674 research outputs found

    Vooral kinderen uit bijstandsgezinnen geen kansrijke start:Ouderlijke hulpbronnen in de eerste duizend dagen tot en met de basisschoolperiode

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    De aanwezigheid van hulpbronnen in gezinnen is van belang voor een goede start van een kind. In dit artikel is gekeken naar onderwijsniveau, arbeidsparticipatie, welvaart, gezinsstabiliteit en mentale gezondheid van ouders in de eerste duizend dagen. Gekeken is naar de periode van conceptie tot de tweede verjaardag van in 2006 geboren kinderen en beslaat de periode van 2005 tot en met 2007. Vooral het ontbreken van meerdere hulpbronnen tegelijkertijd kan een risico betekenen voor de ontwikkeling van kinderen. Bij kinderen die opgroeien in een gezin met een bijstandsuitkering is bij 9 procent sprake van een opeenstapeling van vier risicofactoren. Bij kinderen in een gezin zonder bijstand is dat bij 0,2 procent het geval

    The perspective of people with axial spondyloarthritis regarding physiotherapy : room for the implementation of a more active approach

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    Objectives. Physiotherapy is recommended in the management of people with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), with new insights into its preferred content and dosage evolving. The aim of this study was to describe the use and preferences regarding individual and group physiotherapy among people with axSpA. Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among people with axSpA living in The Netherlands (NL) and Switzerland (CH). Results. Seven hundred and thirteen people with axSpA participated (56.7% male, median age 55 years, median Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society Health Index score 4.2). Response rates were 45% (n¼206) in NL and 29% in CH (n¼507). Of these participants, 83.3% were using or had been using physiotherapy. Individual therapy only was used or had been used by 36.7%, a combination of individual plus land- and water-based group therapy by 29.1% and group therapy by only 5.3%. Fewer than half of the participants attending individual therapy reported active therapy (such as aerobic, muscle strength and flexibility exercises). Although the majority (75.9%) were not aware of the increased cardiovascular risk, participants showed an interest in cardiovascular training, either individually or in a supervised setting. If supervised, a majority, in CH (75.0%) more than in NL (55.7%), preferred supervision by a specialized physiotherapist. Conclusion. The majority of people with axSpA use or have used physiotherapy, more often in an individual setting than in a group setting. The content of individual therapy should be more active; in both therapy settings, aerobic exercises should be promoted. In particular, enabling people with axSpA to perform exercises independently would meet their needs and might enhance their daily physical activity

    Optimized pharmacological control over the AAV-Gene-Switch vector for regulable gene therapy.

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    Gene therapy in its current design is an irreversible process. It cannot be stopped in case of unwanted side effects, nor can expression levels of therapeutics be adjusted to individual patient's needs. Thus, the Gene-Switch (GS) system for pharmacologically regulable neurotrophic factor expression was established for treatment of parkinsonian patients. Mifepristone, the synthetic steroid used to control transgene expression of the GS vector, is an approved clinical drug. However, pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of mifepristone vary considerably between different experimental animal species and depend on age and gender. In humans, but not in any other species, mifepristone binds to a high-affinity plasma carrier protein. We now demonstrate that the formulation of mifepristone can have robust impact on its ability to activate the GS system. Furthermore, we show that a pharmacological booster, ritonavir (Rtv), robustly enhances the pharmacological effect of mifepristone, and allows it to overcome gender- and species-specific pharmacokinetic and -dynamic issues. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the GS vector can be efficiently controlled by mifepristone in the presence of its human plasma carrier protein, α1-acid glycoprotein, in a "humanized" rat model. Thus, we have substantially improved the applicability of the GS vector toward therapeutic use in patients

    Autoimmune Responses in the Rheumatoid Synovium

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    Rene Toes and Tom Huizinga discuss a new study indicating that lymphoneogenesis in the inflamed synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is fostering potentially pathogenic immune responses

    Updated cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit analysis of two infant rotavirus vaccination strategies in a high-income, low-endemic setting.

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    Since 2013, a biennial rotavirus pattern has emerged in the Netherlands with alternating high and low endemic years and a nearly 50% reduction in rotavirus hospitalization rates overall, while infant rotavirus vaccination has remained below 1% throughout. As the rotavirus vaccination cost-effectiveness and risk-benefit ratio in high-income settings is highly influenced by the total rotavirus disease burden, we re-evaluated two infant vaccination strategies, taking into account this recent change in rotavirus epidemiology

    Self-efficacy did not predict the outcome of the transition to adult care in adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Aim: It can be difficult for adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to make the transition from paediatric to adult care. We studied the outcomes of this process and defined what constituted a successful transition. Methods: In 2008, 50 adolescents who attended our IBD transition clinic completed IBD-yourself, a self-efficacy questionnaire that we had previously developed and validated. We approached the subjects in 2014, two to six years after they transferred to adult care, and 35 agreed to take part in the current study. The outcome of transition was assessed by our newly developed Transition Yourself Score. In addition, the relationship between self-efficacy and the outcome of the transition was measured. Results: The mean age of the patients was 21.8 years, and 69% suffered from Crohn's disease. The transition process was successful in 63% of cases, moderately successful in 31% and failed in 6%. A successful transition was associated with effective use of medication and clinical remission at the time of transfer, but could not be predicted by self-efficacy. The Transition Yourself Score will be validated in future studies. Conclusion: Nearly two-thirds (63%) of the adolescents who attended the IBD transition clinic had a successful transition to adult care
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