1,002 research outputs found

    Chaotic Inflation with Time-Variable Space Dimensions

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    Assuming the space dimension is not constant but decreases during the expansion of the Universe, we study chaotic inflation with the potential m2ϕ2/2m^2\phi^2/2. Our investigations are based on a model Universe with variable space dimensions. We write down field equations in the slow-roll approximation, and define slow-roll parameters by assuming the number of space dimensions decreases continuously as the Universe expands. The dynamical character of the space dimension shifts the initial and final value of the inflaton field to larger values. We obtain an upper limit for the space dimension at the Planck length. This result is in agreement with previous works for the effective time variation of the Newtonian gravitational constant in a model Universe with variable space dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, To be published in Int.J.Mod.Phys.D. Minor changes to match accepted versio

    Perturbations in a non-singular bouncing Universe

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    We complement the low-energy gravi-dilaton effective action of string theory with a non-local, general-covariant dilaton potential, and obtain homogeneous solutions describing a non-singular (bouncing-curvature) cosmology. We then compute, both analytically and numerically, the spectrum of amplified scalar and tensor perturbations, and draw some general lessons on how to extract observable consequences from pre-big bang and ekpyrotic scenarios.Comment: 14 pages in Latex style, 5 included figure

    Cosmological perturbations across a curvature bounce

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    String-inspired cosmologies, whereby a non-singular curvature bounce is induced by a general-covariant, TT-duality-invariant, non-local dilaton potential, are used to study numerically how inhomogeneities evolve and to compare the outcome with analytic expressions obtained through different matching conditions across the bounce. Good agreement is found if continuity across the bounce is assumed to hold for R\cal{R}, the curvature perturbation on comoving hypersurfaces, rather than for the Bardeen potential.Comment: 36 pages, 5 included figure

    Observational constraints on the spectral index of the cosmological curvature perturbation

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    We evaluate the observational constraints on the spectral index nn, in the context of the Λ\LambdaCDM hypothesis which represents the simplest viable cosmology. We first take nn to be practically scale-independent. Ignoring reionization, we find at a nominal 2-σ\sigma level n≃1.0±0.1n\simeq 1.0 \pm 0.1. If we make the more realisitic assumption that reionization occurs when a fraction f∌10−5f\sim 10^{-5} to 1 of the matter has collapsed, the 2-σ\sigma lower bound is unchanged while the 1-σ\sigma bound rises slightly. These constraints are compared with the prediction of various inflation models. Then we investigate the two-parameter scale-dependent spectral index, predicted by running-mass inflation models, and find that present data allow significant scale-dependence of nn, which occurs in a physically reasonable regime of parameter space.Comment: ReVTeX, 15 pages, 5 figures and 3 tables, uses epsf.sty Improved treatment of reionization and small bug fixed in the constant n case; more convenient parameterization and better treatment of the n dependence in the CMB anisotropy for the running mass case; conclusions basically unchanged; references adde

    Affleck-Dine baryogenesis in inflating curvaton scenario with O(10−10210-10^2TeV) mass moduli curvaton

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    We study the Affleck-Dine (AD) baryogenesis in the inflating curvaton scenario, when the curvaton is a moduli field with O(10−10210-10^2TeV) mass. A moduli field with such mass is known to be free from the Polonyi problem, and furthermore its decay products can explain the present cold dark matter abundance. In our scenario, it further explains the primordial curvature perturbation and the present baryon density all together. The current observational bound on the baryon isocurvature perturbation, which severely constrains the AD baryogenesis with the original oscillating moduli curvaton scenario, is shown to put practically negligible constraint if we replace the oscillating curvaton with the inflating curvaton.Comment: 1+21pages v2: minor correction v3: included short reviews, added refs, fixed typo

    Curvaton paradigm can accommodate multiple low inflation scales

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    Recent arguments show that some curvaton field may generate the cosmological curvature perturbation. As the curvaton is independent of the inflaton field, there is a hope that the fine-tunings of inflation models can be cured by the curvaton scenario. More recently, however, D.H.Lyth discussed that there is a strong bound for the Hubble parameter during inflation even if one assumes the curvaton scenario. Although the most serious constraint was evaded, the bound seems rather crucial for many models of a low inflation scale. In this paper we try to remove this constraint. We show that the bound is drastically modified if there were multiple stages of inflation.Comment: 9pages, no figure, references added, final versio

    Tracking Curvaton(s)?

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    The ratio of the curvaton energy density to that of the dominant component of the background sources may be constant during a significant period in the evolution of the Universe. The possibility of having tracking curvatons, whose decay occurs prior to the nucleosynthesis epoch, is studied. It is argued that the tracking curvaton dynamics is disfavoured since the value of the curvature perturbations prior to curvaton decay is smaller than the value required by observations. It is also argued, in a related context, that the minimal inflationary curvature scale compatible with the curvaton paradigm may be lowered in the case of low-scale quintessential inflation.Comment: 20 pages, 4figure
