772 research outputs found

    Spondylodiscitis as the first manifestation of Whipple's disease -a removal worker with chronic low back pain

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    Whipple's disease is a rare systemic infectious disease caused by the actinobacterium Tropheryma whipplei. Spondylodiscitis is an extremely rare manifestation of the infection and has previously been described in only three case reports. We present a 55-year-old man with persistent lumbago and signs of systemic illness, but without any gastrointestinal symptoms or arthralgia. The signal response in the lumbar spine in magnetic resonance tomography, both native and after intravenous gadolinium administration, was compatible with spondylodiscitis at the L4/L5 level. Culture of a specimen obtained by radiographically guided disc puncture and repeated blood cultures remained sterile. Tropheryma whipplei was detected by PCR amplification in material obtained from the disc specimen, from a biopsy of the terminal ileum and from the stool. The histology of duodenum, terminal ileum, colon and disc material was normal and, in particular, showed no PAS-positive inclusions in macrophages. Long-term antibiotic treatment with sulphamethoxazole and trimethoprim was successful, with marked improvement of the low back pain and normalisation of the systemic inflammatory signs. The possibility of Whipple's disease must be suspected in the case of a ‘culture-negative' spondylodiscitis even if there are no gastrointestinal symptoms and no arthralgia presen

    Near ambient pressure-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra of lithium bis (trifluoromethane-sulfonyl) imide in propylene carbonate

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    Near ambient pressure-x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) is a less traditional form of XPS that allows samples to be analyzed at relatively high pressures, i.e., at greater than 5000 Pa. NAP-XPS can probe moderately volatile liquids, biological samples, porous materials, and/or polymeric materials that outgas significantly. In this submission, we show the survey, Li 1s, S 2p, C 1s, N 1s, O 1s, and F 1s NAP-XPS spectra of a Li-based electrolyte solution, which is a material that would be difficult to analyze by conventional XPS. The measurements were performed at 200 Pa in ambient gas atmosphere to compensate for surface charging. Peak fits of the C 1s, O 1s, and F 1s narrow scans are presented

    New developments in the methodology available for the assessment of topical corticosteroid-induced skin blanching

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    Since the publication of the previous edition of this book there have been considerable developments and controversy in the field of topical corticosteroid bioequivalence assessment. There has been considerable discussion in the literature concerning the use of the Minolta chromameter for the measurement of corticosteroid-induced skin blanching, as it is believed this instrument would produce more objective results than the visual grading procedure. These efforts culminated in the release of a guidance document from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) detailing the procedures to be followed for the determination of topical corticosteroid bioequivalence using the chromameter. Since the promulgation of this document there have been challenges on the validity and scientific merit of the documented procedures, and recently the FDA itself conceded that it may be necessary to redefine some of the protocol evaluations. This chapter attempts to redefine the current standing of the two methods of response assessment

    The human skin-blanching assay as an indicator of topical corticosteroid bioavailability and potency: an update

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    The human skin-blanching (or vasoconstrictor) assay has evolved from initial observations that corticosteroids induce a pallor or whitening of the skin to which they are applied. McKenzie and Stoughton (1962) are generally recognized as having developed the first scientific bioassay for comparing corticosteroid potency. The extensive use of this bioassay to compare drug release from topical delivery systems has demonstrated numerous instances in which the topical bioavailability may vary greatly, dependent on the character of the delivery vehicle. It has become evident that simply incorporating an intrinsically potent drug into a formulation does not necessarily produce a clinically efficacious product

    The human skin-blanching assay for comparing topical corticosteroid availability

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    The human skin blanching assay remains in widespread use as a reliable, qualitative, comparative indicator of topical corticosteroid availability and potency. The experimental refinements promulgated by certain researchers in this field have yielded a versatile bioassay for the accurate assessment of new drugs or delivery vehicles. With the increasing appearance of generic topical corticosteroid formulations which compete with trade-name equivalents, the vital importance of this assay in regulatory affairs and assessing bioequivalence has been re-emphasized. It is stressed that if the blanching assay is to be used in this sphere, then multiple-reading trials must be conducted; important registration or clinical decisions cannot be made with any validity from short-term assessments

    A randomized double-blind trial to compare the clinical efficacy of granisetron with metoclopramide, both combined with dexamethasone in the prophylaxis of chemotherapy-induced delayed emesis

