546 research outputs found

    Eliminasi Gangguan Matriks Dalam Analisis Merkuri Hg Sebagai Senyawa Kompleks Thio Michler\u27s Keton Secara Spektrofotometri

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    . A research of analysis method for determination of mercury through formation of complex with 4,4\u27-bis(dimethylamino)thiobenzophenone TMK has been conducted. The green blue complex compound can be detected with spectrophoto-meter in conditions: lmax 574 nm, buffer acetate pH 3, concentration of TMK 0,0002 M, and the absorbance of complex remains stable for 4–10 minutes. The formula of reagents volume for: Hg(II): buffer acetate pH 3: TMK 0,002 M : de-ionized water is 1:1:1:7. This method is valid, with parameters such as linearity 0.05–2.00 mg/L, limit of detection 0.008 mg/L, and recovery in the range 98%-102%. Matrix interferences that are caused by Au(III), Ag(I), Pd(II), Cu(II), Co(II), and Fe(III) ions can be eliminated with solvent extraction and standard addition methods. Standard addition method is able to give data of trusty measurement result at a 5%, that is for synthesis sample as (0.053 ± 0.001) mg/L, river water (0.034 ± 0.004) mg/L, and for sediment (4.172 ± 0.050) mg/kg. From the result of this research, it can be concluded that solvent extraction and standard addition methods are able to eliminated matrix interferences in mercury analysis as Hg-TMK complex spectrophotometrically Key waords: mercury analysis method, Thio Michler\u27s ketone, elimination, matrix interference

    Symbiont diversity is not involved in depth acclimation in the Mediterranean sea whip Eunicella singularis

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    In symbiotic cnidarians, acclimation to depth and lower irradiance can involve physiological changes in the photosynthetic dinoflagellate endosymbiont, such as increased chlorophyll content, or qualitative modifications in the symbiont population in favour of better adapted strains. It has been argued that a lack of capacity to acquire new symbionts could limit the bathymetric distribution of the host species, or compromise its long-term survival in a changing environment. But is that always true? To address this question, we investigated the symbiont genetic diversity in Eunicella singularis, a Mediterranean sea whip species with a wide bathymetric distribution (10 to 50 m depth), which has recently suffered from mass mortalities after periods of abnormally high sea temperatures. We measured symbiont population densities and chlorophyll content in natural populations, and followed the response of the holobionts after reciprocal transplantations to deep and shallow depths. A total of 161 colonies were sampled at 2 depths (10 and 30 m) at 5 sites in the northwestern Mediterranean. All colonies harboured a single ribosomal Symbiodinium clade (A'), but a relatively high within-clade genetic diversity was found among and within colonies. This diversity was not structured by depth, even though the deeper colonies contained significantly lower population densities of symbionts and less chlorophyll. We did, however, reveal host-symbiont specificity among E. singularis and other Mediterranean cnidarian species. Transplantation experiments revealed a limit of plasticity for symbiont population density and chlorophyll content, which in turn questions the importance of the trophic role of Symbiodinium in E. singularis

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Efektifitas Penerapan Sistem Haccp

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    Industri pangan tidak hanya bertanggung jawab untuk memproduksi makanan yang aman tetapi juga dapat menunjukkan secara transparan bagaimana keamanan pangan telah direncanakan dan terjamin. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui pengembangan Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP) sebagai bagian dari sistem jaminan keamanan pangan Perusahaan. Pada prakteknya pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran dari penerapan HACCP tidak selalu berhasil. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan dalam penerapan HACCP harus dapat terdefinisi dengan jelas dan dievaluasi dampaknya terhadap efektifitas penerapan HACCP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan dan menganalisa faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan sistem HACCP serta mengetahui langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi hambatan yang diakibatkan oleh faktor penghambat untuk mencapai efektifitas penerapan sistem HACCP. Penelitian ini mengambil kasus pada penerapan HACCP di PT. Tirta Investama plant Subang, Plant Mekarsari dan Plant Citeurep. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah manajer dan supervisor. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui atribut manusia dan atribut Perusahaan merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas penerapan sistem HACCP. Langkah penting yang perlu dilakukan Perusahaan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut adalah mengembangkan program training untuk karyawan di semua level secara berkelanjutan, memastikan pelaksanaan Good Manufacturing Practices/ Prerequisite Program berjalan dengan baik yaitu dengan melakukan audit secara berkala dan membangun metode komunikasi yang efektif

