545 research outputs found

    Licence to Publish: Joseph Howe\u27s Contribution to Libel Law in Nova Scotia

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    In 1835, Joseph Howe was prosecuted for criminal libel after an attack on the Halifax magistracy appeared in his newspaper I argue that Howe\u27s acquittal flowed from a combination of factors. Howe\u27s newspaper was a reformist, but not radical, voice at a time when criticism of government was becoming legitimate and newspapers were becoming increasingly vociferous, despite uncertainty about how daring they could be. Howe was popular, and the magistrates and prosecution were not. Most remarkably, however, Howe used Starkies 1830 libel treatise to construct a novel defence-qualified privilege-which had considerable exculpatory potential. The judge declined to put it to the jury, but it, together with Howe\u27s latitude as an unrepresented litigant, permitted him to express what he had believed and intended when he published the article. In my assessment, as in Howe\u27s, the trial signalled that criminal libel would be ineffective in controlling politicalcriticism in the Nova Scotia press

    Comment: Kidney exchange to overcome financial barriers to kidney transplantation

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    The use of social networking technology in the promotion and scaling up of complex global health initiatives

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    Western medicine has a long tradition of humanitarian service in low resource countries and in crisis and disaster situations. However, advances in social network technology have dramatically changed the manner in which global health services are delivered. A new generation of healthcare professionals, modeled as social entrepreneurs, utilizing collaborative and nonprofit models is establishing relationships with healthcare professionals in host countries, to actively track early disease detection, scaling up of services and research. Oftentimes, technology allows healthcare professionals to contribute to these efforts remotely and without detracting from their routine clinical work as well as facilitating more flexible pathways for global health training in postgraduate education. This paper examines the limitations and opportunities for the utilization of social networking technology, including health care workers as social entrepreneurs, in early disease detection and in scaling up of services and research. Key words: global healthcare entrepreneurs, global burden of disease, social network technology, low resource countries, scaling up, capacity building, social enterpris

    Synaptic vulnerability in spinal muscular atrophy

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    Mounting evidence suggests that synaptic connections are early pathological targets in many neurodegenerative diseases, including motor neuron disease. A better understanding of synaptic pathology is therefore likely to be critical in order to develop effective therapeutic strategies. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a common autosomal recessive childhood form of motor neuron disease. Previous studies have highlighted nerve- and muscle-specific events in SMA, including atrophy of muscle fibres and postsynaptic motor endplates, loss of lower motor neuron cell bodies and denervation of neuromuscular junctions caused by loss of pre-synaptic inputs. Here I have undertaken a detailed morphological investigation of neuromuscular synaptic pathology in the Smn-/- ;SMN2 and Smn-/-;SMN2;Δ7 mouse models of SMA. Results imply that synaptic degeneration is an early and significant event in SMA, with progressive denervation and neurofilament accumulation being present at early symptomatic time points. I have identified selectively vulnerable motor units, which appear to conform to a distinct developmental subtype compared to more stable motor units. I have also identified significant postsynaptic atrophy which does no correlate with pre-synaptic denervation, suggesting that there is a requirement for Smn in both muscle and nerve and pathological events can occur in both tissues independently. Rigorous investigation of lower motor neuron development, connectivity and gene expression at pre-symptomatic time points revealed developmental abnormalities do not underlie neuromuscular vulnerability in SMA. Equivalent gene expression analysis at end-stage time points has implicated growth factor signalling and extracellular matrix integrity in SMA pathology. Using an alternative model of early onset neurodegeneration, I provide evidence that the processes regulating morphologically distinct types of synaptic degeneration are also mechanistically distinct. In summary, in this work I highlight the importance and incidence of synaptic pathology in mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy and provide mechanistic insight into the processes regulating neurodegeneration

    Biopedagogies and Indigenous knowledge: examining sport for development and peace for urban Indigenous young women in Canada and Australia

