393 research outputs found

    Prinsip-prinsip/hukum Perkembangan Peserta Didik dan Implikasinya terhadap Pendidikan

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    Development is the process of change in growth at a time as a function of maturity and interaction with its environment. In other words, development is a functional change that is influenced by the achievement of the level of physical maturity. This development process can be understood by the existence of several principles / laws, in which the principle / law governs the whole of the development process and is definitely something that is in the development process. Thus, these principles must be understood by all education stakeholders, especially for School Principals and Teachers, because the principles are very urgent in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving educational goals, including by developing a curriculum or making learning programs that are in accordance with the developmental stages of participants the student

    Pembelajaran Model Inquiri Terbimbing pada Materi Besaran dan Satuan untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to determine the effect of guided inquiri learning model on the quantity and unit materials to improve the KGS and student learning outcomes. This research is a quasi-experimental type / model with pretest-posttest group design using the control class. Research samples were given treatment through the model in the experimental class. The data collection activities were conducted by comparing the final test results between the experimental and control classes for KGS mathematical modeling and student learning outcomes. Data processing is done by t-test for different test. This research was conducted on Chemistry Education Program FITK UIN Ar-Raniry. The results showed that there are differences in the ability of students \u27mathematical model and students\u27 learning outcomes with guided inquiry learning model. The mean value of KGS model of experimental mathematics class is 75,20 higher than control class that is 65,53. For the value of learning result obtained experimental class equal to 73,67, higher than control class equal to 67,72. Result of t-test result of learning result known from result t arithmetic = 1,70 with dk = 64 and t table 1.67, where t count> ttabel that is 1.70> 1.67. This shows that the Ho hypothesis is rejected and Ha accepted. So that learning with guided inquiry model has an effect on the ability of KGS mathematical modeling and student learning outcomes

    Kewenangan Lembaga-lembaga Negara dalam Memutus dan Menafsirkan UUD Setelah Amandemen Keempat Undang-undang Dasar 1945

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    The Amanded of UUD 1945 changed basically the structure and State institutional. the change of the structure State institutional that is, was formed several of the new State institutionals, among them the Yudisial Commission (KY), the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Council of Representative of the Area (DPD). The UUD 1945 amanded unclear defined the State institutional, that is caused the inter-institutional authority dispute . Who right to interpreted the State institutional and what institution that were said as the State institution according to UUD 1945 fourth amanded . The Institution that the Right to interpreted UUD 1945 is the Constitutional Court. The State institutional that were meant in UUD 1945 is People\u27s Consultative Assembly, the People\u27s Representative Council, DPD, President, The ministry of the State , BPK, , DPRD, the Commission of general election (KPU), the Yudisial Commission, , the central bank, Republic of Indonesia Army, Republic of Indonesia State Police, and the Council of President consideration . The constitutional court had the authority to settle of the inter-institutional authority dispute of the country that his authority was given by UUD 1945


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    The issue of amending Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Aceh Government is closely related to adjustments to changes in other laws and regulations that have an impact on the implementation of the LoGA. Therefore, efforts to amend the Law On Governing Aceh (LoGA) have become a necessity and problematic. In addition, it is also related to the need to strengthen the regulation on the sustainability of special autonomy funds for Aceh proposed at 2.5% of the National General Allocation Fund to continue development and improve the welfare of the people of Aceh for an indefinite period of time. On the other hand, a more detailed regulation is also needed within the proposed changes to the UUPA to facilitate its implementation in the field so that the authority of the Aceh government in implementing its special and privileged rights in the context of asymmetric decentralization can be better implemented.Isu perubahan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh erat terkait dengan penyesuaian terhadap perubahan peraturan perundang undangan lainnya yang berdampak terhadap implementasi UUPA tersebut karena itu upaya perubahan terhadap UUPA menjadi suatu keniscayaan dan problematis, di samping terutama hal itu juga terkait dengan diperlukannya memperkuat keberadaan pengaturan tentang keberlanjutan dana otonomi khusus Aceh yang diusulkan sebesar 2,5 % dari flafon Dana Alokasi Umum Nasional untuk melanjutan pembangunan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat Aceh untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas. Di sisi lain juga diperlukan pengaturan yang lebih rinci di dalam UUPA usulan perubahan ini untuk lebih mudah dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan sehingga kewenangan Pemerintah Aceh dalam melaksanakan hak kekhususan dan istimewaannya dalam rangka desentralisasi asimetris lebih dapat diimplementasikan