    Medical ovariectomy in menopausal breast cancer patients with high testosterone levels : a further step toward tailored therapy

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    Five years of adjuvant therapy with anti-estrogens reduce the incidence of disease progression by about 50% in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer patients, but late relapse can still occur after anti-estrogens have been discontinued. In these patients, excessive androgen production may account for renewed excessive estrogen formation and increased risks of late relapse. In the 50% of patients who do not benefit with anti-estrogens, the effect of therapy is limited by de novo or acquired resistance to treatment. Androgen receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor overexpression are recognized mechanisms of endocrine resistance suggesting the involvement of androgens as activators of the androgen receptor pathway and as stimulators of epidermal growth factor synthesis and function. Data from a series of prospective studies on operable breast cancer patients, showing high serum testosterone levels are associated to increased risk of recurrence, provide further support to a role for androgens in breast cancer progression. According to the above reported evidence, we proposed to counteract excessive androgen production in the adjuvant setting of estrogen receptor-positive patients and suggested selecting postmenopausal patients with elevated levels of serum testosterone, marker of ovarian hyperandrogenemia, for adjuvant treatment with a gonadotropins-releasing hormone analogue (medical oophorectomy) in addition to standard therapy with anti-estrogens. The proposed approach provides an attempt of personalized medicine that needs to be further investigated in clinical trials

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Akan Konsep-konsep Kimia Dengan Penerapkan Paduan Metode Demonstrasi Dan Metode Kooperatif Lt

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    . Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang efektivitas penerapan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT dalam pembelajaran matakuliah Kimia Dasar pada topik stoikhiometri dan kesetimbangan kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji keefektifan paduan metode demonstrasi dan pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe LT dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar Kimia Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan menggunakan kelas kontrol (pembelajaran menggunakan metode konvensional) dan kelas eksperimen (menggunakan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT). Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa penerapan metode demontrasi-kooperatif tipe learning together (demonstrasi-kooperatif LT) dapat meningkatkan aktivitas yang ditunjukkan oleh terwujudnya persiapan belajar, partisipasi antar individu, partisipasi yang berkualitas, keseriusan, bekerja sama, saling ketergantungan positif, mengutamakan interaksi tatap muka/tidak individualistis, tanggungjawab individu, kemampuan memotivasi kelompok, kemampuan mengambil kesimpulan dari berbagai pendapat dalam kelompoknya. Secara kuantitatif nilai hasil belajar mahasiswa yang diajar dengan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT adalah sebesar 72,67 dan metode konvensional sebesar 61,19. Dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh bahwa t-hitung > t-tabel (a =0,05), sehingga Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penel;itian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keefektifan antara metode konvensional dan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif tipe LT dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar Kimia Dasa

    Is it time to test metformin in breast cancer prevention trials? A reply to the authors

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    The use of arthroscopy in diagnosing and treating sports-related cartilage lesions

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    Background: Sports-related cartilage lesions pose challenges for athletes. Cartilage, vital for smooth joint movement, can be damaged. Arthroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure, allows precise diagnosis and treatment of joint issues, offering quicker recovery and minimal scarring, enhancing orthopedic interventions. This study aimed to assess the use of arthroscopy in diagnosing and treating sports-related cartilage lesions. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at the department of orthopaedics and traumatology, Life Line Hospital Moulovibazar, Mount Adora Hospital Sylhet, MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital Sylhet, Bangladesh from January 2022 to December 2023. As the study subjects, a total of 58 patients with non-surgically treated acute or chronic sports-related cartilage lesions were enrolled by using a purposive sampling technique. After 6 months, a follow-up report was recorded. Data were analyzed by using Microsoft Office tools. Results: In this study, 72% of participants underwent cuff repair, with the remaining 28% opting for loop repair. The arthroscopic assessment revealed anterior medial cartilage lesions in 34% and anterior lateral lesions in 28%. Posterior medial, posterior lateral, and mid-talus dome cartilage lesions were observed in 17%, 5%, and 16%, respectively. Capsule repair was employed in 86% of cases. Significant improvement in hip range of motion, as well as radiological parameters like lateral center-edge angle, alpha angle (anteroposterior), and alpha angle (Dunn), was observed 6 months postoperatively (p<0.001). Conclusions: In detecting and treating sports-related cartilage lesions, arthroscopy is an effective method. This minimally invasive less painful treatment approach contributes to faster rehabilitation and a quicker return to normal activities

