5,050 research outputs found

    A bilayer Double Semion Model with Symmetry-Enriched Topological Order

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    We construct a new model of two-dimensional quantum spin systems that combines intrinsic topo- logical orders and a global symmetry called flavour symmetry. It is referred as the bilayer Doubled Semion model (bDS) and is an instance of symmetry-enriched topological order. A honeycomb bi- layer lattice is introduced to combine a Double Semion Topolgical Order with a global spin-flavour symmetry to get the fractionalization of its quasiparticles. The bDS model exhibits non-trival braid- ing self-statistics of excitations and its dual model constitutes a Symmetry-Protected Topological Order with novel edge states. This dual model gives rise to a bilayer Non-Trivial Paramagnet that is invariant under the flavour symmetry and the well-known spin flip symmetry.Comment: revtex4 file, color figure

    Career Concerns of Top Executives, Managerial Ownership and CEO Succession

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    We model the portfolio decisions by managers with career concerns in a context where ownership of the firm's stock can affect the outcome of promotion contests. In addition to their utility from wealth, such managers derive utility from the monetary and non-monetary benefits (prestige) of running a corporation. Our theory predicts that top managers competing for the CEO position will distort their investment decisions away from the optimum portfolio choice in the absence of career concerns. Thus, our model suggests that changing career opportunities can explain portfolio decisions by managers and that insider ownership can help explain the outcomes of promotion contests. Our main testable predictions are that higher ownership by insiders increases their chances of being appointed CEO; that lower ownership by inside managers makes outside CEO appointments more likely; and that a lower probability of CEO turnover (and thus reduced promotion opportunities) leads inside managers to reduce their ownership in the firm and/or to leave the company. Using data on managerial ownership surrounding CEO turnover events, we find evidence supporting the predictions of our model. Overall, our main insight is that insider ownership, the outcome of promotion contests, the choice between inside and outside CEO replacements, and executive departure decisions are all related. Nous développons un modèle de choix de portefeuille des gestionnaires dans un environnement où leurs chances d'être promu PDG sont liées à leur actionnariat dans l'entreprise. Puisque les gestionnaires valorisent leur nomination potentielle au rang de PDG, nous prédisons que leur choix de portefeuille sera biaisé par rapport au choix qu'ils auraient fait en l'absence d'anticipations carriéristes. Notre modèle prédit que des changements dans les chances d'être promu expliquent les choix de portefeuille des gestionnaires. En particulier, nous montrons empiriquement qu'un plus grand actionnariat augmente la chance d'être promu au rang de PDG, réduit la chance qu'un gestionnaire externe à l'entreprise soit nommé. De plus, une réduction dans la possibilité d'être promu réduit l'actionnariat des gestionnaires ou induit leur départ. Nous testons les hypothèses découlant du modèle en utilisant les changements dans l'actionnariat des gestionnaire lors de la démission du PDG. Les hypothèses importantes du modèle sont confirmées.managerial compensation, CEO succession, corporate tournament, portfolio allocation, rémunération des dirigeants, changement de PDG, tournoi corporatif, choix de portefeuille

    Strategies for the Integration of quantum networks for a future quantum internet

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    The great scientific and technological advances that are being carried out in the field of quantum communications, accompanied by large investment programs such as EuroQCI, are driving the deployment of quantum network throughout the world. One of the final long-term objectives is to achieve the development of a quantum internet that provides greater security in its services and new functionalities that the current internet does not have. This article analyzes the possible integration strategies of already deployed networks or in the process of being deployed in order to reach a future global quantum network. Two strategies based on the SDN paradigm are proposed, based on a hierarchical controller scheme and on a distributed model. Each of these approaches shows pros and cons and could be applicable in different use cases. To define these strategies, the most relevant deployments of quantum communications networks carried out to date has been analyzed, as well as the different approaches for a quantum network architecture and topology, and the various proposed definitions of what quantum internet is and what are the components that would make it up in an ideal scenario. Finally, several detected opportunities and challenges regarding security and technological aspects are presented

    Striped superconductors in the extended Hubbard model

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    We present a minimal model of a doped Mott insulator that simultaneously supports antiferromagnetic stripes and d-wave superconductivity. We explore the implications for the global phase diagram of the superconducting cuprates. At the unrestricted mean-field level, the various phases of the cuprates, including weak and strong pseudogap phases, and two different types of superconductivity in the underdoped and the overdoped regimes, find a natural interpretation. We argue that on the underdoped side, the superconductor is intrinsically inhomogeneous -- striped coexistence of of superconductivity and magnetism -- and global phase coherence is achieved through Josephson-like coupling of the superconducting stripes. On the overdoped side, the state is overall homogeneous and the superconductivity is of the classical BCS type.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures. Effect of t' on stripe filling + new references are adde

