54 research outputs found

    A Gcn5-Related N-Acetyltransferase (GNAT) Capable of Acetylating Polymyxin B and Colistin Antibiotics in Vitro

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    Deeper exploration of uncharacterized Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferases has the potential to expand our knowledge of the types of molecules that can be acylated by this important superfamily of enzymes and may offer new opportunities for biotechnological applications. While determining native or biologically relevant in vivo functions of uncharacterized proteins is ideal, their alternative or promiscuous in vitro capabilities provide insight into key active site interactions. Additionally, this knowledge can be exploited to selectively modify complex molecules and reduce byproducts when synthetic routes become challenging. During our exploration of uncharacterized Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferases from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we identified such an example. We found that the PA3944 enzyme acetylates both polymyxin B and colistin on a single diaminobutyric acid residue closest to the macrocyclic ring of the antimicrobial peptide and determined the PA3944 crystal structure. This finding is important for several reasons. (1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of enzymatic acylation of polymyxins and thus reveals a new type of substrate that this enzyme family can use. (2) The enzymatic acetylation offers a controlled method for antibiotic modification compared to classical promiscuous chemical methods. (3) The site of acetylation would reduce the overall positive charge of the molecule, which is important for reducing nephrotoxic effects and may be a salvage strategy for this important class of antibiotics. While the physiological substrate for this enzyme remains unknown, our structural and functional characterization of PA3944 offers insight into its unique noncanonical substrate specificity

    Eurythmy Therapy in clinical studies: a systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to overview the current literature on eurythmy therapy (EYT) which is an integral part of Anthroposophic Medicine. EYT can be described as a movement therapy in which speech movements are transposed into exercises which address the patient's capability to soul expression and strengthen his salutogenetic resources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched several databases such as Cochrane, EMBASE, NCCAM, NLM, DIMDI, CAMbase, and Medline for case-control studies, cohort studies and randomised controlled trials on the treatment effects of EYT in a clinical setting. In a second search we included journal databases from Karger, Kluwer, Springer, Thieme, and Merkurstab archive.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found 8 citations which met the inclusion criterion: 4 publications referring to a prospective cohort study without control group (the AMOS study), and 4 articles referring to 2 explorative pre-post studies without control group, 1 prospective, non-randomized comparative study, and 1 descriptive study with a control group. The methodological quality of studies ranged in from poor to good, and in sample size from 5 to 898 patients. In most studies, EYT was used as an add-on, not as a mono-therapy. The studies described positive treatment effects with clinically relevant effect sizes in most cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Indications, study designs and the usage of additional treatments within the identified studies were quite heterogeneous. Despite of this, EYT can be regarded as a potentially relevant add-on in a therapeutic concept, although its specific relevance remains to be clarified. Well performed controlled studies on this unique treatment are highly recommended.</p

    Eurythmy therapy in chronic disease: a four-year prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many patients with chronic diseases use complementary therapies, often provided by their physicians. In Germany, several physician-provided complementary therapies have been reimbursed by health insurance companies as part of health benefit programs. In most of these therapies, the patient has a predominantly passive role. In eurythmy therapy, however, patients actively exercise specific movements with the hands, the feet or the whole body. The purpose of this study was to describe clinical outcomes in patients practising eurythmy therapy exercises for chronic diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In conjunction with a health benefit program, 419 outpatients from 94 medical practices in Germany, referred to 118 eurythmy therapists, participated in a prospective cohort study. Main outcomes were disease severity (Disease and Symptom Scores, physicians' and patients' assessment on numerical rating scales 0–10) and quality of life (adults: SF-36, children aged 8–16: KINDL, children 1–7: KITA). Disease Score was documented after 0, 6 and 12 months, other outcomes after 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and (SF-36 and Symptom Score) 48 months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most common indications were mental disorders (31.7% of patients; primarily depression, fatigue, and childhood emotional disorder) and musculoskeletal diseases (23.4%). Median disease duration at baseline was 3.0 years (interquartile range 1.0–8.5). Median number of eurythmy therapy sessions was 12 (interquartile range 10–19), median therapy duration was 119 days (84–188).</p> <p>All outcomes improved significantly between baseline and all subsequent follow-ups (exceptions: KITA Psychosoma in first three months and KINDL). Improvements from baseline to 12 months were: Disease Score from mean (standard deviation) 6.65 (1.81) to 3.19 (2.27) (p < 0.001), Symptom Score from 5.95 (1.75) to 3.49 (2.12) (p < 0.001), SF-36 Physical Component Summary from 43.13 (10.25) to 47.10 (9.78) (p < 0.001), SF-36 Mental Component Summary from 38.31 (11.67) to 45.01 (11.76) (p < 0.001), KITA Psychosoma from 69.53 (15.45) to 77.21 (13.60) (p = 0.001), and KITA Daily Life from 59.23 (21.78) to 68.14 (18.52) (p = 0.001). All these improvements were maintained until the last follow-up. Improvements were similar in patients not using diagnosis-related adjunctive therapies within the first six study months.</p> <p>Adverse reactions to eurythmy therapy occurred in 3.1% (13/419) of patients. No patient stopped eurythmy therapy due to adverse reactions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Patients practising eurythmy therapy exercises had long-term improvement of chronic disease symptoms and quality of life. Although the pre-post design of the present study does not allow for conclusions about comparative effectiveness, study findings suggest that eurythmy therapy can be useful for patients motivated for this therapy.</p