    Studi Jalur Evakuasi Tsunami Horizontal Di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    Jalur evakuasi horizotal tsunami sebagai salah satu solusi untuk menghadapi masa tanggap darurat setelah terjadinya gempa bumi di laut yang berpotensi menghasilkan gelombang tinggi perlu adanya dilakukan studi komprehensif. Studi ini terkait dengan keadaan alam dan topografi yang dimiliki Kabupaten Padang Pariaman memiliki karakteristik tersendiri serta pola masyarakat dan waktu rendaman tsunami yang tidak sama pada setiap wilayah kecamatan. Ketersediaan jalan yang memadai untuk memfasilitasi evakuasi terhadap gelombang tsunami sangat bergantung kepada moda transportasi yang digunakan dan kapasitas jalan yang digunakan untuk tempat yang lebih tinggi dan juga melihat adanya ketersediaan bangunan tinggi yang layak dijadikan potensi evakuasi secara vertikal.Dengan menggunakan mempelajari berbagai banyak sumber peta dari google earth dan bakorsurtanal, serta menumpangtindihkan dengan peta kerentanan tsunami yang dimiliki Kabupaten Padang Pariaman maka diperolehlah analisa kelayakan jalur horizontal evakuasi tsunami dalam rasio evakuasi perkecamatan di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Rasio evakuasi berkisar diantara 2.0 – 3.4 yang diartikan dalam kondisi aman tetapi memiliki permasalahan dalam waktu tempuh lebih dari 20 menit pada 3 (tiga) kecamatan dengan waktu evakuasi antara 30 sampai dengan 55 menit. Kata Kunci : Jalur evakuasi, Horizontal, Rasio evakuas

    Analisa Korosi Material pada Proses Hydrotreating Poly Fatty Acid Destillate

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    Kajian ini bermaksud untuk menentukan material yang tahan korosi untuk peralatan proses hydrotreating Poly Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD). Pengujian korosi ini dilakukan terhadap baja tahan karat feritik dan austenik dengan metode imersi dalam autoclave. Hasil pengujiaa ini untuk melengkapi pengujian yang sama yang telah dilakukan pada material baja karbon, baja krom-moly dan baja tahan karat martensitic. Autoclave dioperasikan pada tekanan sekitar 15,7÷ 29,42 bar, temperatur 140 ÷ 300°C, kadar TAN 45 ÷ 169,19 mg KOH/ml per sampel minyak dan kadar air 0 ÷ 17% volume. Kemudian, karakterisasi material dan media digunakan FTIR-GCMS, mikroskop cahaya, scanning electron microscope, dan uji kehilangan berat material. Dari hasil FTIR-GCMS diketahui adanya agen korosi berupa asam karboksilat, namun belum dapat dipastikan secara signifikan bahwa asam tersebut adalah  asam naftanik. Sementara itu, hasil pengamatan dengan mikroskop cahaya dan SEM terlihat profil permukaan material yang terkorosi. Ketika uji imersi dilakukan pada temperatur 300°C, tekanan 29,42s/d 34,3, kadar air 17% volume and nilai TAN 169,19 mg KOH / gr sampel minyak, terlihat bahwa temperature dan nilai TAN berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laju korosi. Setelah membandingkan hasil penelitian ini dan sebelumnya, baja tahan karat austenik memilik ketahanan korosi yang baik pada proses hydro-treating media yang mengandung Poly Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD)
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