112 research outputs found

    Well-being of children born after medically assisted reproduction

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    Background: The increasing number and proportion of children born after medically assisted reproduction (MAR) has raised concerns and motivated research about the impact of MAR on the well-being and development of children. // Objective: We summarize existing studies on the well-being and development of children conceived through MAR. // Materials and methods: Review of existing studies. // Results: Children conceived through MAR are at increased risk of adverse birth outcomes such as low birthweight and preterm delivery compared to naturally conceived children. The higher rates of multiple births amongst MAR-conceived children continue to represent an important driving factor behind these disparities. Reassuringly, elective single embryo transfer (eSET)—which is associated with more favourable pregnancy outcomes among MAR-conceived children—is becoming more common. Despite the early life health disadvantages, the evidence on later life outcomes such as physical, cognitive and psychosocial development is generally reassuring. On average, MAR-conceived children show similar or better outcomes than naturally conceived children. The selected and advantaged socioeconomic characteristics of parents who conceive through MAR are likely to play an important role in explaining why, on average, MAR-conceived children perform better than naturally conceived children—particularly in terms of cognitive outcomes. In contrast, there is some evidence pointing to potentially increased risks of mental health problems among MAR-conceived children. // Conclusion: There is need for continued monitoring and longer follow-up studies on the well-being of these children in order to better understand whether their outcomes are similar to or different from those of naturally conceived children, and, if so, why

    Medically Assisted Reproduction Treatment Types and Birth Outcomes: A Between- and Within-Family Analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare risks of adverse birth outcomes among pregnancies conceived with and without medically assisted reproduction treatments. METHODS: Birth certificates were used to study birth outcomes of all neonates born in Utah from 2009 through 2017. Of the 469,919 deliveries, 52.8% (N=248,013) were included in the sample, with 5.2% of the neonates conceived through medically assisted reproduction. The outcome measures included birth weight, gestational age, low birth weight (LBW, less than 2,500 g), preterm birth (less than 37 weeks of gestation), and small for gestational age (SGA, birth weight less than the 10th percentile). Linear models were estimated for the continuous outcomes (birth weight, gestational age), and linear probability models were used for the binary outcomes (LBW, preterm birth, SGA). First, we compared the birth outcomes of neonates born after medically assisted reproduction and natural conception in the overall sample (between-family analyses), before and after adjustment for parental background and neonatal characteristics. Second, we employed family fixed effect models to investigate whether the birth outcomes of neonates conceived through medically assisted reproduction differed from those of their naturally conceived siblings (within-family comparisons). RESULTS: Neonates conceived through medically assisted reproduction weighed less, were born earlier, and were more likely to be LBW, preterm, and SGA than neonates conceived naturally. More invasive treatments (assisted reproductive technology [ART] and artificial insemination [AI] or intrauterine insemination) were associated with worse birth outcomes; for example, the proportion of LBW and preterm birth was 6.1% and 7.9% among neonates conceived naturally and 25.5% and 29.8% among neonates conceived through ART, respectively. After adjustments for various neonatal and parental characteristics, the differences in birth outcomes between neonates conceived through medically assisted reproduction and naturally were attenuated yet remained statistically significant; for example, neonates conceived through ART were at 3.2 percentage points higher risk for LBW (95% CI 2.4–4.1) and 4.8 percentage points higher risk for preterm birth (95% CI 3.9–5.7). Among siblings, the differences in the frequency of adverse outcomes between neonates conceived through medically assisted reproduction and neonates conceived naturally were small and statistically insignificant for all types of treatments. CONCLUSION: Medically assisted reproduction treatments are associated with adverse birth outcomes; however, those risks are unlikely to be associated with the infertility treatments itself

    The German East-West Mortality Difference:Two Crossovers Driven by Smoking

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    Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, mortality was considerably higher in the former East Germany than in West Germany. The gap narrowed rapidly after German reunification. The convergence was particularly strong for women, to the point that Eastern women aged 50–69 now have lower mortality despite lower incomes and worse overall living conditions. Prior research has shown that lower smoking rates among East German female cohorts born in the 1940s and 1950s were a major contributor to this crossover. However, after 1990, smoking behavior changed dramatically, with higher smoking intensity observed among women in the eastern part of Germany. We forecast the impact of this changing smoking behavior on East-West mortality differences and find that the higher smoking rates among younger East German cohorts will reverse their contemporary mortality advantage. Mortality forecasting methods that do not account for smoking would, perhaps misleadingly, forecast a growing mortality advantage for East German women. Experience from other countries shows that smoking can be effectively reduced by strict anti-smoking policies. Instead, East Germany is becoming an example warning of the consequences of weakening anti-smoking policies and changing behavioral norms

    Uncertainty and Narratives of the Future. A Theoretical Framework for Contemporary Fertility

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    Explanations for fertility decisions based on structural constraints—such as labor, housing condition, or income—do not account for the contemporary fertility downturn faced by many countries in Europe. In this paper, we posit that the rise of uncertainty is central for understanding contemporary fertility dynamics. We propose a theoretical framework (the Narrative Framework) for the study of fertility decisions under uncertain conditions based on expectations, imaginaries and narratives. Relying on the idea of future–oriented action, we argue that uncertainty needs to be conceptualized and operationalized taking into account that people use works of imagination, producing their own narrative of the future. Narratives of the future are potent driving forces helping people to act according to or despite uncertainty. We present the different elements of the Narrative Framework and address its causal validity. We conclude by highlighting the advantages of taking into account the narratives of the future in fertility research

    Contextual determinants of induced abortion: a panel analysis

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the contextual and individual characteristics that explain the differences in the induced abortion rate, temporally and territorially. METHODS We conducted an econometric analysis with panel data of the influence of public investment in health and per capita income on induced abortion as well as a measurement of the effect of social and economic factors related to the labor market and reproduction: female employment, immigration, adolescent fertility and marriage rate. The empirical exercise was conducted with a sample of 22 countries in Europe for the 2001-2009 period. RESULTS The great territorial variability of induced abortion was the result of contextual and individual socioeconomic factors. Higher levels of national income and investments in public health reduce its incidence. The following sociodemographic characteristics were also significant regressors of induced abortion: female employment, civil status, migration, and adolescent fertility. CONCLUSIONS Induced abortion responds to sociodemographic patterns, in which the characteristics of each country are essential. The individual and contextual socioeconomic inequalities impact significantly on its incidence. Further research on the relationship between economic growth, labor market, institutions and social norms is required to better understand its transnational variability and to reduce its incidence
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