425 research outputs found

    Understanding trade pathways to target biosecurity surveillance

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    Increasing trends in global trade make it extremely difficult to prevent the entry of all potential invasive species (IS). Establishing early detection strategies thus becomes an important part of the continuum used to reduce the introduction of invasive species. One part necessary to ensure the success of these strategies is the determination of priority survey areas based on invasion pressure. We used a pathway-centred conceptual model of pest invasion to address these questions: what role does global trade play in invasion pressure of plant ecosystems and how could an understanding of this role be used to enhance early detection strategies? We concluded that the relative level of invasion pressure for destination ecosystems can be influenced by the intensity of pathway usage (import volume and frequency), the number and type of pathways with a similar destination, and the number of different ecological regions that serve as the source for imports to the same destination. As these factors increase, pressure typically intensifies because of increasing a) propagule pressure, b) likelihood of transporting pests with higher intrinsic invasion potential, and c) likelihood of transporting pests into ecosystems with higher invasibility. We used maritime containerized imports of live plants into the contiguous U.S. as a case study to illustrate the practical implications of the model to determine hotspot areas of relative invasion pressure for agricultural and forest ecosystems (two ecosystems with high potential invasibility). Our results illustrated the importance of how a pathway-centred model could be used to highlight potential target areas for early detection strategies for IS. Many of the hotspots in agricultural and forest ecosystems were within major U.S. metropolitan areas. Invasion ecologists can utilize pathway-centred conceptual models to a) better understand the role of human-mediated pathways in pest establishment, b) enhance current methodologies for IS risk analysis, and c) develop strategies for IS early detection-rapid response programs

    Reliability and relative validity of a child nutrition questionnaire to simultaneously assess dietary patterns associated with positive energy balance and food behaviours, attitudes, knowledge and environments associated with healthy eating

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    Food behaviours, attitudes, environments and knowledge are relevant to professionals in childhood obesity prevention, as are dietary patterns which promote positive energy balance. There is a lack of valid and reliable tools to measure these parameters. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and relative validity of a child nutrition questionnaire assessing all of these parameters, used in the evaluation of a community-based childhood obesity prevention project

    Zonas globais de resistência às plantas para análise de risco fitossanitário

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    Plant hardiness zones are widely used for selection of perennial plants and for phytosanitary risk analysis. The most widely used definition of plant hardiness zones (United States Department of Agriculture National Arboretum) is based on average annual extreme minimum temperature. There is a need for a global plant hardiness map to standardize the comparison of zones for phytosanitary risk analysis. Two data sets were used to create global hardiness zones: i) Climate Research Unit (CRU) 1973-2002 monthly data set; and ii) the Daily Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN). The CRU monthly data set was downscaled to five-minute resolution and a cubic spline was used to convert the monthly values into daily values. The GHCN data were subjected to a number of quality control measures prior to analysis. Least squares regression relationships were developed using GHCN and derived lowest average daily minimum temperature data and average annual extreme minimum temperatures. Error estimate statistics were calculated from the numerical difference between the estimated value for the grid and the station. The mean absolute error for annual extreme minimum temperature was 1.9ºC (3.5ºF) and 2/3 of the stations were classified into the correct zone.Zonas de resistência às plantas, definidas pelo " United States Department of Agriculture National Arboretum" com base na média anual das temperaturas mínimas extremas, são amplamente utilizadas para a seleção de plantas perenes e para a análise de risco fitossanitário. Há necessidade de um mapa global para padronizar a comparação de zonas nas análises de risco fitossanitário. Dois bancos de dados climatológicos foram utilizados para criar tais zonas globais de resistência às plantas: i) conjunto de dados mensais de 1973-2002 da " Climate Research Unit (CRU)" ; e ii) dados climatológicos diários da " Daily Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)" . Os dados mensais da CRU foram ajustados a uma escala reduzida de resolução de cinco minutos, e um ajuste cúbico foi empregado para converter os dados mensais para diários. Os dados da RDGH foram submetidos a várias medidas de controle de qualidade antes de serem empregados nas análises. Relações de regressão pelo método dos mínimos quadrados foram desenvolvidas usando dados da RDGH, resultando nos mais baixos valores médios diários de temperatura mínima e média anual das temperaturas mínimas extremas. Os erros estatísticos estimados foram calculados a partir da diferença numérica entre os valores estimados para a malha e os observados nas estações climatológicas. O erro médio absoluto para a temperatura mínima extrema anual foi 1,9ºC (3,5ºF), o que possibilitou a classificação de 2/3 das estações dentro das zonas corretas

