin menonjol. Sejumlah mahasiswa mengaku lebih suka mengakses internet ketimbang mencari buku sebagai referensi

    Membaca dan Menulis Membentuk Pustakawan Profesional dan Berkarakter

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    Tidak ada sekolah berhasil melahirkan lulusan yang hebat tanpa membaca, baik informasi dari buku tercetak, e-book maupun bacaan yang dapat ditelusuri melalui internet. Untuk itu hampir semua di lingkungan pendidikan dihadirkan perpustakaan dengan harapan menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas tinggi. Aktivitas membaca sangat erat dengan menulis, keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan dan memiliki keterkaitan dalam sebuah pembelajaran seseorang untuk mencapai kompetensi pada dirinya bahkan menemukan karakter pada dirinya. Membaca sebenarnya akan memberikan banyak inspirasi bagi kita. Namun, akhir-akhir ini aktivitas membaca telah banyak diabaikan berbagai kalangan dengan alasan sibuk, ataupun adanya media yang lebih praktis untuk mendapatkan informasi seperti televisi, radio, maupun media internet. Bahkan terkadang waktu kita tersita hanya untuk membaca dan menulis pesan di media sosial seperti WA (whatsappl), BBM (BlackBerry Messeger), dan sejenisnya


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    Kemajuan dalam jaringan teknologi informasi dan komputer selama beberapa dekade terakhir telah mengubah koleksi dan layanan perpustakaan. Sekarang, pemustaka secara rutin memperoleh informasi online sepanjang perjalanan menuju perpustakaan. Pengunjung perpustakaan secara fisik telah berubah dengan pergeseran dominan ke format online. Aplikasi layanan berbasis mobile sangat dapat diterapkan dalam perpustakaan di Indonesia. Salah satu software yang dapat diterapkan adalah Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), merupakan suatu protocol yang memungkinkan internetdapat diakses dengan perangkat mobile seperti ponsel atau handphone, android, smartphone dan perangkat wireless lainnya. Aplikasi WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) sepertinya lebih memudahkan pemustaka mengakses katalog secara mobile yang ada di perpustakaan dengan menggunakan Handphone, Android, smartphone,Iphone dan telepon seluler sejenis yang mempunyai aplikasi wireless. Proses pengaksesan dengan alat komunikasi tersebut di atasdapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun tanpa terbatas dengan ruang dan waktu