338 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of palm olein and peanut oil blends.

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    Blending is the simplest method used to modify oils and fats for improved functionality. Blends of palm olein (PO) (90, 80, 70 and 60% v/v) with peanut oil (PnO) (10, 20, 30 and 40% v/v) were made and changes in their physicochemical and sensory characteristics were determined. Changes in physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid composition (FA), triacylglycerol (TAG) profile, thermal behavior and sensory quality were determined. Results showed that with increasing amounts of PnO (from 10 to 20, 30 and 40%) coupled with decreasing amounts of PO (from 90, 80, 70 and 60%) in the blends, the degree of unsaturation increased and a pleasant nutty flavor was imparted in the blends. The FFA content increased from 0.36% (90 PO:10 PnO) to 0.90% (60 PO:40 PnO). Blending altered the FA composition with major changes occurring in the percentages of palmitic and linoleic acids. These changes in FA composition caused a significant change in trilinolein (LLL), dioleoyl-linoleoyl- glycerol (OOL) dipalmitoyl-3-linoleoyl glycerol (PPL) and dipalmitoyl-3-oleoyl glycerol (PPO) in the blends. The melting and crystallization temperatures gradually shifted towards lower temperature from 10.22 to 9.33, 8.26 and 8.25ºC and from -4.48 to -4.73, -5.22 and -25.37ºC, respectively, with increasing PnO and decreasing PO percentages. Sensory evaluation of banana chips fried with the oil blends showed a high acceptability for all the blends by the panelists, which was indicated by the high scores for all the sensory attributes tested and the overall acceptability

    Numerical Flow Analysis of an Axial Flow Pump

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    This paper describes the detailed study of fluid flows in an axial pump that includes impeller and guide vanes. And the comparisons of flow simulations of the axial pump impeller with guide vanes and without guide vanes are carried out in this paper. In addition to this, the effect of number of guide blades on flow behaviours is analysed numerically. The computational results are performed by using one of CFD commercial software, Solidworks Flow Simulation. The input design data of the model pump are the flow rate of 0.2m3, head of 3m and the rotational speed of 1160 rpm. The outer and inner diameter of impeller is 0.3m and 0.15m respectively. . And the impeller with four blades is used in this paper. The guide blade number is varied to 5,7,9nbsp with the same input data and other geometric parameters keep constant. In this study, the nature of velocities and pressures in an axial flow pump is analysed. The comparisons are averaged flow velocities, static pressure rise, dynamic pressure and total pressure.nbs

    The Safety of a Conservative Fluid Replacement Strategy in Adults Hospitalised with Malaria

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    BackgroundA conservative approach to fluid resuscitation improves survival in children with severe malaria; however, this strategy has not been formally evaluated in adults with the disease.MethodsAdults hospitalised with malaria at two tertiary referral hospitals in Myanmar received intravenous fluid replacement with isotonic saline, administered at a maintenance rate using a simple weight-based algorithm. Clinical and biochemical indices were followed sequentially.ResultsOf 61 adults enrolled, 34 (56%) had Plasmodium falciparum mono-infection, 17 (28%) Plasmodium vivax mono-infection and 10 (16%) mixed infection; 27 (44%) patients were at high risk of death (P. falciparum infection and RCAM score ≥ 2). In the first six hours of hospitalisation patients received a mean 1.7 ml/kg/hour (range: 1.3–2.2) of intravenous fluid and were able to drink a mean of 0.8 ml/kg/hour (range: 0–3). Intravenous fluid administration and oral intake were similar for the remainder of the first 48 hours of hospitalisation. All 61 patients survived to discharge. No patient developed Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, a requirement for renal replacement therapy or hypotension (mean arterial pressure < 60mmHg). Plasma lactate was elevated (> 2 mmol/L) on enrolment in 26 (43%) patients but had declined by 6 hours in 25 (96%) and was declining at 24 hours in the other patient. Plasma creatinine was elevated (> 120 μmol/L) on enrolment in 17 (28%) patients, but was normal or falling in 16 (94%) at 48 hours and declining in the other patient by 72 hours. There was no clinically meaningful increase in plasma lactate or creatinine in any patient with a normal value on enrolment. Patients receiving fluid replacement with the conservative fluid replacement algorithm were more likely to survive than historical controls in the same hospitals who had received fluid replacement guided by clinical judgement in the year prior to the study (p = 0.03), despite having more severe disease (p < 0.001).ConclusionsA conservative fluid resuscitation strategy appears safe in adults hospitalised with malaria

