28 research outputs found

    Epileptiform Activity Induces Vascular Remodeling and Zonula Occludens 1 Downregulation in Organotypic Hippocampal Cultures: Role of VEGF Signaling Pathways

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    International audienceRecent studies suggest that blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability contributes to epileptogenesis in symptomatic epilepsies. We have previously described angiogenesis, aberrant vascularization, and BBB alteration in drug-refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Here, we investigated the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in an in vitro integrative model of vascular remodeling induced by epileptiform activity in rat organotypic hippocampal cultures. After kainate-induced seizure-like events (SLEs), we observed an overexpression of VEGF and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) as well as receptor activation. Vascular density and branching were significantly increased, whereas zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1), a key protein of tight junctions (TJs), was downregulated. These effects were fully prevented by VEGF neutralization. Using selective inhibitors of VEGFR-2 signaling pathways, we found that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is involved in cell survival, protein kinase C (PKC) in vascularization, and Src in ZO-1 regulation. Recombinant VEGF reproduced the kainate-induced vascular changes. As in the kainate model, VEGFR-2 and Src were involved in ZO-1 downregulation. These results showed that VEGF/VEGFR-2 initiates the vascular remodeling induced by SLEs and pointed out the roles of PKC in vascularization and Src in TJ dysfunction, respectively. This suggests that Src pathway could be a therapeutic target for BBB protection in epilepsies

    Imaging pathological activities of human brain tissue in organotypic culture

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    BACKGROUND: Insights into human brain diseases may emerge from tissue obtained after operations on patients. However techniques requiring transduction of transgenes carried by viral vectors cannot be applied to acute human tissue. NEW METHOD: We show that organotypic culture techniques can be used to maintain tissue from patients with three different neurological syndromes for several weeks in vitro. Optimized viral vector techniques and promoters for transgene expression are described. RESULTS: Region-specific differences in neuronal form, firing pattern and organization as well as pathological activities were maintained over 40–50 days in culture. Both adeno-associated virus and lentivirus based vectors were persistently expressed from ∼10 days after application, providing 30–40 days to exploit genetically expressed constructs. Different promoters, including hSyn, e/hSyn, CMV and CaMKII, provided cell-type specific transgene expression. The Ca probe GCaMP let us explore epileptogenic synchrony and a FRET-based probe was used to follow activity of the kinase mTORC1. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: The use of a defined culture medium, with low concentrations of amino acids and no growth factors, permitted organotypic culture of tissue from humans aged 3–62 years. Epileptic activity was maintained and excitability changed relatively little until ∼6 weeks in culture. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristic morphology and region-specific neuronal activities are maintained in organotypic culture of tissue from patients diagnosed with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, cortical dysplasia and cortical glioblastoma. Viral vector techniques permit expression of probes for long-term measurements of multi-cellular activity and intra-cellular signaling

    Electrophysiological Investigation of Microglia

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    International audienceAlthough microglial cells are not electrically excitable, they express a large repertoire of ion channels that are activated by voltage, stretch, extracellular ligands, or intracellular pathways (e.g. Ca2+, G-proteins). The patch-clamp technique is the electrophysiological method of choice to study these channels whose expression varies largely in pathological conditions but also during normal development and aging. This chapter focuses on protocols allowing the recording and the analysis of these channels in acute brain slices, with a particular emphasis on the study of channels activated by extracellular ligands