916 research outputs found

    Analysis of intrusion detection system (IDS) in border gateway protocol

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the de-facto inter-domain routing protocol used across thousands of Autonomous Systems (AS) joined together in the Internet. The main purpose of BGP is to keep routing information up-to-date across the Autonomous System (AS) and provide a loop free path to the destination. Internet connectivity plays a vital role in organizations such as in businesses, universities and government organisations for exchanging information. This type of information is exchanged over the Internet in the form of packets, which contain the source and destination addresses. Because the Internet is a dynamic and sensitive system which changes continuously, it is therefore necessary to protect the system from intruders. Security has been a major issue for BGP. Nevertheless, BGP suffers from serious threats even today, DoS attack is the major security threat to the Internet today, among which, is the TCP SYN flooding, the most common type of attack. The aim of this DoS attack is to consume large amounts of bandwidth. Any system connected to the Internet and using TCP services are prone to such attacks. It is important to detect such malicious activities in a network, which could otherwise cause problems for the availability of services. This thesis proposes and implements two new security methods for the protection of BGP data plane, “Analysis of BGP Security Vulnerabilities” and “Border Gateway Protocol Anomaly Detection using Failure Quality Control Method” to detect the malicious packets and the anomaly packets in the network. The aim of this work is to combine the algorithms with the Network Data Mining (NDM) method to detect the malicious packets in the BGP network. Furthermore, these patterns can be used in the database as a signature to capture the incidents in the future


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    this paper emphasizes the significant role of need analysis in teaching ESP for nursing. Teaching ESP for nursing cannot be separated from the analysis of the learners’ needs to join the course, because they have their own purpose in studying English. The expectation is really different from general course learners. Dealing with the appropriate purpose is really crucial. It has impact in creating syllabus and lesson plan for the course. The need analysis explores the subjects mainly concerns. Indeed, this paper explores more in target needs and learning needs as basic foundation of the course. Questionnaires, interviews, and informal consultations with learners are used to gather information of this study. The research finds out majority of the students are willing to get improvement in speaking skill especially for practical communication and vocabulary mastery of nursing/ medical terminologies. Here, the model of need analysis for creating ESP syllabus and lesson plan for nursing is shown. At last, the benefit of this paper is to get clear description of maximizing the role of need analysis for creating effective course design for nursing

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Hasil Observasi Menggunakan Teknik Pohon Faktor Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas X SMA Nu Al Fudloli Ganjaran Gondanglegi Malang Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

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    Writing is one of the language skills used to communicate indirectly. Writing skills cannot come automatically without regular practice. Based on observation, writing is a difficult activity for some students. This can be seen in the learning activities of writing observations in class X of Al Fudloli NU high school which is still lacking. The use of the factor tree technique is one technique whose implementation is the same as the spider web technique. The technique is only to write the main ideas or keywords to be developed into written observations in the form of paragraphs. The application of this technique begins with dividing groups, assigning each group to make observations outside the classroom, and developing the results in the classroom. The purpose of this research are: (1) describe the results of writing observations of class X students of Al Fudloli NU High School, (2) describe the application of factor tree learning techniques in writing observations, and (3) describe student learning outcomes in writing observations using factor tree techniques in Indonesian subjects in class X of Al Fudloli NU High School. Based on the results of this class action research it can be concluded: (1) pre-cycle there are 5 students who get grades in accordance with KKM and 15 students get grades below KKM or only 25% are in accordance with KKM and 75% who are under KKM, (2) the application of the factor tree technique that is by looking for the main ideas first then finding derivatives or sub-subjects that are in the shade of the main ideas, then developing the main ideas and sub-topics into sentences and combining them into paragraphs, (3) The results in the first cycle increased in value from 20 students 12 students got grades in accordance with KKM and 8 students were still below KKM.  Thus it can be concluded that the writing skills of the results of initial observations of class X students have increased by 35%, initially only 25% of students who were in accordance with KKM. In the first cycle there are 60% of students who are in accordance with KKM, with an average grade of 69.5. The results of the second cycle increased in value from 20 students to 20 students got grades in accordance with KKM. Thus it can be concluded that writing skills from the observations of class X students have increased by 40%, initially only 60% of students were in accordance with KKM on the first cycle, and there were 100% of students who were in accordance with KKM in the second cycle with an average grade 84.25. Thus the application of the factor tree technique can improve writing skills of students' observations

    Dynamic modelling of Heat Exchanger fouling in multistage flash (MSF) desalination