    Anthroposophic therapy for chronic depression: a four-year prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Depressive disorders are common, cause considerable disability, and do not always respond to standard therapy (psychotherapy, antidepressants). Anthroposophic treatment for depression differs from ordinary treatment in the use of artistic and physical therapies and special medication. We studied clinical outcomes of anthroposophic therapy for depression. METHODS: 97 outpatients from 42 medical practices in Germany participated in a prospective cohort study. Patients were aged 20–69 years and were referred to anthroposophic therapies (art, eurythmy movement exercises, or rhythmical massage) or started physician-provided anthroposophic therapy (counselling, medication) for depression: depressed mood, at least two of six further depressive symptoms, minimum duration six months, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, German version (CES-D, range 0–60 points) of at least 24 points. Outcomes were CES-D (primary outcome) and SF-36 after 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 48 months. Data were collected from July 1998 to March 2005. RESULTS: Median number of art/eurythmy/massage sessions was 14 (interquartile range 12–22), median therapy duration was 137 (91–212) days. All outcomes improved significantly between baseline and all subsequent follow-ups. Improvements from baseline to 12 months were: CES-D from mean (standard deviation) 34.77 (8.21) to 19.55 (13.12) (p < 0.001), SF-36 Mental Component Summary from 26.11 (7.98) to 39.15 (12.08) (p < 0.001), and SF-36 Physical Component Summary from 43.78 (9.46) to 48.79 (9.00) (p < 0.001). All these improvements were maintained until last follow-up. At 12-month follow-up and later, 52%–56% of evaluable patients (35%–42% of all patients) were improved by at least 50% of baseline CES-D scores. CES-D improved similarly in patients not using antidepressants or psychotherapy during the first six study months (55% of patients). CONCLUSION: In outpatients with chronic depression, anthroposophic therapies were followed by long-term clinical improvement. Although the pre-post design of the present study does not allow for conclusions about comparative effectiveness, study findings suggest that the anthroposophic approach, with its recourse to non-verbal and artistic exercising therapies can be useful for patients motivated for such therapies

    Molecular dynamics simulation of humic substances

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    © 2014, Orsi. Humic substances (HS) are complex mixtures of natural organic material which are found almost everywhere in the environment, and particularly in soils, sediments, and natural water. HS play key roles in many processes of paramount importance, such as plant growth, carbon storage, and the fate of contaminants in the environment. While most of the research on HS has been traditionally carried out by conventional experimental approaches, over the past 20 years complementary investigations have emerged from the application of computer modeling and simulation techniques. This paper reviews the literature regarding computational studies of HS, with a specific focus on molecular dynamics simulations. Significant achievements, outstanding issues, and future prospects are summarized and discussed

    Valorisation of urban space based on projects implemented within the civic budget

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    Miejską przestrzeń publiczną kształtują indywidualni oraz zbiorowi użytkownicy przez wywieranie na nią wpływu mającego związek głównie z ich oczekiwaniami i potrzebami oraz odczuwaniem w mniejszym lub większym stopniu prawa do niej. Jednak żaden z aktorów sceny miejskiej nie może przedkładać swojego indywidualnego interesu nad dobro zbiorowe, gdyż z zasady uznawana jest za przestrzeń powszechnie dostępną i atrakcyjną dla różnych użytkowników i grup mieszkańców [Borowik 2015:3]. Przestrzeń miejska jest elementem ładu społeczno-przestrzennego opartego na relacji zachodzącej między człowiekiem a obszarem, w którym funkcjonuje. Przejawia się jako wartość kulturowa lub produkt budujący konkurencyjność miasta, gdyż człowiek nadaje swojemu otoczeniu znaczenie przez asymilowanie go do swoich celów jednocześnie dostosowując się do oferowanych warunków [Norberg-Schulz 2001: 11]. Mieszkańcy mają duży wpływ na kształtowanie przestrzeni miejskiej. To w jaki sposób z niej korzystają i w jakim czasie, bardzo mocno determinuje jej charakter. Mała liczba użytkowników może obniżyć atrakcyjność nawet najpiękniejszego placu. W każdym mieście jest jednak wiele zaniedbanych miejsc, które tętnią życiem. Człowiek potrafi samodzielnie ocenić potencjał danego miejsca i starać się wpłynąć na jego jakość, np. przez udział w procesie budżetu obywatelskiego. W opracowaniu została poddana rozważaniom przestrzeń miejska w relacjach z władzą lokalną oraz mieszkańcami i użytkownikami. Poruszono zagadnienia odpowiedzialności za przestrzeń publiczną, która powinna służyć wymianie społecznej oraz wzmacnianiu tożsamości lokalnej [Kowalewski 2011]. Dokonano waloryzacji przestrzeni wykorzystując informacje dotyczące działań mieszkańców (w ramach budżetu obywatelskiego) na rzecz poprawy przestrzeni miejskiej.Urban space valorisation aims at assigning the value of a place to meet specific human needs in the short and long term. The aim of the valorisation is to assess and recognize the socio-cultural potential and to strengthen the local identity that influences the attractiveness of the city. In recent years there has been an increase in interest in simple tools to engage in dialogue between local authorities and residents. An example may be the civic budget that forms part of a public fund that is subject to a democratic process of discussion during which decisions are made regarding its disposals. In the process of selecting projects to implement, the priorities and values of the local community are determined. The aim of the article is to identify places of importance for inhabitants of particular districts of Katowice, both in terms of the endogenous potential of the place and the occurrence of problem areas.Using the GIS tools, an analysis of the location and nature of investments made within the civic budget in Katowice in the years 2015-2017 was conducted and assessed the degree of involvement of the inhabitants in the process of co-management and co-responsibility for the development of the city.