427 research outputs found

    Nonlinearly-PT-symmetric systems: spontaneous symmetry breaking and transmission resonances

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    We introduce a class of PT-symmetric systems which include mutually matched nonlinear loss and gain (inother words, a class of PT-invariant Hamiltonians in which both the harmonic and anharmonic parts are non-Hermitian). For a basic system in the form of a dimer, symmetric and asymmetric eigenstates, including multistable ones, are found analytically. We demonstrate that, if coupled to a linear chain, such a nonlinear PT-symmetric dimer generates new types of nonlinear resonances, with the completely suppressed or greatly amplified transmission, as well as a regime similar to the electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT). The implementation of the systems is possible in various media admitting controllable linear and nonlinear amplification of waves.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Active metamaterials: sign of refraction index and gain-assisted dispersion management

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    We derive an approach to define the causal direction of the wavevector of modes in optical metamaterials, which in turn, determines signs of refractive index and impedance as a function of {\it real and imaginary} parts of dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability. We use the developed technique to demonstrate that the interplay between resonant response of constituents of metamaterials can be used to achieve efficient dispersion management. Finally we demonstrate broadband dispersion-less index and impedance matching in active nanowire-based negative index materials. Our work opens new practical applications of negative index composites for broadband lensing, imaging, and pulse-routing

    Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion

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    In this work, we demonstrate a self-standing bulk three-dimensional metamaterial based on the network of silver nanowires in an alumina membrane. This constitutes an anisotropic effective medium with hyperbolic dispersion, which can be used in sub-diffraction imaging or optical cloaks. Highly anisotropic dielectric constants of the material range from positive to negative, and the transmitted laser beam shifts both toward the normal to the surface, as in regular dielectrics, and off the normal, as in anisotropic dielectrics with the refraction index smaller than one. The designed photonic metamaterial is the thickest reported in the literature, both in terms of its physical size 1cm x 1cm x 51 mm, and the number of vacuum wavelengths, N=61 at l=0.84 mm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figur

    Disorder-induced cavities, resonances, and lasing in randomly-layered media

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    We study, theoretically and experimentally, disorder-induced resonances in randomly-layered samples,and develop an algorithm for the detection and characterization of the effective cavities that give rise to these resonances. This algorithm enables us to find the eigen-frequencies and pinpoint the locations of the resonant cavities that appear in individual realizations of random samples, for arbitrary distributions of the widths and refractive indices of the layers. Each cavity is formed in a region whose size is a few localization lengths. Its eigen-frequency is independent of the location inside the sample, and does not change if the total length of the sample is increased by, for example, adding more scatterers on the sides. We show that the total number of cavities, NcavN_{\mathrm{cav}}, and resonances, NresN_{\mathrm{res}}, per unit frequency interval is uniquely determined by the size of the disordered system and is independent of the strength of the disorder. In an active, amplifying medium, part of the cavities may host lasing modes whose number is less than NresN_{\mathrm{res}}. The ensemble of lasing cavities behaves as distributed feedback lasers, provided that the gain of the medium exceeds the lasing threshold, which is specific for each cavity. We present the results of experiments carried out with single-mode optical fibers with gain and randomly-located resonant Bragg reflectors (periodic gratings). When the fiber was illuminated by a pumping laser with an intensity high enough to overcome the lasing threshold, the resonances revealed themselves by peaks in the emission spectrum. Our experimental results are in a good agreement with the theory presented here.Comment: minor correction

    Topological Transitions in Metamaterials

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    The ideas of mathematical topology play an important role in many aspects of modern physics - from phase transitions to field theory to nonlinear dynamics (Nakahara M (2003) in Geometry, Topology and Physics, ed Brewer DF (IOP Publishing Ltd, Bristol and Philadelphia), Monastryskiy M (1987) in Riemann Topology and Physics, (Birkhauser Verlag AG)). An important example of this is the Lifshitz transition (Lifshitz IM (1960) Anomalies of electron characteristics of a metal in the high-pressure region, Sov Phys JETP 11: 1130-1135), where the transformation of the Fermi surface of a metal from a closed to an open geometry (due to e.g. external pressure) leads to a dramatic effect on the electron magneto-transport (Kosevich AM (2004) Topology and solid-state physics. Low Temp Phys 30: 97-118). Here, we present the optical equivalent of the Lifshitz transition in strongly anisotropic metamaterials. When one of the components of the dielectric permittivity tensor of such a composite changes sign, the corresponding iso-frequency surface transforms from an ellipsoid to a hyperboloid. Since the photonic density of states can be related to the volume enclosed by the iso-frequency surface, such a topological transition in a metamaterial leads to a dramatic change in the photonic density of states, with a resulting effect on every single physical parameter related to the metamaterial - from thermodynamic quantities such as its equilibrium electromagnetic energy to the nonlinear optical response to quantum-electrodynamic effects such as spontaneous emission. In the present paper, we demonstrate the modification of spontaneous light emission from quantum dots placed near the surface of the metamaterial undergoing the topological Lifshitz transition, and present the theoretical description of the effect

    Effects of Spatially Nonuniform Gain on Lasing Modes in Weakly Scattering Random Systems

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    A study on the effects of optical gain nonuniformly distributed in one-dimensional random systems is presented. It is demonstrated numerically that even without gain saturation and mode competition, the spatial nonuniformity of gain can cause dramatic and complicated changes to lasing modes. Lasing modes are decomposed in terms of the quasi modes of the passive system to monitor the changes. As the gain distribution changes gradually from uniform to nonuniform, the amount of mode mixing increases. Furthermore, we investigate new lasing modes created by nonuniform gain distributions. We find that new lasing modes may disappear together with existing lasing modes, thereby causing fluctuations in the local density of lasing states.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures (quality reduced for arXiv

    Stimulated emission of surface plasmon polaritons

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    We have observed laser-like emission of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) decoupled to the glass prism in an attenuated total reflection setup. SPPs were excited by optically pumped molecules in a polymeric film deposited on the top of the silver film. Stimulated emission was characterized by a distinct threshold in the input-output dependence and narrowing of the emission spectrum. The observed stimulated emission and corresponding to it compensation of the metallic absorption loss by gain enables many applications of metamaterials and nanoplasmonic devices.Comment: 8 pages; 3 figure
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