2,588 research outputs found

    Dynamic Response of Ultra Violet Absorbing in Dunaliella SP

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    Micosporine-like Amino Acid (MAA) which can be found in fresh water and marine microalgae. its accumulation may have a role as a response to UV exposure. The accumulation of MAA was found in both artificial and solar UV radiation. No clear correlation between response of MAA to UV exposure. Simak Baca secara foneti

    The Effect of Compensation on Employees Performance of Imperial Club Golf Tangerang District

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    Compensation problems have become talks between employees, and the impact of motivation and employee performance decreases. To answer this problem, analysis and research are needed, so that a solution is found. This study uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis. The total number of employees is 50 people, so the technical sample used is the census. Furthermore, the research was carried out by testing the stages of analysis which included descriptive analysis of the questionnaire, validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, linear regression test, correlation coefficient test and test coefficient of determination. The results of the regression analysis show that the compensation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Imperial Club Golf employees with a regression coefficient of 0,618 and Tcount of 7,156

    Photobook Design of Ancient Temples in Magelang Regency

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    Indonesia is a country with vast cultural diversity as well as high historical value, due to many historical sites found in various regions including Magelang Regency, Central Java. Beside the largest temple called Borobudur, there are also several others scattered on all places of Magelang. These temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be preserved because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and documentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the information about these temples and to use photos to document these temples. Keywords Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regenc

    Strategy of Nannochloropsis Against Environment Starvation: Population Density and Crude Lipid Contents

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    Nannochloropsis sp., an unicellular marine microalgae, has potential function as a food source for fish larvae and in chemical industry. Microenvironmental conditions, especially nitrogen and salinity stress in marine ecosystems, became major factor affecting the growth of Nannochloropsis sp.The aim of the experiment was to study effect of different salinities and nitrogen dosages to the growth and lipid contents of Nannochloropsis sp. cells.The experiment was arranged in factorial with three replicates. The first factor was salinity (28 ppt and 38 ppt), and the second factor was nitrogen dosage (100% and 50%). Results of the experiments indicated that nitrogen starvation and high saline concentration affected cell density of Nannochloropsis sp. in different level. The results showed that combination treatments of nitrogen starvation and salinity reduced cell density (treatmant A, B, and D), except in treatment C. Combination of high salinity and high N dosages resulted ini steady growth of Nannochloropsis sp. These results suggest that Nannochloropsis sp. are able to overcome salinity stress (38 ppt) in the presence of optimum concentration of nitrogen in the growth cultures.The results also shows that there were no significant differences of crude lipid content between treatments and no correlation between population density and crude lipid content. These results suggest that no simple correlation between population density and crude lipid concentration. On the other hand, population density was not the only factor affected crude lipid concentration in the microalgae cell

    Humanisme Spiritual: Antagonisme atau Integralisme Sejarah?

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    Kata kunci: Humanisme - Antagonisme - Integralisme

    Islam, Lingkungan Budaya, Dan Hukum Dalam Perspektif Ketatanegaraan Indonesia

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    Indonesia bukan negara agama, tetapi juga bukan negara sekular. Indonesia telah memilih bentuk religious nation state, yakni negara berdasar Pancasila. Di dalam sistem hukum Pancasila, hukum yang berlaku adalah hukum nasional. Hukum nasional yang berlaku merupakan serapan dari beberapa nilai-nilai luhur agama, budaya, serta adat-istiadat yang tumbuh mengakar dalam masyarakat Indonesia yang plural. Umat Muslim dapat melaksanakan hukum Islam tanpa harus ada pemberlakuan resmi lagi oleh negara dalam hukum privat terutama dalam bidang hukum keluarga. Untuk bidang hukum publik, hukum Islam Indonesia bisa diperjuangkan keberlakukan nilai-nilai substantifnya (al-jawhar) melalui strategi eklektisisme dengan sumber-sumber hukum materiil (bahan pembuatan hukum) lainnya yang kemudian menjadi hukum nasional.Copyright (c) 2016 by KARSA. All right reserved DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v24i1.99

    Rekonstruksi Pemikiran a. Malik Fadjar Tentang Pembaharuan Madrasah Menuju Sekolah Model

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    This paper aims to discuss about the three things matter. The first is about the views ofA. Malik Fadjar of the principal problems of Islamic education due process ofmodernization and globalization. Second, about the ideas and concepts A Malik Fadjarrenewal of curriculum, institutional, and management of Islamic education. Third,about ideas and concepts can significantly affect the efforts to establish a modelmadrassas, as well as improving the quality of the learning processes
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