159 research outputs found

    Características de los elementos resistentes tipo sandwich construidos en materiales compuestos avanzados a partir de tejidos tridimensionales

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    Sandwich-type structures have proved to be alternatives of great success for several fields of application, and specially in the building sector. This is due to their outstanding properties of .specific rigidity and strength against bending loads and other range of advantages like fatigue and impact resistance, attainment of flat and smooth surfaces, high electric and thermal insulation, design versatility and some others. However, traditional sandwich structures present problems like their tendency towards delamination, stress concentrations in bores or screwed Joints, and pre resistance. These problems are alleviated thanks to the use of new sandwich structures built using three dimensional structures of advanced composite materials, maintaining the present advantages for more traditional sandwich structures. At this rate, these new structures can be applied in several areas where conventional sandwich structures used to be like walls, partitions, floor and ceiling structures, domes, vaults and dwellings, but with greater success.Las estructuras tipo sándwich han demostrado ser alternativas de gran éxito para diversos campos de aplicación y, en concreto, en el sector de la construcción, listo es gracias a sus excelentes propiedades de rigidez y resistencia específica frente a cargas de flexión y otra larga lista de ventajas, a la que pertenecen, por ejemplo, su buena resistencia a fatiga, resistencia al impacto, obtención de superficies lisas y suaves, elevado aislamiento térmico y eléctrico, versatilidad de diseño y otras. Sin embargo, las estructuras sándwich, tradicionales presentan una problemática consistente en su tendencia a la delaminación, concentraciones de tensiones ¿aparecidas ante la existencia de agujeros o uniones atornilladas y resistencia al fuego. Estos problemas son pifiados gracias a la aplicación de estructuras novedosas tipo sándwich, construidas a partir de tejidos tridimensionales de materiales compuestos avanzados, manteniéndose las ventajas existentes para las estructuras sándwich tradicionales. De este modo, estas nuevas estructuras pueden ser aplicadas en diversas áreas donde se venían aplicando las estructuras sándwich convencionales, pero con mayor éxito. Como son muros, tabiques, suelos, bóvedas, cúpulas, estructuras de suelo y techo y viviendas

    Experimental study on AR fiberglass connectors for bridges made of composite materials

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    6 páginas, 11 figuras, 1 tabla.[ES] Un aspecto relevante dentro del proyecto de un puenterealizado en materiales compuestos es el estudio de losconectores. El caso mas frecuente de puente en materialescompuestos es aquel que presenta un tablero de materialescompuestos soportado por vigas metalicas o de hormigonarmado. En este trabajo se analizaran los tipos deconectores mas utilizados en este tipo de puentes Se analizaran tambien los conectores utilizados en elKing Stormwater Channel Bridge, donde ademas deltablero en fibra de vidrio, se fabricaron las vigas en fibrasde carbono rellenas de hormigon. En este articulo se propondran varios tipos de conectoresy se presentaran los resultados experimentales correspondientesal ensayo de “push-out” de varios prototipos condiferentes geometrias. Tras evaluar los resultados, se determinara el mas idoneopara su implantacion en el Paso Superior de la Autovia delCantabrico, de 46 metros de luz y que presenta las vigasen fibra de carbono y los conectores de vidrio AR.[EN] One highly relevant aspect in composite material bridge desing is the study of the shear connectors to be used. Composite material bridges most commonly comprise a composite deck resting on steel or reinforced concrete girders. This article analyzes the connectors most frequently used in such bridges. It also reviews the connectors used in the King Stormwater Channel Bridge, whose fibreglass deck is supported by girders made of concrete-filled carbon fibre girders. The paper advances proposals for several types of connectors and discusses the results of push-out test run on a number of prototypes with different geometries. The results are analyzed to identify the optimum model for the “Autovía del Cantábrico” Overpass, with its 46-m span, carbon fibre girders and AR glass shear connectors.Peer reviewe

    Estimating Demand for Cellular Phone Service Under Nonlinear Pricing

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    Cellular phone carriers typically offer complicated nonlinear tariffs. Consumers make a discrete choice among several rate plans. Each plan has a nonlinear price schedule, and price is usually lower for in-network calls. I present an empirical framework to estimate demand under such nonlinear pricing schemes by using parsimonious data and apply the estimation method to analyze the cellular phone service market in Taiwan. Based on the estimated model, I evaluate the impacts of termination-based pricing schemes on the market structure. While the existence of in-network discounts causes considerable tipping effects on market shares, the effects come primarily from reducing the average prices, not from the difference between in-network and off-network prices. There is no evidence showing that termination-based pricing by itself has significant effects on market structure

    Complementarities between IT and Organizational Structure: The Role of Corporate Exploration and Exploitation

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    The decentralization of organizational decision authority has been shown to be complementary to Information Technology (IT) in prior research. We draw from the information processing view of organizations, the IT and de/centralization debate, and organizational learning theory to argue that IT payoffs can also be improved by greater centralization of decision authority, contingent on a firm’s corporate learning type. We argue that an exploratory learning type is best pursued with a decentralized organization design, while an exploitative learning type requires a centralized organization design. We hypothesize that under corporate exploration, IT payoffs are enhanced through greater decentralization, whereas under corporate exploitation, returns to IT are improved by greater centralization. Our study uses a novel multi‐source panel on the IT capital, the degree of de/centralization, and the performance of almost 260 German manufacturing firms. We estimate production functions to assess the contribution of combning IT with de/centralization to firmlevel productivity under different corporate learning types. Our results strongly support our hypotheses and hold up to a variety of robustness tests

    Product–process matrix and complementarity approach

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    The relationship between different types of innovation is analysed from three different approaches. On the one hand, the distinctive view assumes that the determinants of each type of innovation are different and therefore there is no relationship between them. On the other hand, the integrative view considers that the different types of innovation are complementary. Finally, the product–process matrix framework suggests that the relationship between product innovation and process innovation is substitutive. Using data from Spain belonging to the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) for the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, we tested which of the three approaches is predominant. To perform the hypothesis test, we used the so-called complementarity approach. We find that there is no unique relation. The nature of the relationship depends on the types of innovation that interact. Our most significant finding is that the relationship between product innovation and process innovation is complementary. This finding contradicts the proposal of the product–process matrix framework. Consequently, the joint implementation of both types of innovation generates a greater impact on the performance of a company than the sum of their separate implementation

    Strength prediction for bi-axial braided composites by a multi-scale modelling approach

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-9901-z.Braided textile-reinforced composites have become increasingly attractive as protection materials thanks to their unique inter-weaving structures and excellent energy-absorption capacity. However, development of adequate models for simulation of failure processes in them remains a challenge. In this study, tensile strength and progressive damage behaviour of braided textile composites are predicted by a multi-scale modelling approach. First, a micro-scale model with hexagonal arrays of fibres was built to compute effective elastic constants and yarn strength under different loading conditions. Instead of using cited values, the input data for this micro-scale model were obtained experimentally. Subsequently, the results generated by this model were used as input for a meso-scale model. At meso-scale, Hashin’s 3D with Stassi’s failure criteria and a modified Murakami-type stiffness-degradation scheme was employed in a user-defined subroutine developed in the general-purpose finite-element software Abaqus/Standard. An overall stress–strain curve of a meso-scale representative unit cell was verified with the experimental data. Numerical studies show that bias yarns suffer continuous damage during an axial tension test. The magnitudes of ultimate strengths and Young’s moduli of the studied braided composites decreased with an increase in the braiding angle