145 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Crystallographic Data of Sodium Thorium Triphosphate, NaThi(P04)l, and Sodium Uranium(IV) Triphosphate, NaU2(P04)3

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    Sodium thorium triphosphate was first prepare d by K. A. Wallroth1 and sodium uranium(IV) triphosphate by M. A. Colani2 . Both oompounds are very stable and practically insoluble in acids. Sirn g le crystals of these compounds were prepared by methods which slightly differ from the above mentioned

    Effect of litter type and perches on footpad dermatitis and hock burn in broilers housed at different stocking densities

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of litter type and environmental enrichment on the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns in broilers housed at low and high stocking densities. Chopped straw and sand were used as litter, and perches as environmental enrichment. Low and high stocking density implied 12 chickens/m2 and 20 chickens/m2, respectively. The study sample was divided into four groups of 50 birds, which were observed during a six-week fattening period. A significantly higher rate of severe footpad dermatitis was recorded in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with low stocking density, whereas no significant difference was found between the groups of chickens raised on straw at different stocking densities. The rate of footpad dermatitis was also significantly higher in the group of chickens raised on sand at high stocking density, compared with chickens raised on straw at the same stocking density. There were no group differences in the occurrences of hock burns and perching. However, a significant negative correlation was recorded between perching and the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns. According to the occurrence of footpad dermatitis and hock burns, the study results suggested that chopped straw and sand were equally acceptable as litter for broilers, yet sand should be avoided at high stocking densities. There was no effect of stocking density and litter type on perching, but perches as a form of environmental enrichment proved efficient in reducing the rate of footpad dermatitis and hock burns.Keywords: chickens, contact dermatitis, environmental enrichment, housing, san

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    Preparation and Crystallographic Data of Phosphates with Common Formula M1M~v (P04)3 (M 1 = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs; M 1v= Zr, Hf)

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    The investigation of alkali metal salts of zirconium and hafnium phosphates began in connection with the study of similar thorium and tetravalent uraniumphosphates. The common formula of these compounds is M1M ~v (P04) 3 withM 1 = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and M 1Y = Th, U, Zr, Hf. The crystal growth and crystallographicdata of NaTh2(P04) 3 , NaU2 (P04 ) 3 and KTh2 (P04 ) 3 have alreadybeen published1 ,2 • They are monoclinic, space groups C2 /c or Cc with four formula weights per unit cell, and have very close lattice parameters. The questionis whether a similar compound with tetravalent metal other than thorium oruranium(IV) can be prepared in a similar way and whether it has similar crystallographic properties

    Preparation and Characterization of Some Sodium-, Rubidium-, Cesium- and Ammonium-Oxodiperoxooxalato-Molybdates (VI) and Tungstates (VI)

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    Potassium derivatives of oxodiperoxooxalato- molybdates and tungstates: were prepared before1>2 studied by infrared Raman3 and X-ray methods4•5 .The crystal structure of corresponding molybdate with literature survey was published recently4