    The Political Economy of Myanmar's Transition

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    This is an Author's Original Manuscript of an article whose final and definitive form, the Version of Record, has been published in the JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA, 07 Feb 2013, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00472336.2013.764143.Since holding elections in 2010, Myanmar has transitioned from a direct military dictatorship to a formally democratic system and has embarked on a period of rapid economic reform. After two decades of military rule, the pace of change has startled almost everyone and led to a great deal of cautious optimism. To make sense of the transition and assess the case for optimism, this article explores the political economy of Myanmar's dual transition from state socialism to capitalism and from dictatorship to democracy. It analyses changes within Myanmar society from a critical political economy perspective in order to both situate these developments within broader regional trends and to evaluate the country's current trajectory. In particular, the emergence of state-mediated capitalism and politico-business complexes in Myanmar's borderlands are emphasised. These dynamics, which have empowered a narrow oligarchy, are less likely to be undone by the reform process than to fundamentally shape the contours of reform. Consequently, Myanmar's future may not be unlike those of other Southeast Asian states that have experienced similar developmental trajectories

    Cost effectiveness and resource allocation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria control in Myanmar: a modelling analysis of bed nets and community health workers.

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    BACKGROUND: Funding for malaria control and elimination in Myanmar has increased markedly in recent years. While there are various malaria control tools currently available, two interventions receive the majority of malaria control funding in Myanmar: (1) insecticide-treated bed nets and (2) early diagnosis and treatment through malaria community health workers. This study aims to provide practical recommendations on how to maximize impact from investment in these interventions. METHODS: A simple decision tree is used to model intervention costs and effects in terms of years of life lost. The evaluation is from the perspective of the service provider and costs and effects are calculated in line with standard methodology. Sensitivity and scenario analysis are undertaken to identify key drivers of cost effectiveness. Standard cost effectiveness analysis is then extended via a spatially explicit resource allocation model. FINDINGS: Community health workers have the potential for high impact on malaria, particularly where there are few alternatives to access malaria treatment, but are relatively costly. Insecticide-treated bed nets are comparatively inexpensive and modestly effective in Myanmar, representing a low risk but modest return intervention. Unlike some healthcare interventions, bed nets and community health workers are not mutually exclusive nor are they necessarily at their most efficient when universally applied. Modelled resource allocation scenarios highlight that in this case there is no "one size fits all" cost effectiveness result. Health gains will be maximized by effective targeting of both interventions

    Geographic Resource Allocation Based on Cost Effectiveness: An Application to Malaria Policy.

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    Healthcare services are often provided to a country as a whole, though in many cases the available resources can be more effectively targeted to specific geographically defined populations. In the case of malaria, risk is highly geographically heterogeneous, and many interventions, such as insecticide-treated bed nets and malaria community health workers, can be targeted to populations in a way that maximises impact for the resources available. This paper describes a framework for geographically targeted budget allocation based on the principles of cost-effectiveness analysis and applied to priority setting in malaria control and elimination. The approach can be used with any underlying model able to estimate intervention costs and effects given relevant local data. Efficient geographic targeting of core malaria interventions could significantly increase the impact of the resources available, accelerating progress towards elimination. These methods may also be applicable to priority setting in other disease areas

    Regulators of cell movement during development and regeneration in Drosophila

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    Cell migration is a fundamental cell biological process essential both for normal development and for tissue regeneration after damage. Cells can migrate individually or as a collective. To better understand the genetic requirements for collective migration, we expressed RNA interference (RNAi) against 30 genes in the Drosophila embryonic salivary gland cells that are known to migrate collectively. The genes were selected based on their effect on cell and membrane morphology, cytoskeleton and cell adhesion in cell culture-based screens or in Drosophila tissues other than salivary glands. Of these, eight disrupted salivary gland migration, targeting: Rac2, Rab35 and Rab40 GTPases, MAP kinase-activated kinase-2 (MAPk-AK2), RdgA diacylglycerol kinase, Cdk9, the PDSW subunit of NADH dehydrogenase (ND-PDSW) and actin regulator Enabled (Ena). The same RNAi lines were used to determine their effect during regeneration of X-ray-damaged larval wing discs. Cells translocate during this process, but it remained unknown whether they do so by directed cell divisions, by cell migration or both. We found that RNAi targeting Rac2, MAPk-AK2 and RdgA disrupted cell translocation during wing disc regeneration, but RNAi against Ena and ND-PDSW had little effect. We conclude that, in Drosophila, cell movements in development and regeneration have common as well as distinct genetic requirements