6,794 research outputs found

    Fine-grain memory object representation in symbolic execution

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    Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) has seen risingpopularity as it allows to check applications for behaviours suchas error patterns automatically. One of its biggest challenges is thestate space explosion problem: DSE tries to evaluate all possibleexecution paths of an application. For every path, it needs torepresent the allocated memory and its accesses. Even thoughdifferent approaches have been proposed to mitigate the statespace explosion problem, DSE still needs to represent a multitudeof states in parallel to analyse them. If too many states arepresent, they cannot fit into memory, and DSE needs to terminatethem prematurely or store them on disc intermediately. Witha more efficient representation of allocated memory, DSE canhandle more states simultaneously, improving its performance.In this work, we introduce an enhanced, fine-grain and efficientrepresentation of memory that mimics the allocations of testedapplications. We tested GNU Coreutils using three differentsearch strategies with our implementation on top of the symbolicexecution engine KLEE. We achieve a significant reduction ofthe memory consumption of states by up to 99.06% (mean DFS:2%, BFS: 51%, Cov.: 49%), allowing to represent more states inmemory more efficiently. The total execution time is reduced byup to 97.81% (mean DFS: 9%, BFS: 7%, Cov.:4%)—a speedupof 49x in comparison to baseline KLEE

    Simultaneous Spin-Charge Relaxation in Double Quantum Dots

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    We investigate phonon-induced spin and charge relaxation mediated by spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions for a single electron confined within a double quantum dot. A simple toy model incorporating both direct decay to the ground state of the double dot and indirect decay via an intermediate excited state yields an electron spin relaxation rate that varies non-monotonically with the detuning between the dots. We confirm this model with experiments performed on a GaAs double dot, demonstrating that the relaxation rate exhibits the expected detuning dependence and can be electrically tuned over several orders of magnitude. Our analysis suggests that spin-orbit mediated relaxation via phonons serves as the dominant mechanism through which the double-dot electron spin-flip rate varies with detuning.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Supplemental Material (2 pages, 2 figures

    T-loop phosphorylation of Arabidopsis CDKA;1 is required for its function and can be partially substituted by an aspartate residue

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    As in other eukaryotes, progression through the cell cycle in plants is governed by cyclin-dependent kinases. Phosphorylation of a canonical Thr residue in the T-loop of the kinases is required for high enzyme activity in animals and yeast. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana Cdc21/Cdc28 homolog CDKA; 1 is also phosphorylated in the T-loop and that phosphorylation at the conserved Thr-161 residue is essential for its function. A phospho-mimicry T161D substitution restored the primary defect of cdka; 1 mutants, and although the T161D substitution displayed a dramatically reduced kinase activity with a compromised ability to bind substrates, homozygous mutant plants were recovered. The rescue by the T161D substitution, however, was not complete, and the resulting plants displayed various developmental abnormalities. For instance, even though flowers were formed, these plants were completely sterile as a result of a failure of the meiotic program, indicating that different requirements for CDKA; 1 function are needed during plant development

    Seismic modeling using the frozen Gaussian approximation

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    We adopt the frozen Gaussian approximation (FGA) for modeling seismic waves. The method belongs to the category of ray-based beam methods. It decomposes seismic wavefield into a set of Gaussian functions and propagates these Gaussian functions along appropriate ray paths. As opposed to the classic Gaussian-beam method, FGA keeps the Gaussians frozen (at a fixed width) during the propagation process and adjusts their amplitudes to produce an accurate approximation after summation. We perform the initial decomposition of seismic data using a fast version of the Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer (FBI) transform and propagate the frozen Gaussian beams numerically using ray tracing. A test using a smoothed Marmousi model confirms the validity of FGA for accurate modeling of seismic wavefields.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Bone mineral content in Hawaiian, Asian, and Filipino children.

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    Os calcis bone mineral content (BMC) was measured by single photon absorptiometry in 86 children, ages 6 to 13 years from Hawaiian, Oriental, Caucasian, and Filipino ethnic groups. Pearson correlations indicated significant positive correlations between BMC and age, height, and weight. However, there were no significant differences in age, height or weight between ethnic groups. ANOVA revealed a significant effect of ethnic group on BMC with the Hawaiian group having a significantly higher BMC than the Asian or Caucasian groups. When age, height and weight were controlled for, ANCOVA still showed a significant effect of ethnicity on BMC. The current findings suggest that ethnic differences can develop early in life

    Universal phase shift and non-exponential decay of driven single-spin oscillations

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    We study, both theoretically and experimentally, driven Rabi oscillations of a single electron spin coupled to a nuclear spin bath. Due to the long correlation time of the bath, two unusual features are observed in the oscillations. The decay follows a power law, and the oscillations are shifted in phase by a universal value of ~pi/4. These properties are well understood from a theoretical expression that we derive here in the static limit for the nuclear bath. This improved understanding of the coupled electron-nuclear system is important for future experiments using the electron spin as a qubit.Comment: Main text: 4 pages, 3 figures, Supplementary material: 2 pages, 3 figure

    Detection of single electron spin resonance in a double quantum dot

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    Spin-dependent transport measurements through a double quantum dot are a valuable tool for detecting both the coherent evolution of the spin state of a single electron as well as the hybridization of two-electron spin states. In this paper, we discuss a model that describes the transport cycle in this regime, including the effects of an oscillating magnetic field (causing electron spin resonance) and the effective nuclear fields on the spin states in the two dots. We numerically calculate the current flow due to the induced spin flips via electron spin resonance and we study the detector efficiency for a range of parameters. The experimental data are compared with the model and we find a reasonable agreement.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Journal of Applied Physics, proceedings ICPS 200