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    This paper uses transnational postcolonial feminist participatory action research (TPFPAR) to examine two sport for development and peace (SDP) initiatives that focus on Indigenous young women residing in urban areas, one in Vancouver, Canada, and one in Perth, Australia. We examine how SDP programs that target urban Indigenous young women and girls reproduce the hegemony of neoliberalism by deploying biopedagogies of neoliberalism to \u27teach\u27 Indigenous young women certain education and employment skills that are deemed necessary to participate in competitive capitalism. We found that activities in both programs were designed to equip the Indigenous girls and young women with individual attributes that would enhance their chances of future success in arenas valued by neoliberal capitalism: Eurocentric employment, post-secondary education and healthy active living. These forms of \u27success\u27 fall within neoliberal logic, where the focus is on the individual being able to provide for oneself. However, the girls and young women we interviewed argued that their participation in the SDP programs would help them change racist and sexist stereotypes about their communities and thereby challenged negative stereotypes. Thus, it is possible that these programs, despite their predominant use of neoliberal logic and biopedagogies, may help to prepare the participants to more successfully negotiate Eurocentric institutions, and through this assist them participants in contributing to social change. Nevertheless, based on our findings, we argue that SDP programs led by Indigenous peoples that are fundamentally shaped by Indigenous voices, epistemologies, concerns and standpoints would provide better opportunities to shake SDP\u27s current biopedagogical foundation. We conclude by suggesting that a more radical approach to SDP, one that fosters Indigenous self-determination and attempts to disrupt dominant relations of power, could have difficulty in attracting the sort of corporate donors who currently play such important roles in the current SDP landscape

    Behaviour of molecular hydrogen emission in three solar flares

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    We have systematically investigated ultraviolet (UV) emission from molecular hydrogen (H2_{2}) using the Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS), during three X-ray flares of C5.1, C9.7 and X1.0 classes on Oct. 25, 2014. Significant emission from five H2_{2} spectral lines appeared in the flare ribbons, interpreted as photo-excitation (fluorescence) due to the absorption of UV radiation from two Si IV spectral lines. The H2_{2} profiles were broad and consisted of two non-stationary components in red and in the blue wings of the line in addition to the stationary component. The red (blue) wing components showed small redshifts (blue shifts) of ~5-15 km s1^{-1} (~5-10 km s1^{-1}). The nonthermal velocities were found to be ~5-15 km s1^{-1}. The interrelation between intensities of H2_{2} lines and their branching ratios confirmed that H2_{2} emission formed under optically thin plasma conditions. There is a strong spatial and temporal correlation between Si IV and H2_{2} emission, but the H2_{2} emission is more extended and diffuse, further suggesting H2_{2} fluorescence, and - by analogy with flare ''back-warming'' providing a means to estimate the depth from which the H2_{2} emission originates. We find that this is 1871±\pm157 km and 1207±\pm112 km below the source of the Si IV emission, in two different ribbon locations.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sport, Gender and Development : Intersections, Innovations and Future Trajectories

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    The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. In a context where striving for gender equity in relation to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals seems more pressing than ever before, Sport, Gender and Development: Intersections, Innovations and Future Trajectories bring together an exploration of sport feminisms to offer new approaches to research on Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) in global and local contexts. Including postcolonial and decolonial feminist lenses by drawing upon fieldwork with organizations and individuals in Afghanistan, Uganda, Nicaragua, and India, Sport, Gender and Development reveals the complexities of development and gender discourses and how they operate on and through researchers, practitioners, and participants\u27 bodies. Delving into a thoughtful engagement with the (dis)connections and comparisons across these diverging contexts, this book offers a critically reflexive account of what is transpiring in the transnational sport, gender, and development field, while remaining sensitive to the importance of community context and local iterations. Taking up emerging and contemporary feminist issues in sport-related international development, this book advances empirical, conceptual, and theoretical developments in the sport, gender, and development. Read the full book at https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/doi/10.1108/9781838678630.https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/fac_bk/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Проблеми та можливості споживання енергії в Україні

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    Проаналізовано споживання енергії в різних секторах економіки й подано модель визначення потенціалу зниження споживання енергії в Україні. Ключові слова: енергоефективність, енергозбереження, енергоємність, енергоспоживання, потенціал зменшення споживання енергії.Проанализированы потребления энергии в различных секторах экономики и представлена модель определения потенциала снижения потребления энергии в Украине. Ключевые слова: энергоэффективность, энергосбережение, энергоемкость, энергопотребление, потенциал уменьшения потребления энергии.The paper analyses energy consumption in different economic sectors and presents the model of determining the potential of reducing energy consumption in Ukraine. Keywords: energy efficiency, energy saving, energy intensity, energy waste, energy consumption, potential of reducing energy consumption