    Evolution of Whirly1 in the angiosperms: sequence, splicing, and expression in a clade of early transitional mycoheterotrophic orchids

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    The plastid-targeted transcription factor Whirly1 (WHY1) has been implicated in chloroplast biogenesis, plastid genome stability, and fungal defense response, which together represent characteristics of interest for the study of autotrophic losses across the angiosperms. While gene loss in the plastid and nuclear genomes has been well studied in mycoheterotrophic plants, the evolution of the molecular mechanisms impacting genome stability is completely unknown. Here, we characterize the evolution of WHY1 in four early transitional mycoheterotrophic orchid species in the genus Corallorhiza by synthesizing the results of phylogenetic, transcriptomic, and comparative genomic analyses with WHY1 genomic sequences sampled from 21 orders of angiosperms. We found an increased number of non-canonical WHY1 isoforms assembled from all but the greenest Corallorhiza species, including intron retention in some isoforms. Within Corallorhiza, phylotranscriptomic analyses revealed the presence of tissue-specific differential expression of WHY1 in only the most photosynthetically capable species and a coincident increase in the number of non-canonical WHY1 isoforms assembled from fully mycoheterotrophic species. Gene- and codon-level tests of WHY1 selective regimes did not infer significant signal of either relaxed selection or episodic diversifying selection in Corallorhiza but did so for relaxed selection in the late-stage full mycoheterotrophic orchids Epipogium aphyllum and Gastrodia elata. Additionally, nucleotide substitutions that most likely impact the function of WHY1, such as nonsense mutations, were only observed in late-stage mycoheterotrophs. We propose that our findings suggest that splicing and expression changes may precede the selective shifts we inferred for late-stage mycoheterotrophic species, which therefore does not support a primary role for WHY1 in the transition to mycoheterotrophy in the Orchidaceae. Taken together, this study provides the most comprehensive view of WHY1 evolution across the angiosperms to date

    Urinary estrogen metabolites and prostate cancer : a case-control study and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To investigate prostate cancer (Pca) risk in relation to estrogen metabolism, expressed as urinary 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1), 16α-hydroxyestrone (16α-OHE1) and 2-OHE1 to 16α-OHE1 ratio. Methods: We conducted a case-control study within the Western New York Health Cohort Study (WNYHCS) from 1996 to 2001. From January 2003 through September 2004, we completed the re-call and follow-up of 1092 cohort participants. Cases (n = 26) and controls (n = 110) were matched on age, race and recruitment period according to a 1:4 ratio. We used the unconditional logistic regression to compute crude and adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confident interval (CI) of Pca in relation to 2-OHE1, 16αOHE1 and 2-OHE1 to 16α-OHE1 by tertiles of urine concentrations (stored in a biorepository for an average of 4 years). We identified age, race, education and body mass index as covariates. We also conducted a systematic review of the literature which revealed no additional studies, but we pooled the results from this study with those from a previously conducted case-control study using the DerSimonian-Laird random effects method. Results: We observed a non-significant risk reduction in the highest tertile of 2-OHE1 (OR 0.72, 95% CI 0.25-2.10). Conversely, the odds in the highest tertile of 16α-OHE1 showed a non-significant risk increase (OR 1.76 95% CI 0.62-4.98). There was a suggestion of reduced Pca risk for men in the highest tertile of 2-OHE1 to 16α-OHE1 ratio (OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.19-1.68). The pooled estimates confirmed the association between an increased Pca risk and higher urinary levels of 16α-OHE1 (third vs. first tertile: OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.09-3.05) and the protective effect of a higher 2-OHE 1 to 16α-OHE1 ratio (third vs. first tertile: OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.31-0.90). Conclusion: Our study and the pooled results provide evidence for a differential role of the estrogen hydroxylation pathway in Pca development and encourage further study