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    Background: The prophylactic use of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (setrons), after the first 24 h (acute phase) of exposure to emetic chemotherapy, to decrease the incidence of ‘delayed phase' emesis increases costs. We designed a study to evaluate the efficacy of a setron (granisetron) in the delayed phase, compared with metoclopramide, each combined with a corticosteroid. Patients and methods: Patients on their first course of single-day emetic chemotherapy (cisplatin, carboplatin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and others) received granisetron 2 mg p.o. and dexamethasone 8 mg p.o. on day 1, followed for 5 days by dexamethasone 4 mg p.o. od combined with either metoclopramide 20 mg p.o. tds or granisetron 1 mg bd in a double-blinded double-dummy protocol. Patients evaluated the results using a diary card. Randomization was stratified by institution, sex, emetic chemotherapy naïve versus previous, alcohol consumption and platinum versus non-platinum regimen. Results: 131 evaluable patients received granisetron in the delayed phase, and 127 received metoclopramide. Control of acute emesis in both arms was similar (86% granisetron; 85% metoclopramide). The 35 patients experiencing acute emesis had poor control in the delayed phase, with only four granisetron and three metoclopramide patients having no or mild nausea and no vomiting. Conclusions: In daily practice, a combination of oral dexamethasone and oral granisetron achieves an extremely high control of acute emesis (86% protection). Our data suggest that routine prescription of setrons for delayed phase control is not advisable as it increases costs without any benefit for the majority of patients. Delayed emesis in the rare patients with acute phase emesis remains an unsolved proble

    Potentials in Li-Ion Batteries Probed by Operando Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    The important electrochemical processes in a battery happen at the solid/liquid interfaces. Operando ambient pressure photoelectron spectroscopy (APPES) is one tool to study these processes with chemical specificity. However, accessing this crucial interface and identifying the interface signal are not trivial. Therefore, we present a measurement setup, together with a suggested model, exemplifying how APPES can be used to probe potential differences over the electrode/electrolyte interface, even without direct access to the interface. Both the change in electron electrochemical potential over the solid/liquid interface, and the change in Li chemical potential of the working electrode (WE) surface at Li-ion equilibrium can be probed. Using a Li4Ti5O12 composite as a WE, our results show that the shifts in kinetic energy of the electrolyte measured by APPES can be correlated to the electrochemical reactions occurring at the WE/electrolyte interface. Different shifts in kinetic energy are seen depending on if a phase transition reaction occurs or if a single phase is lithiated. The developed methodology can be used to evaluate charge transfer over the WE/electrolyte interface as well as the lithiation/delithiation mechanism of the WE

    Cryptococcus gattii Meningoencephalitis in an Immunocompetent Person 13 Months after Exposure

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    Abstract : A 53-year old immunocompetent Swiss female is described who developed severe meningoencephalitis due to infection with Cryptococcus gattii 13 months following exposure on Vancouver Island, Canada. Diagnosis was based on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination, i.e., positive India-ink staining, positive latex particle agglutination, and positive culture. Species identification was performed by growth on L-canavanine-glycine-bromthymol blue medium and by sequencing of the intergenic and internal transcribed spacer regions of the rRNA genes. After initial therapy with fluconazole by which the patient did not improve, therapy was changed to amphotericin B and flucytosine and later to high-dose fluconazole and amphotericin B. Despite long-term treatment and external drainage of the CSF, the patient's condition improved only slowly. The patient was discharged after 132 days of hospitalizatio

    Design of a game-based pre-hospital resuscitation training for first responders

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    Kalz, M., Schmitz, B., Biermann, H., Klemke, R., Ternier, S., & Specht, M. (2013). Design of a game-based pre-hospital resuscitation training for first responders. In A. Holzinger, M. Ziefle, & V. Glavinić (Eds.), SouthCHI 2013, LNCS 7946 (pp. 363-372). Germany: Springer, Heidelberg.This paper reports about the design of a game-based training intervention for pre-hospital resuscitation training. Our underlying assumption is, that survival chances in cardiac arrest situations could be significantly improved, if bystanders would be better educated and prepared to help. Based on a discussion of problems of current training concepts and related educational the-ories a game-based learning intervention is proposed. The focus of the interven-tion is the improvement of procedural knowledge and self-efficacy of partici-pants. The game is designed on the basis of the ARLearn platform. The game context and game-design is discussed. Last but not least we discuss short-term and long-term evaluation scenarios.This publication was partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), regions of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and the participating institutions under the INTERREG IVa program (EMR.INT4-1.2.-2011-04/070, http://www.emurgency.eu)
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