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    YesFouling on heat transfer surfaces due to scale formation is the most concerned item in thermal desalination industry. Here, a dynamic fouling model is developed and incorporated into the MSF dynamic process model to predict fouling at high temperature and high velocity. The proposed dynamic model considers the attachment and removal mechanisms in the fouling phenomena with more relaxation of the assumptions such as the density of the fouling layer and salinity of the recycle brine. While calcium sulphate might precipitate at very high temperature, only the crystallization of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide are considered in this work. Though the model is applied in a 24 stages brine recycle MSF plant, only the heat recovery section (21 stages) is considered under this study. The effect of flow velocity and surface temperature are investigated. By including both diffusion and reaction mechanism in the fouling model, the results of the fouling prediction model are in good agreement with most recent studies in the literature. The deposition of magnesium hydroxide increases with the increase in surface temperature and flow velocity while calcium carbonate deposition increases with the increase in the surface temperature and decreases with the increase in the flow velocity

    Simulation of vacuum membrane distillation process for desalination with Aspen Plus

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    YesThis paper presents a simulation study of vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) for desalination. A simulation model was built on Aspen Plus® platform as user defined unit operation for VMD module. A simplified mathematical model was verified and the analysis of process performance based on simulation was also carried out. Temperature and concentration polarization effects are significant in the conditions of higher feed temperature and/or vacuum pressure. The sign of difference of the vapour pressures between at the membrane interfaces, is a pointer of the vacuum pressure threshold. Increasing the vacuum pressure at lower feed temperature is an effective way to increase the permeate flux and reduce the energy consumption simultaneously

    Generic Model Control (GMC) in Multistage Flash (MSF) Desalination

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    YesMultistage Flash Desalination (MSF) is currently facing an enormous challenge in cutting of the cost: within the last few years, the MSF experienced a gradual decline in investment compared to other techniques of desalting water and thus, a significant improvement is required to remain attractive for capital investors. Improved process control is a cost effective approach to energy conservation and increased process profitability. In this work, a dynamic model is presented using gPROMS model builder to optimize and control MSF process. The Proportional Integral Derivative Controller (PID) and Generic Model Control (GMC) are used successfully to control the Top Brine Temperature (TBT) and the Brine Level (BL) in the last stage at different times of the year. The objectives of this study are: firstly, to obtain optimum TBT and BL profiles for four different seasons throughout the year by minimizing the Total Seasonal Operating Cost (TSOC); secondly, to track the optimum TBT and BL profiles using PID and GMC controllers with and without the presence of constraints; thirdly, to examine how both types of controllers handle the disturbances which occur in the plant. The results are promising and show that GMC controller provides better performance over conventional PID controller to handle a nonlinear system

    Integrated Batch Reactive Distillation Column Configurations for Optimal Synthesis of Methyl Lactate

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    YesAlthough batch reactive distillation process outperforms traditional reactor-distillation processes due to simultaneous reaction and separation of products for many reaction systems, synthesis of Methyl lactate (ML) through esterification of lactic acid (LA) with methanol in such process is very challenging due to difficulty of keeping the reactants together when one of the reactants (in this case methanol) has the lowest boiling point than the reaction products. To overcome this challenge, two novel reactive distillation column configurations are proposed in this work and are investigated in detail. These are: (1) integrated conventional batch distillation column (i-CBD) with recycled methanol and (2) integrated semi-batch and conventional batch distillation columns (i-SBD) with methanol recovery and recycle. Performances of each of these configurations are evaluated in terms of profitability for a defined separation task. In i-SBD column, an additional constraint is included to avoid overflow of the reboiler due to continuous feeding of methanol into the reboiler as the reboiler is initially charged to its maximum capacity. This study clearly indicates that both integrated column configurations outperform the traditional column configurations (batch or semi-batch) in terms of batch time, energy consumption, conversion of LA to ML, and the achievable profit

    Methyl lactate synthesis using batch reactive distillation: Operational challenges and strategy for enhanced performance

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    YesBatch reactive distillation is well known for improved conversion and separation of desired reaction products. However, for a number of reactions, the distillation can separate the reactants depending on their boiling points of them and thus not only reduces the benefit of the reactive distillation but also offers operational challenges for keeping the reactants together. Methyl lactate (ML) synthesis via the esterification of lactic acid (LA) with methanol in a reactive distillation falls into this category and perhaps that is why this process has not been explored in the past. The boiling points of the reactants (LA, methanol) are about 490 K and 337 K while those of the products (ML, water) are 417 K and 373 K respectively. Clearly in a conventional reactive distillation (batch or continuous) methanol will be separated from the LA and will reduce the conversion of LA to ML significantly. Here, first the limitations of the use of conventional batch distillation column (CBD) for the synthesis of ML is investigated in detail and a semi-batch reactive distillation (SBD) configuration is studied in detail where LA is the limiting reactant and methanol is continuously fed in excess in the reboiler allowing the reactants to be together for a longer period. However, this poses an operational challenge that the column has to be carefully controlled to avoid overflow of the reboiler at any time of the operation. In this work, the performance of SBD for the synthesis of ML is evaluated using model based optimization in which operational constraints are embedded. The results clearly demonstrate the viability of the system for the synthesis of ML
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