    Working at the interface in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: focussing on the individual health professional and their organisation as a means to address health equity

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    Background: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience inequity in health outcomes in Australia. Health care interactions are an important starting place to seek to address this inequity. The majority of health professionals in Australia do not identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and the health care interaction therefore becomes an example of working in an intercultural space (or interface). It is therefore critical to consider how health professionals may maximise the positive impact within the health care interaction by skilfully working at the interface. Methods: Thirty-five health professionals working in South Australia were interviewed about their experiences working with Aboriginal people. Recruitment was through purposive sampling. The research was guided by the National Health and Medical Research Council Values and Ethics for undertaking research with Aboriginal communities. Critical social research was used to analyse data. Results: Interviews revealed two main types of factors influencing the experience of non-Aboriginal health professionals working with Aboriginal people at the interface: the organisation and the individual. Within these two factors, a number of sub-factors were found to be important including organisational culture, organisational support, accessibility of health services and responding to expectations of the wider health system (organisation) and personal ideology and awareness of colonisation (individual). Conclusions: A health professional’s practice at the interface cannot be considered in isolation from individual and organisational contexts. It is critical to consider how the organisational and individual factors identified in this research will be addressed in health professional training and practice, in order to maximise the ability of health professionals to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and therefore contribute to addressing health equity.Annabelle M. Wilson, Janet Kelly, Anthea Magarey, Michelle Jones and Tamara Mackea

    Influence of environmental factors on germination of Plasmopara viticola sporangia sourced from mediterranean Western Australia

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    Direct germination via the production of a germ tube was demonstrated in the absence of the host for Plasmopara viticola (causal agent of grape downy mildew) sporangia sourced from a major grape production area in mediterranean Western Australia (WA). In general, direct germination was favoured by environmental conditions considered less than optimal for infection by P. viticola. Most notable however was that sporangia had the capacity to germinate in the absence of free water, a factor known to be essential for the production and release of zoospores. The frequency of direct germination was low with only seven among 108 000 sporangia observed producing a germ tube. This is the first study to i) examine the influence of environmental factors viz: temperature, relative humidity (RH) and light, on the direct germination of P. viticola sporangia and ii) establish the frequency of this event. The infectivity of directly germinated P. viticola sporangia however remains unknown. Although rare, the capacity of sporangia to germinate directly and potentially infect the host, most likely when conditions are not conducive for zoospore production or survival, may provide an explanation for the source of the disease during the predominantly hot dry summer months in WA and other climatically similar viticultural areas

    The professional journey of Saudi nurse graduates: A lived experience

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    Objective: To illuminate the lived experience of Saudi Nurse graduates during their early years in the workplace as professional nurses encompassing their experiences from being nurse students, preparations to become registered nurses, their struggles from being a student to a professional nurse, their cultural competence towards colleagues and patients in their new workplace, their impression of Nursing as a profession and other challenges they faced in especially on language and communication with their patients and colleagues. Methods: An interpretive phenomenological inquiry was utilized to inquire and discover the lived experiences of Saudi Nurse graduates to their job as nurses in different hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. A total of 12 nurses were interviewed for this study in the course of 5 months. The interviews conducted with the 12 nurses were audiotaped recorded and subsequently transcribed in verbatim form and the Collaizi Method was used for the extraction of meanings from the interviews. Results: Five major themes were identified in the transcribed form of the interview and 11 subthemes emerged as well. The five major themes were educational preparation, transition into practice, cultural competence, image of nursing and language and communication. Conclusions: The study described the different challenges faced by Saudi nurse graduates from being students to professionals based from their experiences as newly employed staff nurses in different hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Their stories captured the story of novice nurses not only as a Saudi but may be true for other nationalities. These stories are shared by all nurses across the world who struggle to meet the demands of the nursing profession.Mohammad Alboliteeh, Judy Magarey, Richard Wiechul

    Phosphonic (phosphorous) acid controls Plasmopara viticola the cause of downy mildew of grapevines

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    Abstract Phosphonic (phosphorous) acid (Fol
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