    High prevalence of scrapie in a dairy goat herd: tissue distribution of disease-associated PrP and effect of PRNP genotype and age

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    Following a severe outbreak of clinical scrapie in 2006–2007, a large dairy goat herd was culled and 200 animals were selected for post-mortem examinations in order to ascertain the prevalence of infection, the effect of age, breed and PRNP genotype on the susceptibility to scrapie, the tissue distribution of diseaseassociated PrP (PrPd^{\rm d}), and the comparative efficiency of different diagnostic methods. As determined by immunohistochemical (IHC) examinations with Bar224 PrP antibody, the prevalence of preclinical infection was very high (72/200; 36.0%), with most infected animals being positive for PrPd^{\rm d} in lymphoreticular system (LRS) tissues (68/72; 94.4%) compared to those that were positive in brain samples (38/72; 52.8%). The retropharyngeal lymph node and the palatine tonsil showed the highest frequency of PrPd^{\rm d} accumulation (87.3% and 84.5%, respectively), while the recto-anal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (RAMALT) was positive in only 30 (41.7%) of the infected goats. However, the efficiency of rectal and palatine tonsil biopsies taken shortly before necropsy was similar. The probability of brain and RAMALT being positive directly correlated with the spread of PrPd^{\rm d} within the LRS. The prevalence of infection was influenced by PRNP genetics at codon 142 and by the age of the goats: methionine carriers older than 60 months showed a much lower prevalence of infection (12/78; 15.4%) than those younger than 60 months (20/42; 47.6%); these last showed prevalence values similar to isoleucine homozygotes of any age (40/80; 50.0%). Two of seven goats with definite signs of scrapie were negative for PrPd^{\rm d} in brain but positive in LRS tissues, and one goat showed biochemical and IHC features of PrPd^{\rm d} different from all other infected goats. The results of this study have implications for surveillance and control policies for scrapie in goats

    Atomistic modeling and simulation of long-term transport phenomena in nanomaterials

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    In the past two decades, extensive research has been conducted towards developing nanomaterials with superior transport properties, such as heat conductivity and mass diffusivity, for applications in various industries including, but not limited to,energy storage and microelectronics. In terms of modeling and simulation, along-standing difficulty lies in the separation of temporal and spatial scales. Indeed, many transport phenomena in nanomaterials are characterized by slow kinetic processes with time scale of the order of seconds, hours, or even years, far beyond the time windows of existing simulation technologies such as molecular dynamics (MD)and Monte Carlo (MC) methods. We have developed a novel deformation-diffusion coupled computational framework that allows long-term simulation of such slow processes, while at the same time maintains a strictly atomistic description of the material. Ournon-equilibrium statistical thermo-dynamics model includes discrete kinetic laws, which govern mass diffusion and head conductionion at atomic scale. In this work, we explore the capabilities and performance of this computational framework through its application to heat conduction problems

    Negative time delay for wave reflection from a one-dimensional semi-harmonic well

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    It is reported that the phase time of particles which are reflected by a one-dimensional semi-harmonic well includes a time delay term which is negative for definite intervals of the incoming energy. In this interval, the absolute value of the negative time delay becomes larger as the incident energy becomes smaller. The model is a rectangular well with zero potential energy at its right and a harmonic-like interaction at its left.Comment: 6 pages, 5 eps figures. Talk presented at the XXX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, Bialowieza, Poland, 201

    Boltzmann equation and hydrodynamic fluctuations

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    We apply the method of invariant manifolds to derive equations of generalized hydrodynamics from the linearized Boltzmann equation and determine exact transport coefficients, obeying Green-Kubo formulas. Numerical calculations are performed in the special case of Maxwell molecules. We investigate, through the comparison with experimental data and former approaches, the spectrum of density fluctuations and address the regime of finite Knudsen numbers and finite frequencies hydrodynamics.Comment: This is a more detailed version of a related paper: I.V. Karlin, M. Colangeli, M. Kroger, PRL 100 (2008) 214503, arXiv:0801.2932. It contains comparison between predictions and experiment, in particular. 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 table